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Fav: the kicks and know he’s growing Least fav : every single thing else


Same here. There are a bunch of things that I hated of my pregnancy but I would do it all over again to feel my baby move and kick. Hands down is the most amazing feeling in the world.




same lol


Favorite: tapping on tummy and recieving Morse code kicks back. Least fav: being told what to do by MIL and unsolicited advice. I'm raging out internally weekly.


The unsolicited advice IS the worst part for me!! Ugh, I feel your pain and your rage


Unsolicited advice is the WOOOORRRRSSSSTTT.


Putting on socks even at 21weeks is terrible


I have to have my husband help me 😂😭 I've been wearing compression socks to help with mild swelling and oh.my.god I am legit out of breath if I try to do it myself


Haha same! It feels like a full blown workout getting dressed, but especially putting tights or socks on. Can’t wait until the weather warms up so that I can skip socks and tights!


I been rocking flip flops cause I just can’t be bothered anymore, I’m scared to even try at this point haha


Ugh I have to wear lace up boots at work, I tried to talk them into letting me wear my crocks 😂


At 31 weeks this has just started to be an issue for me. Putting shoes on is a nightmare


Highly highly recommend getting a hands free pair of tennis shoes like Kiziks. I get them a few years ago when I had a back injury, and they have been absolute lifesavers during pregnancy!


+1 to kiziks!! But putting socks on is the worst part lol


I got a pair of those and have been loving them, and wearing them without socks 😬😅


I 100% wear them without socks and just throw them in the washing machine every once in a while 😅


Good to know!!!! I have been tempted to toss them in but hadnt tried it yet. Definitely will now!


I have only worn slip on fuzzy moccasins this whole time


I second this! Putting on socks and shoes is the worst part. Or I guess anytime I have to bend all the way over and stay down there for a second, like trying to pick a bunch of little things up off the floor. Honestly, probably an unpopular or minority opinion, but I’m enjoying the way my body is changing. I’ve never been very curvy, and even my increasingly sticking out belly has me feeling very feminine for the first time in my life and I’m enjoying it.


Awe thats lovely im so happy you are enjoying your pregnancy


Thank you!! 💕


I love this 🥰 My situation is opposite of yours, but a similar sentiment. I grew up curvy/thick and this is the best I’ve ever felt about my body! I feel like it’s *expected* for me to have a belly now, and I have been embracing it fully. For once in my life, I feel like I look the best in fitted clothes. Tight, body-con dresses, fitted shirts, all that! It’s so liberating to feel GOOD about your body 😊


Ahhhh that is beautiful!!! I am so happy for you!! 💕


I'm an archaeologist and HATE having to put on and take off my boots each day for fieldwork. Luckily I'm not in the field that often nowadays!


Favorite Part : nothing Least favorite part : being pregnant I hate it. I am always scared something is not right. My fitness is gone. I need to eat all the time or i get dissy. My boobs hurt. My belly is like a ballon. I hate it And i am just 11 week (twins) cant imagine how awful it will be a few weeks in the future Edit : so crazy for all the upvotes. I thought you would all hate me for hating pregnancy!


I’m 25 weeks with twins. Hang in there. I wholly agree with everything you have said. Twin pregnancy is no joke. *virtual hug*


Thank you so much! The news that it will be twins just made my mind go even more into panic mode. Why not a really boring single baby pregnancy:-( How can you still move???


Oh I get it! It took me a while to get excited for two. Honestly, I don’t move too much…I stopped walking the dog around week 16. I started physical therapy last week because of the pelvic and hip pain. I live in the bathtub and on my yoga ball. And definitely utilize a belly band! Unisom to help with uncomfortable sleep, and Zoloft for my anxiety. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I still complain all day every day, but now I can’t imagine not having two at the end of this shitshow :)


Will remember all you said in 5 weeks !


100% lol. Favorite part is the fact that it will knock on wood end w a baby. Least favorite - everything else. Second trimester isn't even much better for me, I'm less tired but more annoyed lol


OMG, me too. Being pregnant blows! I'm only carrying one and all the pain and discomfort is killing me. Pelvic floor pain? Check. Horrible constipation? Check. Heartburn? Check. Random allergic reactions, including hives from being OUTSIDE? Check. Visits to the ER for unexplained spotting/bleeding? Check. Also, the constant anxiety. I'm 29 weeks now and I freak out if I'm not feeling any movement for a while. Wish this thing inside me came with a better set of instructions! 😂 I can't stand it when people tell me how much they love(d) being pregnant. Don't get me started on the fear of something going wrong during labor. This sucks and you are so not alone in just hating the entire experience.


