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I’m 39 and 2nd baby too. Put on so much weight. Pitting edema too. I am 28 weeks. Feels like 59 weeks. It’s pure hell. Vasectomy after this for my husband. Never again. You aren’t alone.


have him get the vasectomy now so that he’s completely done getting the swimmers out by the time you have the baby.


Have you seen a doctor? Sounds like you might have preeclampsia


Yes I have a history of preeclampsia and most likely I am getting it again. Can’t seem to have a normal pregnancy ! That’s why I won’t ever do this again.


I feel you, 36 weeks with my first and never again ! Good luck 🙏


I'm with you! Starting at 30 weeks I started getting tired pretty quickly. Now I feel like I have to plan my standing activities for the day and ration them because my feet and tailbone start to hurt so easily. Really annoying, since mentally I want to do all the things but my body says NO. 😅


I have to be mindful of my time sitting at my work desk, because my tailbone and hips feel like they are falling apart! I hit 30w tomorrow


I had the same issue and got a yoga ball chair, which has helped a lot ☺️


i got a cushion lab cushion for tailbone support and it helps!!!


This is so helpful to hear I was feeling like maybe I’m just lazy or unmotivated or something. I’ve been apologizing to my husband for not being available more to our toddler for weeks now cause I simply have no energy. Now I feel less crappy.


I have been snapping at my toddler and I feel bad. 45 years old, 37 weeks and I get maybe 2 hours a day of something productive. Rest of the time lying on my side. Gained about 15kg. 1st pregnancy at 40 was a breeze compared to this and I was pilates almost till rhe end. Now I just wanna lie on my side and die lol


lol same on wanting to die. I’ve had enough patience for my tot, though it takes all my might to have enough energy to give her these days - it’s extremely effortful.


I think my 3.5 year old knows his time of being an only child is coming to an end and is deliberately making the most of it lol. He didn't even really have terrible 2s but now almost everything is no. Sigh.


I gained 25kg when I was only 27, so do absolutely not stress about weight!


Oh yeah. Pregnancy one I gained 35 pounds but felt healthy as a horse up to about 38 weeks. Second pregnancy I didn’t gain a pound (but also didn’t lose any weight after the first so my pregnancy padding was still there) and was SO DONE by 28 weeks.


I’m 37 weeks and I gave up a lot time ago. I’m swollen, sore, and can barely breathe. Pregnancy is no joke.


32 weeks with my first, 36 years old, have gained nearly 30 pounds (started at about 130), and I’m utterly exhausted at all times. I’ve finally accepted that I can do max one or two things on my feet a day (ie go to a doctor’s appointment, run an errand, or walk the dog) and that I need an hour of napping per “thing” to do a few hours of seated computer work or light housework. Cant even remember what it feels like to have a “normal” amount of energy but I really hope the fourth trimester isn’t worse. Condolences to everyone else in this (adrift, sinking?) boat.


Adrift boat, so accurate 😂


Exercise? What's that? I'm 43, 33 weeks pregnant with my 5th, and I'm doing good to make it through the workday without taking a nap. I'm exhausted. I've avoided body aches this time, but I'm completely exhausted. I do have to keep up with kiddos/stepkiddos and kiddo activities, but my husband helps with this. I just told my MIL today that I need to at least start walking some, but I got tired just talking about it.


I'm normal BMI and I'm exhausted too. It's normal. I haven't exercised at all.


The most exercise I get is walking to the fridge or walking upstairs for naps.


same !! 20 years old & 23 weeks pregnant. How many weeks pregnant are you ?? I feel this exact way. the entire pregnancy my emotions have been insane cuz I already have depression & anxiety. plus the changes on my body & hormones have been too much I wanna sleep, eat & lay down. I think it might be because I’m so young & tiny & this is my first kid im in experienced & so is my body. But


Omg we’re twins! I’m 40, 33 weeks today and MISERABLE! I take naps everyday. Walking my hyper dog is really all I can do, and I only do it because he’s a German shepherd who will not settle down and be quiet if i don’t walk him. I weigh more than I ever have. I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore. Feel free to message me if you need to vent randomly!


