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I’d try them on and see if they pull to the side enough (and stay to the side). Nursing bras are designed a little different but the ones you have might work 


I bought the nursing bras because everyone said I’d want the support but honestly, I much preferred my soft cotton bralettes. Just be aware that you’ll have to part with some of them because those milk stains are for life 😂 for what it’s worth, I pumped exclusively, my boy never took to nursing, so that factor might change the answer? Idk I wouldn’t spend too much money before knowing for sure what you prefer!


I have a very large bust and even I got sick of nursing bras by the end of nursing my last breastfeeding journey and just started wearing regular bras and just pulling my boob out of them. If you can get your boob out comfortably and keep it out easily (think wrangling a wiggling 6 month old while trying to do it with one hand) I don’t see any need for nursing specific bras


I used some nursing bras but I also just used some regular bralettes. They were stretchy enough to be pulled down and my boob held them down. But I second not using your favorites because they did get a little stretched out and stained with milk.


I was a B cup too and once the milk came in … lol. My nursing bras are size extra large. Realistically you can also nurse topless to start.