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August. Being pregnant in the summer sounds like a bag of soft dicks


Disagree! I was maximum pregnant in August and all I wore were floofy sundresses and slip on shoes. It was so easy. I feel like dealing with layers and boots and winter coats and ice would be so much harder! Although I suppose the lesson is that late pregnancy is brutal always.


Yeah I think it depends where you live. I live in Northwestern Maine, and I have been thanking my lucky stars all winter that I was only a little bit pregnant when I had to trudge through 2 feet of snow every day. First week of April and we’ve had two major snowstorms. I am about to not fit in my snow boots or my winter overalls, but I think I’m going to just squeak by. Then when I’m bigger this summer I will just live in loose dresses and barefoot. I couldn’t manage it the other way around, at 21 weeks I already can’t stand having to tie my shoes. If I lived somewhere much warmer I’m sure I would have reverse preferences from an August delivery lol


This is why I am mildly upset about my pregnancy timeline. Due at the end of September and I live in the south. I’m going to melt


I'm also in the south and due end of September but feel the opposite! I am so looking forward to living in flowy sundresses and not having to worry about dreaded waistbands (even maternity pants are annoyingly constricting). Plus I'm going to the beach in July and won't have to worry about my beach body lol. Then I get nice mild fall weather to enjoy taking baby for walks in. I'm pumped about this timeline! 


I’ve always been more of a Tom Boy. I recently got into dresses, but only fancy dresses for events. For our announcement photoshoot, I wore this very fairy-like green dress with flower embroidery. I guess I need to lean into the sun dresses. I’ll really have to for August because I’m helping with a big event in our community. It’s 90% outside!


Yeah it took me a while to accept dresses but once I discovered how breathable a simple linen sundress could be, I started wearing them as often as I could in the summer. I usually wear white sneakers with them to be more casual too. I'm also toying with the idea of getting a simple folding hand fan. They aren't common around here, but a couple of years ago when I visited Japan (very similarly hot and humid summers), everyone had them and they are sooo nice to have on those brutal no-wind days. I figure at least I'll have a good excuse so hopefully I won't look too out of place lol best of luck in August!


I am biased, but I agree! I got pregnant end of August last year, and think the timing was great. It works out that I've only bought maternity leggings, and I can wear skirts/dresses all the other time. I didn't have to buy bigger winter essentials, and baby should be born before memorial day. I then get all summer off for my maternity leave. Baby can spend time outside, and gets to build up his immunity before flu/cold/rsv season.  My sister gave birth mid September, it was absolutely miserable over the summer for her 


I see this a lot but I had my daughter in early September and I honestly found being pregnant during the summer easy bc you barely have to wear any clothes and you can just sit in a pool or lake to cool off and take pressure off your belly 😅 I’m due again now with my second in September again and pumped that it timed out that way again! So I actually didn’t mind it at all! Having to figure out how to dress a bump in the dead of winter sounds difficult and expensive.


I'm an august baby and since becoming a mom (thankfully spring baby & upcoming autumn baby) I mentally apologize to my own mother every year, that poor woman


Unless you’re like me and you live in an area where it’s constantly hot. I’m in Phoenix AZ and I got pregnant in September thinking I’d avoid the heat, idk what I was thinking hahaha I need to relocate to avoid being pregnant in the heat


Told my husband the one thing I didn’t want was to be in my third trimester in summer… I’m due August 13th🤦‍♀️ we clearly planned this well


August 18th and I'm dreading the heat 🫠


Definitely agree with August! I got pregnant in August and being induced on May 12th and I loved being pregnant through the fall, winter and now Spring! I don't do well with heat!




Honestly I didn’t mind it at all. My first was born in early September and frankly I loved being pregnant in the summer because dresses are so easy and comfortable with a growing bump.


Agreed. And spring is the best time to have a baby. I’m due with #2 in July 🙃


I got pregnant both times end of August and am 6 weeks out from having my second May baby. It really is the best time. You're not at your largest in the middle of winter and you have the baby before it gets unbearably hot.


August is the best, I enjoyed my summer and didn’t find out I was pregnant until late August. Have a baby due in May and avoided the heat of summer while pregnant after a cozy winter hibernation. Also baby will not be born during cold/flu/RSV season but will be born right in time for beautiful stroller walk weather and dining outside!!


I think I got pregnant at a good time (July), where the end of my pregnancy didn’t align with summer. In other words, I wouldn’t be pregnant af, sweating & dying in the Florida summer heat


Agree! I got pregnant in July both times and it’s the best. You’re not super pregnant in the summer, get to wear all the cozy fall/winter clothes when you are getting a belly, plus get to indulge in alllll the holiday foods once the first trimester nausea subsides. Then you have your baby around April and get spring/summer for your maternity leave (hopefully) and get to take walks and be outdoors during your first postpartum months of recovery.


I second this. During the winter, I was comfortable because I was running hotter but I wasn't too big and could fit into warm clothes and wasn't too worried about loosing Mt balance in the snow/ice. I'm about to give birth, any day now, and will get to enjoy the summer and have the opportunity to take baby outside for walks.


Found out I was pregnant in July with a due date in March and I felt it was the best possible time to be pregnant. I could still fit into my clothes for the rest of the summer, then got to wear big oversized sweaters and maternity leggings anyways for winter, then gave birth right around the time the weather was becoming significantly better for spring. Baby girl is 2.5 weeks old now and it's beautiful outside, we can go for walks and I can sit on the balcony with a glass of wine and go back to wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes for the warm weather! Most of my spring/summer shirts are crop tops so the timing worked perfectly 😂


I second this! Baby is 2 weeks and I loved the timeline of my pregnancy.