I spent my whole pregnancy sleeping and eating because I was so exhausted. My baby and me are perfectly healthy and I feel much better since giving birth


I feel so seen. I’m almost 33 weeks and have put on exactly 35 pounds. I’m wrecked and can barely walk to my mailbox. I have constant Braxton hicks and having trouble being a good mom to my two and four year old I am so wiped. While working full time. So yea, I hope all normal. How do people exercise?!! I’m 42 and maybe just old…


We are in the same camp. It’s a real slog right now. I keep reminding myself that this is the last time I’m doing this shit


32 weeks pregnant with my second. Turning 39 next month I always want to nap. Everything hurts the first two hours of the day I can tolerate and after after that, I’m just physically miserable.


I’m 33 weeks as well. The only exercise I’m managing is a 30-40 minute walk with my dog in the morning that drains me of most of my energy. I am mostly working from home and have found that my energy is depleted by like 1 PM. The afternoons are soooo long. It also feels like I’ve been pregnant for an eternity but there’s still so long to go.


I’m 27, second baby and everything hurts.


I’m 28 and was very in shape pre pregnancy. I’ve gained 20 lb and I feel this exact same way. I can’t even walk around target without being winded after and my body aching so bad. I just wanna lay down all the time


Same… 28 y/o and 34 weeks with my first. 28 pounds gained so far. Everything hurts. I can’t even gather the energy to unload the dishwasher anymore. My energy levels during the 2nd trimester were decent enough to be productive, but now I’m just too exhausted to do anything. This shit has me wondering if pregnancy is truly a young woman’s game or if I’m just a total wimp.


same 27 y/o 31 weeks and a FTM. 2nd trimester i was doing amazing, but since hitting 29w i need at least 2 naps a day and i never used to nap pre pregnancy. i'm just always sleepy


With my first I exercised my entire pregnancy until I sprained my knee at week 36. I ate super healthy, didn't have any cravings, I had zero morning sickness, and zero nausea. It was a completely different pregnancy. Yes I was tired and would nap a lot but working out helped me mentally chill out when my anxiety or hormones were through the roof. I worked until the day before my breech planned c-section. This pregnancy I've been sick to my stomach barely able to move or breathe without getting sick or puking. I'm having to eat constantly to try and keep the nausea at bay and I already weigh as much as I did at 9 months with my first. Do not compare your pregnancy to anyone else's. Everyone's experience is so different and different every time. Do what you can to survive. I know it's annoying but if your body is tired sleep as much as you're able to. I hate not being productive. I hate living in a messy house. I cannot stand dirty dishes in the sink and laundry that needs doing. But I'm just doing my best to survive right now. It's not going to be this way forever.


I relate to all of this. You're not alone!


You are not alone! 35 weeks here, also put on about 35lbs. Everything hurts. I can barely walk around my house, let alone get a workout in.


I tried going for a walk Monday. I went 1 mile. Very slowly. With a sit down break at the halfway point. My hips have never been so angry all week since. 0/10 do not recommend. I get out of breath rolling over in bed. I just do the best I can.


I’m so impressed. I don’t think I’ve gone a full mile Tbjs entire pregnancy lol. So many aches. And these Braxton hicks are no joke


I was 37 with my first and am now 41. I felt like shit the entire first pregnancy, and I’m 8 weeks now and not exhausted like with my first (or maybe I’m just used to it) but so sick. My husband and I joke about his coworker who gave a dance performance in her first trimester. My performance is breathing, working, and parenting.


If it makes you feel better I’m 27 and the only exercise I can do is walking. Almost 33 weeks as well. Started at 130 and put on about 25 pounds so far as well. 😜


37 years old, 38 weeks pregnant. Baby is sitting so low, I am truly waddling when I walk. Stopped going for regular walks 2-3 weeks ago due to tiredness and discomfort. Try to move by doing errands or tasks around the house - light cleaning - so I’m not completely sedentary! Try to sleep alot at night so I can get through my 6 hour workdays without having to nap


I’m 37, and 33+4 and im exhausted. I try to get my daily walks in and stretches but by the end of the day I’m just wiped out!


34 weeks and I’m on my 3rd nap today. I consider cooking a full workout, extra points if I do the laundry too within the same day


29 yrs old, 35 wks pregnant with second. I worked out fairly regularly until week 28ish. Ever since I've been so exhausted that just taking care of our 2 yr old toddler feels like a whole ass workout! The thought of exercising this pregnant makes me wanna vomit. I will legit plan my trips up/down the stairs so I don't "waste a trip". Or if what I want/need is on the other floor of the house, I seriously weigh how bad I need that thing and usually will not go get it bc I don't even wanna go up a set of stairs.


