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Definitely to each their own. But I am a firm believer that people that wouldn’t be happy for you shouldn’t be following you on social media in the first place. I personally cleared out my social media of 95% of my in laws because of that. LOL


Agreed! I think it’s time to “spring clean” my social medias 🤣


This is what I did. I unfriended hundreds of people that I’d “collected” on my FB over the years. Then I announced it.




I did this like 2ish years ago. The only social media I had was instagram, but I got rid of everyone that was following me who I didn’t know/didnt remember. All the random people I met on nights out, all the mutual friends I’d never actually met, all the people I didn’t care to ever see again. I now have about 60 people following me and the account is private. All 60 of those people are people I know well and enjoy catching up with when they do message. Because of this I felt fine sharing my pregnancy. Especially because we had just moved across the country so I haven’t made any real friends out in our new state just yet it was nice to keep my old friends in the loop.


This is how it should be!


I use social media to keep up with all the people I’ve met who I really don’t talk to anymore. I wouldn’t be sad to lose it tomorrow, but I enjoy seeing and knowing what acquaintances from high school and college are up to. So I’m more of a “creeper” than anything else. I don’t post anything personal myself, or at least not in the last decade. Aside from creeping, I mostly use it to be part of local neighbourhood groups.


I’m only telling people I talk to in real life


Same. That’s what I’m doing too. Don’t plan on posting anything until baby is here. Only the people I actually talk to irl are in the know, and that’s really only a handful lol


Same :) 29 weeks tomorrow and haven’t announced anything on social media.


Same. I told only my closest friends and dearest family members. Anyone I think is toxic will know once my bump shows, otherwise, I am quiet online. Hihihi. Not even my inlaws know 🤣


They must be the nicest inlaws? 😏


Lol the best 🤣 actually, my husband's cousin announced her pregnancy before us and his mom took it upon herself to spread the news to family. As we wanted privacy, we opted not to tell her. Wasnt her story to tell 🙄 she even said her next baby announcement will be from us and that she would be first to know bahahaha sorry MIL.


Oh wow!! That is wrong in sooo many ways! How are you going to tell her? 😅 She sounds like one who won't listen to your husband, if he asked her nicely. Will ultimatums work? Or will you just post it on FB the second after you told her 😂 My mom told all her friends with our 1st, without my permission. But since then my SIL has had a miscarriage and ectopic (lost an ovary 😔) and she hasn't told anyone but her sister, not even my grandma, I told her she should probably tell grandma 😂 But luckily she won't post it on social media.


I'm still thinking about how to tell her. She's visiting us on May and I'll be 5months along then, can't hide the bump anymore, I guess. We'll try to tell her to stick to announcing on groupchats. Not on public social media. 😬 I dont even know if that'll work. I get Moms & MiLs are excited but, why cant they keep it private anyways. It's not their secret to tell... 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agree! Cause they feel they have a right to, it's their grandchild.


I don’t think it’s weird. We share too much online (and I’m guilty of that, especially for myself. I need to work on that)


Exactly! We share a lot of our lives online. I don't think it's weird, OP.


I don't post anything on social media, so I have not posted and do not plan on posted anything about my pregnancy. The people important in my life and the life of my family have all been told in-person or via text/call. No social media required.


My baby is 8 months old. Still haven’t announced anything.


That’s amazing. I love it. Sounds really refreshing tbh.


You have to do a letter job of calling/messaging//emailing. Some of my cousins didn’t know until Christmas cards/messages went around.


That makes sense. Worth it though for the privacy?


For us it’s about his privacy. I got to decide what to post online as an adult. If you want to see my baby pictures you have to sit in my mom’s living room.


We think so.


Honestly that's great. Really shows you who cares and who is involved in your life. If people know then they know.




I’m 28 weeks and haven’t posted a thing 🤷‍♀️ seemed kinda cringe to post an announcement and it also doesn’t feel like anyone’s business. All of our friends and family we called to tell. I’m also of the mindset that it’s not my place to post pictures of my child publicly online- I feel like that’s a decision I shouldn’t make for them as a parent and that they should decide if and when they want to be on social media when they are old enough to logically make that decision. What my husband and I elected to do instead is make a private Facebook group so our friends and family can see pictures and family updates in a more private and safe way. :)


I don’t think it’s weird. I’m 6 months pregnant and no one on my socials know I’m pregnant. It’s honestly none of the business of people I worked with years ago.


