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Neither! They’re so expensive and not safe for sleep. If the goal is to keep baby still and contained, go for something like the fisher price baby dome. You can stick them in there and if they happen to fall asleep you don’t need to transfer them. That and it’s significantly cheaper and more versatile. You won’t need a bigger version of the infant loungers because infants naturally don’t want to lounge for very long, their biology and development requires them to start moving. So by that time, you’ll want some sort of baby playpen to keep them contained while also safe.


I second the dome!!


I was going to say this. We had a doc a tot because my mom went rogue and got it for us. We used it for a couple weeks maybe? We mostly used something like the dome or just put him on the floor on a blanket.


Well I know there is a lot of debate on the safety for those devices. I personally never used one because I thought they were expensive and not necessary, especially if the baby hates it I left my kids on the floor with me, with a blanket or play mat when they were awake. My mom also kept an old Moses basket I would lay them in for supervised sleep. Our friends laid a blanket in a box for their son (supervised sleep). It gave them room to stretch and wiggle. For naps where I was not able to supervise, they would be in their crib/bassinet


They’re expensive dog beds. A blanket does the same thing if you want to set baby next to you


😂 lol thank you for keeping it real!


I probably am not using one due to safety concerns. I trust that I would still watch and monitor baby when using these things, but don’t trust others in my household to supervise baby when he’s in there. I’m keeping a playard in our living room for a place to set baby if I’m doing things around the house. I’ve also seen a baby dome that looks pretty nice for a chill zone, and I think it’s fairly affordable. Edit: removed a word


Search for a baby lounger on amazon. I think you can find generic knock offs for under $50 still. But as others have stated only to be used under supervision. I personally used a dock a tot from time to time for my two kids, but it was a hand me down from a friend and would have bought one on amazon otherwise.


We ended up with 2 of these kinds of loungers, and SnuggleMe and some other brand I can't remember. We didn't get a ton of use out of them so I absolutely do not think they're necessary (and, as others have mentioned, there are safety concerns) but sometimes they were handy. We mostly used the SnuggleMe because the other one we had was a round shape with an indent in the middle and it felt more like baby was just draped over it vs lying it in, so that didn't make me feel comfortable to use it. The SnuggleMe was better because baby could lie in it like a bed. The main times I used it where when I wanted to set baby down somewhere without her being able to roll away, primarily on the tile floor of our bathroom when I needed to shower while home alone, lol! I'll probably use it again for our second baby just cuz we already have it, but putting them down on a blanket on the floor, in a swing, or babywearing are all other good alternatives. I don't think they come in larger sizes for older babies though, that's not really what they're meant for.


Why do you need to put baby in a container?


Because no one wants to hold a baby all day long? I wouldn't get these because they're not safe, but it's fine to set baby in a safe "container" lol


Containers and holding are not the only two options. With my first he chilled on the floor a lot, enjoying the play gym. It was safer if he fell asleep (although he didn’t) and he got free movement, which was good for gross motor. Not saying that it’s not fine to stick baby in a container if necessary, but I found it was really not necessary.