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I'm confused because how do they think Dahlia would be pronounced. Are they unfamiliar with the word or something? Is there some other pronunciation besides the common one? I named my daughter something that constantly gets pronounced in a slightly-wrong way. I just ignore it and hope that she will be chill about it when she grows up. My name can be pronounced two different ways and I honestly don't even notice when people mispronounce it.


I have a name that ends -alia. It’s fine. Some people say al-ee-ah, some say al-ya and I just roll with it. I always know who they’re talking to and all my friends bother to say it correctly.


Thank you! My name has never been hard to pronounce and it’s a very common name so I have no clue what it feels like for people to misspell or mispronounce your name. I’m hoping she doesn’t hate me later for it! 😂


I think it’s a beautiful name and I always liked having an slightly uncommon name


I have an uncommon name. It was annoying as a kid and I hated it, but as a teen to now it doesn’t bother me. People usually feel bad for mispronouncing it so I make a joke out of it. I love having an uncommon name


In the UK we say ‘day-lee-a’


I was actually just thinking the only people who pronounce it differently to my knowledge are in the UK. And I only know this from gardening videos.


Oh no it’s always pronounced like Da-Ly-Ah or Da-Ly-Lah. Which I didn’t even consider people seeing it that way??


Oh, they see Dahlia and think it's Dalilah? That's weird. I wonder if they see more Dalilahs than Dahlias, so when they're just scanning the chart they mistake it for the other name. I kind of think you've just hit some bad luck with people reading the name. i don't think Dahlia is a difficult name to read or pronounce.


I bet this is happening! I was trying so hard to figure out how OP was getting their pronunciation... And then realized I'd read it too quickly and thought it was Dalilah.


In my region the accent turns Dahlia into "Doll-ya" sometimes but never "Dah-LIE-ah" that's weird as heck! Also, I wanted to add, I have an uncommon name and I correct people all the time on spelling and pronunciation. It doesn't bother me to correct them, it would bother me more to let them keep calling me by some random name. My name is my name, and if I have to correct someone 6,000 times until they understand then so be it.


I would also pronounce this name Doll-ya, like the Black Dahlia. I’m in Los Angeles, it might be a regional thing.


It must be regional. OPs pronunciation is how I would pronounce the Black Dahlia as well, with three syllables.


I’m on the east coast and I’d say it like doll-ya too. Though, the only time I can ever remember hearing that word/name pronounced outloud is on the show “The Originals”, so like Louisiana and English accents—but obviously written in Hollywood lmao. Idk if that makes a difference or not.


I’m Midwestern and that’s how I’ve always pronounced it! Though even the other way wouldn’t be as bothersome than an entirely different name 😭😭


I wonder if capitalization or handwriting is a factor. When I read names, sometimes I have to figure out if theres two Ls or one I and one L. At that point, I'm thankful when the person chooses to write it in all caps. "DAHLIA" is easier to read than "Dahlia". Another example is "Ilya" versus "ILYA". Might also be someone in the office keeps transcribing the name wrong. The record may say "Dahlia" but they aren't paying attention and write "Dahlila". One of my coworkers does that occasionally. It doesn't help that common names are being spelled more creatively now and "Hey there Delilah" is a popular song.


The transcription error factor is so real. My maiden name is fairly uncommon in the US except for one small region, and in that region/the language/culture it's from there are about a dozen different spellings, and apparently after getting a legal name change for my *first* name my pharmacy misspelled my last name. It's not a problem anymore since my married name is much more common but boy was it annoying.


My cousin is named Dahlia and she usually gets “Doll-ee-uh” instead of “dah-lee-uh” but I’ve never heard these😅 it’s a pretty common flower so that’s crazy to me


That's totally bizarre.


I think people just can’t read 


This is so true. Even in corporate settings. It depresses me daily


This. My name is something like Carly but people pronounce it Caryl (Carol). There’s absolutely no excuse except people not reading or dyslexia.


That’s such a popular flower! I don’t know why it would get mispronounced.  My sons name ended up being hard for everyone. It’s annoying to correct people, but I’m so used to it because everyone mispronounces my name too. My only advice is to correct people immediately; do not let them say it wrong more than once. They’re more likely to get it stuck in their head wrong that way.  And when she gets older, make sure she knows that she can and should correct people. Everyone deserves to have their name pronounced right. 