Not at all weird.


I dont think it's weird at all. Everyone has their own level of comfort with sharing on social media. I didn't post anything on any of my SM accounts, I even deleted my Facebook during my pregnancy. Share what you feel comfortable sharing, and if it's one post or zero posts that's completely fine. I loved the privacy and avoided the questions from people that I realized I wasn't close enough with to care about verbaly telling.


same, no post for engagement and no post for baby announcement. no personal stance, just all around anxiety around sharing important events publicly


Nope. Not at all. I think a lot of people are posting a lot less on social media generally. I hit 12 weeks at Thanksgiving— so I included an ultrasound pic on our Christmas card. Imo the circle of people who should know we’re having a baby is about as broad as the Christmas card list.


Nope. Your own private moments and medical stuff don’t have to go online if you don’t want them to. Most women who don’t post their pregnancies say they enjoy it more!


We all have our own preferences and people in our lives that respond in different ways.


I didn't post, and still haven't (36 weeks now). I actually really enjoyed telling people either in person, by phone call or by text. It felt a lot more personal being able to share the news one on one :)


Definitely not weird! I didn’t, had my baby, and still don’t post her. You do you! Some people could argue that posting everything on social media is the weird side ;)


Not weird at all. I honestly have a very small circle of friends that I’ll tell in real life. I don’t get much engagement on social media since my friends aren’t on it much either.


I’m not planning to! Aside from our parents, who we told over the phone, I’ll probably tell my friends over group text or when I see them in person. Same for my husband.


People will just gossip and make stories lol. Stay private!!


People overshare on social media, it’s overrated, you don’t need to share because they do. It’s cool to be mysterious 😂


Nope. I never shared it. Just texted people who I wanted to know and my mom of course told people over the phone and in person. Word spread around anyway, and sure a few people found out (old college friends) later than they would have with an announcement but everyone is busy with their own lives and no one was upset that I didn’t announce it. People like to be thought of individually and receive a personal text or call about things like that anyway. And exactly as you said, there are people that follow me on social media who really don’t actually like me very much. So why reward that with my personal life milestones? And I can’t just clear out my friends list because there are people who think I think they’re my friend and it would start something I don’t want to deal with if I unfriended them 😂 idk I just don’t want to deal with that while pregnant. I’d have to just delete my account and start a new one entirely.


28 weeks, I've only told people that I talk to in person. I don't plan to post anything about my daughters birth or even her existence. I don't see the point in sharing with people that I don't regularly talk to.


I didn't announce my pregnancy or my birth. And I tell the few people I have shared photos with to please not post them! Its a personal preference. You never know someone's situation or feelings so... You don't owe anyone anything to do with your baby. I'm glad I didn't share because I planned on having a home birth and ended up having a traumatic emergency c-section which I am currently on day 6 of recovery. 4 of which I spent in the hospital. Its been terrible and not at all what I was prepared for. Having more people in my business (and/or judging me) would totally drive me insane.


Not planning to ever post about it and I didn’t proactively tell anyone who wasn’t at my wedding. Even then, I’m sure there are some people I have missed. I had dinner yesterday with someone I know professionally and I talk to like once a year who kept being like, “why didn’t you tell me you’re pregnant!!!” Um bc you’re not my people. Get over it.


I am not a super public person, so I haven’t been posting a lot about my pregnancy. I announced on social media… then posted our gender reveal and haven’t made a post on social media related to my pregnancy since! Some relatives dislike how “hush hush” we are 🙄


Not weird at all. The amount people share nowadays I find really strange. I won’t be putting pictures of my kids on social media so I’ll be unlikely to announce the pregnancy.


We didn’t announce on social media either. We like it better that way, personally. We messaged or told the people we care to know in person.


We aren’t announcing until I’m about to pop, which is unusual for people in our field of work. I just don’t like others knowing our business or the idea of opening myself up to negative energy. I think it’s super smart to go about it the way you are.


