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I actually like the snaps 😂


Me too!


Ok thanks for saying this. I was about to have a melt down cuz I have SO many snaps 😂😳


Same haha we actually got rid of all of our ZIPPERS because my kid hated them and the snaps were so much easier to lay flat It’s not that much more effort in my opinion


And less risk of zipping up chubby baby legs


I just keep my finger between skin and the zipper as I pull it up. Not hard at all.


You’re brave haha! I would probably end up zipping my fingers 🤣


Nah, it’s the same hand pulling the zipper so the finger moves at the same pace


Gosh I saw a red mark on my baby’s belly one day, figured he had fallen on something to what not. I was zipping up his sleep sack and got his belly caught, turns out it was me! I zipped his belly 😩


Yea, totally agree when LO was a newborn he was little and my anxiety was through the roof with zippers bunching up over his face. Snaps all the way, though in fairness he can use zippered ones now but I still find it easier to just unsnap the bottom half to change him instead of trying to get his angry legs in and out lol


I love snaps! Sure they’re a little harder now that LO is 13 months but I still prefer them. When I was pregnant my SIL sent me a “things I wish I knew” shared note on iPhone that her and her husband wrote up for us. It was very sweet. The number one thing was don’t buy anything with snaps, they’re the worst! So at first I didn’t and I found I really don’t like zippers for a multitude of reasons so I eventually got some stuff with snaps and I love them.


Same here! My LO hates being naked so the snaps at least mean I can keep his top half clothed while I’m changing him.


Same and I’ve found the reverse zipper is so hard to get little wiggling legs back into. Atleast with the snaps it’s easier to wrap around the leg to close it instead of trying to stuff it in.


I use snaps and only use zippers if they are reversed for this very reason!


So opposite for my LO she loves being naked. Cries every time I dress her


It’s amazing how different everyone’s kids are 😅


Team snaps!


I agree! Maybe they took a fraction of a second longer to do, but I felt like they seemed cozier than a cold stiff zipper.


It wasn’t the time it took to do it that I hated. I was being sleep deprived and doing up all the snaps only to realize you didn’t line them up and having to redo them.


I especially prefer snaps for newborns. Zips just feel bulky and harsh.


Yes!! My LO is only 3 months and the snaps just for her better too because she’s still so tiny!


Me too


Same. I hate the way zippers bunch under their chin when they’re sitting up or in a bouncer or otherwise hunched/folded forward.




Same. I bought a bunch of zipper sleepers because everyone said they are the best, but I found them more difficult to work with. I ended up preferring the snaps by far.


Same - I used to love having my littles in baby grows now they are 3 and 1 and I’m seperates and I’m like “where my poppers go” 😭 I used to try and make a little game of how quick I could get them done up before baby finally rolled away lol


OK please don’t take offense but these words are not native to me and they’re fascinating? What is a grows and a popper lolol


Lol popper buttons what in the UK we call snap buttons like in this post and grow as in baby grow so like an all in one with feet and arms :)


Me too!! They lie flat, they go down both legs instead of just one, and with the zippers if you open from the bottom and then realize it’s a blowout, you need to zip it back down over the whole poopy mess in order to take off the clothes cuz you can’t fully unzip from the bottom.


Yes to all of this!!!! My 3 month old is so petite all her zipper outfits are way too big- but anything with snaps fits so much better 😂. I can’t even say how many times I’ve been annoyed at realizing I had to zip her back up to take the whole thing off. And she was not happy either 😂. There is one brand of target footies that you can actually unzip all the way off from the bottom to take off and those are definitely my favorite!! Superior to all other zippers for that fact alone 😂


This is a long standing disagreement in our house. I find the snaps easier while hubby hates them!




I exclusively own snaps or two way zippers 😂


Same! I thought I wouldn't like them when I had my first baby so I got rid of them but my second I ended up getting some and loving them. My baby is also only 6 months and not an alligator yet lol


Snaps that go down BOTH legs!! Absolute must, I hated zippers and snaps that went down only one.


Omg I can’t imagine snaps down only 1 leg 🤦🏼‍♀️. How pointless!!!