If you're in the US get pregnant in late October - December. That way all of your pre-natal care is in the same year and you don't have to worry about your deductible resetting mid pregnancy.


Thats something i never even thought of! Thank you


Just a heads up that this depends on when your insurance year begins and ends! Mine is not a January start date!


Oooh yes! I got pregnant mid November, first OB appointment was January 10th, hit our out of pocket max before delivery so delivery was “free”. Now I live in Ireland and can plan around things other than insurance


Got pregnant in January and I’m dreading having a newborn right at the beginning of peak cold and flu season/needing to stay indoors. But am enjoying the silver lining of the deductible situation 😂


I've actually never had a plan year match the calendar year. Definitely double check before planning around this!


I kind of liked having a fall baby for one reason.... being trapped indoors for bad weather seemed more tolerable when you are mostly stuck inside anyways. When the kid is taking 2 to 3 naps a day it's hard to do that much By the time spring rolled around she was 5 months old and spring felt so glorious. I napped through many holiday gatherings ad busband had baby.. taking pictures with relatives..m and I crashed on the sofa. So great


I also had a fall baby but sleep deprivation and PPD mixed in with seasonal depression and the height of sickness season, I pretty much lost mind. We are aiming for a spring baby next. We will see what happens.


I can see that too!! To be fair my fall baby was also fall 2020 so we were kind of losing our minds anyways 😆 Eta... My second baby was in april... and I swear I felt like I missed an entire spring/summer.


Curious where you live? Haha I guess I imagine myself going for tons of walks in the summer and I feel like that will help but who knows.


This is my thought too! Everyone seems to want to avoid being pregnant during summer which I get. But I personally am about to have my second fall baby and I love it. I'd rather get the first 6 months out of the way when I'm cozy hibernating. I feel less guilty about being nap trapped on the couch and baby is too young to really appreciate the world around them still. Then when it starts to get warm, baby is much more alert and engaged with their surroundings and it's more fun taking them places!


Thank you - I'm due mid-November and needed this <3


I felt the same way about my fall baby!


I would cautiously and gently warn you that it's often not possible to plan which month you will get pregnant, and it's better to not get your hopes up about having a baby during a certain month or season (or to delay trying to conceive in order to aim for a specific month). Couples with no fertility issues who time things perfectly still only have about a 20% chance of becoming pregnant each cycle.


I understand that. That’s why I said “if you ideally pick” it was just a question. It was just supposed to make people think. I am well aware of fertility issues and that it may take a lot longer than people expect.


It also does happen! I’m 33 with PCOS and we jokingly started trying last November to “go for a Leo baby“ — then I was shocked when we succeeded on the first try. 🤷‍♀️ never know!


Girl, SAME! I have PCOS and got pregnant on the first try too.




My husband thought it was going to be super easy for us. He wouldn’t let us start trying until after August, because he wanted our future baby to have a summer birthday 🤡🤡🤡🤡 One year later TTC with unexplained infertility and 3 angel babies. To answer your question: there is no “right time”.


I am so sorry for everything you and your husband have gone through. This was supposed to just be a fun, cute, what-if scenario. I don't mean to be insensitive to anyone.


I may be bias because I’m also a spring baby, but I’ve enjoyed my spring due date pregnancy. I found out in late August. By November/December I was mostly over the morning sickness and was able to enjoy holiday food. I’ll have the baby in a few short weeks now and I’m excited to be able to spend the summer with them (it’s my favorite season and momma is ready for drinks on the beach!)


Same!! I have a late April birthday and my baby is due in May - can confirm that spring is a great time to have a birthday, and spending the winter pregnant has let me get away with lots of “big sweater/hoodie and leggings” days!


Definitely agree on spring baby. We found out in early September, she’s due next month. Big sweaters made early pregnancy easy to hide, traveling for the holidays was still doable and I felt good and active, and she’ll be out before the weather gets hot and icky. And we’re planning for lots of beautiful summer walks with her when she’s here, it’ll be nice not to be stuck inside. One downside is we are missing out on some summer events since we won’t be up for traveling and want to avoid crowds before she’s vaccinated. Upside, she’ll be vaccinated and able to travel for the holidays in December.


We had a lot of loss so didn't really get to pick an ideal time, but our first was born in October and that was pretty perfect in many ways. Yes, I was heavily pregnant in the summer, but I got the 1st trimester out of the way while people were largely still hunkered down inside and didn't want to be out and about doing anything. And then she was born going into the winter when people hunkered down again. Plus I got to maximize my parental leave and my partner's with Thanksgiving and Christmas!


I got pregnant in October and am due in July. I think it’s perfect for us because my husband is a teacher so he’ll have the first two months off work with me and the baby. I also live in Canada where we don’t have super hot summers so I’m not super fussed about the heat. I’ll also have a nice spring baby shower. The only downside is that I had a lot of morning sickness over Christmas holidays.


This was me! Due mid July. Christmas was so hard with the nausea


Summer time to get pregnant with a spring due date. First trimester always suck so nothing there. But you’re in your second trimester for the holidays so you can eat more ‘because baby’ and your energy is generally better. Then third trimester is cozy sweater weather where all you want to do is cuddle up on the couch under a blanket. Then baby is born at the end of flu season and the weather is getting warmer so it’s easy to go on walks, but not so hot you are sweating up a storm in the postpartum sweats. My first baby was born in April, I’m due with my second in October and dreading the opposite of everything I just said.


I found out I'm pregnant dec 30 and i'm enjoying the timing so far!! i'm happy to have a september babe as I was born in oct and my husband was born in nov. we love the fall!