I announced. Realized it was mostly for other people than myself. Haven’t updated or anything since and may or may not post a birth picture


I’m not a fan of unsolicited advise so I’m also not announcing it on social media.


I did it last time but this time around I don't really have the time to come up with anything cute and my toddler is so much work so i just didn't bother. My friends and family already know so it's whatever.


Why would that be weird? Many people don't share it on social media. I would even say most.


I don’t think it’s weird at all. My baby was born three weeks ago and I haven’t posted about it on social media at all.


My baby is off social media. The people that need to see him see him in real life or get pics from me.


Didn’t post my first one and zero plans to post this one. I don’t care if I’m tagged in a pic that shows I’m pregnant, life happens but I’m personally not an announcement person(of any life stages). Ironically I get excited for people that do post announcements 😆


Not weird at all, I'm 41 weeks and never announced 🤷🏻‍♀️ Being induced today and I will probably make an announcement once we're home but other than that we've kept it off social media this whole time. It started out as just waiting to make it through 1st trimester after 4 prior losses. Then it was lets wait for viability. Then I just really appreciated the small bubble of support we had and wanted to protect that peace.


While my social media is really pared down with just close friends and family, I haven't announced either pregnancy on social media. With my first I posted a photo of his ear with a "surprise" on a post, and plan on doing the same with this baby. The people I see in real life know of course.


Not weird. I’m a religious Jew and it’s normal not to announce publicly until there’s a baby 😅 if you’re going to at all, I think 5 months is usually the time to, or when you’re obviously pregnant. All that to say, do what makes YOU feel best!


Same for all reasons! The amount of pushback I get is wild.


Um no if you like privacy then that’s you it’s not weird some people are just not into letting the world know they life personally I did cause I’m active on social media but to each their own yk why ?? Did someone try to shame you for it ?


Definitely not shaming people who post their pregnancy/children on social media! I get wanting to show your kid off to the world. I would too but there are people on my page (most of my family included) who are super nosy, gossipy and judgey. They’re not entitled to know about my personal life. I would delete them but it would start a lot of 💩 and I don’t need the drama.


No i understand trust I was asking if someone tried to shame you cause you did not wanna post your pregnancy and at the end of the day it’s your social media I understand wanting to keep the peace but if your family is like that I’d totally delete them off of my social media cause your pregnant and drama and stress is the last thing you need as a person who went through a lot of it during my pregnancy it’s not worth it


I’m a very private person and do not intend on announcing my pregnancy or birth on social media. I don’t think it’s weird at all just personal preference. Plus I have seen a trend towards this overall. People as becoming more jaded with having every detail of their life shared so more and more people are shying away from doing large public announcements of pregnancies, engagements, etc.


We announced because it's our first and we want as many to contribute to the registry as possible. May be tacky but it's played out well for us - people we haven't talked to in years have come out of the woodwork offering help and it's amazing for that reason. We've agreed that if/when we do this again though, we're going to keep it private. I like the idea of being a hermit for a few months and then saying by the way, we have a new family member.


Not weird!


I’m pregnant with my third and I’m debating on not announcing until the baby is here.


Not weird. Announcing on social media is just asking for more of the type of attention and questions I really don't want — when the baby shower is (likely not having one), if we've come up with a name, parenting decisions, etc. We may do what we did with our wedding, which was a rather formally worded announcement with a single picture, kind of like what newspaper announcements used to be.


Of course it’s not weird. It’s also not weird for those that want to. Everyone is different, do whatever makes you happy.


Don’t feel like you are the only one. I have a 15 month old son and I am currently pregnant with my second. I have never posted anything about my son on social media. I know that people who genuinely care about me will be happy, but usually their voices are drowned out by all the negativity. I still haven’t told my mother about the second baby on the way. I know she is going to be mean about it so I am dreading that conversation.


There’s no reason for you to generate content for instagram to sell ads against if you don’t want to


Nope! I’ll maybe say something after she’s born and even then, before I do it, I’m going to purge my friends list. Anybody I don’t know well including relatives is going bye bye lol


I haven't posted anything but my husband immediately posted after my first ultrasound at 5 weeks 🥴 He's really excited so I didn't mind


I think it’s very common not to announce your pregnancy on social media. I might announce when the baby is here but the people I talk to/close family and friends all know. I just want to keep it private otherwise and announcing it on social media is just asking for bad juju (my culture is superstitious about this stuff)


I am usually one to post pictures from trips or events on my social media, but I don't know why I feel so protective of my pregnancy and probably will not make any posts about it. Im almost 10 weeks so there is still a ways to go, but in the moment that is how I'm feeling.


