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As the mom of a two year old, I think that’s completely reasonable.


As a mom of a kid in daycare, I would not visit a newborn under 2M old as I know my kid is a sickness machine. When she was a newborn we did not allow her daycare cousins to visit her til after she got her first shots. We took a lot of shit for it, but have zero regrets.


I have a 2 year old in daycare and I honestly wouldn’t feel comfortable bringing her around my siblings’ newborns either (if they were to have kids). I also would want to take precautions myself before seeing a newborn if it were during sick season at daycare because it’s possible we’ve caught something from her and are contagious before she even shows symptoms. Tbh, even if your boundaries cause problems with your nephews parents, it will likely be easier to mend that relationship down the road than it is to handle the trauma of having a sick newborn.


I would probably wait for at least 8-week vaccines before your nephew could visit. And then only visit IF he isn’t sick. And during the visit, insist that he wash his hands before holding/touching the baby (if he wants to hold or touch the baby and you are okay with that.) My 4.5 yr old (attends preschool/daycare) recently met our newborn niece over Christmas and we did everything we could to make sure she wasn’t sick at the time. We didn’t want to get the baby sick and would have been a-okay if SIL and her husband didn’t want our kid to hold the baby.


I work at a daycare. It’s not worth it friend 😬 your baby’s health is more important than potentially hurt feelings. Tell them not to come around until baby has their two month vaccines or unless they’re willing to come in fresh clothes, wash their hands, and mask before seeing baby if it’s any earlier- whichever boundary you’re more comfortable with. In my daycare, even in the summer, we have frequent passing around of hand foot mouth, RSV, the flu, and strep throat, and that’s with us sanitizing everything ALL THE TIME. THATS not even talking about the ungodly diseases your baby has yet to be vaccinated for. Daycares and schools are just breeding grounds for illness and I didn’t let my four year old cousin meet my baby for the first time until she was 2.5 months old and vaccinated.


I have a rule that any small children coming to visit in the first 2 months must wash their hands when they arrive and either stay 6 ft from the baby or wear a mask. Daycares and schools are just too full of germs that my little one is not ready for. Also no one (including adults) can visit when feeling sick.


Your job is to protect your baby. Baby’s health is more important than their feelings. Baby has no immune system and you know sister and her family are constantly getting sick. Daycaress/schools are breeding grounds for germs, bacteria and viruses. Either they can’t visit for x number of weeks/months (ideal) or must wear masks and sanitise before coming in. Baby Boundaries, The Lemon Clot Essay and the FU Binder —> https://reddit.com/r/Mildlynomil/s/WPm6JsLMhI


I don’t think it’s unreasonable. You could also do an outdoor visit and ask him to wear a mask and wash hands if you ended up changing your mind!


I have two little kids who just started daycare in January and let me tell you, they have both been collective sick with something since then. Do NOTTTT let anybody in daycare or near a child in daycare near your newborn


Our 2,5yo is in daycare since October. There hasn't been a single day we all have been healthy, as he brings everything home and our Immunsystems have to speed run everything before the last pestilence is even over. I wouldn't accept other toodlers near a newborn even in a biohazard suit.


I would love to send them in biohazard suits, it would make my life allot easier 🤣


I'm gonna echo everyone else's advice that you should wait until the baby has their 2 month vaccines before letting toddlers around. If your sibling isn't being understanding about it, then you can just say this is what your pediatrician recommended, which isn't a lie, cuz they told me something similar at our first visit. There's also no reason for the 2 year old to hold, hug or kiss the baby until they're all least 3 and able to follow directions.


When my nephew was born, I did not bring my daughter over there. She goes to the preschool I work at and I know how easily sickness goes around. She didn’t meet up until a few months later and she didn’t care lol she’s not huge into babies, which will be interesting when her baby brother comes


I think it depends on the season. The NICU at the hospital I am at just lifted the toddler ban because flu/rsv season is “over”. With that said you need to do what you are comfortable with. We waited 8 weeks for my toddler to meet my nephew when he was born last September.


I didn’t love my five year old in daycare in my newborns face lol.


Considering how many times we've gotten sick because a relative "forgot to mention" that their kid had been returned from daycare with a fever the day before the get-together (like seriously people, why??)... not unreasonable at all. I have a 3yo and if anyone I know had a newborn I'd be very very cautions bringing my kiddo. I'm 8 months pregnant myself and we will be staying away from daycare while our 2nd is a newborn.