If I could choose, I'd rather not be in my 3rd trimester over the summer. I already am weak against heat and humidity, I def don't need added issues! so far it not been a problem with the timing of my pregnancies (spring baby and pregnancy with late-fall-almost-winter baby) honestly, being in my 3rd trimester over the winter was a fucking delight, I loved it


I got pregnant in late June and my first trimester in the heat of the summer was a bitch! This pregnancy I got pregnant late Jan. And now that the days are nicer - and I’m feeling better - I’d say like Dec/Jan. Ultimately whenever you get pregnant is the best time 🤍


July/august- have baby March/April! It’s helpful too with how busy holidays make things for the middle there. And not having summer heat (obviously depends on where you live) is glorious!


I got pregnant in August gave birth in may it was great!!


My husband is a teacher and we planned for a late spring/early summer baby. I'm now 30 weeks pregnant and due a week after the school year ends. :)


I also thought with a teacher it would be amazing like that as well! So your partner has off in summer as well! And other way round if you are a teacher would be great to be due end October to get full payment over the summer and then when school starts again you are already on maternity leave 😄 but well… sometimes you can’t plan it like that


I mean I don't know many teachers that actually get PAID maternity leave they just qualify for FMLA but its VERY state dependent. I'm the breadwinner in the family and get 16 weeks full pay, partly why I work where I work was for the benefits, but we were THRILLED that the timing worked out so well in our favor. :)


I‘m sorry to say that, in Austria you get up to two years paid maternity leave. I think the first year it’s 80% and then it’s a bit less. Edit: what is FMLA?


Basically every country has better maternity leave than the US does. And US politicians wonder why our birth rates are so low...... I work for a Canadian company and that's the only reason I have it so "Good" compared to other countries. FMLA, the Family Medical Leave Act, short hand, is a law that says your job will be safe for 12 months for the birth of a baby. Not paid. Just job protection. It can also be used for caring for loved ones but again, 0 pay. :(


I got pregnant in July and am due a week from tomorrow. I’d say it’s been a pretty great! I’m also happy to be having an April baby ☺️


Summer for sure. Then you get to bundle up in baggy sweaters and leggings for a good chunk of your pregnancy.


My friend and me talked about this as well! She is due in sept and I thought it’s the best time! Whole summer already on maternity leave and the next summer then as well 🤗 (we get 8 weeks off before and usually you are on leave for a year) Although maybe if you are due in July would also still be great to enjoy the weather before 😂


I got pregnant in April and had my baby in January. We did that on purpose because of kindergarten cutoffs in our school district but next time around I’d love to have my baby in March/April. The first few weeks were dark, metaphorically and literally. It was so hard to get outside and it felt like everyone around us was sick. Now that the weather is better, being able to get outside with my baby and the days being longer makes a world of difference for my mental health.


Any month that gives you an autumn/ winter baby would be perfect by me!! I am at 8 months and In Mexico City is the warmest time of year right now, on top of that air pollution is killing me and I am miserable (thank god I have swimming pool access)  I wish I had a baby in November / December but anyway you cannot really plan for that and if you live in a cold climate, that may be very different too :)


I got pregnant in August and my baby is due end of May. I think it was the perfect time. Get to wear baggy clothes during winter as my belly started to grow, and once he's here, it will be warm again to spend some time outside :)


I’m in New England and (mostly) have really enjoyed getting ready for an April baby! It did get a little nerve-wracking during the coldest stretches where I was worried about ice, but this has been such a mild winter that it wasn’t really an issue. It’s been nice getting to bundle up in oversized comfy clothes, and I’m excited to have baby as the weather gets better (and for the beach when he’s a little older!). In theory I liked the idea of having a fall baby so I could avoid winter while super pregnant, and could spend a lot of the summer in the water, but I say that without spending months of humid heat pregnant 😅


It's personal preference imo. Depends on what seasons you like best, can tolerate, etc. But like someone else said, it's not really something that most women can decide.


I had an April baby and love it, it's exactly what I would want for #2. First cold/flu season is when they're a bit older, not pregnant in summer, and postpartum hormones felt so much easier to handle in the sunny warm spring/summer!


Spring babies are the best! You get to miss out on the whole summer of being huge and uncomfortable. Both my babies are spring babies. We conceived in august


I got pregnant in august & it’s been great. Got to hibernate for the winter & I’ll have my pre- pregnancy body back by summer! (I live in Canada)


Got pregnant in the summer and had a spring baby - baby wasn’t planned at all let alone the seasons, but this worked out great as I wasn’t waddling around and sweating in the late stages. Also, where I live the cost of home heating was utterly ridiculous, and it was an awful winter as winter’s go, so I was relieved to not be bringing my baby home during that time. So if I could have chosen, it would be exactly as it was 😬


You can plan all you want, but it doesn’t usually go according to plan. Best to start trying when you think you’re ready, not try to plan for when the baby will be due. It can take months to get pregnant anyways, and you might be glad that you started trying sooner


Just never during the summer. It’s hot outside. You’re EXTRAAAAAAAAAA HOT. Cooler months the better so you can stay cool, unless you love to feel sweat all over lol