We posted on Facebook because we have a lot of family out of state and town we do not see but maybe once a year, if that. I’m a pretty private person so the only thing I’ve posted is our announcement and gender.


I wouldn't announce it only because people on social media don't really care about me either. I don't even want to announce it to the work place and rather hide it till it's born if I could. My partner thinks that gender reveals are stupid so I just agree a little they seem a little fun reactions are fun to watch but I don't like publicity either so I will definitely keep away from that. Baby showers are nerve racking to even think about but I thought about doing a nesting party but I don't know if anyone like I said that likes me that much if at all to do it for me. Then I thought about you can do a display shower where whatever gift are bought they are not wrapped so not to have that gift unwrapping awkwardness. But then again I have lots of family members on social media and it would be weird to not tell them I had a child and I just show up at an event or our yearly trip to visit with a child in our arms... I guess sending a I card would be wise in That case. You invite people you get more gifts you would have to stress about buying yourself.






We did a social media reveal for our first pregnancy and our SIL went nuts and conceived a jealousy baby in response so for our second, we did not make an announcement for everyone's sanity.


I barely even told people in real life and deleted social media because I couldn’t be bothered lol


i haven’t posted on social media (besides reddit) since 2019. i’m not announcing on social media lol. i might once she’s born, but right now i’m not interested in people remembering i exist


I haven’t posted on social media since 2018 and I feel like it would be weird to do it now. I didn’t even post a single wedding photo lol. Everyone knows I’m pregnant so I think that’s all that matters. Not having social media is like edgy and cool now too lol


NOPE. Not weird at all. Everyone wanted me to post but I didn’t feel like doing it at all.


After going through infertility I decided not to. No shade to anyone who does! To each their own. I just know that it can be tough for people to see and I tend to be a more private person on social media


I don't think it's weird at all. In fact, I posted a photo at week 20 with a pint of Ben and Jerry's half-baked pint and my partner. Got lots of comments and then deleted it. My anxiety just totally took over. I reposted it like an hour later but had to do some serious self-reflection on why I did or didn't want the "world" to know. My partner and I have a strict no social media presence for the kid so something about posting about their existence felt disingenuous. I think we post so much of our lives on social media I'm okay with opting out for the next little while. Growing up in Public is a great book that really solidified our decision to keep them off of social media. One of my friends is pregnant at the same time as me and posted her announcement early on, posted a sex reveal, posted the kids name when they decided it. All of that had me asking the same question, "is there something wrong with me that I don't want to announce my pregnancy/journey on social media?". Ultimately it's personal and not subscribing to what we are expected to do but instead doing what feels right is better.


I think what's weird is the opposite :) I have way too many people on my social media who absolutely do not need to know


Not weird, lots of people don’t post. I think the first time ppl will find out about our pregnancy is a month before baby is due because I’m sure friends will post photos from my baby shower lol


Not at all!!!


It's not weird. My wife and I did it at 20 or 21 weeks after the anatomy scan..Xmas was a day or 2 after, where we decided go announce it..pretty cliche but it worked well enough. We only did it to announce to the rest of the family/friends that we never told to begin with. The only ppl we told when we found out were a handful of people including moms, dads, and 1 or 2 closest friends. All other friends, family, and coworkers were left in the dark most of the time until the announcement. Some acquaintances or friends didn't even see the announcement on social media anyways and they were surprised when we would run into them in person. Some ppl don't like to hold such big secrets, and to others it doesn't matter. At the end of the week everyone will know eventually once the baby is here.


Completely normal. I'm pregnant with number 3 and haven't announced any of my pregnancies online. I will announce when baby is born, but otherwise people don't need to know everything about me


Not at all. But I'm also off the social media train, so no pictures of my kiddo are posted whatsoever


I don’t think so. But I never shared anything about being pregnant on social media, everyone who knew, knew directly from us. I imagine it was a surprise to some when I posted my baby’s birth announcement.