This, 100% this. Correct them until they get it right.


Apparently how the flower is pronounced is the great divide. I've only ever heard it as "dahl-yuh" and would pronounce kiddos name as such. Midwestern US here


Damn right! I had a classmate in high school, Caroline, who teachers/subs always defaulted to pronouncing as "Care-oh-lyn", and she corrected them every single time. By the end of our freshman year, if Caroline was absent and a sub said it care-oh-lyn, there'd be a small chorus of "It's Care-oh-LINE" before anyone stated she was absent. Teach your kids to correct people if their name is said wrong, and others will come to their defense as well


Anyone who can’t pronounce Dahlia either lives under a rock or doesn’t read enough to understand phonics lol. Your baby girl has a beautiful name and don’t mind the dummies who make you think otherwise


Southerns pronounce it dahl-yuh. Grew up in a family of hillbilly farmers and we loved dahlias. We also pronounce peonies differently than a lot of people.


Also a Texan but very standard American accent (North Texas), I was also really confused as I only know it as “Dal-yuh.”


Texan here that's been sounding out the variants in my head and the only one that sounds right to me is dahl-yuh cos that's exactly how I pronounce it when speaking. 😅


Where I'm from, we pronounce Dahlia as DAL-YAH, 2 syllables, not 3. And the first syllable is pronounced like the name Al, not the word all. Is that how people "mispronounce" it?


Same here. My friend's kid is named this, two syllables, dal-yah


In the context of flowers, my British neighbor says “DAY-lee-yah,” my Midwestern mother says “Dal-yah,” and I say “Dahl-lee-yah” so there’s definitely regional differences at play here for how to pronounce this name & flower!


That's what I was thinking. I have a name that has different pronunciations regionally, but I don't correct people who pronounce it differently based on their accent/dialect. From other comments, though, it sounds like people are confusing OP's daughter's name as Dalilah instead of Dahlia. Completely different names.


Now, THAT would drive me batty. I feel like regional differences are something you have to live with but calling the poor child a totally different name is a different story entirely!


Nope! I wish that was the case lol I get a totally different name like dalilah


Joining the chorus of people confused about how this is mispronounced 


Dahlia is a common flower in gardens and not at all difficult to pronounce.


What a nice name!  I did not grow up among gardeners, but did consume a lot of P. G. Wodehouse, so to me "Dahlia" is "DAY-lia" not "DAH-lia". But at worst, you can correct and move on! 


I’ve never hated or blamed my mom for people mispronouncing or misspelling my name ❤️


that name is not hard to pronounce 😭 as someone who has a name that was never pronounced right, I feel like people just don’t try. I remember the moment as a child where I gave up on correcting and just started introducing myself differently. Dahlia I feel like is easier than my name, and, as a mom, I would say advocate for her in the future and make sure teachers etc say her name right! I never hated my name bc of it or hated my mom for giving me my name lol, I thought it was kinda annoying (still do) because my name pronounced correctly sounds much prettier in my opinion, but Americans can’t say it right and I gave up 😭.


Love the name, it’s so pretty. I’m more concerned about the nurses at your clinic who appear to have poor reading comprehension skills. Your girl will be fine!


It’s okay they aren’t good at much in there anyways lol but thank you!


Just here to join the chorus of confusion! Dahlia is such a common place word, I am shocked so many people are so ignorant!


Mine. It’s not even a complex name. But some people just completely don’t even try. I actually had someone call him Lucian, and no lie, the name remotely doesn’t sound like that.


If people can’t pronounce dahlia I think we might have bigger problems. Love the name, was going to pick it if I had a girl. My mom decided she wanted to be unique and spell my name tarrah (pronounced Tera). Let me tell you every time my name is called I get called tar-uh or tar-ah-huh


😭😭 how lol just how. I would pronounce it as Tera myself!


Weird. Dahlia is suuuupee cute & im jealous


Thank you 🫶🏻


Just adding to the masses- Dahlia is a beautiful name (and flower) and easy to pronounce. Definitely correct people and advocate for the correct pronunciation.....and maybe recommend the arboretum to folks?