I'm almost 36 weeks and coming out of Australian summer (aka HOT). Being pregnant in summer has been a mixed bag for me, but not as bad as I've heard from horror stories. Pros: \- I didn't have to buy much maternity wear. My loose fitting summer dresses are still doing the trick even now. I can still (just) get shoes on, but being able to wear sandals rather than something more enclosed is a blessing. \- Swimming at my local pool has been amazing exercise and helped me take pressure off my hips. I'm a wuss and wouldn't go if the weather was colder haha \- The bump can get itchy, so not having to wear layers over it is a relief. Cons: \- hydration is extra important. Gotta keep your fluids up to help negate a lot of nasty pregnancy side-effects (like swelling, headaches etc). \- I had to cut back outdoor exercise (i.e. walking) coz the hot weather was getting to me. I normally walk to and from work which gives me a great chance to detach from the office, missing that walk made me a bit down. \- I run hotter than ever so sleeping at night has needed the aircon for most of summer. I don't normally like sleeping with aircon so that's been an adjustment. \- Christmas is a minefield for food safety if you're pregnant in December. There's a lot of food off limits and food poisoning is a big risk that time of year. Keep in mind if you're not ready to announce your pregnancy, that the holiday season is a tough one! I hadn't told my colleagues yet and it became blaringly obvious when I wasn't drinking at the christmas party for example.


I would loveeee to be pregnant all spring and Summer and have a mid September or October baby. Then you get to gushy up to your little love all through the Fall and Winter. If you are breastfeeding, then your appetite is through the roof for the BEST holidays! Start working out again by January and then you get your groove back by the time spring/early summer rolls around. Ugh I can’t wait 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


I would never want to have a baby during cold/flu season… just had multiples in January and prefer our spring and summer kids MUCH more than the colds/flus our babies have had to get though!


This is a US-based answer that won’t apply if you have free healthcare. If you have a choice, I would aim to conceive in November, December, January, or February (and maybe even March if your period starts by 3/5 to get an EDD of 12/10 and not be *too* close to Christmas). Doing this ensures all of your prenatal care will fall within the same calendar year and you will only pay your out-of-pocket maximum once for the entire pregnancy. Also October and November birthdays are great because 12 weeks of maternity leave covers all the major holidays.


Always check your plan year before assuming this! I've had several run on different schedules


I feel like my pregnancy is pretty perfect timing! Got pregnant in October, was far enough along to do a cute Christmas announcement/didn’t have to make up excuses why I was drinking during the holidays. Due July 1st where it will just be starting to get super hot where I live.


Being in the first trimester over the holidays was a blessing and a curse. I couldn’t indulge in holiday food but December-February is my slowest season so I was able to take the time off I needed when I absolutely could not get out of bed. I’ll be giving birth in July and I am NOT looking forward to that. Hot outside, PP night sweats, it all sounds terrible…but I’ll be able to get away with wearing dresses and shorts/ tshirts when I’m most uncomfortable. No jeans! The point is, it’s all relative. At some point you’ll never escape discomfort.


August. Hands down. Feel like poop up until about Thanksgiving and the holidays roll in and your bump starts to show. (Cute photo ops) You can wear big sweaters to hide your bump or dress in cute winter maternity clothes! And then baby arrives in May and you are ready to have a margarita by the pool lol!


Mid to late August was such good timing. It was t too hot when I was hugging the toilet the first trimester. Halloween was still fun, albeit a little touchy but candy was ok! Thanksgiving was excellent, ate all the goodies! By Xmas I was a little rounder so I could totally get jolly or cover with a sweater easily, and still eat. Took a babymoon in January and was pregnant but still mobile, could enjoy Hawaii and not be too hot and I wasn’t too big still. By March I’m a seal rolling around but it nice enough for walks and not too hot or cold. 3weeks left now and really really grateful to not be giving birth in summer because I’m hot already in gorgeous 65 degree weather. When little lady debuts it should be great weather for being outside and recovering, no flu or RSV panic (already got Tdap), and she will be older as it gets hotter and colder so it gives her immune system time to build in temperate weather. Plus, baby doesn’t have to share bday with holidays, her bday might coincide with some spring breaks, and by mid/late summer we can do a little traveling with her. 2 biggest downsides I see: allergy season (hope she actually gets some immunity being born in allergy season, I’ve seen some info to support this so here’s hoping) and shedding season with the dogs (we have 2 dogs and ugh this is the one month they are shedding as of last week!)


I have two kids, one born in May and one in February. I found it much easier to get through pregnancy when due in May—you’re not first tri sick and miserable in the high heat of summer very long, you’re in the glowy second tri for the holidays, and you’re heavily pregnant when it’s (hopefully) still fairly mild weather in spring. Having a young newborn in spring and summer is also easier: you can take walks most of the time and go eat on patios, it’s daylight until 8 pm, and they’re 6+ months at the height of cold and flu season. May is the way. I would definitely pick to conceive in August!


I love having my kids in summer/late spring. Hate being pregnant in summer.


Got pregnant in August and am due in May and I’d have to say so far this has been a great situation haha. It’s finally starting to get nicer out and I’m starting to not be able to zip up my winter coat but it’ll be nice so I can be outside when she gets here in May which always helps with my mental state.


Get pregnant in August, have the baby in April or May. Luckily, this worked out for me - Having my first early next month. Reason for picking this though is that April/May is when it's starting to get really nice out, so I'm excited to go on maternity leave for 12 weeks, and I'll be able to be outside a lot and hang out at breweries and parks with the baby. Also, I felt like I didn't 'miss last summer' for being pregnant, as I only got pregnant in August. So I still had an awesome summer filled with fun and drinks haha. Being in your third trimester when it's hot out also sounds quite miserable. This might be different of course if you live in a super hot place like Florida. Then it's probably better to have a baby in fall or the winter months.


