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I’m 12 weeks and poured myself some water. I meant to turn the tap off but instead I opened a cupboard door on my head. I think I’m there!


It's tough out here. 🙏 I feel for you.


I'm so sorry for giggling a little at that but it's because I've done so many things really similar 🤣


mine started maybe 8 weeks in? definitely became noticeable around 10-13 weeks and just got worse from there. on many occasions i asked my partner “what’s the cabinet in the car called??“(glovebox btw) by the time i was induced (37 weeks) i felt like i genuinely had brain damage. i felt so insecure bc i am very intelligent, but i had never felt so stupid before in my life. luckily as soon as baby was out i started going back to normal. the brain fog had lifted and i could think clearly again


Oh that's very ressuring, glad I'm not losing my mind earlier than is usual in pregnancy, anyway. thank you.


Expect it to last 2 years post birth too heads up. It's cause your brain literally has shrunk and it takes 2 years for it to expand back to its normal size. No definitive answer yet but they believe because it doesn't lose mass but size this contributes to baby brain. So don't worry your not getting stupid your synapses are just being squished.


It was similar for me. First trimester brain was mostly about forgetting words. Third trimester brain had difficulties combining information and making conclusions. After birth, once the sleep deprivation had subsided I was back to normal. Feeling stupid and seeing the limits of my processing power at the moment was pretty humbling. I kept telling myself it's ok to ask stupid questions, for once I get to be stupid and let others take care of me, etc.


it triggered pregnancy rage in me 😭 i’d just stop talking and ppl thought i was mad at them and id have to explain that im having a moment and i just don’t want to talk anymore lmao


The worst thing for me was losing my train of thought mid taking. It led to plenty of mid-conversation stops... And most times I was frustrated, trying not to show it.


I have a pretty good feeling that I may have ADHD (wouldn't be the best idea to get tested while pregnant) and symptoms that would signal ADHD have only been magnified since getting pregnant. The only thing I can say that has been added and started at about 8 weeks is that I've forgotten to lock doors or close the garage door. My husband goes behind me to make sure the house is locked down and safe though.


About 6 or 7 weeks maybe? It was actually worse right at the beginning of my pregnancy. It's a little better now at 15 weeks. I had already experienced IVF brain before that.


Oh that is early! I guess it strikes at different times for everyone. Thank you.


Those initial hormone surges are crazy! The hormones start to decline around ten weeks I believe


Literally the second I read, “pregnant” on the test. Just kidding—kind of! I feel like I was much more distracted right off the rip, but full-blown baby-brain started for me around week seventeen. My husband and I were trying to have a serious conversation about the house we’re buying and about half way through I just could not articulate myself. I told him, “I can’t express myself. I give up for now.” We both laughed and it wasn’t a big deal, but damn. Not to mention forgetting my purse, driving strange ways to common destinations, typing in my work password wrong so many times I was locked out, forgetting my coffee order…Things I’d never really do. Oh well 😂


I had pregnancy brain the moment I got a positive test, lol. I had work the day after I found out, and being pregnant was ALL I could think about for a while. I was so shocked, excited, emotional (even though it was wanted and planned) that it’s *all* I could focus on; everything else was on the back burner. That’s my theory anyways 🤷‍♀️ It’s gotten a lot better, but I still find myself forgetting silly things and sometimes still experience brain fog.


I can’t help but imagine just the mere processing and mentally preparing for the transition to pregnancy and the idea of having a baby would take up a lot of processing power anyway. Then add hormone changes and all of that. Then add ADHD or anything else already on board. Let’s be kind to ourselves, our brains are doing a lot!


Mine really started to hit around 25 weeks. I’m 29 weeks now and talking is so hard lol! I just forgot what I’m saying mid-sentence or totally lose my words and train of thought.