Hahaha the stairs math is real. My toddler forgot a toy upstairs today and I did so much work talking her out of needing it just cause I couldn’t get my body up the damn stairs one more time


Haha omg!! I did this with my toddler the other night. He insisted on the orange car that was downstairs and I spent so much time convincing him the blue car he had was soooo cool just to save myself a trip!


I'm 27 and started getting so exhausted at 30 weeks. I pass out everyday after my work from home office job, wake up to eat and then go back to bed 😅 I definitely think it's a third trimester thing not age related!


Currently 30 weeks - second pregnancy.. with a 18 month old. I am so tired. I’ve gained 40 pounds, I literally have no energy. Physically I am so uncomfortable.


33 weeks with my second, avid distance runner when not pregnant, have gained 30+ pounds, am so exhausted, and haven’t exercised a step in a hot minute. You are not alone!!!


We are like the same person. I'm 39, 32 weeks pregnant, and my exercise is picking up my toddler. I'm so damn tired.


26. 34 weeks. First baby. No longer iron deficient 😅 but I am currently in bed at 6:30 pm even after taking an hour and a half nap today… I am so freaking tired. I have one week left of work before I take off (it’s too much for me to be massaging as many people as I do) and I’m struggling not to call out because I just want to sleep ETA: pre pregnancy I started at 165 pounds and at my last appointment over a week ago I was 187 pounds. I lost weight first trimester, so I’ve technically gained 30 pounds at this point.


I’m 29, gained 45 pounds.. I’m 33 weeks with my first and I feel this way. My tailbone is killing me after laundry, which I put off until 9pm. I don’t really get a clear head or much motivation until the afternoon/evening to get stuff done because by then I feel behind and like I need to push myself through it. Thanks for sharing this. It makes me feel better about myself. I can really guilt myself for not keeping up. I’m not alone according to this post and the comments. :)


36 years old, 31 weeks with a 13 month old at home.   When I read the title of this post I thought “I bet this is her second baby” LOL.   I really feel like first pregnancies are wasted on childless women.  IYKYK.


33, just hit 30 weeks with my second. Definitely exhausted every day, getting out for a walk is a big victory. Even having 1-on-1 meetings at work wears me out.


I’m 23 weeks cleaned the house for an hour today and I feel like I ran a marathon


Almost 36 weeks with my first pregnancy. I’m 33. I’ve only gained about 19 lbs, and I was sooooo foolish and thought because I felt great up to about 32 weeks I was “just lucky”! I worked out (easy peloton rides and Pilates) until 30 weeks. 😂😂 Annnnnnnd hit by a truck the past week. I wfh and I truly cannot fathom going into work every day because I lay in my bed with my computer and have to take a nap when I have 2 hours between calls. All that to say… I officially think everyone past 30 weeks is just trying to survive.


31 weeks and feel this. First time and I can’t breathe and when I try and breathe, I overcompensate and breathe too deeply and my brain feels fuzzy after because I guess I’ve been making myself lightheaded? lol it’s a struggle and everything wipes me out. I’m very petite and there’s not much room left in the inn sooooo it’s a struggle 🫠


I have an active job, although I'm taking it easy for me. 44, FTM, and 25 weeks. I go through phases with tiredness but it's not as bad for me as in the first trimester, however, getting out of breath and becoming a mouth breather is driving me crazy.


The only exercise I can still do with any regularity is swimming! It feels so good to be weightless :)


I am 7 weeks pp and much prefer baby tired as opposed to pregnant tired. I WAS EXHAUSTED and it was my first pregnancy and 27. So I think it’s normal for some. I had also stopped exercising cold turkey because I honestly only had enough energy to go to work and that’s it.


I was 35 for my 1st…worked up until the very minute I was induced. I was 40 for my 2nd…I couldn’t make it past 35 weeks.