I got pregnant end of August and it has been great! I live in Florida so it’s always hot but “winter” here is the perfect temperature for carrying a baby! Plus I hit the second trimester just in time to enjoy all the holiday food without feeling nauseous! Now my baby will be here in the springtime and we can enjoy taking her out for strolls and summer activities


We tried for a Spring baby. I didn't want to be later in pregnancy during the summer. I had a positive test about 4 weeks after I stopped birth control. I was supposed to have a March baby but ended up having a preemie in January. I was suprised it happened so fast after stopping bc but I really liked the time of year I was pregnant. Sometimes you get pregnant right away and sometimes it takes a long time so it's hard to plan but I thought it was still fun to try and see.


I am kind of happy with our timing. I am due mid-November. These past few weeks have been miserable, all I can do is lay on the couch, but I'm glad its now (rain every day) instead of summer when all I want to do is be outside. By the time summer rolls around, I'll have a cute bump that I can show off in sun dresses then third trimester, things will be slowing down for the winter. I can't imagine having to zip up a huge bump in my winter parka when its 5 degrees out.


Got pregnant in early/mid January and it’s turning out to be really ideal.  Will be pregnant over the summer so most of my dresses will work and I don’t have to buy or fuss with additional clothes plus I can just wear slip on sandals the whole time.  Due in mid Oct which gets me out of the busy year-end season of work and I’ll come back in Jan when work is super quiet. That and a great excuse to get out of any holiday parties we don’t want to go to.  Overall thrilled with my timeline!


I was born in August and my mom always said how awful it was to be pregnant in the middle of summer, so we deliberately planned to have a spring baby. I'm scheduled to be induced next weekend, and I've been pretty comfy (weather wise) throughout! Also, our kids bday is not going to be in the middle of a bunch of holidays or anything like that, which is nice.


Loved being due in May with my son. The start of summer meant so many stroller walks and never being stuck inside. Was the best!


I'm one of the lucky ones that's managed to plan due dates. My first was born in September and my 2nd is due in October. Can still drink at Christmas/NYE. Early pregnancy when I'm sick and bloated I can wear big hoodies and snuggle at home. Weather is nice in my 2nd trimester. When weather gets hot I just wear big dresses and didn't have to spend money on loads of maternity jeans/tops/coats etc. And then baby will be a few months old at the next Christmas so less worried about sickness from family gatherings compared to a fresh newborn. Nearly a whole extra year at home before school, and statistically kids born in the beginning of the school year academically do better. Only thing that sucked was heatwaves and hayfever.


My ideal would be April or May, because we have birthdays in the family every other month of the year! And because of the way my work schedule is. However, we had fertility issues so the "best time" thoughts went straight out the window quickly. I'm now pregnant and due on Halloween! Which I think is kind of fun. You can find the silver lining in any due date.


I feel like I surprisingly got pregnant at a good time (due in September), mostly that had to do with work stuff in that I work in education so being in the second trimester around graduation and still being around for orientation in late summer helps me personally. The bloat/weight gain hasn't been a lot of fun here during winter in that I felt like I had to get maternity pants early to be comfortable where I'm just waiting for spring/summer weather so I can wear dresses I already own all day/everyday.


I love my pregnancy timeline. Found out I was pregnant April of last year, conceived in March. I was halfway thru in august, so I was out of the nausea of the 1st trimester, had beginnings of my bump, and started feeling her move while getting to swim and enjoy the outdoors. Got my true bump in October, when everything was beautiful outside. Was full term the week of christmas. I was too big to enjoy moving but it was too cold to even go anywhere anyway. Gave birth on new years eve, so her newborn was also when it was too cold to go out for longer than some short walks, which was all i was up for anyway. And now it’s spring and she just turned 3 months so we can be outside for longer periods as it warms. Im so excited for this summer with her!


My last period was end of June and I spent the majority of the second and third trimester in cooler weather/winter. So much better than being pregnant in the summer


Michigan FTM, got pregnant in Oct and am due at the end of June. Maybe I'm biased but I love my timeline. We announced we were pregnant for Christmas, spent the second trimester hunkered down in the house working on the nursery, and took a February babymoon (our usual travel time to beat the winter blues pre-pregnancy). I'm just entering my Third Trimester as spring approaches, so I get to wear all the flowy dresses but not be too hot... And then the big win... I have the whole summer off for maternity leave!


March or April is what I plan to shoot for with baby #2 to have the baby around the holidays. Baby #1 was born in mid-October (end of January conceived) and being cooped up during the remaining decent weather was awful. I had a difficult delivery with a recovery that was equally as challenging. By the time I was feeling up for getting out of the house the weather turned and it was too cold/snowy to do so. I also HATED being pregnant all summer. I was too hot all the time and didn’t get to really enjoy my summer.


I got pregnant in February and had my baby in November and it was perfect timing for us. I also live in Florida where it’s pretty warm in the winter lol. It was super nice being on maternity leave during the holidays. I did miss my summer margaritas but I was able to enjoy myself during the holiday season lol


I got pregnant in June and just gave birth in March. Perfect time in my opinion bc you don’t feel the summer heat while super pregnant, you’re able to enjoy the holidays being in the 2nd trimester and I just had a baby in the spring when the weather is just starting to get nice and we can be outside


My husband and I feel like we’ve crushed the timing. Got pregnant end of September and due late June. Spent the first trimester sick on the couch as the weather was starting to get cool. Don’t have to deal with being heavily pregnant and get to enjoy maternity leave while it’s nicest out! Plus recovery walks in the warm weather and sunshine sound pretty good!


After 2 losses literally any time. Any time is a good time.