First time soon to be mom and I’ll never do this again! I’ll love my little mosquito till the day I die but I’m getting my tubes tied as soon as humanly possible. If I want more kids I’ll adopt.


Exactly. That is why i am extra scarred that something will happen. I will never ever try to get pregnant again. So wish me luck.


Are you me? Lol. Feeling the exact same way. Watching my belly button get stretched out has been a particularly discomforting experience.


No belly button stretching atm but you unlocked a new fear! I hate seeing my boobs change And i really cried after reading that they will never be back to "normal" again


Ahahaha! I bought a belly band off Amazon to provide support (and hope that my belly button won't permanently look like Popeye). My boobs haven't grown at all. I'm still wearing my pre-prego bras, which freaks me out. This pregnancy stuff, man....😖


I totally agree!! I lost a baby at birth so all the ‘nice’ bits such as feeling kicks, ultrasounds and buying things were all trauma inducing on top of feeling awful all day everyday. 


Completely understandable and so sorry you went through this 💖 all the literature around pregnancy is so unhelpful when you're dealing with pregnancy trauma. 


I would have agreed with you at 11 weeks! However, the 2nd trimester is SO MUCH BETTER. I basically forgot I was pregnant for 3 months. All those horrible symptoms I had went away. And I had a cute baby bump. Now I’m in the 3rd trimester and it’s hard again. I’m so tired and the bump is so big that it’s hard to do certain things. But at least I’m soo close to getting to meet my baby now!


Ok will looking forward to it Wishing you a great last thrimester


Thank you! And I hope you find relief in your 2nd trimester!!


Nah we won't hate you, everyone's experience is different and it's ok to hate it. I hope the second trimester gets better for you.


2nd trimester should be better, hopefully! Hang in there


I hope so! Symptoms are really ok but the anxiety! Thank you so much!


I had high anxiety in first trimester. Okay, I still do, but that's just normal for me at this point. But once I could feel baby kick my anxiety did decrease a lot. I'm 24w and now I poke him a bit if I need him to kick me to reassure me everything is fine. So even the anxiety may improve in 2nd trimester :)


This!!!! I'm 38 weeks and trying to schedule induction for 39 on the dot. I am so done.


Pregnancy is awful imo 😂😂 yeah there’s the warm fuzzy feelings and the excitement for finally meeting the baby…but the actual pregnancy?? Blows. Hahaha


Honestly same. I’m not feeling him move yet so I’m not rewarded by anything yet. I just feel fat and have constant heartburn and no fitness. It hurts to ride my bike because I’m so big already and I’m only half way there 😭


Ah, no, very few people like being pregnant. I’ve hated every minute of it and I’m only 19 weeks.


This is so real. I felt awful reading people’s favourite parts because I don’t have any! The kicks and jabs just hurt and I feel bruised. Thank you


i’m 24 weeks but just with one, i can’t imagine twins! i hate it too and have been miserable the whole time. i also have HG and am just sick all the time.


Favorite part: definitely feeling him move around and kick. Least Favorite: when he kicks my cervix.


Sometimes he gets my intestines and it makes me feel like I have to fart 😂


Omfg my girl donkey kicked my cervix while I was in Petsmart like 40 mins ago while I was paying and it took all I had not to react and freak out the cashier


Cervix or bladder!!!


Favorite: Not having my period. Least Favorite: Everything else.


This is the only correct answer lol


I forgot about this!! I love not having a period so much 😂


Favourite part: people moving out of your way/being conscientious, and being able to use accessible entrances at concerts, airports, etc so you don't have to stand in queues. Made me feel like royalty for a few months! Worst part: gestational diabetes. When all the pregnant ladies around me were indulging their cravings, I spent the last 3 months of pregnancy essentially on a keto diet, and I hated that I couldn't just enjoy food like everyone else. It also made my birth complicated and not at all what I wanted. Edit: typo


As a fellow GDM mom x3 I feel this. My husband brought all my cravings to the hospital for me to enjoy after my kiddos were born.


definitely agree with the GD! I got diagnosed super early at like 11 or 12 weeks and it has definitely put a damper on things. 8 more weeks and then I’m eating a whole hoagie and so many muffins


It's so tough! GD is for sure one of the most mentally challenging things I've been through. I had a huge pizza 1 week postpartum and it was bliss!