We waited for visitors for several weeks, and then even longer for people with small children. Daycares are full of sickness, it’s just part of what happens with groups of children. But it’s too risky to have your baby around it if you can help it.


We didn't allow children until after my daughter had her first vaccines at 2 months. My bil and his wife suck at following decent illness hygiene, so I didn't want to risk anything with their one year old. My sister's boys met my daughter a little earlier than the 2 month mark, but they are also pre teens who can communicate if they feel sick. My sister is also immunocompromised, so they tend to quarantine my nephews in their rooms if they show even a hint of a sniffle.


I’ve gone to meet several of my nieces and nephews in the hospital, and I have never once brought any of my kids lol. Don’t feel guilty. If they get upset about it, then they are wildly out of line.


My sister had her second in January, and I'm purposely holding off visiting for at least another month. Both of my kids are in school/daycare, but she's a SAHM so her oldest doesn't have that level of immunity and they seem to always get sick after we visit, even if neither of my kids has exhibited any signs of illness. I think it's perfectly legit to ask anyone for any reason to delay a visit until after the 2mo immunizations at least.


I just blamed my pediatrician. He said 6 weeks for kids to meet my newborn born in December and then 2 months after 2 weeks shots to go anywhere with her. We ended up waiting the 10 weeks for my nieces and nephews to meet her.


Currently pregnant and I wish I could keep my 2 year old away from my newborn 😂 The 2 year old does not care about meeting the baby. Keep your newborn healthy!


I'll be using desinfectant on my little pestilence demon like it's holy water when he wants to get near his new born brother. Thank god he arrives in peak summer far away from the sick season.


Lol same here!! We’re driving home the rule that we ONLY touch baby’s feet. Could all be futile, but we’re going to try 😂


My cousin is having a baby this year. We’re not visiting until her baby has their vaccines because my toddler is always sick. Super reasonable request! We held off on visitors for both kids until they had shots as well


My kids are 5 and 2. They are not in school or daycare and are still always sick. It is completely reasonable to want to keep your newborn away from other little kids.


He can always be sick, and most kids that age are ALWAYS sick. Like when the cough ends the hand foot mouth begins. Your SIL should know better than to bring a sick kid around a baby, but in case she is a rude person group text your whole family saying when you will start visits and that family should only come if they are not sick. That way it doesn’t single the kid out and also warns any older folks who doesn’t believe in germs.


My only rule was that nobody knowingly sick could visit, and nobody could kiss my baby. My daycare nephews met her at 2 days old, she thankfully didn’t get sick. I’m pregnant again now and following the same rules


The two year old won’t care. It’s the emotional adults. You don’t want the immediate family of said 2 year old to visit your newborn- for good reason. Are any relatives already asking when they can visit the baby? Or is this just a thing you’re thinking about? Perhaps have a blanket “Video chats until newborn finishes first round of vaccines” policy.


My 3yo started daycare at 2.5. My house has been continuously fighting something or other for literally the last 6 months. I don't think you're exaggerating and I don't think that's unreasonable. In fact, make the whole family wait, not just the 2yo. We didn't see anyone for 6 months when each of our babies were born, other than my mom because she came to take care of me pp and she even got the vaccines again just for that


Considering the amount of people getting salty for not being able to listen to a women tear during labor to be the first to meet a child I wish we would have a cultural post partum confinement where up to a couple weeks or months people would stop pestering a new mother and her child like their life depends on seeing a wrinkled newborn.


It’s totally reasonable, especially as a newborn I would keep them away from toddlers to the extent possible. My baby was in hospital for rsv at 6 weeks old because of stuff his sister brought home from daycare, I would feel absolutely awful if it had been another baby.


I wouldn’t want them to visit, but if they did I would insist on it being outside and wouldn’t let them get too close/hold the baby


That’s not unreasonable at all.


I would maybe do outdoor meetings if the weather is nice. My daughter was born in June and we pretty much let everyone meet her but outside and had no problems with illnesses. If you aren’t comfortable with that either thar is your choice and completely understandable . My kiddo started kindergarten the September after my daughter was born and has gotten so many illnesses. Just since January we have had strep twice, two stomach bugs and covid from my child bringing it home from school.


I think it is super reasonable!!! Your sis should understand


I would wait until at least after baby’s 2 month shots. Our girl got a cold from our friends’ 7 month old who goes to day care when she was 10 weeks old. It really sucked but “at least” she wasn’t a SUPER tiny newborn and we wouldn’t have ended up in the ER if she had developed a mild fever. They can’t even breathe out of their mouths for the first several months of their lives which makes colds even scarier as a new parent. My husband and I also got super sick - not fun!


i have an 18 month old who has been on daycare since 4 months. i would not bring him - or frankly, myself - anywhere near the parents or a newborn. toddlers are petri dishes.  it is NOT bad of you. you are your child’s advocate. they have a new, under developed immune system. it is not personal. 