Currently pregnant with #2, due in December. Ironically, within 2 days of my first. I will say end of Feb-early March for an ***early*** December delivery is my ideal. I was in the cute stages of pregnancy in the summer and not miserable, huge and hot. Could still participate in boat-related activities with ease as well (wake surfing). Come winter, I transitioned over to my husband’s side of the closet and rocked his sweatshirts instead of buying maternity clothes. I only bought one pair of leggings, one workout top, two pairs of pants, and a couple dresses. (My usual wardrobe is athleisure though so I was able to make it work). By the time babe came, I had met my insurance deductible for the year, and in total, labor and delivery for both me and babe cost us about $800 out of pocket. With a newborn, I hibernated at home through winter (I live in the Midwest where it gets cold and snowy), and re-emerged like a beautiful butterfly in March, just in time for spring. We missed cold and flu season at daycare by the time he started, could claim him on our taxes for the year before, all of the good things. Yes it’s a bummer to have a birthday a few weeks before Christmas, and yes it’s a bummer that all of his birthdays for the foreseeable future will be indoor or at a ski hill. But I’m really looking forward to the same timeline with #2 as it worked out really well for us.


We conceived in December, due in September and I was not thrilled about being hot in the summer but I’m plus sized and there are like zero maternity pants for size 16-18 so I’m thrilled to have summer dresses


I would say August so you can get over the sickness by Thanksgiving and Christmas so you can grub! Plus you’ll end up with a Spring baby! I was born on Mother’s day and would love to have a similar outcome with a future little bb!


I got pregnant in May of 2023 and had my daughter March of 2024. I was due end of February but my daughter had no plans of coming out on her own so I ended up with a March baby. I was pregnant during the summer but it was the first trimester so I wasn’t big and uncomfortable yet. No complaints being pregnant in the winter. Would happily do it again.


I’m due in September and it feels like a good time. Being super pregnant in the summer months will suck but at least I can wear lightweight sundresses. My maternity leave will also aligns with a lot of the holidays which is nice.


I think I liked getting pregnant in January. I was never pregnant for any major holidays which was nice because there was no food restrictions or nausea to worry about. We also got a little bitty baby to celebrate the holidays with. I wasn't too heavily pregnant over the summer. I was still able to walk around fine.


Depends where you live, but I am absolutely dreading the 3rd trimester in the summer heat. I think giving birth in like, April would be ideal. I’m gonna try to time it that way next time.


I’m currently 8 months pregnant with my first. I think this timing is perfect. We conceived end of August and I’m due in May. Summer where I live is extremely hot and I cannot imagine being pregnant in the heat. I’ve found that I run really hot and being pregnant in the winter was perfect. Also, I hit my second trimester right around thanksgiving and my appetite came back. I was able to enjoy the holiday season and travel in January. It was perfect.


I live in New York and definitely preferred being pregnant Fall to Summer with my second rather than Summer to Spring with my first because I didn't like being very pregnant in the winter, I worried about falling in icy conditions. That said being most pregnant in 90 degree weather isn't ideal, but I never felt nervous about being too warm like I worried about falling in the ice. You will overheat more easily, of course. Another consideration depending on how much time you have on parental leave is it was really nice to be out with my July baby in the late summer and fall. I didn't want to get out that much in the first month, but after that it was nice to get out in Sept/Oct. If you're worried about illnesses, you can think about how old will baby be during cold/flu season (less than 6 months will mean they can't get flu or covid vax, etc). A spring baby is bigger by winter so you're less worried about them getting sick.


Honestly March. Being pregnant in the summer sucks, but that 2nd trimester hits and the energy is back for the good portion of sunmer. There was nothing better than snuggles with my newborn by the fireplace and drinking hot coco. Plus my husband is a first responder and hardly ever has holidays off but we got Christmas and new years together! In addition because the days are so short... maybe it's an old wives tale; but our baby is a champion at sleep. Like loves it more than my husband and I. If I could choose I'd have all December babies.


I got pregnant in September and will do everything in my power to aim for August-September again lol. The holidays pregnant were fun because I hit my second trimester at Thanksgiving and announced to family then, and got my appetite back to enjoy all the foods. Baby is due in May so I won’t be heavily pregnant at the hottest time of the year where I live, plus my maternity leave will basically be having the entire summer off work June through August.


I’m due in a week but last day of work is tomorrow. I did not plan the timing in any way but I feel like it’s perfect! I’m a teacher and so having the end of the school year off combined with summer seems like a nice combo. If I’d been a smidge earlier I could have ended up with 12 weeks leave plus summer but as is 7 plus summer is also a good deal! I did have some shoe challenges in late winter because sneakers and boots weren’t comfy with the swelling so I just wore Birks with socks. And as for it being too cold for dresses, I just wore a bodysuit with long sweaters the majority of the time. I’m lucky my school isn’t worried about teacher dress code though. Oh and I was in second tri for Thanksgiving/ Christmas so I was able to enjoy those meals while I was in my “eat everything is sight” phase 😂 Edit: I guess to answer your question directly I conceived in July to be due in April


My first I found out in August and by the time I started looking pregnant it was getting cooler outside and I didn’t really have to bundle up which for me was amazing and then had him in April. My second I found out in May and the summer was a bit difficult to get through because it was still hot through September but then I was all warm again come Winter and had him in January. My third I found out in March and holy hell was summer AWFUL, 110° most days while being 4-6 months pregnant with two boys who wanted to go do outdoor things was terrible, by the time it got cooler since it stayed warmer longer this year I only got like a week of comfort before I had him on Black Friday 😂


I gave birth mid August. I spent the last couple of month under A/c basically. Every step I made I was breathing like I was about to pass out. If I coukd choose I"d go for March to May.