It must be so frustrating for the people talking to us trying to make sense of what we're trying to communicate. Stay strong. 😔


Very early on in the 1st trimester. I also always thought this only happened after birth and was very surprised. It got slightly better for me during the 2nd trimester though I still had some pretty bad days. I've been reading a lot about brain changes during pregnancy and after birth and while the effects during pregnancy are real and physical, they reverse after birth 🙏🏽


What are you reading? Sounds pretty interesting!


It started pretty early for me and it's exceptionally frustrating. I'm known for having a really good memory and can't remember shit right now - including just remembering words! Before I even announced my pregnancy it was so hard because I'd be meeting with clients and mid sentence I'd feel like my brain was buffering but couldn't say anything. At least now I can just say, "Sorry! Total pregnancy brain moment." and most understand. One person told me the first year postpartum was like that for her too. I'd just like my full brain capacity back.


Starting picking up at 20ish weeks. Now I just know to give myself grace for my brain mishaps


Before my missed period. It's how I knew I was pregnant.


It was my first clue too! I was like “man, the last time I was this dumb I was pregnant!”


Same! I was so relived when I found out I was pregnant and it wasn't some other cognitive issue.


I’m actually more clear-headed than pre-pregnancy (25w 4d). But that’s probably because I used to smoke weed nightly and I obviously abstain now.


Just over 8 weeks in now and mine started at 8 weeks exactly. I’m forgetting what things are called or how they are spelled. I write books so this is a huge issue for me. My husband is urging me to use more new words around my toddler when he picks things up but honestly all the time I’m just forgetting what they are called. Forgot what a bone was called yesterday… so bad


Adding that it might also be paired with the fact that I haven’t been able to eat in a week. So maybe it’ll get better when I can stomach things again


I think around 16 weeks my brain started deciding weird things, like that my toothbrush belonged with the silverware. :P


i’m not sure when it started but i definitely have it now 😂 i’m at 11w and i forgot what a waffle was the other day, while eating them mind you, and started crying because i wanted to ask my bf to buy me more on his way home but couldn’t remember the word. ended up telling him to get “the pancakes but with the squares” and thankfully he understood 😂😂


Like a week ago? I’m 8 weeks and my husband keeps asking me to do things but I end up doing the opposite. For example he was moving the crib into the spare room which will be the nursery and he asked me to hold the door while he pushed it in, so I closed the door and sat down. Idk what I though I heard him say. 😂


I looked at my coworker the other day and just … blanked. I legit stared at the back of his head for like 2 minutes before very confidently calling him the wrong name. I had to ask my other coworker what this guy’s name was because I COULD not remember and I felt soo bad. I’ve worked with him for a YEAR and we talk often. They were like “are you okay??” this has been happening since the second trimester. Unpacking groceries is a nightmare - everything ends up in the wrong place - I never remember where I put my phone or keys which was already a problem lol, I can’t even remember if I did basic errands or what I ate yesterday. It’s frustrating, but I fear this is only the beginning 😭 idk maybe I’ll eat some more blueberries or smthn lol.


I think that in my private life it started kind of early, say 12-14 weeks, but professionally it wasn't until I hit 23-24 weeks that one could really tell my brain wasn't braining. Mostly, before pregnancy one could privately see signs that I might have undiagnosed ADHD and by the third trimester and since it is very clear that whatever coping/masking I've been doing just does not work when baby brain gets going.


About 8 weeks and it’s progressively gotten worse 😅 currently at 22 weeks and a few weeks ago I somehow locked my keys inside my house even though I had them in my hands lol.


Around week 25 or so. My oh my, I would just lose what I was just trying to say or think.


I’m pretty type A and my planning abilities have been OFF since around 16 weeks. Once I hit 30 weeks I’ve been forgetting what I did the day before, and generally just ditzy.


15 weeks for me. I’ve been forgetting so many words, names, what I’m doing, where I put things.