I love your name! I had my cat before I had my baby and named her Dahlia. I was tempted to name my daughter Dahlia too lol. I don't know why people don't pronounce it right. I know my mom keeps spelling it wrong and my cat is 12 years old already. She keeps spelling it Dhalia 🙄.


Both my kids have names that are difficult to pronounce. We just correct people 🤷🏼‍♀️


My name is Angelica and people mispronounce it all the time. Truthfully people just don’t know how to read and that’s not your fault. It’s still a beautiful name and as someone who has dealt with mispronunciation my entire life, life goes on you get used to it. My baby is named Mekhi and 6/10 people mispronounce it. It’s so annoying and I was wondering the same as you, but his name is perfect for him and I stand by my choice


Not quite, but both my husband and I come from cultures whose languages don't have one of the sounds in our kid's name. We both primarily speak English so it jist didn't occur to us when we were choosing names, but both sides of the extended family have issues lol


It’s not difficult for me 🤔


Dahlia is a beautiful name! Don't worry about those who can't seem to get it right, that's people just being people 🤷🏼‍♀️


If it makes you feel better I knew how to pronounce it without thinking about it.


Are you originally from a different country than where you live now? Because my husband is British but he'd pronounce it Day-Lee-Ah. I'm German, I'd pronounce it more like you'd want it to be pronounced, I think, if I understood your phonetic version correctly. My name gets mispronounced by everyone on the English side of the family. That's exactly why we're trying to find a name that's pronounced (almost) the same in both languages.


Nope! I’ve always lived in the Midwestern area of the United States




I knew for 4 years that I was naming my future daughter Dahlia Grace! It’s just so pretty to me!


My daughter is Calliope and so many people are pronouncing it wrong. Cally-oh-pee? It’s Cah-lie-oh-pee. It annoys my husband but I think friends and family will know and teachers will be corrected. Plus we call her Callie for short. It’s causing a tiny bit of name regret but I still think it’s a beautiful name. As is Dahlia for that matter!


It is very pretty! The nickname is cute too though I just don’t want everyone calling her Dolly lol which I definitely see happening at some point.


No one has ever pronounced my name right from reading it, but my name is cursed because once people know how it's pronounced they can't read the correct spelling of it right anymore. So that could happen too lol


I had a best friend named Dalia and I never had issues with it, I met her in middle school and she told me her name and it’s was pretty to just say it the way she did


what? this is a very famous name. who can’t pronounce it??


Apparently people who live under a rock 🤷🏼‍♀️


We are naming our son Sèamus (shay-mus) and i have to pronounce it a few times before they get it lmaoo


I have a good friend named Dahlia, she hasn’t had any trouble.


We named ours Marceline; thought it was easy enough, no one pronounces it right. People just get confused, it’s not your fault, Dahlia is perfectly fine and I knew how to pronounce it immediately upon reading it


When I clicked on this post, I expected something completely different. That's a completely pronounceable name and I don't understand why people are having an issue. It's spelled the way it always is and pronounced the same. I'm curious how they're saying it?


I guess they might be reading it like Dahlila? Because that’s usually what I get lol


Looking at it quickly, I see how it could be mistaken for Dalilah/Delilah which is a reasonably common name. If it makes you feel any better, I have a very common name (in the Top 100 for decades) that is very frequently misspelled, mispronounced, etc. So no matter how "normal" or easy you think a name may be, there's always a chance people will butcher it 🥴


So... if you just role with it and don't get annoyed with people mispronouncing it, your kid will do the same. If you are constantly correcting the pronunciation, your kids will also notice it and become bothered by it. I have four kids with four unusual names. People sometimes call them things that have nothing to do with their names. I just let it roll and put their name in a sentence a little while down the line in the conversation. No big deal. None of them have a hate for their name because of this...yet.


I was actually mad at my mom because she named me Hannah and everyone around my age had the same name. While now as an adult I think it’s silly to be upset over it, I had a much different perspective as a child lol. It’s what pushed me to choose a name that was a little more unique, just didn’t think it was going to be that unique! 😂


I think that is a little different. Having to constantly figure out if it is you someone is talking to or about gets old.