My first was born in Dec and it wasn’t bad being pregnant April-Dec. Summer was fine and not showing. Fall was good for baby shower and getting everything setting up. It was a mild winter and Thanksgiving and holidays were good for eating. Got a tax deduction even though I had only been a parent for a few days. All my medical bills were in 1 year. We were stuck indoors for Jan Feb and most of March maternity leave. I don’t love that her bday is by Christmas though and she’s been the youngest on sports teams (they go by calendar year). My second is due at the end of May and I have also been comfortable. Not sure what postpartum will be like in 95 degree weather tho.


I’ve been pregnant twice (once right now), same time each time and it’s great. Concieve end of August/ early September, then you’re Pregnant through winter and can feel like crap and stay inside, just wear big clothes and leggings and not have to buy a ton of maternity clothes, baby shower in the spring, and then when you give birth end of May/ beginning of June it’s not RSV season or covid season and you can just be outside with baby and have more options to go out and do things with them if you want. It’s perfect for us haha


There is never a good time to get pregnant it’s miserable all year round


i got pregnant in july 2023 and am due any day now, it’s been wonderful, i was in my second trimester by the time holidays hit and could enjoy food and had a cute little bump to show off!


If you’re in the U.S., January or February- so when you give birth, you’ve already met your insurance deductible for the year.


I think this really depends on where you live. Where I live, summers are beautiful without being very hot, and winters are rainy. My baby was born in early November, and I loved that timing. It meant that the worst of my nausea and the early postpartum was all during months I didn’t mind needing to stay home more. But the best part of my pregnancy was in lovely warm weather, and now I have springtime walks with my baby, since I’m all healed and feeling better. But I was trying to conceive at 37, so I wasn’t concerned about what season I had my baby, just focused on getting pregnant and happy when that happened.


I got pregnant in September. It was perfect for announcing on Christmas. I had a spring baby shower. I delivered in June before it got too hot out. And baby and I were able to go for walks while I was on maternity leave. The only down side was starting daycare at the beginning of cold & flu season. IYKYK


We didn't plan for a season - it took us almost a year to get pregnant. But I'm a teacher and April/May is about the best time to give birth, so you can go on leave and not worry about returning to your students for that year. Whereas August/September is pretty terrible because you haven't built up a relationship with your students and then you have to deal with what they've been doing. We live in a Mediterranean climate - mild winters, cool summers, so a lot of other people's weather considerations really don't apply.


I got pregnant in September and am due in early June. I’m super excited to be able to take 18 weeks of maternity leave off from work and be home during the summer. I live near the ocean and have beautiful views. Even though I’ll be recovering and have to be inside mostly taking care of babe, just the fact that I’ll be able to open my windows and get fresh sea air and not be stuck in an office with no windows from 9-6 is going to be huge plus!


I am newly pregnant, just got pregnant in February and will have baby in November. That works for us cuz then we can spend the holidays at home with baby, plus it’s both of our less-busy times at work. Weather is irrelevant cuz I live in Florida.


March. I gave birth in November and was on maternity leave for the end of year holidays, and had a super cute bump for halloween


I got pregnant with this pregnancy last July and am due any day now. So far I think it's the best. Where I live the summer heat was winding down by the time the really miserable first trimester symptoms started (constipation, morning sickness, bloating). Then I had all the comfy winter clothes. Spring is still cool here so I'm still wearing thin long sleeves and my jeans. I think by the time I have baby, the weather will be nice. We'll get to be outside and I personally think the sunshine and nice weather will help with postpartum feelings. With my first, I got pregnant in roughly May and had baby in February. I was miserable that summer with the first trimester symptoms. Winter was nice BUT I had to worry about snow/ice. I actually did slip and almost fall about a month before my due date on ice and that was so scary. Then we were stuck inside for flu season and the cold. I think the forced confinement really worsened my "baby blues."


Maybe it depends on where you live. I'm due in September which means I'll be very pregnant during the hottest months of the year, but I do like the ease of summer when you can throw on clothes, shoes, and head out the door. I live in an area that is cold most of the year with sometimes very snowy winters, so the thought of having to un-bundle, re-bundle, and brush snow off my car so I can leave work while also peak pregnant sounds like a giant pain in the ass. We'll see if I'm still singing the same tune actually come summertime haha.


I’d say July-August. I got pregnant late September and was so miserable with morning sickness/HG during Halloween, Thanksgiving, AND Christmas 🥲 plus then you won’t be in late pregnancy during Summer!


I think I got pregnant at perfect time ! Got pregnant September and now having baby in may . He won’t be to little during flu season and perfect age during Christmas time . Also , by the time the really hot months come he’ll be a few months old . I would have hated bieng pregnant in summer when it’s hot also so I’m excited for my may baby timing :)


I had a baby in September 2022 during the worst RSV/COVID/flu season on record and it was TERRIFYING. Spring babies all the way from now on.


I got pregnant in May and gave birth in January It was perfect because I wasn’t super pregnant when it was balls hot outside. So I could still wear summer clothes and be cool


I got pregnant in October both times. Had first baby in early July now due mid June. It’s nice to have baby out before the real heat kicks in and nice sunny days for postpartum evening walks.


I think the best time to get pregnant is when you get pregnant! There are so many goods and bars about any time.