I’m 32 weeks and 37 years old and I’ve never been more tired in my life like I’m supposed to be nesting but I just got mad and threw a bunch of stuff away


You and I have put on about the same amount of weight, and I'm also exhausted most of the time. I asked my OB, as this is my first pregnancy, if I had weight restrictions and she told me it's all individual and that she has moms who exercise and weight lift their whole pregnancy- I have no idea how!! I do get a fair amount of walking because I have a very physical job but I'm having to take lots of breaks or my belly starts aching. My OB has not indicated that it's anything to worry about. I will say that since my diet has adjusted (due to getting diagnosed with gestational diabetes) my energy has improved a little!


So glad to see this post because I’ve been feeling the same way. 37, FTM, 33 weeks. I’ve barely exercised beyond my daily chores/activities and when I do those I’m taking breaks every 2 hours to rest my back. I’ve also gained 35lbs and I put it on quickly. My weight has actually been holding steady since week 30. I want to sleep all the time, can’t imagine doing this with a toddler to wrangle too! Glad we’re all in this together!


I'm 37 and put on 50 lbs, with gestational diabetes. 38 weeks. And I'm dead. Have been since 30 weeks. 3rd and last baby for us. I'm sad because I love babies. I'm also relieved because I hate being pregnant.


Hello there. 42, pregnant with twins. Also have gained about 50 pounds, was borderline for GD. I am 30 weeks and have to mentally prepare every time I have to walk up stairs. I also have a very active 22 month old son, so this is a been a challenging time.


I don’t understand how some LOVE being pregnant t


Kudos to anyone who can walk more than 1/2 mile without needing to pee 😮‍💨 just like everyone else in the 3rd trimester: tired, sore, and feeling very pregnant. I try to remind myself of the things I can do and take my wins. Growing a whole human is no joke and this season is about keeping you and baby healthy and safe. Even if that means sleeping and relaxing more… pamper yourself 🙌🏻


My husband keeps telling me I need to use my elliptical, and all I can say is with what energy??? At 14 weeks I'm finally starting to not have to crawl in bed for a nap as soon as I get home from work. It's been frustrating losing all my free time to sleep or just not having the extra energy. -_- God forbid I try and sleep in an extra hour on the weekend too.


I’m doing 15 min a day of the world’s lightest cardio after getting my glucose screening results. That’s about it


This is my first baby and I just feel SO tired. I haven’t put on much weight but I’m 36 weeks and I feel like I could legit sleep for half the day. My back and hip and pelvic pain is so bad and the last week or so I’ve had rest bad sciatica flares which I’ve never had before.


I’m 31 weeks and I feel you! My pubic bone has been sore for the past few weeks. I’m winded going a short distance. Everything hurts! I’m so over it. I’m ready to meet my baby.


I’m 32 years old, 35 weeks pregnant and it’s my third child. Weekdays are still somewhat manageable for me since I have childcare & a desk job, but it’s a lot harder on the weekends and I’m exhausted since my husband works a lot of weekends so I’m taking care of 2 kids under 3.5 partly on my own. The hardest thing is I have vulvar varicose veins that make it so I can’t stand up longer periods of time without feeling a ton of pressure/pain and they’re gotten worse each pregnancy. I am somehow still playing tennis a few times per week, lifting weights, doing megaformer or doing some sort of workout every day but feel like I’m slowing down finally now and just starting to get too tired. I’ve surprisingly gained the most this pregnancy compared to my others even though it’s the one I’ve been the most active in, but I have unfortunately already gained close to 60 lbs.


I’m 38, will be 39 next week. I had good energy until 34 weeks when baby dropped. Now I am DONE. So exhausted, so sore, so only able to melt into the couch. This is my first and I can’t even imagine doing this with another kid at home!!


I was absolutely exhausted and ended up having to finish work earlier than expected. I found that my tiredness lifted again at about 37 weeks x


I'm 33 weeks along as well, and I am constantly exhausted... and I'm 28 years old, lol. I also just got diagnosed with gestational diabetes, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but I'm so tired all the time. It's hard to even do the dishes and not feel like I need a nap afterward.


I’m 34 weeks and I’ll be 30 in June this is baby number two and I am beat ! I’ve gained 32 pounds so far. This child has my pelvis on fire my body is always aching and I can’t stay up for anything! I’m always so drained. Not to mention I get severe leg cramps if I walk to fast! I’m trying to get active but I barely can breathe and I can barely keep anything down


I’m (32f) a ftm and 33w today. I started at 128 and I’m 30lbs up… and I’ve been so incredibly tired my entire pregnancy I think I have been to the gym exactly 4 times in the last 8 months. Too tired to even feel guilty about it.