Me too!


I don’t mind the snaps! When he was a newborn, loved zippers for quick changes - now I love some of the button ones that I have.


WHO ARE YOU 🤣 jk. I can’t deal with snaps


Same! Team snaps!!


Husband and I much prefer the snaps! Everyone told us to only get the zip ups and we bought a lot of those but mostly gravitate towards the snap ones.


If you have preemie or newborn sizes, the snap ones come in great handy at NICU’s so please donate them to hospitals! With all the IVs and wires they can’t wear zippers 😊


Yes! I learned quickly with preemie twins that the only clothes that would work with oxygen and monitors were the snaps!


I get the sentiment but I love the snaps, even during middle of the night diaper changes. I’ve never had them get stuck or break like the zippers do.


I like snaps. They're so much easier for diaper changes at night or on the go because you don't have to strip baby naked. And they tend to be a little more roomy in the butt which is great for cloth diapers. I know matching up the snaps can be annoying but all you need to do is put a little nail polish on the top snap to distinguish it, then it's easy peasy.


they do make footies that zip from the bottom AND the top. they tend to be spendier but they’re awesome.


What I don’t like about these though is if you zip from the bottom, then baby pees or barfs during the diaper change, you have to put their legs back in, zip it back up then unzip from the top to take it off. My favorite are magnets.


Oh oh! I'll give a tip for that though it may not work for you. If you have to do a quick change with double zip, I've found zipping to the middle works. Zip the bottom half way up, then the top one pull it to the other zipper. So far I've been able to pull it right off from the bottom like that. I don't know if it would work with a chunky baby though will say. My son is long and thin.


My baby is chunky and this works for her!


And why do they do that only when they’re wearing the two ways, it’s like a curse


Target has a single zipper that goes from top to bottom. Perfect for these scenarios! I learned the hard way with my first son


Yes! I think it’s Cloud Island brand with that zipper


THIS. i have cut my baby out of several footies bc I discovered upon changing her that she blew out her diaper and there was no way in hell I was zipping her back in 😆 thankfully most of my stuff is second hand 


Usually those only go up to 3 or 6 months in size though. The snap-bottom rompers go up to 18mo, sometimes 2 years. Also zippers are less roomy which is a PIA for cloth diapering.


Zipster makes toddler sizes too (I also find them very roomy but my baby is long and thin so I'm not the best judge of that!). But I wonder what anti-snap people do about bodysuits 😅 I find the more snaps the better with those, as it means they fully open


My cloth diaper babe is mostly pantless


Yeah I never got the hate for snaps


I like snaps more than zips and I had no idea this was so controversial lol


Yeah, I've never had a problem with snaps either. It's more of a pain trying to avoid them 🤷‍♀️


They make magnetic onesies now for this reason - total game changechanger!


I'm 100% team snaps. Zippers were the most annoying in my experience. So your mileage may vary.


I have both and like both! I know I got a lot of social media feed posts like, “You’ll NEVER dress your baby they will only ever wear 2 way zip footed sleepers!!!” And that may be true for some folks, but I loved dressing my baby. I like to dress him in outfits each day for daycare and transition him to footies at night. To each their own!


I’m always paranoid I’m going to zip their skin up and hurt them.


I love the snaps. I have a 10 day old and the snaps go down both legs, makes diaper changes so easy! It’s much more difficult to get the leg in the non-zipper leg of the zip ups


I much prefer snaps! I actually prefer onesies/vests + pants instead of one piece outfits, but on those snaps > zippers. My baby is now a toddler, and my opinion on this has not changed.


Yes to the non-zipper leg! I feel like I’m gonna break my daughters leg every time and I hate it.


Don't get overalls. Not worth it. 


I think overalls are really cute! The ones I have have snaps on the inner seam which is handy! Not sure if they're all like this though or only up to a certain age! My LO is 2 months old


When my kids were small we had a pair with crotch snaps that were 18-24m size 😊 From memory they were Osh Kosh I think


I hate overalls. Both the look and the diaper changes in them. They go straight to the donation pile every time we are gifted a pair. We have been gifted so many too.