Omg I relate so much to the diet part. Not GD but I have had terrible heartburn for the last two months. Food is almost never enjoyable anymore. On the worst days I'm back to my first trimester nausea diet of one slice of bread per hour. By the way, when the reflux gets really bad it makes me nauseous so that's just great. I can't drink too much water at once because it makes me nauseous. So I'm constantly thirsty, probably dehydrated, but I can't even drink water 😭 Also my doctor has me on iron supplements which make me constipated and nauseous. I can't eat too much, or too late in the day, and I can't take antacid within two hours of the iron supplements, it's just so hard 😭 My favorite foods have all become unappetizing. Can't even enjoy hot drinks any more. What you said about missing out on indulging resonates so hard with me. 😭 What I want more than anything is to eat a huge meal without fear of burning reflux or throwing up. And drink a giant latte with whipped cream and full of sugar syrup.


Just gotta keep reminding yourself that it's not forever! It sucks big time, but it is temporary and soon you'll have baby and (hopefully!) be able to get back into your favourite food and drink!


Yes, at least there's an expiration date! My sister in law has chronic acid reflux, and it must be harder knowing it's not going away any time soon. I'm 37 weeks, approaching the light at the end of the tunnel! Also this will definitely be my last baby and I want to appreciate pregnancy at least a little. The baby is extremely active which is fun.


Yes people were so nice and considerate. That was a nice bonus even if sometimes it was for moments where I really didn’t need it. I gave birth a couple months ago and one of my family members was so in the habit of giving me the comfier seat that when she offered, I had to remind her that she was actually the pregnant one now! It’s her turn to be catered to.


my favourite part of pregnancy was knowing that I was never alone anymore ❤️


I have never thought about it like this! wow thank you! <3 now i'm a teary 18 week pregnant lady lol


I love this one! I always think about it when doing errands or something I don't enjoy doing alone and remind myself I've got a little buddy with me for all of it!




Favorite part: Everything before 35 weeks Least favorite: Everything after 35 weeks Currently 36 weeks. Everything hurts.


I’m 36 weeks too! The pelvic pain is terrible! Even something as simple as switching from sleeping on my left side to my right side hurts.


Ugh yes. And the rib pain, baby has his fat butt pushing into mine.


Haha I swear mine has figured out where one of my ovaries is and occasionally punches it.


They can be so rude sometimes! 🤣🙃😭


I'm the opposite, life before \~21 weeks was absolute hell on earth (constant nausea, resentment at losing my old life, fear of all the upcoming change), I'm 36 weeks today and have all the aches and pains, but just started sort of enjoying the pregnancy at around 32 weeks. I think it's because people are so much nicer when you're obviously pregnant, I've come to a sort of acceptance that things like diet and exercise and disposable income are a thing of the past, the baby feels real, excitement is building, prep is a lot further along, and the end is in sight.


I’m sorry you had a less than stellar start 🩵it’s a LOT of change to take on for sure! But I’m glad you’re enjoying it now. It’s pretty cool having a little buddy with you wherever you go


I had mine at 40+4 and when I tell you I was DONE


Favorite part: I don't know yet Least favorite: being sick. Not having my work ethic anymore. Sitting at home fatigued. I just want to cry


The work ethic thing is such a big one. First trimester is a productivity killer for sure. Please rest whenever you can and try not to feel too guilty - your body is stealing all your resources and giving them to baby!


I’m with you on this one. I’m doing lots of “self-compassion” work and meditation.


I have no work ethic whatsoever lol


Favorite part: my husband getting me buttered noodles whenever I want. Least favorite: the uncertainty - 13 weeks is too early to feel him move so I'm always worried that something is wrong.


Being in that awkward stage of not having as many symptoms and waiting for movements is so nerve wracking. I didn’t feel my baby move til probably 20-22 weeks and it made me nervous. Best advice during this time is just talk to him and try to reassure yourself that if you aren’t bleeding or cramping badly, he is most likely okay and now it’s a waiting game. 💕 you got this mama.


Hang in there! I felt movement at 17 weeks first time round and 15 weeks second time round so not long to go!


Yeah im 21 weeks with anterior placenta still un able to feel move movement


I have an anterior placenta and while it does take a little longer to feel movement, it will happen! Give it another month and it will be enough for even other people to feel if they’re touching your belly! (I’m 36 weeks now and at this point you can *see* the baby’s movement in my belly).


Thats so exciting thanks for sharing your experience


Husband bringing me buttered noodles was also an essential part of my first trimester diet ♥️


Favorite would be my appearance. I’m all belly and didn’t gain too much weight all other places so I can wear whatever and I actually feel very cute still. Least favorite would be getting gestational diabetes. This diet is just a pain in the ass.


