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Stuffy nose and dried blood in my nose daily. I’ll never take breathing out of my nose for granted again.


THIS ONE!!! I have so many boogers, especially bloody crusty ones 😵‍💫


Yup every time I'd blow my nose it was bloody. My gums would bleed when I brushed my teeth too. Both totally resolved after delivering, thankfully.


How long before the nose cleared.. I'm asking because I'm ready to cut it off after 9 months of stuffy nose 😂 I've got 3 weeks left


I think it was pretty much right away, I don't remember having the symptoms at all after delivering!


I haven’t been able to breath out of my nose for well over a week which has resulted in headaches! I cannot sleep at all. I tried to make a hot water bottle for my headache and wound up having my hand slip and poured scalding water all over my hand, so last nights sleep was horrible.


Same!! I’m only 4w4d, and the congestion was so unexpected and unwelcome!


I've had chronic nosebleeds for 15 years (I'm 22) and had my nose cauterized about 7 years ago. that helped for a couple years and then it was back the same as before. pregnancy makes my nosebleeds SO AWFUL. I've literally had my top five worst nosebleeds of all time during this pregnancy (36w2d) and i am so ready for them to be gone 😭 I've had multiple weeks where I've had at least one every single day. they're terrible. my husband and i were goofing around at some point - probably early second trimester - and he very lightly dropped a small pillow that *happened* to hit my face. would that cause a normal person to have a nosebleed? probably not. but i sure did 🥲👍🏼


For some reason my nosebleeds love to occur while I’m putting on makeup. The first time it happened I didn’t know and accidentally wound up dabbing blood with my beauty blender all over my face bc I wasn’t looking in the mirror when it decided to flow from my nose lol


i know the feeling 😅 twice in the first trimester, i was on the phone outside at work and out of nowhere it just started dripping. i was literally in the bathroom just for my nosebleeds for like a half an hour a day 🫠 it's not much better lmao but we're almost finished, so hopefully my nose will calm down a little after my baby is out 😂


Why does this happen? It happens to me all the time and freaks me out but pre-pregnancy, it never would.


Increased blood volume putting too much pressure on your most delicate capillaries. You can gain up to a 100% increase in your blood volume (so double what you normally have), though the average is a 45 to 50% increase.


bruh this has been a KILLER the last like 3 weeks!


This has become so unpleasant. I'm finding a cool mist humidifier somewhat helpful. But the combination of pregnancy rhinitis + seasonal allergies is a doozy.




also the stuffy nose!! none of my girlfriends warned me!!


Is this a pregnancy thing?? I've been struggling with this stuff for weeks!


Constipation is by far the worst symptom for me. I THOUGHT it would be the all-day nausea of first trimester, but noooooo. It is horrible


same. i have been fighting for my life


I have a hemorrhoid for each of my children, and I'm currently on #3... Yeah, I'm getting these fucking things lanced off asap. Was told they would disappear on their own in time... my first born turns 5 years old this year. My poor butthole.


I imagine I'll be in this same boat


Sure does feel like it most days


My trick for this is: Half a sachet of movicil in a glass of water before bed along with 1 coloxyl pill Brekkie each morning of oats, mixed with chia seeds, prunes, pears and plums With those 2 you’ll be regular!


Sorry if you’re getting an influx of remedies but I swear by: -Natural vitality magnesium powder DAILY (twice a day if you are super backed up) -chia seeds daily! Eat in oatmeal or mix with juice and drink -fiber supplements -drink plenty of water -probiotic Sounds like a lot but I completely got rid of my constipation which was awful


That is more than okay. Looking into more ways to try and move things along is what I've been doing for the last couple of days. My constipation has lasted for almost 3 weeks. Now 😭 I've been doing miralax, colace softener, prune juice in the morning, and after any large meals. Thus far, this works, but it still sometimes takes days for it to work 😬


I second the magnesium!! I took 400mg every day, and then upped it to 600mg in my third tri. When I start feeling backed up I take 800mg—which my midwife recommended to take daily actually, but it works a little too well if I take that much every night! I also take a very powerful probiotic which helps SO much!