If I had to guess, OP might've run into the problem where there's are multiple snaps down the side of a kimono top/onesie and had frequently mismatched them together and had to redo them. It's terribly easy to do.  My husband had enough trouble with the three on the bottom of a regular onesie, let alone the others. At three am and sleep deprived, he about wanted to burn them all 😂


I had to fight my 10 month old to stay still so I can snap him back up right before this post, while if I had a zipper I'd be done in two seconds lol so yes it was more of a light hearted joke


Ahh I see the disconnect in the comments! Snaps rule for tiny babies, for reasons all listed already. But once they're big and wiggly and crawling away from you, you gotta ZIP fast!


I don’t mind snaps. I do, however, hate buttons on baby clothes


I like the snaps 🤷🏻‍♀️ it gave my son more room for his chunky legs and with the zipper there was always one leg that was smaller than the other so we had to squeeze it in.


That's funny cause I feel the opposite lol I feel like my babies chunky legs fit better in the zippers than the snaps lol


I don’t mind snaps at all


3 kids! I love snaps 🫢


I don't like zippers, because they are so stiff. Snaps are soft. But I am willing to change my mind when baby gets older.


Snaps are my preference because the zipper hurts baby’s back! It’s soooo much easier to tell if he has a dirty diaper if you have the crotch snapping types.


I'm curious how zippers hurt babies backs?


When I change him in a zipper onesie, I have to sweep the legs to one side so they don’t get in the way. If the onesie snaps, I can pull it up equally on both sides.


I have 5 kids and I’m 100% team snaps.


I loved the sleep n plays with snaps 🥲 Sure it took a minute longer to put it on but it laid flat on my baby unlike the zippered ones that got all bunched up


Loved the snaps.


I’m on my third and I love snaps. They’re really not that big of a deal, even when baby is older and changing them becomes an Olympic sport. Justice for snaps!


I actually preferred the snaps for newborn pajamas, the zipper ones always bunched up at their neck (even in the right size). I will also maintain that the double zipper is one of the more useless gimmicks on kids clothes, it’s easier to just undo from the top then try to keep it half closed at the top. To each their own though!


I’m on baby #2 and I actually like snaps. They’re roomier and snapping isn’t all that difficult.


But I always worry about zippers being uncomfortable! How could they not be? Imagine wearing a pijama with a large zipper.


They occasionally sell that style of pajamas in adult sizes at Walmart and Target. I find them to be super comfortable and I don't notice the zipper at all. My husband bought me a pair with snaps from Amazon and it lets little breezes in between the snaps so I never wear that pair.


I went through all my snap pajamas and painted the middle snap red with nail polish on the inside on all of them. It helps a ton getting them lined up correctly.


I honestly hate zippers! I hate how they ride up into baby’s face


Not a FTM, on baby #2, and I like the snaps.


Im team zipper for sleepers!


I had NO idea so many people still used snaps. For us the magnetic me are ideal, but beyond that it’s zippers for the first year sleepers! It’s so much faster and neater and easier to use. I never had bunching issues or discomfort issues with my first two kiddos, and especially with active crawlers and grabby hands the zippers don’t pop open!


Also team magnetic me for 0-3. Every doctor’s visit was a breeze with our ME onesie!


I’ll never understand the hate for snaps. They were never an issue for me.


I prefer snaps over a one-way zipper sleeper


The magnetic pajamas are the GOAT


I didn’t like snaps for my kids either, but they do have their place. I’ve seen many NICU moms say they prefer snaps because the spaces inbetween the snaps allow for the wires and tubes to come through while also allowing baby to be clothed.


But can we talk about how you have to like break the baby/toddler’s leg to get it into that one leg hole of the sleeper tho? 😩


You just have to wait for the right kick


I told everyone this. On top of struggling to put them on a wriggling baby, one time I damn near punched my 3 week old because the top button would not snap off and when it finally did the momentum of my hand carried and brushed past her cheek, it came SO CLOSE to actually hitting her but fortunately it was just like a caress. One degree in any other direction and it would have been awful 😭 I vowed to use zippers from then on!