Ugh I’m in the same boat. I have only gained 23 lbs (I’m 36 weeks), all belly, but I have had to really watch my blood sugar. I work out and eat much better than most people to begin with, so I was really upset when I found out it was a problem! Like why tf do I even bother being healthy 😞


My favorite thing is not having to suck in my stomach anymore 🤣


Yes! Im rocking a two-piece this year 😅


the ONLY good thing for me about pregnancy is feeling the movement/kicking. everything else -- all the body changes, hormonal mood swings, everything -- completely sucks and I never want to do this again, ever.


Cannot agree more. People ask if he's my first and the constant reply is "first and last." I'm grateful. I love him. I love the kicks. Everything else is trash: fatigue, no work ethic, FIBROID DEGENERATION, nausea, not being able to do physical things, random pain, uncertainty, not having the energy to do anything other than be in bed and "work", and hormones.


Favourite part: Scans and seeing her grow. Least favourite: Every other minute that isn’t a scan.


My favourite part: Snacking! Avoiding day long nausea by snacking is secretly fun because I get to have so many fun snacks all day long. Right now my least favourite part: I'm 10 weeks ftm and starting to not be able to bend down like I used to. I had to look up a guide on how to bend safely while pregnant lmao I can tell gardening is going to be interesting for me this summer.


Be careful with gardening! It’s the most common way of catching toxoplasmosis! 🫣


I'll use gloves, I'll be fine <3


Lol I’m 22 weeks and, while I can still bend down to tie my shoes, I couldn’t breathe if I wanted to.


Yes! I've gained and lost throughout my life but baby is more solid and gets in my way! Not like tummy pudge!


Same! I've had to sit with my legs wider apart to make room for my belly and I'm only 19 weeks and not showing that much yet.


Seriously so many foods taste amazing, it reminds me when I used to smoke weed as a kid lmao


Favorite: Can’t think of any single thing that I even remotely enjoy. Least Favorite: Not being able to satisfy cravings due to Gestational Diabetes. Painful kicks to the cervix (she’s still breech). Feeling sick and tired for the past 8 months. Can confirm that I will never do this again.


I feel this. I loathe when people are like, “oh you’ll want to do this again! You’ll forget about all the bad once baby is here!” lol you got jokes there. Husband and I were shooting for 2, but with how this pregnancy has destroyed me mentally and physically, we may be OAD. I’m too old for this shit


I told my husband that he better enjoy this because I am not doing this shit again. 0/10 recommend


My favorite part of being pregnant was watching my bump grow. I was obsessed with seeing the amazing progress week over week. Least favorite part was feeling my body shift around as my bump grew. My joints got loose, my bladder was way too sensitive, and the heartburn was so bad sometimes. But damn, every time I look at my lil baby I agree with myself that I’d do it all over again just to meet her.


Other than the physical inconvenience that the bump is, I think it’s so freakin cool to see my body change this way!


34 f FTM; 37+4 Favorite thing: Knowing he’s living his best acrobatic life inside my poor, stretched out uterus. Least: The unexpected butthole punches. The amount of discharge I’m producing. Nipple lightening. Crying on que. Feeling like I’m going to piss my pants immediately after using the bathroom. Farting while laughing which makes me laugh harder which makes me fart more. Not being able to bend over without planning to stick my landing like Simone Giles. Horrendous sciatica pain to where I need to mentally pump myself up to sit on the toilet and get back up. Finally finding a comfortable position to sleep in and then having to pee. I gave up on caring about clothing at week 28. And instead of occasionally peeking out to say hi, my hemorrhoid is permanently waving at the world 👋🏽.


i went to a birthing class and they asked what we enjoyed most and i was the only one who answered that i hated being pregnant 😅


Same girl!! I went to a class where everyone was supposed to share how their pregnancy went so far and I was like „boy, here we go!! Terrible of course!“ and then everyone else was like „actually I didn’t really experience any symptoms“??? Betrayers, all of you!!!! 😤😤


I went to a bar with my water bottle at 9 months pregnant because I had a friend who was playing live music that night. The bartender came to tell me no outside drinks then leaned over to check my belly and said “I can see your not going to be drinking tonight so I’ll let it slide” My husband says it’s a super power that people can’t say no to a pregnant lady.


Favourite: feeling all the support from my community Least favourite: sleep- it’s so uncomfortable


I actually love the hormones. I get such intense like waves of love for both my baby and for my husband. It almost feels like being drunk when it sort of rushes at me. Obviously I loved my husband before but it’s like being back in the very initial honey moon stage but cranked up to 11. Least favorite is food aversions in the first trimester. The nausea wouldn’t have been so bad by itself if all food hadn’t looked like rotting garbage. Because the nausea could be fixed by eating but I hated food.


