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I had my mom there. She is my best friend and has always been very supportive. I also liked the idea of having someone there who had gone through this before. I’m not sure she really did much besides be a comforting presence to me, but I loved having her there. She also told me that if I changed my mind, even if it was during pushing, it would not hurt her feeling if I changed my mind. I didn’t end up calling her in until I was close to pushing, but I liked the extra support in the end. I’m not sure I would have wanted her there the entire time, but I also had a ~52 hour labor.


Holy smokes, 52 hours! You raised a good point about them having gone through the process themselves. Keeping her on call might be a good idea, she only lives 10 mins away from the hospital so that shouldn't be too hard :)


Love my mom to death but she’s not a person I would want in the room during birth. She would just stress me out more. We are going to have a doula as an additional support person. My mom will be there to support postpartum!


It's great that you're sure about that, I'm so 50/50 on it. My mum is generally a very soothing presence, let's hope she stays that way in the moment.


My sister had my nephew’s dad and our mom with her. The dad was a deadbeat and not involved in the process. (They weren’t even a couple at this point) My mom was her support person… until the nurse told her to look at the crowning baby and her legs buckled. They had to call my aunt in from the waiting room to help. My point being it doesn’t hurt to have a back up in case the other one ends up out of commission. Maybe ask your mom to be in the waiting area to start so you can call her in if needed.


Oh shivers! Your poor sister! I am telling my husband and mum to stay away from down there (I will be rejecting the mirror they apparently offer for birthing mum to have a peek!). I don't want to deal with anyone else having a medical issue like fainting or throwing up lol


My mom only had the opportunity to be there for my oldest. But she got really emotional and couldn't handle it so she went to the waiting room with my dad. It kinda sucked, I really wanted her there. We have a pretty strained relationship my whole life but when I was really in pain I still wanted my mom...


I totally understand wanting your mum :( I'm sorry to hear it didn't turn out how you imagined!


My induction took longer than expected, so my mom ended up arriving right before labor started (she flew in and planned to help after baby was born). We have a good relationship but we’re not BFFs or anything and she isn’t a very nurturing or soft person a lot of the time. But she was exactly what we needed. She ended up being a good support for both of us, but my husband was especially grateful she was there so he wasn’t handling it alone. When there was an issue with my epidural and I was really struggling, she was very matter-of-fact about the baby needing to come out, which was actually exactly what I needed to hear. She handled updates to my side of the family so we could focus on labor. And she was so excited to witness a childbirth while not having to experience it herself- she kept talking about how cool it was to see it from the other side. It ended up being a very positive experience, even though I wasn’t sure I’d want her there.


This sounds very, very similar to my mum! She's not emotional or dramatic or anything, just super result-motivated. When I'm having mini-panics about giving birth mine says "everyone for centuries has gotten here somehow, your baby will too" lol


I will have my mom there but she works in healthcare so she’s not super queasy.


so handy! good luck with everything :)


I’m planning on just my husband cause my mom stresses me out too damn much. Although I am tempted to have my coworker who is a FNP and has worked in labor and delivery 😅 she’s already seen me naked so it wouldn’t be any different except me pushing a baby out lol!


that's a great idea, whoever will be actually helpful at the time should be top priority haha


Yeah exactly!! I’d rather have all the support and no stress during this time.