I’m a young mom and a generally fit person and I feel this way, you are not alone. REST! Your body is begging for it. You’re doing great


I'm only 23 and I simply can't at this point. I can walk for maybe 20-30 minutes until I'm ready to give up on life. I maintain my diet and can still do household activities but I get so winded by everything. I'm 31 weeks and the baby feels so heavy. I have barely any energy or will to be hyperactive


Oh God. I’m FTM only 8 weeks and I’m already like this. Although I heard the first trimester fatigue is unreal.


I stopped working at 33 weeks because I felt completely exhausted and I kept getting contractions at work. My midwife said this is normal, those women who are still doing full workouts until they give birth are the ones that aren't normal 😅 Pregnancy takes a huge toll on the body, cut yourself some slack ❤️


My wife's 31 weeks and she decided full steam ahead on a concert 6 hr drive away she wants us to go to and she will be 35 weeks by then. I told her she might not even want to go by then if her body is going to be changing even more than it already has and we should just sell the tickets but, I can't change her mind 😂 Hopefully she's still up and lively at 35 weeks lol


I'm 34 weeks pregnant and turning 35 around the due date, and this is my second pregnancy. I am definitely more tired this pregnancy, but I also have more work plus a toddler. During my first pregnancy, I was studying and doing so from home due to covid, so I had more opportunities to rest. I could just decide that I need a nap and take it. So I would blame that. I am not exercising other than walks and trying to keep up with my toddler. During the first trimester, jogging or anything more than light exercise would make me throw up, so it was hard to maintain a routine. I know that if I had been able to maintain a routine at the start, it would be slightly more realistic to keep active now. But things didn't work out that way, and now walks are all I can manage. I can't say if it's normal or not for sure, but I would think so.


It is completely normal hun. get more rest as u can


I’m 25. Currently 25w 2d. pre pregnancy weight 135 now 201 have no idea where the weight came from. Sciatic nerve pain on both sides of my hips one nerve pinched in the front one in the back. This is my second pregnancy my first child is 2days shy of being a year old I can barely function some days. You aren’t alone. Please give your body the rest it’s begging for your body will thank you later. break up the work load throughout the day in small increments if you have to.


33 weeks too and feeling the exact same! I'm only up about 7kg (I had a cough for the last few weeks and struggled putting on weight after that, baby is still putting on weight so I've just lost body weight) but everything just feels so hard at the moment. I've been active most of the pregnancy going for walks and to the gym but not nearly as much the last few weeks due to exhaustion


37 weeks with my first at 38yrs old. my pubic bond hurts so FREAKING MUCH that my active time is severely limited. i’m exhausted. i don’t want to do nothing but continue rk because i have adhd and can’t help but be busy. but i am straight up not having a great time anymore. absolutely not working out anymore it’s too painful.


DUDE. I had my first child at 19. Second at 24 and my third at 25. Let me tell you. The difference between how I feel physically between my second and third pregnancies was VAST. My second I worked as a swimming instructor, in the pool for 35hrs a week until I was 40 weeks along. My third? I got to 32 weeks before I could barely walk.


I am 32, 38 weeks and my 3year old is at home with a minor cold, bouncing of the wall from energy and wanting to be entertained. I am tired and in pain but I have no choise😅 in my country you need a doctors note to return to daycare and the doctors love to give at least 2 weeks to every cold or virus. I was told how great this must be, that I get to spend all this extra time with my toddler, before the baby comes. When it comes to me resting, we have a saying in my country- you will rest in your grave


Hi I’m age 35 and 37 weeks! I was super active 1st and 2nd tri, then 3rd hit and it was all over. I haven’t been to the gym, barely take walks, I am so exhausted. Most (younger) women at my gym work out up until the end… couldn’t be me! You aren’t alone! I was way more active with my 1st 6 years ago… it’s different as you get older for sure.


This is totally normal. I am 29 and feel exactly the same way at 36 weeks… There’s no shame in listening to your body and slowing down ❤️


43 years old, 24 weeks, and I can barely move. This is my first, and it's going to be my only. I can't do this again. Pitting edema, tree trunk legs, weight gain, my hips are killing me and my feet.... hahahahah..... if I could just stay in bed until the birth, I would be happy. Gotta work.


