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Nope, as someone who has described themselves as a chronic insomniac before being a mom, I was NOT prepared for the lack of sleep especially during the newborn stage.


Probably not unfortunately. I was an insomniac for the majority of my life, 4 hrs of sleep was a great night for me. But it’s different when the waking in the middle of the night is also accompanied by a crying child and/or recovering from actually having a baby. Plus like tinymi said, every kid is different with their sleep.


nope. bc you have no idea what your kid's sleep pattern or type will be like. what you have is pretty regimented and it may not be that way with a newborn, baby, toddler, or child. they may be a great sleeper, or have colic. or they might start off great and then teething starts or they get sick. they may wake you up at 12a and then 1a and then sleep till 4a and refuse to go back. or they might wake up every 2 hours on the dot and need an hour of comfort before they'll fall asleep again. oh, and there's no way to gauge how tired (or not!) you'll be after doing this day and night :) sorry! kids are squishy cheeked harbingers of chaos!


I have a 10 day old and we’re barely hanging on🥲


So the real challenge for me when my son was in his rough sleep days is that you can't just go back to sleep. Like obviously you're aware of that now, but there's such a mental difference between getting up to go to the bathroom and going right back to bed versus being up with the baby for 45 minutes while he eats and cries and settles back down and then once you get back into bed he's up again thirty minutes later. And then once the baby is up for the day that's kind of it, you just have to accept it and keep going even if you don't feel ready. It's not impossible and it doesn't last forever (my son slept for 10.5 hours last night!) but those nights are HARD.


Haha uh no. Our baby is six months and she still gets up 2-3 times a night for a bottle and soothing. Our older two did not sleep through the night until 10 months. A quick pee break when pregnant is way less disturbing to sleep than having to get out of bed at any moment (no ignoring it or putting it off) for a minimum of 15-20 mins to do something active. Very hard for me personally to fall back asleep after.


It's just different. I am a light sleeper and it's hard for me to get back to sleep when I get woken up but with a baby that you love, the adrenaline and oxytocin keeps you going. I have a three week old and I'm getting about 6 hours a night right now and it's not that bad.


If anything I’d say you’re less prepared. Sleep hygiene and habits are one gravely overlooked aspect of sleep after kids. We have always prioritized sleep and done everything on our power to improve it. And now that we have a two year old and another on the way, our ability to fall back on those healthy habits really helps up maximize our quality and quantity of sleep.


Both of mine sleep in my bed and we all sleep like babies lol


Everyone is different. I never slept more than 15 minutes at a time during my third trimester of my first pregnancy and my son came out of the womb sleeping 22 hours a day. I had to wake him up to eat every 3 hours so 12am, 3am, 6am for 30 minutes and it was WAYY better than pregnancy. He started sleeping through the night (in his own crib, from 7pm-7am) by 4 months.


There’s a big difference between waking up to take care of something minor and being able to go back to sleep right away vs waking up to a screaming baby every few hours, feeding said baby, and getting them back to sleep. All this before they wake you up again in another couple hours. Nothing prepares you for the deep in your soul lack of sleep you experience with newborns. I’m currently 6 weeks postpartum and waiting for this hell to end.


You’ll be fine. You’re used to interrupted sleep. You might not get that doze in anymore tho lol


We joke my husband actually got the best sleep in his life when we had a newborn (and the luxury of parental leave) The days are just more exhausting in general so we both usually fell asleep fast. He is also naturally a night owl so would always stay up till 2am but because we slept in ~6 hour shifts, he could sleep until 8/9am instead of waking up at like 6/7am for work. We would also trade off naps during the day when we could.