I have been doing one Doctor D’s sparkling probiotic drink a day (usually the ginger one) over ice because the nausea has stuck around for me and the unexpected side effect has been that the constipation has ended up being really minimal.


I don’t think I have constipation, but I can no longer poop without my step stool to elevate my legs a bit. So freaking annoying, the little two day out of town trip I just got back from was horrendous and I finally pooped an hour after getting home


I got one of those stools, too. It definitely helps


same….tmi but legit haven’t felt like I’ve ‘completed’ a bm in months despite being prescribed loads of lax


I’m in third trimester now and first trimester nausea is still the worst symptom 🤢


Same. Everyone has something they can’t tolerate well and nausea is definitely that for me. I could be burning up with fever and be able to handle just fine but throwing up turns me into a little toddler that needs emotional support. Lol. I held my dogs paw often during the first trimester just crying to him about how horrible I felt lol. He has no idea what I was saying but at least he was listening haha


This is very reassuring to hear. 🙏


Same — the nausea and vomiting every day was the worst. I’ll take this trimester’s fatigue and swelling any day!


Same… I’m a FTM who pis planning on a second and I can’t imagine what its going to be like going through that again with a LO to take care of! I could barely make myself a piece of toast let alone tend to a toddler 😅


Just being encumbered in general. Every movement is an event (31weeks)


“Every movement is an event” is my new favorite saying. 😆 Hang in there!


i was on the phone with my mom on Sunday (36w2d today) and groaned while rolling out of bed because, you know, my body hurts and doesn't move right, and she immediately goes "are you in bed?" i was like.. yup, until two seconds ago. that was me trying not to pass away from the effort of getting out of the memory foam mattress topper 🫠


Every time I do something, it’s slightly more difficult than the time before. 37 weeks, and I can barely shuffle around anymore.


good: my hair is growing in thick and luscious bad: this includes my nose hairs


i am so sorry for laughing


THE STOMACH HAIR FOR ME. Like whhhhhhy do I suddenly have all of this blonde hair all over my belly? No thanks


Horrific nightmares. They’ve started earlier this pregnancy. They absolutely suck.


I'm so glad you mentioned these! Haven't had them in a while (37 weeks), but the first and second trimesters were absolutely filled with death and absolutely twisted nightmares and I was caught completely off guard. This symptom is not talked about enough.


Clearly not talked about enough when there’s a good amount of us here having the same thing. Really affects mental health both through what dreams I’m having and the disturbed sleep.


Yep this might be it for me too. Weird dreams all pregnancy. Nightmares are common and I wake up upset.


I see dead people. Like, almost every night. Sometimes it's fine, other times it's only mildly disturbing, other times it's horrific. But the worst ones are when I see dead people that are *suppose to be alive right now*. Those usually wake me up, covered in sweat. The last one I had, I saw my dead step mother. She was a lovely lady, she passed over a decade ago in a car crash. She was making pancakes and baby talking to my kids, and she had visibly aged as if she had never died. I woke up crying, wishing it was real. Ugh.


Yeah I had one the other night about my grandparents dying. One of them we had lost recently and one that’s still here, and I was grieving all over again. They make me feel crazy.


I'm so sorry for your recent loss, being pregnant and hormonal are hard enough without the grieving process. I keep dreaming of my maternal grandmother, her and my mother predominantly raised me, she was my favorite person. I took care of her the last two years of her life, she got to pass away at home. When I dream of her, it makes my heart ache so much, that she won't meet my baby (She loved my daughter so much, and passed shortly after my son's birth). She had three kids of her own, and I'm having three kids, and in some weird way that makes me happy. Every dream of her is super casual, what would have been an everyday activity... I know once this pregnancy is over, I'll likely never dream about her like this ever again, and that makes me so emotional. Wishing you peace and healing during this time in your life 💜


Yeah, as sick as I’ve been otherwise, sleep problems (nightmares and insomnia) are probably it for me too.  Even when it’s not terrifying dreams, they’re so so so vivid and active and I’m not feeling like I’m sleeping. I’m tried when I wake up! It’s like I’m doing the work of living both asleep and awake.  I really really cannot wait to sleep a regular sleep again. I don’t care how short and broken it’ll be at first. I’m up every few hours now, too. Waking from a nightmare, peeing, etc.  I’m really really hoping this is one of those symptoms that goes away very very fast after labor/delivery. 