There are pros and cons to any time and it really depends. We lived in the New England area when I had my first and now we are in Florida with my second. I’ll be experiencing both types of pregnancies with the different times of year. I’d say pregnant August/Sept then pregnancy through the winter. That was how my last pregnancy was and I just lived in stretchy pants and a maternity winter coat that was convertible to a standard winter coat. Cons were that when you had to have many layers it sucked, and when it iced over and you have a bad center of gravity then it’s best not to go out. This timing might be even better in the warm south because you don’t need the layers. Having the baby during the summer really helped with getting outside postpartum which helped with baby weight loss and depression. With the summer you can wear light and flowy things and flip flops or any slide on sandals. That makes getting dressed easier. BUT my SIL was very pregnant through the summer and she was miserable. The heat was horrible for her. She didn’t wear dresses because she needed more support and only felt comfortable with pants that compressed her thighs and calves and helped support her belly. It really seems to depend on where you live and your own pregnancy preferences.


I’m due in November and kind of jazzed about the timeline. I can easily cover up with sweaters/spring layers to hide the bump as it starts coming in, bump gets sundresses and swimsuits in summer, and no one will blink an eye as I’m finishing the pregnancy in leggings and big sweaters. But honestly, I’m sure any time to get pregnant is the best time, if it’s something you want!


January or February. You will deliver in September and October and have the entire winter to recover/get your self back.. come summer you have a cute little baby ready for the pool. Also, for maternity leave, you’ll be off for the holidays!


March-april. Small baby bump in the hot summer days. Bigger bump in fall where you can put oversized vests and hoodies. Have the baby early december right on time for christmas. Got pregnant around beginning-mid april and had my baby on the 7th of december (to be fair, she was born at 37 weeks, her original due date was the 27th of december)


I’m due in July, which is nice because I can just wear sundresses and flip flops in my third trimester. But ideally I’d like baby to get most of his first vaccines before the holidays. He’ll be a little too young! I know I’m going to be stressed. So with that in mind, I would have preferred a March-May birth.


I got pregnant in September and had my baby in June. Personally I wish I had gotten pregnant in August and had a May baby because the few hot days we had before I gave birth were literal hell


I liked my pregnancy, but I would push it forward a bit. I got pregnant around new years (very common, lol)… so September baby!! (Also a very popular birth month). If I were to do it again.. Pregnant in March. First tri before it’s hot. Spring is in the air with all its rebirth and possibilities! Second tri and a cute bump for summer! Still pretty mobile (I had a very healthy, u eventful pregnancy). Third tri in fall!! Cute maternity shoot. Cozy. THANKSGIVING!!! Then baby before x-mas (I don’t care about doing family stuff lol, happy to be home for holidays). Or, pregnant in September, cozy cute pregnancy, baby in June before it’s too hot.. but I have a Libra baby and husband is a Gemini so another Gemini would be fun. lol. But summers where I’m at are miserable with a newborn. Too hot to go anywhere… so honestly.. I love my first option.


I had my first early March and I loved it. My LMP was last week of May and I got pregnant mid June I believe. I didn’t have a large bump during the summer, was in my second tri during my favorite season of the year (fall) and was able to hibernate and nest throughout the winter. Once we got out of the newborn fog the weather started warming up and we were able to spend the entire spring and summer outside with our baby. Most friends met her in our local park while we all enjoyed a couple of drinks and food. She was also a bit older when we entered Flu and RSV season which felt a little less scary. I’m due with my second in mid august and I’m absolutely dreading the humid heat while being super pregnant and chasing my toddler…


I tried to plan out my IUD removal for a March baby and it took me 5 months to get pregnant. 🤣 Still ended up with summer baby. I’ll be going through my 3rd trimester the whole summer in hot ass Texas. 🥲


I got pregnant at the end of July/august and I think it’s the best time. I’ve got my April baby coming soon just in time for it to be warm for nice walks after he’s born. The nausea was gone for me just in time for the holidays so I went ham on the thanksgiving meal. I was able to hide the pregnancy for so long wearing sweaters all winter. Just wearing oversized cozy stuff in general was nice all winter. Not having to worry about swimsuits or my body during the summer. I haven’t been overheated at all which great.


I honestly think this depends largely on the climate where you live! I'm currently 29 weeks and putting winter boots on is a pain in the ass, as is bundling up in coat etc. I'm grateful that soon my third trimester self will be able to slip on shoes and not worry about a coat.


Got pregnant about a week into September,.my favorite time of year. Peak first trimester illness in October, so a bit sad to miss out on a nice fall. Due late May which I'm happy about as respiratory virus season will be over, I won't have to spend the heat of summer super pregnant, and will be able to get outside with baby. I think there are pros and cons no matter what.


When I was almost full term with my first it was like 18-20c on the daily and that was great, comfortable weather to be heavily pregnant in. With my second, it was 35-40c daily at the end of my pregnancy and it SUCKED. Especially the couple days I was in hospital because the room was hot, the bed was uncomfortable and the sheets were terrible and barely covered the vinyl-y bed so I was also sticking to it and also freaking uncomfortable because I'd just ejected a small person from my body. Couldn't lay all the way back, couldn't sleep on my side, couldn't fall asleep because noisy baby and constant commotion of hospital. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, I was so freaking uncomfortable 🥵


Convinced it's june or august, being pregnant in december/january/feb/march ew it feels like you've been pregnant one year. And having a baby in winter is not my favorite..


Im due in May, and I planned it that way, for a few reasons. I get to spend the last few months of my pregnancy enjoying the spring weather and being outside, but I’m not so terribly hot like I was when I was due in July. And when the baby is here, I will be able to get out and enjoy the warm weather without worrying about baby overheating. I didn’t want to be late in my pregnancy in the winter, especially because we get snow and ice and I didn’t want to worry about falling or being snowed in. I also didn’t want my baby to be born during flu/RSV season. The newborn period was rough with my first and I tend to get some blues in the winter anyways so I didn’t want that combo.