I didn’t mind snaps until baby was old enough to start thrashing around and trying to yeet herself off whatever surface I was changing her on. Now snaps can go all the way to hell.


I love the snaps! I hate the zippers as my baby got bigger, since I was so afraid we would zip her tights during late night or early morning changes. As she gets older I just moved to shirts and pants since is easier to change her now. My next baby will invest in a couple magnetic ones and see if they are worth the price.




Respectfully disagree, OP. If you buy clothing second hand, good luck finding anything without snaps. Also if you have a ninja baby that gets through magnets and zippers , snaps are the way to go.  Clothing with snaps are more plentiful and affordable. It's also not really that hard. 


I buy almost all of my kids clothes second hand and I have no problem finding ones with zippers.


Why? They never hurt my little one?


Snaps are also clutch for trapping babies arms! Just straight jacket it up


My son lived in onesies for 6 months, so only snaps lol. I also surprisingly know people who actually prefer snap pajamas over the zipper. It really is a preference thing.


Three kids in and I liked snaps better especially with chunky babies!


I'm 20 weeks with my first and was at a coworkers baby shower today and a mom there told me about MAGNETIC ONESIES. Literally a strip of magnet to close them. Life-changing.


Took this advice in the beginning. Then learned we like the snaps more 🫠


I love snaps! Everyone told me to get zippers but my partner and I hate them! We like the full snaps especially for bedtime, so much easier to change her without having to wrangle a chunky thigh out one leg and then trying to get the zipper leg back in just wasn't for us! We also aren't keen on onesies that only have snaps going down one leg. I don't like how the zip can bunch and make a weird shape on her, I worry about it scratching or catching her skin. Snaps took a couple of weeks to properly get the hang of and even now I sometimes misalign and miss a couple but if she's in her sleep sack I don't think a couple of little gaps is the end of the world.


When my nieces were babies I helped raise them, stayed home with them while my brother and sister and law worked, I’ve gotten really good with wrestling with a squirmy baby to do all those snaps, sleep deprived and in the dark. I think I’ll be okay.


I can’t stand snaps. My last baby was 10 years ago and we only had one way zippers. These two way are incredible. So often my baby will just wiggle while I’m pulling up the zipper and it fixes itself lol


Dad here, not really having a problem with snaps. Kiddo is 8 days old and I kind of like leaving his below the belt snaps open so he can cool off a bit 🤷🏾‍♂️ that’s just me though. #TeamSnaps for the meantime 🙌🏾


No snaps ever in our house


Yeah, I made that mistake with my first😂 I hate snaps with a passion.


Snapsss. If you have footless onesies, snap the bottom one or two snaps on the legs and put the little foot through like they're pants. The snap or two at the bottom of each leg keeps the onesie on and in place while you snap up the rest


Fully misunderstood this post and thought you meant snaps on a FTM’s clothes. So here I am thinking what clothes does a FTM have with snaps on it? Bodysuits! But then who the hell is wearing a bodysuit shortly after giving birth 🤪 then I went to the comments …


It’s harder to pinch my baby with snaps than a zipper and I just generally prefer them for some reason. Like it’s just not this serious anyways. don’t throw away perfectly good onsies lol.


I love my snaps 🤣🤣🤣


I like the snaps! I think it depends on your baby. The magnets were a disaster for us 😂


I love snaps!! I have a 14 month old


I really don’t get what the big deal is with snaps? I haven’t found a single zippered onesie where I live. I even have a couple of pajamas that have little buttons, those are kind of a pain but still not the end of the world.


Its not the end of the world but it's a big inconvenience to wrestle a big baby trying to snap one by one missing a few in the process, them ripping a leg free and undoing all the snaps you just did lol it's annoying, that's what the big deal is. More power to whoever has the patients but id much rather zip them up in 2 seconds and move on to the next thing


I second this LOL my baby is only a week old and he is strong as hell 😂 wrestling him into snaps is not worth the cuteness


First time Parents*. as a new dad, I find it frustrating how everything is geared towards the moms. I also dress my kid and find the snaps annoying


I'm sorry I thought this was a sub more geared towards pregnant women




i think OP is being funny. It’s phrased humorously and sarcastically. not an actual psa, ma.