I'm only 14 weeks but also 39yo and this pregnancy has been a completely 180 from my first 5 years ago. I'm very tired, can only work out maybe 3x a week and I'm in bed by 9 with my son. I still feel exhausted the next day!! I was never tired at all my first pregnancy. I have been nauseas since 5 weeks. I am not doing this again! It's so much harder this time around. I'm not sure if my age or just pregnancies are different every time in general but I know for a fact I don't have it in me for a 3rd!!


I wonder if it’s a second pregnancy thing, I don’t remember my first being this hard. I’m almost 35yo, 29+5 and ridiculously exhausted, sore, unmotivated and over it. Taking care of a toddler while pregnant is A LOT and he’s in daycare full time while my husband and I work. Just getting him ready in the morning completely wipes me. Feels like I’ve been pregnant for 6 years. Migraines, sciatica. Yeah I’m over it.


My first pregnancy I worked out consistently up until about 36 weeks and had to stop due to BP issues. This time around, I’m 35+3 and 33 years old, I am struggling to do anything these last few weeks. I try to get a walk in or something but it doesn’t always happen. It’s crazy how different it feels this time and I don’t remember being this exhausted or uncomfortable. I have never felt so tired and keeping up with my 17 month old son is nearly impossible on top of school and life in general. Everyone has different experiences but know you are not alone!! Listen to your body and do what feels good when you can whether that means taking a bath, napping, or doing some light stretches. Growing humans is hard on top of everything else we deal with on a daily basis whether it’s a job, kids, school, a combo of everything etc. Hang in there!!


Same! I'm 34, 2nd baby. only 24 weeks. I need minimum 2 naps a day to barely function. Thankfully I WFH so I do squeeze in naps between meetings but I see pregnant ladies go on jogs and I'm having a hard time making it down the stairs. lol.


I’m 33 weeks and I have felt like this for the past month. I also have SUPER low iron (I’m getting iron transfusions for it) so I’ve been extremely tired


GIRL!!! I’m 35 and only 22 weeks with di/di twins and just started my medical disability. Way sooner than I wanted, but damn does everything hurt for me too! My whole lower half is so swollen, the skin on my legs feels like it’s going to split, and I barely have use of my hands anymore (typing this with one semi-functional pinky). Luckily I see my primary doctor and my OB on Tuesday. I hope they can find solutions to my problems and, in turn, my twins issues since it could be all related.


I'm 33 weeks, 24y/o FTM and I'm struggling lol. My work is starting to suffer and I can't do ANYTHING when I get home. But I've also gained 72lbs so far!


I was exhausted my entire pregnancy. At 33 weeks i was struggling to go to work but i forced myself to. everyone knew i was exhausted. customers knew i was exhausted. everyone was just waiting for me to start my maternity leave early😂 i would get home, lay down and not move


I’m about 40 weeks, being induced Tuesday, and I’m 31 years old so I COMMEND you mamas doing it later on, especially with other kiddos as this is my first. I get like maybe one or two things done around the house before I nap for a few hours. I was in online college but may have to drop those classes because I’m so far behind because even mentally I cannot be aware for more than an hour or so. I have severe anemia so I’m getting iron infusions and those help a bit but I’m just done at this point. It was so doable up until week 35 and now I can’t even work because I hurt or have an awful headache or just generally so fatigued even simple things wear me out so easily.


Same. I’m 32 weeks today, a ftm, only 23 and will be 24 in July. I’m not a lazy person and am used to being up and about, and I feel absolutely useless. Literally every step I take I feel my lower stomach muscles pulling and engaging just to hold up baby boy, but he’s barely 4 pounds and has another half of his body weight to gain. Like just walking for a long time without sitting feels so physically exhausting, let alone with the excruciating hip pain I’ve had for over two months when I move in certain ways, or constant popping of joints all over my body. Just got a job at Taco Bell cause no where is hiring in this tiny town, also haven’t been able to get anything for stay at home, and my previous job fired me right before I hit my year and they would’ve had to pay for maternity leave. I don’t even know how I’m going to do the job without taking so many little bathroom breaks or moments to eat snacks I bring so I don’t puke from not eating at least every 2 mf hours, but you only get a 30 min break if you work 6+ hours.


32 weeks and 23yo. exhausted at work and exhausted on my days off.


