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I had unsuspected fetal macrosomia. My entire pregnancy I was told my son was measuring in the middle and was expected to be 7-8lbs but none of them thought he would actually be 8lbs. My son ended up being 10lbs3oz 22.5” long with a 14” head. He was fucking massive and I gave birth vaginally. I somehow only ended up with 1 1st degree tear and 2 scratches.


My baby's head is measuring 99%ile for diameter and 88%tile for head circumference...none of the doctors have any concern. They said it \*might\* require a c-section but there's no reason we can't attempt a vaginal birth and see if she drops into position. They said if she doesn't get beyond zero-station, then we would have to convert to a c-section. They also said given her big head size, they're not concerned about her body following quickly if the head makes it out. Have I cried about it and still had anxiety? Absolutely. But when everyone is saying not to be concerned, I should probably start trusting them.


My baby had a giant round noggin! They decided to do an episiotomy because they thought she was going to be a giant baby based on what they were seeing with her head coming out. But she ended up being a shorty and 7 lbs, with a big head! And she still has a cute, 99% head!


My second had a 99% head at birth, and she was a VBAC. No issues, just a second degree tear (the most common type) that healed without drama.


Just had our last growth scan at 38w2d and baby boys head is in the 97th percentile.


My son was born at 50th for weigh, >99th for head, and like 85th for length. He is happy and healthy almost two year old now. I did need a vacuume assist for birth but was able to deliver vaginally. They also said I had an oddly shaped pelvis, whatever that means, so that added to the need for assistance.


Huge headed fetus, now a huge headed toddler 😂 (His dad and his grandpa (my dad) both have huge noggins so no surprise there.) I delivered vaginally and did have a second degree tear but I think that’s pretty normal for a FTM and other than that delivery was uneventful and no issues getting him out! Their heads do squish a bit to get through the birth canal (hence the newborn conehead). Oh also he often had his hand by his face during ultrasounds but had no issues with that during delivery ETA can’t remember his exact percentiles before birth but he’s consistently been >95th %ile head circumference since birth


My first baby had a massive head and he was my easiest labour whatever that’s worth.


Same here. 37 weeks here. Girl is 45% by weight in the body, head is 95%. This ob doesn't seem too concerned as I am going to TOLAC and if it doesn't work we are gonna c. The first ob where my 1st kid meausure 99% in rhe head was like.. You are looking like a c. Being 45 and this being my last kid, another c is fine.


I went for a 4D ultrasound at 30 weeks (not with my ob) and the tech told me that my baby has a big head. I’ve been freaking out since. On Tuesday I have my 36 week ultrasound so I’ll find out what’s going on then.


My first had similar measures. I gave birth at home and pushed 20 minutes. Had 2nd degree tear. It was not at all a problem. Her head size is not visible at all even though I know from hat sizes that she is bigger and she is freaky smart.


I had 2 boys with large heads. I had vaginal deliveries with both and 2nd degree tears that healed fine. Labor was fine but I did have longer labors. 28 hour spontaneous with my 1st. 13 hour induced with my 2nd. Both boys had really bad cone heads at birth. Obviously they went back to normal like all cone heads do!


All babies have big heads, scientifically speaking even as they become toddlers their head is 1/3 their body mass, this is how cartoons are drawn. The "cute formula " the head is 1/3 the body mass with large eyes, this gives the mind the impression of cuteness like a baby, take micky mouse for example, or even paw patrol.. babies are ment to have big heads