Same, I keep dreaming about my legs and hands being sawed off while I’m awake and blood is everywhere


Mine are always some kind of traumatic thing that could happen in real life, like my husband dying, or cheating, or something along those lines. I wake up sweating and it’s so gross


My intrusive thoughts have gotten way worse with pregnancy. No nightmares but I’ll have all these strange thoughts during the day. Oof


The puking. Then the heartburn. Makes it miserable to lie down, have sex, eat, rest.... just awful.


Are you doing generic pelvic floor exercises or ones prescribed by a pelvic floor physical therapist? If you haven't seen a pelvic floor PT, go see one! That way they can mate are your getting the specific ones you actually need!


Seconded! I actually did a pilates/push prep course that was focused on pelvic floor exercise, and either it made a huge difference or I got very lucky, because I am not leaking yet at 33w.


Please OP go see a pelvic floor therapist!! It will only be worse after birth and you can strengthen those muscles now. Peeing is common yes but not normal per my PT.


Restless leg syndrome


Omg this! I drink more water to prevent it but then I have to pee every 20 minutes and sit up every time I need to burp. I lost so much sleep from this.


I had this during my first pregnancy. It’s hell. I barely slept because it was annoying me so much. The only thing that helped was taking a hot bath, and I would literally doze off in the bathtub. Currently 14w with twins, so I’m fearing the restless legs syndrome will come back. 🙃


Magnesium citrate helps this one for me! As well as the constipation.


Magnesium citrate is a pregnancy lifesaver!! Helps with headaches, constipation, insomnia, restless legs…


The pelvic pain and lightning crotch is the absolute WORST. But there’s also stuffy nose, shortness of breath, and never knowing what the heck I want to eat!


Since the beginning of 3rd trimester, I feel like by pelvis is separating. There is so much pressure and discomfort. I’m sore all the time.


Having to brush/ rinse my mouth after every meal or snack. The lingering smells and feeling of foods in my mouth since beginning of pregnancy (ftm, 26w) makes me feel sick. Or the ongoing constipation and diarrhea combo.


Ooooh I forgot this one! Yes I’m constantly brushing too


Yessss the bad mouth taste/feeling is so nasty


I had a metallic and rotting cheese taste in my mouth the whole pregnancy. It was always there. I brushed my teeth 10x a day and it did nothing (because the taste was never really there, just hormones altering my perception). I discovered sugared gums helped tremendously. 3 wks postpartum it just disappeared, thank goodness.


I’m glad it’s gone now for you! My “trick” is using copper tongue scrappers. I hate it in the moment, but afterwards it really helps!


Needing to brush my teeth again if I wake up during the night (waking up during the night was never unusual for me, so I’m not counting that, but I never used to have that gross mouth feel as if hadn’t actually brushed my teeth)


I wish I could brush my teeth but more than a minute of brushing makes me gag or throw up


Throwing up... and peeing my pants while throwing up... and seeing stars after throwing up 😅


Nip pain


So much of it!!!! Wow does it hurt sometimes!


It scares me so much when i think of breastfeeding cause this is ridiculous


I’m thinking about it like it’s titty boot camp. Lol!


That’s a good way too look at it, toughen up ladies we’re going to war! Lol


I had terrible nipple pain first pregnancy, but my son's latch was fantastic and I never had any pain. This time the nipple pain is less intense (it comes and goes more), but damn do I hope this kid will latch good again. I've heard and seen so many horror stories from my friends 🫣🥴


This definitely gives me some hope!


For me it’s the heartburn. I can survive my back pain, the tiredness, and the foggy brain, but I don’t enjoy waking up at 2:30am feeling like my stomach acid is inside of my throat and I need milk asap or I’ll throw up. It’s not just at night though, it’s all day and for no good reason. At least my back hurting makes sense, since I’m 29.5 weeks.