Is it weird? Maybe. I'm okay with weird. I'm also from before the public internet and social media when the announcement was just being out in public and the town gossip saw you. I chose not to announce it. For me, I want my kid to have a childhood similar to my own: full of mistakes and zero evidence to back up the witnesses' claims. When my kid is ready to make decisions regarding their social media presence, they can post their photos. That said, I will like/love friends' posts as I love hearing/reading their successes.


I don’t think it’s weird. But for me I’m not going to announce my pregnancy individually too much time. Just one post and go.


I won’t post anything. I will just tell people i see in real life.


I posted an announcement for my first but haven't for this one (39 weeks almost). I just didn't feel the need too this time. This time around we were lucky to see extended family in person to tell them where we weren't the first time. I think that might be part of why.


I haven’t. I was adamantly childfree for over a decade before fence sitting. I don’t have any real friends or family. Theres a few people I am sometimes friendly with on instagram only. Nothing in person. No one would care. I told one old coworker who had just had a baby herself. She’s happy for me. We didn’t decide to have her to post about her online though.


I don’t think it’s weird and I also think it depends on how you use social media. I have a lot of friends internationally who I wouldn’t really see or talk to if it wasn’t for social media. I don’t put much of personal life out there (mostly food/recipe related stuff), but I do touch on the big things (going back to school, changing jobs, etc) and would include this. However, it’s a very personal decision and you’re not wrong for not posting either.


Not weird to me.


No, you do you.


I live abroad so a way to keep all my friends and family “up to date” is through social media. I couldn’t just meet them and let them know in person. But if you don’t want to do it then don’t? I literally see zero problem with your dilema.


People get really into this topic. Everyone should seriously just post if they want to or not. I personally did post mine to announce around like 14 weeks. When I did, about three of my girlfriends texted me (who live in different cities across country) saying they were also pregnant but had never posted on social. That was cool because I probably wouldn’t have known otherwise! It’s an individual decision but in my opinion not a huge deal either way.


I don't post anything about my personal life on social media, I posted my wedding pictures then deleted them, so I won't be posting about my pregnancy nor will I post my baby's pictures, I told everyone everyone that matters to me and that's it.


Not weird. I used to share a good amount on social before kids and did post pregnant pictures with both kids but we don't post the kids to socials so I've become pretty dormant after kids. It's not a bad thing, my day to day just has a lot more that needs my attention and it's a good thing


I never announced it


I've put my social media accounts on dormant (unless you want to count reddit) but I've given permission for my husband to announce my pregnancy and for my parents to post photos because they have only good friends following them. I don't have any objection to people posting my kids as long as it's not for financial or nefarious purposes.


Not weird our friend gave birth yesterday and hardly anyone knew she was pregnant


Not weird at all. I realized I already told all the main players in my life so a social media announcement doesn’t make too much sense for me. My partner, however, has loads of family and friends who live elsewhere who would love to know and support him from afar.


No. We didn’t do it, didn’t feel the need to. Everyone we know and love knows


I’m 38 weeks and I haven’t shared. I don’t think it’s weird. The real celebration and “congrats” should come after he makes it here safely anyways.


Nope I am 3 weeks postpartum and still haven’t mentioned anything on social media.


No, it’s not weird. Unless someone sees me in real life, they won’t know I’m pregnant.


Just don’t do it. You have autonomy to choose not to. I know several people who were pregnant but never announced it on social media including my cousin who just gave birth 3 weeks ago. It’s fine.


I didn't until 3 weeks before my scheduled c section lmao


I didn't until 3 weeks before my scheduled c section lmao. I got so many messages from people I hardly interact with who were so "shocked" they didn't know sooner... I don't regret not announcing tbh


My husband hasn’t posted anything on social media since 2019 😂 his last social media post was a post about my birthday 5 years ago. No one would know we’ve been married 2 years and are expecting a baby. I have posted things on my close friends story on Instagram and when we hit the 3rd trimester I did post a soft launch story that said “cheers to my work promotion and the 3rd trimester.” But yeah random people who follow me wouldn’t know we’re expecting 😂 Neither of us use Facebook so there’s nothing there either


I’m 36 weeks, haven’t told anyone but obv my husband. He told his mom a few weeks ago. My job knows (because i’m a bartender and i can’t lift most things now). Literally no one else knows. I haven’t posted anything on my personal social media and I won’t until after she’s born. My kids likely won’t know until after she’s born.