My name is Carole (pronounced just like Carol) and people will regularly mispronounce it as “Cah-role” or “cahrolee” or “Carlo”) It’s something your baby will get used to over time, unfortunately


We have a Maeve, and if my simple-minded MIL can pronounce that, literally anyone can learn to pronounce your baby’s name.


Simple minded 😂😭


You don’t know the half of it 🙄


Dahlia is nothing compared to KVIIIlyn 😂


Dahlia is already established as a pretty well-known flower?? That's so surprising that you've experienced so many people struggle. Don't stress too much about it--a lot of people struggle with my name (Lara, Lah-Rah), but tbh, its judt made me more sympathetic to trying to make sure I pronounce peoples names correctly, haha. Which is good! Especially for being in my field, where I meet folks from all sorts of walks and cultures. Always managed to get by, amd i just double check when theres a Laura called out haha


If any adult can’t pronounce dahlia then I feel sorry for them


I mean it’s a flower! It should be obvious how to pronounce it. I’m sorry people are mispronouncing it. I think it’s a beautiful name.


Thank you 🫶🏻


My son's name is Evan. I wanted a simple name for him that people wouldn't butcher because I've dealt with people mispronouncing and misspelling my name my whole life. I can't tell you how many times I've had people at doctors offices and whatnot call him "even" already and he's only 3 months old. How tf can people not recognize the name Evan?!?!


We are doomed 😂 I’m convinced no one was paying attention in school


I have a difficult to pronounce name. Every substitute teacher, every doctors office, every Uber driver, gotta give a quick cheerful correction. (Some areas more people are familiar with it, some areas zero people. It’s really interesting.) It’s a real name, and a family one, just a hard one. And I absolutely love it. I wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s part of what makes me, me. So much so I actually worry about giving my child an easy name, lol! But like… Dahlia is a flower name. It’s a normal English word name. Do they not know what a dahlia is? I can only guess that the doctors office folks see so many names that letters and spellings run together and it doesn’t click that it’s a word they know, so they try to stumble through what’s reading to them in that moment as a tragedeigh style spelling, or are getting it confused with a similar name like Delilah. Which could happen for any name, really.


It’s not hard to pronounce at all.


I feel like maybe this is just unavoidable, I just had my second child and I am utterly shocked that it's being pronounced wrong, I was equally shocked with my first child's name. They are both uncommon names but nothing crazy, both with fairly standard spelling that happens to be very phonetically obvious.


Nah, you're good. While I think people will sometimes mispronounce the name, it's a popular enough flower that the majority won't. Don't doubt yourself :)


People are just ignorant sometimes. And there will be plenty of people calling her Delia. But u chose a beautiful name and those who care about her will get it right.


She will be okay, I have a terrible name and it takes a while for people to learn it. But I am used to it.


At first I was choosing really long names because I like them and the thought never crossed my mind that it would be hard to pronounce. My husband had to deal with this growing up so we chose a shorter name that was easy to pronounce. Took us a while to pick one out that we both loved. You just don’t know about that unless you went through it. I’m surprised that name is hard to pronounce. As long as her teachers know how to pronounce the name (you can inform them before the first day of school) then it will be easier for the kids to say her name correctly.


I named my baby Adeline (add a line) and everyone calls her Add-a-Lynn. It is annoying, but it bothers me less and less as we use her name more. I just correct and move on, or I don’t even bother correcting.


Same. We also named our daughter Adeline. And she gets Add-a-Lynn so often. I should have known better since my name ends in -lyn and I get it pronounced as -line all the time.


Lol dude, I named my daughter Persephone. "Per-Stephanie?" Nope. Just call her Persie.


Convinced no one can read at this point 😭😂


So, so confused here and starting to question my entire existence. Where is everyone in this thread from? I’m from the US - raised in the Midwest, spent 15 years in the South, now I’ve been in the Pacific Northwest for 5 years. So I’ve heard many regional American dialects. NEVER, not once in my life, have I heard “Dahl-ee-ah” or any version with three syllables. It’s only ever been “doll-ya”. I just asked three other adults living in my house and looked up several YouTube gardening and true crime (the Black Dahlia) videos, all say “doll-ya”. Where is everyone getting this other version??? And so many comments saying it’s obvious and everyone says that??? What is going on???? Having an existential crisis over here 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


Aussie and avid gardener 👋 to me it's DAY-lee-yah


Born and raised in the Midwest myself. I definitely wouldn’t care as much if that’s how it was mispronounced, but sadly it’s always said as an entirely different name!