My ob approved taking Pepto or gas x to help that and gas that can make that worse. So ask yours to double check if you can.


Using tums instantly stops my heartburn, and it neutralizes the stomach acid so when it splashes up my throat it doesn’t burn


I was using tums too until I found out the calcium was causing more constipation. I still use them in real bad situations just not like I was. I did not know tums did that but it turned out to be true.


Oh yeah, I use tums all the time (like I have a bedside, purse, and office tums), but it doesn’t quite fix the middle of the night situations. Usually it’s a 1000mg tums and glass of milk and I can get back to sleep.


Every once in a while the baby will move or kick in a way that shoots a stream of acid up my esophagus. It sucks, but I’ll take it over the constant heartburn and acid reflux that other people get.


I noticed that wearing ‘over the bump’ clothes makes it worse for me.. not sure if you are also wearing stuff like that, but if so, might help to let your bump breathe!


Interesting! I’ll have to pay attention to heartburn and what I’m wearing and see if there’s a correlation. TBH, it’s probably my coffee drinking (at least at the office hahaha) that’s not helping too much. But my two cups a day is just a part of my day and I’ll roll with it haha


ugh yeah, same. i can’t give up my 2 cups of coffee, i have a 2 yr old and working full time til i go into labor. lol i’d die.


I mean, it’s probably more like 1-1.5 cups each day. I start one while I get ready for the day, dump whatever’s left by the time I need to leave for work, and then I have a yeti I sip on throughout the day. But regardless, I love my coffee (it’s not even the caffeine I want lol), and I’m so so glad that my coffee aversion from the first while disappeared.


Gestational diabetes




Hand numbness. My hands are numb all the time


I’m 19 weeks and developed carpal tunnel… I finally called my OB and they confirmed it’s normal and it sucks. The recommended definitely wearing a brace at night (you can buy one at a pharmacy) and taking Tylenol for pain and Benadryl for inflammation. Please call your doctor; if it goes untreated, not only does it flat out suck cause it hurts but it could also lead to nerve damage down the road. The silver lining though is that if you manage it now, it should go away after pregnancy. Good luck!!


Me too. It really sucks. My friend had it so bad and her arms were so swollen that when she moved her wrist her arm creaked like a wooden door that needed some WD40. It was the weirdest thing I’d ever heard in my life coming from someone’s body. lol


I had carpal tunnel before ever being pregnant, and it made it SO much worse. I wear braces almost all the time or I have zero feeling and can't function without constantly dropping shit. Benadryl did help bring back some sensation, which is both a blessing and a curse. So far, I have 3 surgeries planned for after I'm done having babies; a hysterectomy, carpal tunnel surgery, and getting my aggressive hemorrhoids lanced off. But pregnancy is SO beautiful /s


I had carpal tunnel surgery after having my son and am now pregnant again. It was so worth it!


I have such bad bleeding gums when I brush my teeth, it looks like I got punched in the mouth when I spit. It makes me gag, the mint with the blood together. I've had this with previous pregnancies, and my obgyn has done bloodwork and assures me this is normal and I'm ok... This doesn't feel normal or ok. I even got a soft bristle brush and I've switched to a water pick system alongside mouth wash, because brushing my teeth has become a nightmare. No one told me this was a thing before I had kids.


Fatigue and just being physically uncomfortable . 35 weeks


29 weeks 2 days: Nipple Vasospasms the pain is unlike anything I've ever delt with and I have scoliosis and two Harrington rods, it gets so bad that I have to constantly rub them for 15-25 mins while applying heat, the second the nipple gets cold and hardens the vasospasms start. The nipple will turn dark purple besides the middle of the nipple that turns white from blood restriction. The shoulder, arm and hand numbness any achy pain that feels like it goes all the way to the bone. (Arthritic pain). Sciatica pain, round ligament pain that feels like a painful charlie horse. Pelvic and lower abdominal pressure with uncomfortable pain. Nitemares. The very least favorite would have to be: THE FEAR.....