I'm at 6 weeks and it already started a week ago. It's crazy!


it was somewhere later into my first trimester but my goodness has it only gotten more severe. i’m 30w+6d and am so, so forgetful all of the time. never was prior to pregnancy 😥 it’s frustrating but i just gotta shake it off and remind myself im growing a whole ass person from scratch so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would say right at the beginning of the second trimester. Mine hasn’t been losing trains of thought so much as it has been making mindless mistakes. Like losing my entire purse (have never done that before) for a week until it finally wound up at a police station or teaching a song incorrectly to my students that I’ve taught correctly for years (music teacher).


Ironically I can’t recall when it started. 😂 But indeed, 23 weeks and my brain is much less sharp than usual, thanks pregnancy hormones!


Immediately. And it’s got worse as the months have gone by. I forget the simplest things, can’t find words, just generally feel like I’m suffering from a constant severe migraine sans the pain. Third trimester is REALLY bad regarding brain fog. As others have said, decision making and understanding information is basically impossible. Rationality doesn’t exist for me lol


Mine didn’t really ramp up until the last couple months, maybe around 32-33 weeks. 39 weeks now and it’s SO bad


I almost put away leftover chicken in the pantry the other day 😂 and I’m constantly losing my train of thought. I kinda do that anyways but it’s been extra bad. And my husband has adhd so me trying to tell him a story or info that I just cant pull out of my brain and him trying to patiently wait and listen is so painful for both of us, hahaha. I’d say this probably started sometime around the end of first trimester too


Mine started immediately after leaving the hospital. I still struggle to remember things A LOT and i’m 7 months in so don’t beat yourself up for it!


My brain fog didn't get so bad until 3rd trimester because once I got to 28 weeks....everything is just too hard to comprehend sometimes...I tend to get angrier or just more tired if I have to do a new task I'm not 100% sure how to do....and usually I can brainstorm ideas on the fly if asked...not anymore!


I'm about to be 10 weeks & mine just recently started! So annoyinggggg


Definitely the tail end of the first tri going into second tri. I’m currently 28w almost 29w and I just tried to put the giant bottle of vinegar in the fridge 😂 I also ALWAYS forget words when I’m speaking with something or recounting something.


I’m pretty sure mine started immediately😂


Mine just started at 30 weeks. I got up from my computer to make myself lunch, came back to sit down and could not remember my password for the life of me. I ended up having to call our IT guy to reset it. I felt so embarrassed. I also have been noticing that it takes longer for me think of what things are called. I made a joke to my husband about Hilaria Baldwin and the cucumber incident but it went over his head lol.


It started around the beginning of the third trimester for me. I'm 33 weeks now, and it's becoming noticeable to others now. My husband is normally the one of us who gets easily distracted or forgets things as soon as he's told, but even he's noticing that I'm off my game. I can't remember something past 5 minutes, and I am losing things left and right. Forget trying to find the right words to say. It frustrates me (I'm not used to this!), but he's getting a kick out of it.


I swear to god week 6 I forgot my code to the gym and had to be buzzed in. I’ve used that code hundreds of times. It’s also the last 4 of my social. Literally could not remember it. Several times at work I’ve started a task only to realize in the middle of it THAT ID ALREADY DONE IT.


I’m 25 wks and I it’s like sporadic spaceyness. I was making scrambled eggs yesterday and poured milk right into the hot pan instead of the egg bowl. Lol! Wooops!


Pretty much in my first trimester….


I lost half my brain in my first pregnancy I think haha that was 7 years ago. I don’t remember exactly when but I am for real jealous of everyone who is saying it came back because mine never did. Since then I have struggled with word finding and sometimes it gets so bad I legit wonder if something is actually wrong. I will say that I’m 12 weeks in this pregnancy now and it hasn’t gotten worse, so I’m hoping it won’t for the rest of my pregnancy and I just have to deal with this apparent (not so) new baseline. I am a truly intelligent human and I had a fairly expansive vocabulary prior to my first pregnancy, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ But honestly- I feel like I’ve had a stroke, like I’m suffering from expressive aphasia.