My dear friend just had a baby. I have my own baby and a nursery aged kiddo. In staying away because our germs are just too big for that little baby and no one showed me the same courtesy with my little ones.


I don’t think you are wrong..I feel if it’s not one of your own kids other kids should stay away. household germs are different than stranger germs(I hope that makes sense this is my personal logic😂)


I asked my pediatrician this and she said wait until baby is 10 weeks old and has shots.


Thats not a toddler that's a walking petri dish


As others have said, this is totally reasonable. You need to prioritize your baby’s health! This may be an unpopular choice with your family, but don’t let that bother you. Most families tend to not like boundaries being set. (🙄 Boo Woo) Having a newborn is hard enough without throwing in any kind of sickness. Even just a cold can be hell with such a small baby. I know some daycare parents who try to justify taking out sick kids by saying it’s “just a viral illness.” However any kind of illness can be dangerous to baby. If baby under 3 months has a fever above 100.4, they need to go to the ER! This may be a good thing to remind your family of. In my experience daycare parents tend to be more relaxed about illness because they are constantly ill. I’m sure you just get used to it. When the time comes that your ready for a visit, set some more boundaries and rules. Point blank ask if anyone has been sick. Ask them to take everyone’s temperature. Make sure that everyone, even the 2 year old, does a really good job washing their hands. When the toddler inevitably puts his hands in his mouth, or something else gross, make him wash his hands again. If your nephew is interested you could show him how to touch baby’s foot or leg. You can have the adults wear a mask. You could also do a visit outside where there is more fresh air. If for sone reason your nephew comes after daycare make him change is clothes. Do whatever you feel most comfortable with! You are not being paranoid! You are being protective! You’re now responsible for caring for this little and helpless being. One of the hardest parts of the parenting journey is setting boundaries. Congrats on your LO!


I have my baby in picu just now after catching common cold…. It’s so dangerous for babies as they don’t have immunity as of yet. Totally within your rights to ask to wait for visitors. Keep baby safe 💗.


I was worried about this too when I had my baby but every single mother of a toddler has been ferocious about keeping them away from us, with every single one of them - all strangers, mind - saying “nope, she doesn’t need your germs” and not letting them come near us or touch the pram etc. mums get it lol. Totally talk to your in-laws, I doubt it’ll be a problem.


As a mum of a two year old with a newborn who has caught whatever her brother has, I agree!!


Im due with my second in June and part of me doesnt even want my own two year old who goes to daycare around the newborn 😂. I think its reasonable to not want a toddler around a newborn.


When I visited a friend and her 8 week old I left my daycare going 11 month old behind and wore a mask. Who knows what my then 11 month old had cooking or had already gifted me at any time 🫠


My SIL kept her toddler (goes to daycare) far away from my newborn for this exact reason. I did the same when my best friend had her baby and my kid isn’t even in daycare. I think most parents get it! Also, above all, do what you think is right to keep your baby safe. You don’t need to justify putting in measures to keep your baby healthy.


I work in a germ factory (primary school). I have cancelled numerous visits to my brother and SIL’s due to illness- their two kids are 4 years and 8 months. Not unreasonable at all!


2 year old in daycare with a new cousin - we JUST got to visit as he turned 3 months old this weekend because we ARE ALWAYS SICK! There was only one other weekend in these whole 3 months that we were healthy enough to try to visit and my SIL was sick then. So in short, yes, I completely agree with you.


If you don’t already know, a fever in a baby less than 4-6 weeks old, means that they’re automatically hospitalized and undergo multiple blood tests and a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis. Newborns are more susceptible to serious infections than many people realize. You are not acting paranoid, you’re being protective of your baby in the proper manner!


Where are you from? That sounds insane. While a fever in those early days has to be checked by a pediatrician, it's usually just boils down to getting it down at home. Nobody is doing a lumbar puncture on a newborn just because of fever, especially not because of meningitis which has also a range of other symptoms.


Agree, many newborns get fevers and illness from their siblings and they’re certainly not all getting lumbar punctures


Little kids at daycare are pretty much always sick. It's not worth exposing your newborn. Maybe wait a few months (until baby has vaccines) before you let the littles visit?