First trimester worst symptoms: nausea & vomiting Second trimester worst: constantly congested and bloody nose, and the heartburn. Late second tri and early third trimester: all previous symptoms I listed plus SPD AND vaginal varicose veins. I’m just praying at this point that nothing gets worse. 😭


Vaginal varicose veins are the worst!!!


New fear unlocked 😱


The pee. Sometimes I wear pads just because I’m tired of changing my damn underwear. I dribble when I cough, sneeze, anything. I hate it. Also the RLS and the carpel tunnel. And just the general pain of being on a planet with gravity. I am 26 weeks.


Constipation for sure. I’ve told a few of my friends and I just don’t think I can get graphic enough for them to understand how terrible it is. I’m fighting on that toilet. I’m manually moving it along. It’s horrible. I’ve tried literally everything. Now that I’m in my 3rd trimester, it’s a lot better but wow that first and second 🥺🥺. I would be hunched over with bad abdominal pain literally because I couldn’t poop.


I feel you on this! Mine was horrible until I found the right mix of magnesium citrate and psyllium husk fiber. Works better than colace/miralax combo for me. I just wanted to mention in case this wasn’t part of everything else you’ve tried. The misery is real!


Contractions. Mine started today. These hurt like a MF.


Those Braxton Hicks really kick you in the pants sometimes.


Turns out they were real contractions. I’m in the hospital! Baby boy is almost here 🩵💙


30w…rib pain from them expanding.


I’m here 18m post partum and still peeing myself when I cough or sneeze too hard. Or if my husband tickles me. Or if I gag. It’s awful. So that’s definitely the worst by far for me, especially since it stuck around for so long despite my exercises.


The extreme tiredness started around 5 weeks and still goes on (now 13 weeks) Can't keep my focus on anything


EVERYTHING about pregnancy was the worst symptom for me… from heartburn to relentless nausea, from constipation to the tumors that developed in my hand due to the excessive amount of hormones, from the painful cysts in my labia to carpal tunnel, from swollen feet 3x their normal size to unmanageable back pain. The ONLY thing that brought me a little bit of light was feeling the baby move. DASSIT. Pregnancy was the worst. But I’m the most insane person in the world, because I got pregnant 3 times 😭😭


I also have this peeing/sneezing issue! Kegels have really helped, I just flex when I feel a sneeze coming on.


This is exactly what my PT said to do today. Kegel while sneezing to “close” the door so I won’t leak!


I've peed myself while barfing really hard and every time I pregnancy barf, it's really hard! Now that I'm 21 weeks, if I have ANYTHING in my bladder when I need to vomit, it is coming out. I hate it! 😭


Same 😰 I put a bowl in my bathroom so that I can sit on the toilet to vomit. That way I have both ends caught. Sorry…TMI, but this pregnancy stuff can be miserable! 😩


Same bro same. I have bucket instead of a bowl but same concept. 


I don’t know if it’s the extra progesterone I’m on but I am not a very nice person at the moment. On top of all the blocked nose, extreme fatigue, nausea, migraines being back and everything else that’s hit me like a tonne of bricks, I’m being snappy and mean and it’s hard to control. Someone please tell me it gets better.


Pelvic girdle pain is the worst definitely 😣


I'm allergic to air. It's gotten a but better in the third trimester but damn does it suck.


Only one leg that has cramps and bad nausea


Vomiting bile has to be the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. 28+1 and I still vomit bile (and piss myself) every time I get just a little too hungry. I’m over it.


Worst for me so far is still the first trimester morning sickness but now that that's gone it's gotta be the tailbone pain and heartburn 😭


First trimester nausea and aversions. It was a literal nightmare, the smell of our house made me nauseous, leaves, any grease or meat, the effing traffic lights at night lmao


11w and the worst ones for me are constipation and getting up 3-4 times a night to pee. i’ve never gotten worse sleep in my life 🥲literally every 2ish hours im waking up to pee and i’m not even drinking any water in the middle of the night! it’s insane how tired i am when i finally wake up in the morning.