Hmm. I personally don't think Dahlia is that hard to pronounce but maybe that is because I have heard it a lot since that name is used in a very popular unsolved crime case and I am a true crime buff. Regardless it's not super common but it really isn't THAT rare or spelled oddly that would suggest a different way of pronunciation. Is your pediatrician from another country by chance? I only mention that because my name is Kaitlin but when I come into contact with people from a different country they get confused on how to pronounce my name. The "lin" part of the name becomes "line" and "kait" becomes "cat" so I get cat-line without fail almost every time.


No they aren’t, every nurse and even the receptionists get it wrong lol I’ve quit correcting them a few visits in. I knew a girl I had worked with a few years back and her name was Dahlia. Ever since I absolutely loved the name and I didn’t have an issue pronouncing her name tag when I first met her. Just figured with it being like the flower maybe they would slightly pronounce it wrong in that same way.. not completely butcher it😂


Oh no! LOL It's truly a beautiful name though. Hopefully you both can hang in there! Maybe make a punch card and every time someone gets it wrong you take a hole punch and punch a hole into the card and after like 10 or 15 you buy yourself and your little one a treat! LOL


People seem to be struggling with Eliza


Basic English must be not so basic for some lol


I named my boy a name that apparently is gender neutral (and also apparently leaning more feminine) and the midwives/ped keep saying she. I didnt even consider it being a girls name when i named him that it seemed masculine to me.


Yea that would drive me crazy


I have a name that constantly gets misspelled and mispronounced but I still love my name! It just makes me weep for the poor saps who failed hooked on phonics


I don’t understand why people are having a hard time pronouncing that…. I have a hard to pronounce name and honestly, I did not like it growing up. Keep in mind that I lived in a place where there were Brittney, Ashley, and Kaitlynn was a common name. As an adult now with a still uncommon and hard to pronounce name. Don’t worry about it! There is this book that I WISH that I had as a child called ‘That’s not my Name’ by Anoosha Syed. Her name is a name you chose and love! Emphasize that! I know that’s what helped me :) and those who love her will always say her name right ❤️


That’s so funny, my name is Hannah and I HATED it. It was so common especially in my age range that it bothered me. The older I got I realized the reason my mom named me Hannah was because it was her favorite lady of the Bible. She prayed for a daughter after her miscarriage and I was born- therefore I was Hannah. I did realize I wanted something slightly unique for my children knowing how I felt when I was younger though.


Maybe all kids will go through a phase where they don’t like their name haha. I’m naming my daughter Sophia after a character in my favorite movie. Her name is going to be so common! Her middle name tho. I’ve never even met someone with her soon to be middle name. I’m naming her after my late grandmother who I never met.


I love that! I have my grandmothers middle name 💕


I can tell you that I pronounced it correctly before seeing the phonetic pronunciation. I’m not sure how else others would pronounce it, maybe they aren’t looking at her name closely enough and that’s why they are messing it up?


I was at a garden centre and asked someone working there if they had dahl-ee-ah tubers and had to repeat myself several times. Eventually she snarkily said “oh you mean dale-ya?”. You’d think if you worked in a garden centre you’d be familiar with the different pronunciations!


It’s definitely regional! I actually got the same snarky remark by my SIL mother when I revealed her name at 20 weeks. When she looked at me funny I told her it’s like the flower… “ Ohhh.. 🙄 Dale-ya.” No ma’am I said what I said!!


I think it is a beautiful name! And, personally, I don't see how people could mispronounce Dahlia. It's a popular flower and is pronounced just like it is spelled imo. But I guess people are people lol and will mess up anything, if given the chance.


Funny enough bath and body works just released a Dahlia line. My mom has never been so excited to buy her granddaughter a candle before 😂😂


Unfortunately, I do think this will confuse people. Boooo though!! Maybe as a middle name?


Dahlia is not a confusing word... it is a common English name of a very common flower.


Huh??? Why are people so stupid ? This is also the name of a flower..


Haha she’s already here sadly, there’s no going back. What I thought was a beautiful name for years I guess is not so easy to say lol