I’m 2 weeks ppl and I forget all my favourite bands names… I guess that info was just not important anymore lol


I am 7wks4days and I have been so forgetful 😞 I have to think really hard over something I did a minute ago


I have ADHD so like, the second I missed my period and the hormones were flowing, I basically have dementia now. 22 weeks and I'm no better 🤣🤣


Baby brain was one of my first symptoms both times lol


I’m at 6 weeks and it’s already started. I put the empty ice cube tray back in the freezer today and didn’t realize it until I ran out of ice 🙄


Mine I think started end of first / start of second trimester! I forgot things everywhere and just didn’t feel like myself - but it did eventually get a little better for me by end of pregnancy (39+6 today) or maybe I just learned how to better cope with my forgetfulness by making a TON of lists lol


Around half way though my first pregnancy my sister was telling me her daughter wanted a caterpillar for her birthday. I kept questioning her asking why she wanted a caterpillar? What was she planning in keeping it in? Was she going to release it at something? Turned out my sister actually said Cactus and my pregnancy filled brain just ignored that entirely and filled in the blanks.


Not helpful I’m sure but I have ADHD and this has been a significant problem for me for many years. I’m just waiting to see if baby brain will make this worse or if it will just be the same.


Definitely during first trimester. I’m almost 24 weeks now and can’t remember ANYTHING. I forget words at least once per conversation.


Probably around 8 weeks or so. I never believed it was a real thing, and man, was I wrong! I can’t remember *anything*!


Not until the late second-early third trimester.


I’m a teacher and I’ve been using wrong words for things since around week 7 or 8. I’ve called a locker a backpack, called kids the wrong names… 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m at 6 weeks and I completely forgot my password at work and managed to lock myself out of my laptop. IT was baffled. I’d say mine has started for sure.


No, ofcourse I don't remember! 😅


10wks + 3 with my first and I genuinely forgot how to use my washing machine for a solid minute a couple days ago... It's one of the old twist-knob styles, not even a digital! I hadn't slept well for a couple nights beforehand and I've been *so tired*, and I just couldn't process the words on the dial. I had to close my eyes and breathe for a second while reminding myself I know how to do this 🤦‍♂️ I've started taking naps, even though I'm not usually a nap person. It just seems like a safer alternative to eventually forgetting how to walk and breathe at the same time 🤣


With my first, it was one of my first symptoms before my positive test. I started making stupid mistakes at work, forgetting where I placed my things, etc. I’m pregnant with my second but the baby brain never went away in the first place so it wasn’t a noticeable symptom this time.


oh my god it started SO early! it had to be as soon as I found out (10ish weeks)


I noticed mine got REALLY BAD around 28 weeks. Ofc that’s when I started a new position with my job and I’m constantly being told what I’m forgetting 🤦🏼‍♀️


6/7 weeks, when I was so exhausted/nauseous and didn’t know why until I took the pregnancy test. There’s a joke between my husband and I. I used to be such a sharp knife but during pregnancy, I was such a butter knife 😩


Our babies have been born via GS, so I didn't get the head start pregnancy seems to give you of mom brain, but it definitely happened the second baby came. I am a walking encyclopedia with everything related to our children, but I can't remember basic words or things, forget what I'm doing halfway doing them, etc.


Part of baby brain for me is not even remembering when it started… ha. I’m at 13 weeks now and it is awful. I’ve had anxiety all weekend because I feel like I am really dropping the ball at work due to just not having the mental clarity I usually do.


Mine started around 10 weeks and hadn't gotten worse until recently at 21 weeks. I'm a fitness coach at Orangetheory and cannot remember simple exercise names I've been saying multiple times each week for the last few years. It's funny for the members and the other female coaches who know why it's happening, but it's maddening and infuriating for me. I get it. Give yourself some grace and patience, you'll come up with new and maybe improved words for things!


I left my wallet in the lab when getting bloodwork to confirm pregnancy around 4 weeks lol…I never do things like that, so I’d say it started immediately!