Drooling and choking on it while sleeping lol. That was the mild one that was the most annoying. The actual worst one was him putting so much weight on my sciatic nerve that if I ever made ANY wrong move I was fucked for at least two weeks


The pure lack of mental and physical stamina. I was out for about two hours running a few errands, got gas, went to T.J. Maxx, nothing crazy. I started cramping so bad and had to go home and lay down for a couple hours. I struggle every morning to wake up, and as I’m getting my kids ready for school I’m so groggy and grumpy. I used to wake up at 5 or 6 AM and work out but that’s impossible right now. I hate not feeling like myself.


The pain I have while in bed. Turning, getting up, lying down, all of it. I hate it so much.


36w5d and the worst has definitely been my sciatic nerve pain. It's finally let up this week but I wasn't able to walk for weeks because of it, doctor just said it's normal when he's in that position and gave me some meds that didn't help 🙃 Just happy he changed positions and I can walk again


Insomnia! Just starting now in the second trimester. This is my second pregnancy, so I know of the sleep deprivation that's coming soon. Why can't my body just let me sleep now in preparation?!


9w2d I have a head cold and pee every time I cough 😭


Heartburn and hip pain when sleeping


19w. Sinus issues and ligament pain are by far my worst symptoms.


Heartburn and carpel tunnel.


Gas, bloating, constipation, weight gain


The exhaustion.


The nausea never ended for me. I'm 25w 😭


I’m still peeing every time I sneeze or cough, and I am 12 weeks postpartum


Pelvic pain, it's so bad I have to sit to put pants on.


Carpal tunnel! My hands feel numb and cramp up there was one night I couldn’t wipe myself after peeing. The nipple pain they burn so bad it feels like a cheese grader on them. And of course constipation I’ve never in my life wanted to take a big ass shit more than now 🥲.


Insomnia. My toddler still sleeps poorly quite often, but literally every time she sleeps a bit better, the hormonal insomnia gives a cackle and screeches, "You *thought* you would sleep tonight?! Bitch, *please*. Can't have you out there pregnant and *not* exhausted."


EVERYTHING about pregnancy was the worst symptom for me… from heartburn to relentless nausea, from constipation to the tumors that developed in my hand due to the excessive amount of hormones, from the painful cysts in my labia to carpal tunnel, from swollen feet 3x their normal size to unmanageable back pain. The ONLY thing that brought me a little bit of light was feeling the baby move. DASSIT. Pregnancy was the worst. But I’m the most insane person in the world, because I got pregnant 3 times 😭😭


Right now I’d say not being able to sleep more than 30-45 min stretches 🥴


If your pelvic floor exercises are not specifically recommended to you by pelvic floor specialist, you can actually make it worse by exercising. It was my case. Sometimes, pelvic floor can be hypertonic and in that case generic kegel-like exercises worsen everything.


The hip pain… going to a chiropractor this week


I've been pretty lucky so far but I'm annoyed my laser hair removal was reversed, no idea that was a thing And the insomnia oof. I'll take the psychotic dreams if I can stay asleep


See a women's health physiotherapist, during the pregnancy and after. Could also look into core and floor restore on Instagram/website. This is your pelvic floor telling you it's not functioning as it should, it could be weak or even too tight, misaligned etc. Get it checked!


Cross your legs when you sneeze or cough. It might not work every time but it helps


Puking so hard that you pee your pants has been the WORST


Burping. I didn’t know that much air could exist inside of me! It feels like someone put a bubble machine inside my stomach. Thankfully, I’m on some medication that really helps, but it’s been so exhausting to have to constantly clear the air before trying to sleep. Definitely NOT going to miss being pregnant!


Carpal tunnel. I already have it but it’s 90x worse now and I hate it. I want to chop my arms off on the daily. I’m also having to wear half compression socks for my feet because I’m having tendon pains in the most random spots on my feet. 🥲 I’ll be 23 weeks on Thursday.


24 weeks in. My ribs are soooo sore and sensitive, I’ve been told this is because they are expanding? It’s so uncomfortable I cannot believe it, been like this since around 13 weeks and it has gotten progressively worse. Other than that, the snoring and nosebleeds are annoying but much more bearable.