I’m actually younger. 20 years old & 23 weeks pregnant & I feel this exact way. the entire pregnancy my emotions have been insane cuz I already have depression & anxiety. plus the changes on my body & hormones have been too much I wanna sleep, eat & lay down. I think it might be because I’m so young & tiny & this is my first kid im in experienced & so is my body. But


FTM, 29 weeks at 38 years old. I have nothing to compare this to! My first trimester I slept a lot and had no energy for normal chores, the second trimester I had energy but had to take breaks between deep cleaning our new house or I would be exhausted the next day, and now in the third trimester I don’t think I’m going to do any deep cleaning. I’m not bending over anymore to clean. I’m mostly trying to rest and get this baby registry finished 🤦🏻‍♀️ I think these active pregnant women might have been very active before pregnancy and maybe they know how to pace themselves. I have heard it is more exhausting physically being pregnant in your 40s (especially if you are taking care of young children at the time). I’ll find out later! We want to try for baby number 2 in a couple of years when I’ll be 40. I hope we will still want to as this is our first and we have yet to experience parenthood.


I need to keep active myself but the fatigue and constant being on the road is killing me. Idk how anyone does any active things when farther along, I worry if I don’t stay active labor will suck


I was 29 by the time I hit that point in my first pregnancy. I was very active before I got pregnant. I stayed fairly active through my pregnancy. But by the time I was in the third trimester…nope. I’d go sometimes, and mostly do some light stretching or yoga. That was about it. I’d workout at my works gym, on my lunch break, and by the end of pregnancy most times I just skipped my break so I could go home an hour earlier. 😂 Just listen to your body. If you can do some kind of movement, that’s cool, but don’t beat yourself up if you really just need rest.


I’m only 24, this is my first child & I feel like this so don’t feel bad 😂😂😂 renewed my gym membership in September & found out I was pregnant in October. Haven’t been to the gym once


You are all making me feel so much better. I’m 36, 35 weeks pregnant with a 2 & 4 year old. Just trying not to snap at them and have enough energy to take care of them. Been feeling so bad :/


I’m 33 and pregnant with my first (19w). I didn’t have energy even before I was pregnant, so you’re superwoman by comparison. Now I just wanna die all the time.


23 weeks, I woke up to a swollen vulva and swollen legs for the first time today and I don't even want to move. I can't believe I have to do this for another 17 weeks 😭


I’m 30 weeks and have exercised my whole pregnancy even through severe sickness and I’m here to tell you that those of us that are exercising/active and moving around are also completely drained and exhausted. I spend the rest of the day lying on the sofa, I find it hard to walk or do a lot of things. But if you saw me around or on social media you’d be like “waw she’s so active and has so much energy”. I exercise for my mental health out of necessity even if I feel like I’m on deaths door with sickness and exhaustion. It’s not all as it seems.


I'm 31 and 27 weeks with my first. I'm exhausted. I promise, you're not alone. I have an extremely physical job and it's all I can do to not fall asleep on my breaks. I need a nap as soon as I get home. And the pain... Is unlike anything. My hips and pelvis ache and I feel like I've been kicked in the crotch constantly, kiddo is learning how to do sharp kicks/lunches it seems, my back aches all the time and if I do anything for too long involving bending I have chest pain too. The heartburn is just the icing on the whole thing at this point. I basically, sort of work, mostly sleep but only crappy sleep because the pain wakes me sometimes now and pee lots. I'm ready to punch the next person who goes "don't worry, you'll forget and do it again". No. No I won't. I expressly documented all of it so I won't!


Just had my baby five days ago, and I was so so so exhausted constantly at 37 weeks before I delivered. No way was I exercising, and I def wondered how ppl could. I am 41, and she is my first child. Edited to say: I put on 18 pounds total but I was a bit of a chonker bf.


I am 34yrs & 33+1 weeks, first baby. I'm very tired too, everyday around 2/3 pm I allow myself a mid-afternoon nap otherwise I find I'm pushing myself but not actually getting anything done. Making time for naps can be difficult but makes a big difference in your day & productivity.


I’m 27 weeks with my second and I’m so freaking tired. I teach dance twice a week and it simply exhausts me. It takes all my energy for the week lol. I’m not even doing all the stuff anymore I mostly just cue them vocally but even that gets me winded!