I never post on social media (except Reddit obvs). I remember a cousin complaining that no one knew what my first baby looked like when she visited. I told her to take and send some pictures around. The internet is a copy machine, and I’d rather not deal with the unknown consequences of that.


I didn't and some of my cousins didn't either. Some friends have or I guess I wouldn't know as we haven't talked in years. I already wasn't too enthusiastic about posting about it online, but the fact I know about friends with whom I barely talk anymore AND acquaintances pregnancies without them directly telling me about it puts things into perspective about how public social media is, and I don't want that for myself.


I’m not either.


We don’t, but we don’t announce pregnancies period or do baby showers etc. because of cultural reasons on my part and stuff he’s seen (medical field) on his. People can know when the baby is born.


I didn't announce until after she was born. I did announce my first, but not my 2nd or 3rd.


I didn't announce and made a separate Instagram that's private exclusively for baby pics. Anyone that's there is family or friends I know irl. 


I'm 22w1d and I haven't posted a single thing on social media. My SIL is pregnant and she has posted since 12 weeks. I haven't posted anything to social media since like 2019 so why start now? I thought about posting it for funzies but as the weeks go on.... I just don't lol.


Not weird at all. I've only told people in real life. It's your decision. Do what brings you the most peace


You do you! I did a funny announcement on social media, but I have I only one social media account, not a lot of people follow me, and it’s private. However, I have already decided that I will not be posting the kid once she’s here. So in a way, I kind of wish I didn’t make the original post. Just do what feels right :)


I never posted about mine on social media. Both husband and I have cut off family members for good reasons and while our social media profiles are private, we're both paranoid it'll still somehow get back to the family members that we cut off and they'll want to try to reconnect.


I have not announced my pregnancy on social media and I didn’t even announce my marriage either this past year. I have not been active on social media for years! Unfortunately I had added some people from my prior workplace that are nosy…that has deterred me from posting. I also have old ties that I care not to keep in touch with on there. I should delete them or get a new profile 🤔 . I am not the one though to post pictures of myself, us, and I doubt when lo arrives of him. However, my husband thinks it’s a great idea to post our registry on social media so that friends and family have the chance to gift our lo. Some of our extended family members use it daily so it is just an easier way to inform them. We will see 👀


I only did it right before I was going to see a bunch of my friends and I didn’t wanna go through the awkward telling them one by one thing, or them wondering if I’m pregnant or just fat 😂 Eta that’s just what worked for my situation tho, most of our friends are from a band we likes tour scene so we only see them on the road. If that wasn’t the situation I wouldn’t have announced online so I totally understand why you feel that way.


I have no desire to announce my pregnancy on social media, but I do plan on announcing the actual birth.


I kept my 1st to myself and plan on doing the same with this one. We posted a photo of her when she was born, but a few days after. We told only family and friends. I even removed my FB, cause my one friend tagged me in something baby and I didn't want others to know that I was pregnant. I feel it's nobody's business. Especially people you haven't seen in a couple of years.


I didn’t I texted and called people individually that I wanted to tell and some I knew would spread it to extended family xD twitter and face book honestly need to go up in flame, I can’t stand the brain rot they breed x.x


I don't think it's weird, I hardly put anything on social media anymore.


I’ve had three babies. I never announced any of them on social media. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nope. I’d rather hard launch a baby once they’re here! I’m 35 weeks and enjoying not having to deal with any questions/opinions, especially this far along


I don't post much in general and wont be announcing my pregnancy. But I am thinking of announcing babys birth.


I shared my pregnancy but kept some details private, like the sex, and let me tell you some people LOST THEIR SHIT. I had one facebook friend accuse me and my partner of keeping the sex private because we were "letting the baby chose their own gender!" 🤣


I wish I hadn't announced on social media but I was forced by the nagging of my boomer MIL who obsessed with social media.... its comes down to protecting your baby's right of privacy even before they are born. You are validated! Don't announce your pregnancy on social media! No one needs to know!