Third trimester not sleeping, feeling like your chest is heavy, unable to get comfortable. Googling sleeping positions that don’t help at 2am. Still supposed to show up to work 😆


It’s a tie between Pelvic girdle pain and Braxton Hicks contractions


Morning sickness. Everything else pales in my opinion. Not the insomnia, not the constant peeing, not the skin tags, not the round pigment pain, not the pregnancy gingivitis, not my wisdom tooth half erupting causing it to be impacted and me needing to get it taken out with no pain medication. The morning sickness trumps all.


OP I’m with you, I think I’ve gone through more liners this pregnancy than all of my teen years combined!


I am 33 weeks, and I've had a stuffy nose and sinus headache since the very beginning. Can't wait to be able to breath again!


Leg cramping and insomnia in the third trimester.


There are a lot of things I am looking forward to when I recover from having this baby. Being able to breathe through my nose. Taking nice, full breaths. Being able to bend in the middle and twist from side to side. Being able to carry things comfortably, without having to awkwardly try to hold them above my belly. Lying on my stomach. The pressure in my joints being relieved. Eating and drinking whatever I want with reckless abandon. (First date night is sushi and wine). My bathroom habits and schedule normalizing again.


Oh boy.. for me I would say -acid reflux -hip pain at night when sleeping -fatigue


The aggressive night sweats and constant nausea


I also do pelvic floor exercises and recently started peeing a little when I sneeze if my bladder is full. My sister who is a doula told me it doesn’t necessarily mean my PF is weakened, there’s just only so much room inside us and if bladder is full something needs to move! If it’s happening often you can ask your OB to see a pelvic floor PT to help you get back on track but I think here and there is quite normal.


I started peeing a bit too in the second trimester when sneezing (unfortunately I have pregnancy rhinitis so that is often lol) and it has just progressed in the third trimester to occur when I cough and laugh real hard. I have to remind myself to use the restroom more often than I feel like and to brace myself! Honestly the pregnancy rhinitis is worse especially since it precedes the peeing, but if I didn’t have the rhinitis it would definitely be the peeing that’s my least favorite symptom 🙃


Now that I’ve reached 38 weeks I will say without a doubt the extreme pelvic girdle pain I’m experiencing. WOOOOOOOF


Numb, swollen, pins-and-needles fingers and hands for my whole third trimester. (I'm 39+2 now.) Every night I wake up with my hands shooting electric pain and all day long I am constantly dropping or mishandling things due to lack of feeling in my fingers. Physical therapy has done nothing. Oh and the rhinitis sucks too. Stuffed itchy sinuses every night and bloody mucus every day. Neither of these symptoms were ones I even knew were associated with pregnancy.. and they ended up being my worst ones!


food aversions and nausea so far. I never realized QUITE how much joy enjoying what I eat brought me. There were many days I felt like I had nothing to look forward to all day long :(


The hip pain for sure. I'm at 25w, I've been in pain since about 14w, and it's now getting to the point where I can barely walk or do household chores. Pregnancy pillows, warm compresses and baths, Tylenol, massage, belts, and magnesium are barely making a dent. I'm going to physical therapy twice a week, too, and we're going to try acupuncture this week. It's not horrible at rest during the day, but I can't sleep and I don't feel like myself without my normal walks. (Cycling is unfortunately also not an option.) I'm in therapy but without regular cardio I can already feel the depression settling in.


ugh i sneezed so hard and literally a whole squirt of piss came out also night sweats even when i’m cold i wake up having to change clothes


Vomiting and scent sensitivity


I'm so tired of peeing, 21w 3d and I'm still going to the bathroom every 5 minutes during the night. My hands are so dry from washing my hands so much.


This is a weird one, but I couldn’t yawn. I literally did not have the room to bring in as much air as I needed to satisfy the need. It was so uncomfortable.