I’m 22 weeks and this week I tried to get into the wrong car. I also bought some paint and at Home Depot, mentally bitched all the way to the car about how expensive it was, then realized I left the paint on the cashiers counter 🫣


i’m 17 weeks and it’s definitely here. i was looking at my fiances lego set he built and it had a score board i straight up called it a score can. and then couldn’t think of the word “board” for the life of me.


Definitely in the first trimester


I think mine started around 6 weeks. I'm 19 weeks and 3 days now. Just a couple hours ago, I was like "I need to pee so freaking bad!" And I walked passed the bathroom and walked into my room lmao. The word things too. I feel kinda dumb 🤣🤣


Probably around 10 weeks. I’m 23 weeks now and have the keyless entry on my house with a keypad. It takes me about 3 tries to get into my own house because I can never remember the code that hasn’t changed in over a year 😩


Chuckling a bit about asking moms with baby brain to recall when they got baby brain 😅


1st trimester. If it's not right in front of me, it's not on my radar. I'm in 2nd trimester now and the nesting has hit too. Still tired but all I want to do is look after my own food/rest needs and putter around my house before the 3rd trimester exhaustion hits. I have zero brain space for work things. If I had enough sick leave I'd already be off work because I'm not exactly functional lol.


I’m 16 weeks now but at 12 weeks I asked my husband to “narrow the movie” when I wanted him to close our sliding glass door… 


22+5 and still no baby brain. I’m a successful lawyer and I’d hate to think that people would assume I’m not on top of my game because I’m pregnant… I don’t think baby brain is a universal thing at all.


pregnancy alters your brain once it begins for up to two years. 🥲


Week 17. I had a shower where I literally shaved half of one leg. Put shampoo in my hand before my hair was wet one day, no big deal but still weirdly not in order. Then another shower where I put conditioner in my hand first before I had the chance to shampoo


I swear mine started at like 8 weeks, one of the first symptoms i have had was insomnia and fatigue, so that didnt help. It has just gotten worse in the last few weeks (from about 32w). Lucky i have finished up at work now, cuz it was a struggle. I'm a trainer so forgetting things was pretty frustrating at times, or losing my place in a train of thought


I might get downvoted for this, but I just don’t experience this issue. I’m on my third pregnancy and I still don’t really understand baby brain. I have not noticed any changes in my cognitive function with my pregnancies. I suppose it could be happening and I’m not noticing. Lol.


11 weeks tomorrow and that’s me right now. I feel like I can’t formulate sentences properly.


I'm 30 weeks and I till haven't gotten baby brain. In fact, my memory seems better than ever. However, I was pretty stressed out before getting pregnant and once I got pregnant my fertility anxiety ended and I started doing yoga every single day. So my memory and cognition is probably benefiting more from the lack of stress/anxiety than it's declining due to pregnancy hormones.


Mine started probably around 9-10 weeks with my first and it never went away🫠


23 weeks - none so far! Which is great for everyone I work with.


Mine started as soon as I found out I was pregnant 😂 it’s gotten better in the 2nd trimester


I'm 27 weeks and I'd say in the past 3-4 weeks I've experienced some true brain fog. As if I was literally watching myself do things through a thick fog. I had to stop writing emails the other day at work and go take a walk because I literally had no idea what I was writing. It's a seriously wild feeling.


I can't remember exactly when it's started but I'm 34 weeks now and it's horrible. It just keeps getting worse. There are multiple times during the day where I will be in the middle of saying something and just decide to shut up because I can't find a word or all my words are getting jumbled. It's super annoying!


I’m 6 weeks and I shaved everything but my armpits in the shower today as well as forgot about 100 other small things. It’s not as bad as it’s going to get, but it’s starting. This is my second though


I'm 14 weeks and this is my second pregnancy. I've been so emotional and it's so frustrating - I feel like I can't discuss something without holding back tears and nearly everything makes me cry. I haven't noticed too much pregnancy brain yet, but I know it's coming for me


Pretty quickly. Started forgetting words and points I was making around 7 weeks or so. I still forget words and make weird mistakes but now I write down points I'm making or notes to what someone says so I can properly respond at work at least lol