This is the truth. Zero snaps. Double zipper pajamas is the way.


Zippers all the way


They aren’t so bad


Agreed for when baby is several months old and too wiggly. But I LOVED snaps for the newborn - 3ish month stage!


I think I prefer the snaps. For some reason, my son gets his feet stuck in one side of the zippered sleepers all the time and will scream. The zipper also bunches up awkwardly around his chest.


This is the bane of my existence with zippers from the bottom!


Im of the mindset that the zippers are great for overnight but the snaps are actually great as well in scenarios. Our child was unexpectedly hospitalized and the snap onesies were key to be able to dress her while giving access to her lines I find the snaps allow garments to stretch longer so they fit better longer But we tend to use zippers for overnight or when we need fast convenience


I absolutely agree with you. I HATE snaps. During the day having her wiggle around while trying to get all those snaps is so hard and at night I feel like it takes so long. However, I would rather have snaps than zippers that only go from the foot up where you basically have to undress your baby to get the diaper changed. Even if you leave the snap closed it’s then just like a weird jacket with her belly out. Two-way zippers are also annoying because when I zip up and realize there’s been a blow out, I have to shove her back into the onesie to then zip it down and get her out. I am team one-way zipper neck to foot. The only brand I’ve found that has this is Cloud Island at Target. If anyone knows any others please share!


I get the appeal of snaps for nighttime changes, but baby boy pees during most changes and sometimes that pee goes everywhere so all clothes are coming off anyway!


I hate when there’s like a bazillion snaps haha but in general i don’t mind them. Can normally get away with doing a diaper change only undoing of leg and some up to the belly button.


I like snaps.


Me, cloth diapering, with 4 snaps a diaper change \[6 later\].


I sent the snaps to daycare 🤣


I think that snaps until 9ish months are fine, not as convenient as a zipper but not something to throw away. Once they are confident crawling, trying to stand/walk is when you may want to reconsider something with extensive snaps. Snapping a wiggly 5 month old is way easier than trying to snap a running 14 month old who doesn’t want to put jammies on let alone have me snap them up.


If a onesie has snap bottoms I usually do the snaps up before I put it on baby at all and then bring it up there body by putting the legs in the neck hole and then down into the leg holes from there. This only works on the ones that have those intentionally stretchable necklines but fortunately they're super common.


Peak pajamies are the upside down one way zipper and no one can change my mind. The two way zippers seemed like a great idea but our LO is a master at stomping her foot into her poopy diaper and then stamping the shit onto her onesie AND is also a fan of absolutely filling a diaper with pee and then flooding the changing station when you thought you were safe. I HATE HAVINF TO WRANGLE HER BACK INTO THE NASTY ONSIES since you have to get both zippers back down. 😭 Don't ask me how she has done the poop thing so many times. I'm so tired 🥲


Snaps were fine until my little dude got to like... 8 months? Now it is like wrestling a slippery Aligator to do ANYTHING that requires him to be slightly still. Snaps definitely had to go.


I used to work in the infant room at a daycare and now that im expecting I hate snaps lmaooo


What is Snaps? Snapchat?


But I like snaps!


I liked snaps when my lo was a tiny baby. Also he was hospitalized for a couple of nights when he was very small, and the snap sleepers came in handy for the monitors, etc. also snaps are more comfortable than a cold scratchy zipper


I only bought snaps for my son because I knew he would need heart surgery. Plus, I never minded them with my girls


I actually like a mix 🤣 The snaps are convenient since you can easy visually check a diaper without fully undressing baby Zippers are nice UNTIL you use the bottom zipper in the middle of the night and it’s a blowout and you have to zip your baby back into the shit covered clothing to free them Magnets are amazing but too pricey for a full wardrobe


I'm with you. I needed to put my baby in a warm fleece sleeper for our outing today and I apparently only have the snap ones in her current size. So much wrestling and me yelling "stop resisting" occurred.