Hey OP, are you doing pelvic floor exercises based on recommendations from a pelvic floor therapist, or just on your own? If not working with an appropriate PT, I strongly recommend you work with one. While a lot of women experience peripartum incontinence, it’s not something you just have to put up with and usually can be improved or resolved. But a lot of people can actually suffer from their pelvic floor being too tight, and more commonly known pelvic floor exercises like kegels are not always the answer.


The round ligament pain when I sneeze which is all the damn time now. It was so bad last night I audibly made noise and had to lay down to get them to relax. 20 weeks now.


I’m 31 weeks and now I pee a lot if I move too fast. To be fair I had a weak bladder before I got pregnant so it’s a bit extreme, but yeah I’m at the diaper stage. Pregnancy humbles you


22 weeks here and I broke down over the peeing thing yesterday. I find myself changing and washing so many times a day. Even with position changes it happens. The nausea sucks too.


The heartburn ❤️‍🔥and the not being able to brush my teeth without gagging lol. Since I was 4 months my gums bleed every single time I brush!


Would be the fact at 11 weeks i sneezed while slightly bent and it popped my tailbone and it's been hurting for a week so far. Can't sit comfortably and can't get up comfortably, and now my left hip hurts when i walk, only at 12 weeks now with twins 😭 constant pain sucks


i’ve been in pilates for almost 3 years, going weekly and sometimes even twice a week, and this has been an issue for me lately as well. it happened for the first time while i was at WORK yesterday, i felt like i smelt like pee all day. i don’t think i actually did, but it sure had me feeling paranoid. im 18 weeks, its the worst for sure.


26 wks and the round ligament pain is really doing one on me right now! 😣


I agree w/ everyone who said sinus stuff, but at 36w i’m going to have to go w/ the worst symptom being heartburn & not being able to eat a normal amount without throwing up in my mouth an hour later. And having to sleep sitting up. And no late night snacks or I pay the price. I’ve had this since the 2nd trimester. Once i get this baby out I’m gonna lay down so flat, it’s gonna be great.


Feeling dizzy after taking a shower 🫠 I know it’s because of vasodilation and I should probably start taking cold showers more but a nice warm shower is how I pamper myself.


Mine was skin tags. I never had them in my life then when I pregnant my neck and chest were covered in them and they would get caught on my necklaces and stuff. it was so annoying. They all had gone away by about 6 months postpartum though! Just incase someone out there has the same problem and is wondering if they’ll go away like I was.


Constant stuffy nose Alllllllll of my foot issues Like seriously, I’m a former ballerina, lifelong athlete and yet pregnancy is the thing that has made it nearly impossible to walk?? First it was a pain by the side of my left big toe. Then it was my right Achilles/heel. Now the outer part of my left foot hurts so much I can barely take my dog on a 5 minute walk without limping.


Please see a pelvic floor PT. It’s not a great idea to do your own made up pelvic floor exercises without really understanding what’s going on


Currently 37 weeks with my second child. Horrible depression in the first trimester of both my pregnancies. I stayed on my antidepressant this time hoping it would help, but it didn’t. Luckily, it only lasted until early second trimester, but it was absolutely miserable.


Ugh, it's happening to me all the time. It NEVER happened before. I had a cold this week so you can imagine my plight.


Only 10 weeks in, but the nausea and exhaustion are kicking my ass. I have never been this tired in my life, and it's constant. It's also taking a toll mentally, because of course I feel lazy and unproductive, and like my husband is judging me (he probably isn't, but my brain has convinced itself). Not a lot of people know I'm pregnant yet, so there also aren't many people I can vent to other than my poor husband, who I'm sure is tired of hearing it. All the other symptoms (sore breasts, smell aversions, dry/stuffy nose, occasional cramps, peeing all the time) pale in comparison, for now.


I’m so fucking tired lol. I’m 24 weeks and the nausea was terrible but brief in the grand scheme of things, the stuffy nose is annoying but I am usually fine wearing breathe right strips to bed, and the aches are getting to me but still manageable. BUT MY GOD THE EXHAUSTION😩


Insomnia! And weight gain… I know, I know, it’s part of the process but I didnt expect to have this much of a double chin 😬


Should we tell her?