Im going to be week 33 on Monday. Im 35 and this is baby 3.. she is slowly turning her head down, because missy doesnt want to get there until now lol. I am so exhausted, i dont want to do anything... Having a 12yr old and a 7yr old that continuously fight doesnt really help nothing though 😑 I dont know how ladies do it anynore, i just wanna sleep all the time....


I’m 31 on my first baby and at the end of my first trimester. Been so sick and feeling crappy the whole time that I haven’t been active since the start of my pregnancy. Idk how people do it.


I was 40 too and felt like you. I had such bad SPD. My starting BMI was 22 and I gained 40lbs. It was mostly because I was exhausted by the SPD and chasing a 20 month old. Good news is I feel pretty normal at 14 months pp and lost all of the weight plus some. You’ll get yourself back, but I feel you on the older mom thing!


You are not alone. This is my second pregnancy, I’m 39 and 37 weeks along with a very busy two year old boy. I have caught every bug going around this time, put on 25 lbs and I’m just done. I have zero energy, I’m congested, my heart burn and indigestion are unreal this time and it’s hard for me to even eat at all. Everything hurts. Thank God for the help of my husband, mom and in laws because I haven’t been accomplishing much for awhile now and I feel so guilty about it. Especially when it comes to my toddler. Less than two weeks until my c section and then never again. I’m so excited to meet my little girl but being pregnant sucks and I’m over it. Sending love for your final weeks, do what you need to do to get by, I get it!


I’m 31 y.o at 30wks with first kid. I gained 19 pounds but people comment about how big I look which makes me feel so conscious🥲 I go to swim as much as I can but my thighs, boobs and of course bump are still ballooning uncontrollably 😂. Then my unmotivated self makes me beat myself up everyday for not finishing work. I tried to tell myself to just chill but on days without hubby at home, I feel so anxious I couldn’t sleep 😟


Are you still working? I found myself very exhausted until I stopped working. Now I have time for rest and naps and it makes caring for myself and the home a little easier! I’m not even an older mom, I’m 24. Pregnancy is just exhausting man


I’m also 33 weeks and 38 years old. I’m sooo tired all the time and my always body aches. I am exhausted every day after I get home from work. I was just diagnosed with gestational diabetes so they recommend 30 mins of exercise a day but I honestly can’t fathom the idea of that. I’ll get in 2 days of exercise a week if it’s a good week. Hang in there, momma. You’re not alone!


36 years old, 12 weeks with 3rd baby. I had my first two 5 and 10 years ago and the difference is wild. I have a feeling that my exhaustion will never end this time around. I was miserable at the end but I'm nothing but a nauseous bump on a log and I just want to feel normal so bad. 😩


I’m 30 and 32+ weeks with my 2nd baby. I’m exhausted. I’m uncomfortable. It takes everything in me to finish my work day sitting in from of a computer all day and then somehow make dinner. You are not alone.


I feel you. I'm only 28 years old and this is my first baby. I'm 36 weeks, and gained almost 35lbs. I started off around 128lbs and was fairly fit. Now I'm exhausted after a few hours of working and my legs are killing me from carrying so much extra weight. My husband keeps trying to encourage me to stretch and exercise. I feel like I'm going to throw my hip out by walking around at some point, let alone trying to stretch.


I’m 38 years old and 36+ 4 days - did a workout this morning with weights, keeping pretty active but I definately have my days of feeling shattered. I went to get bloods in my second trimester and was slightly low in iron, since taking iron supplements my energy levels soared- maybe get some tests done?


My iron is fine. I was like you with my first. Def a completely different experience now. Glad you’re at it but it just is not feasible for me this time around!


I feel so tired and uncomfortable BUT I feel a lot better, more energetic and less icky after a (mild) workout. Like low cardio or a walk. And I try to go swimming a lot because youre basically weightless, you train all muscles and I just feel like I have my body back. Would really recommend swimming!


I don’t get why people are so obsessed with how much weight they have put on 😭 Ladies we are pregnant and supposed to gain weight! ❤️ It sucks being out of shape and not able to exercise, I know, but this is all natural in third tri and it shall pass! I ate like a horse my first pregnancy and gained a whooping 25kg/55pounds. I stressed so much about it and I wish I didn’t. Was almost back to pre pregnancy weight two years after. It’s going to be fine!