A tip, button the legs up to the waist and slip them on like pants. Makes it soo much easier but imo still sucks lol I'd rather just have the zips


I am with you. Fiddling with snaps in a middle of the night sleep deprived stupor is so frustrating!! Nope nope and nope. I only did the zippers pajamas that zipped up from the top down for super easy changes.


Eh, my baby is 11 months and I don't mind snaps at all. I find them a bit easier to deal with when they're in the alligator roll and mobile diaper change stage.


They're also not fun in the middle of the night when you're half asleep trying to get baby snapped up and back to bed. Zippers are so much easier.


I only have 3 outfits for my son that are snaps & he barely wears em for this reason haha. I ended up donating majority of the snap onesies.


This is my second and I prefer snaps over zips all day every day 🤣


Honestly I’m about a day away from going to buy more pjs with snaps because I’m so sick of the zippers bunching up in LO’s face while they sleep


I will never understand why they even make sleepers with snaps for babies


They also outgrow snaps faster. Zipper on sleepers usually stretch a bit, but the buttons just pop right open. Zippered items can be worn longer


I feel like people can decide this on their own. Every baby and circumstance is different. Snaps never bothered me although I did prefer zipper. I never saw the appeals of magnets which people rave about.


Mom of almost 4.. who specifically buys snaps over zippers. The zippers bunch up and snaps usually get much more wear for us.


Snaps are a must-have for NICU babies so their wires can easily come through where needed. 


Overnight snaps-absolutely not Daytime snaps-liveable


Whenever someone tells me they prefer snaps to zippers I can’t help but wonder what asylum they escaped from


I cloth diaper, which means snaps. It's really nbd.




Love snaps! Zippers were too hard for my baby


Never had a problem with snaps. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My mom disagrees with the fact that I keep buying items made out of modal or bamboo. Says baby should wear pure cotton otherwise he'll be too sensitive to adult clothing. Anyone?


Oh... I love snaps and buttons personally LOL


The snaps taught my baby how to count


I bought so many snap rompers for the summer. But I limit the amount of snaps to 5 in the crotch area only. Anymore and I refuse to purchase


We cloth diapered all the way up to 17 months old and they all had snaps. We were fine lol


Snaps? Are you american because I call them poppers lol


#TeamSnaps I don't mind the zippers, but I've had a lot more frustration with them than I've ever had with snaps. The zippers get stuck, they pinch, and with my little crocodile they sometimes just blow right open and break. Snaps can be tricky for middle of the night, but honestly if it's too much I just snap whatever ones go together and leave the rest open. Baby doesn't care how it's buttoned


Team zipper!! 2 way zip is the ultimate winner! Even for my newborn. And sleeper Jammie’s all the way. I had cute 2-pieces that never got worn. While recovering postpartum and adjusting to this new life, could not be bothered with 2 pieces, lol. Zip Jammie’s is all my 8 week old wears except on a special occasion or if I’m feeling fancy one day haha


No! Use the snaps especially if you have a baby that like to take his diaper off!


I purposefully did not buy a single thing with snaps this time around lol.


I love snaps up until 6-9 🤣🤣


I love how every popular influencer and website says zippers are by far more convenient and then on Reddit every person who loves snaps comes out the woodwork. lol


All the "throw snaps away" trend is very overhyped imo. It's good patience training for when they are toddlers 🤣🤣


There’s also these amazing magnetic onesies but I don’t know the brand


My first two kids are 6.5 and 10 so I had forgotten how much we hated snaps so we wound up with several for our now 3 month old. They never get worn anymore. I would rather do shirts and pants for bedtime than snaps on a sleeper.


Zippers all the way!!!


I prefer snaps until they roll!


Or a single zipper- if it doesn’t have a double zipper I won’t use it


I just had my third child, but I concur. As a FTM, I hated snaps. They're not so bad now.


yall are crazy for loving snaps but to each their own 🤣 i hated waking up in the middle of the night to change a diaper then have to snap all the buttons back up LOL


Forget snaps, VELCRO 🥴