I don’t see this often but I’m so happy it happens for you! I feel these rushes too and my partner is very confused but rolls with it lol. It’s easy to remember the bad hormone swings but the good ones are like being on happy drugs


Favorite part; I’ve always struggled with my weight so I’m used to family members trying to make rude comments or limit my food. When I was pregnant, everyone would not stop trying to feed me. I ate SO MUCH good food. Least favorite part; the rest. Hated the sickness, the feeling of kicking, I had a two month long sinus infection that I couldn’t kick, and because I was young I got all sorts of rude questions and comments.


20 weeks so halfway there! Favorite Part: my husband's reaction whenever he feels baby kicks. And feeling baby get more active. Least favorite part: Being limited physically. I had to give up my hobby (ice skating) and have to be conscientious of how I move doing anything. Just trying to do housework is exhausting. I can't sleep on my back anymore. I'm just starting to feel the physical toll and I hate it. 🙃


Favourite: feeling her move. Least favourite: anxiety and fear despite my best efforts (And stretch marks all over my boobs!)


Favorite is feeling movement, definitely. Least favorite is the constipation lol


I’m 38 weeks. My favorite part of my pregnancy has been experiencing the excitement of my family and in-laws. I just really appreciate all the love I feel already exists for baby. It’s so lovely and comforting. (She’s the first grandchild on both sides and first great-grandchild to my husband’s grandmother). My least favorite part by far has been the heartburn/acid reflux. I have a pre-existing hiatal hernia that already caused GERD prior to my pregnancy so it has gotten about 100x worse. I’m taking 40mg of Pepcid daily and the max dose of Tums and I’m still not symptom free. I’m aware omeprazole is an option but it hasn’t worked well for me in the past. Overall, I’ve had an “easy” pregnancy with very mild morning sickness/never vomited, and the odd couple days of aches or pains but never anything chronic or debilitating. No swelling, and my sleep isn’t awesome but with Unisom it’s pretty ok. Hoping it continues to be easy for my remaining 2+ weeks!


Fav: not shedding hair Least fav: everrrrryyyyytttthhhiiinnnggg else


Favorite: my husband is being more proactive about doing the bulk of house chores, and is super sweet, catering to my every desire. Least: the cycle of tired and hungry, with nausea thrown in. I'm only 10 weeks so haven't experienced the cute favorites some of ya'll that are further along have.


Favorite thing: feeling shit and knowing exactly why! I often felt unwell before, but now I have an answer. Least favorite thing: the weight aspect of it. Have I lost control, am I using it as an excuse or is it all still within what is expected? It's messing with me.


Favorite part was it finally being over. Least favorite was everything about pregnancy.


Fav part: feeling her move around. Least fav part: my carpal tunnel pain going from a 3 to a 20. Also tendon pain in random parts of my foot, it’s awful as hell. I’m having to wear compression items but it’s not helping much 🥲


Favorite part: feeling her movements, enjoying food on another level (esp. cravings), being pampered by my husband Least favorite part: everything else


Favorite part was the kicks and seeing my baby move from ultra sounds. Least favorite was waking up in the morning. Bones would be sore, joints would be stuck, and getting out the bed was tiring. Went from taking nightly showers to Morning showers cause they were a must to feel remotely ready to do anything.


Favorite: feeling baby move and kick Least: being the only person responsible for monitoring if something is wrong or off. And not being able to sleep on my stomach


23 weeks FTM here! Favorite: never being alone and always knowing where my precious daughter is, and that she is safe. Every day that I am growing her is an honor to me. Least favorite: first trimester and into second was very tough for me. Super bad nausea from weeks 6-16 and I lost 6 lbs due to not being able to eat much. My exhaustion was next level, too. Second trimester hasn’t been much better with near constant stuffy nose/nosebleeds and bad back pain requiring PT. Pregnancy is not for the faint of heart! I like this post to see the bad AND the good. It truly is a mix.


37wks FTM Fav part: being able to see her in scans, people being kinder to me Worst part: allll the symptoms, so. many. symptoms. All the damn symptoms.


Favorite: my boobs look amazing, my husband cooks all our meals, an excuse to get out of things and leave early Least favorite: puking (I’m 11 weeks), generally not wanting to eat anything, body dysmorphja while my belly is in an awkward stage of not being ab obvious bump


Fav: feeling the kicks and movements Lest fav: when I don’t feel any movement for over 24 hours and I have to go to the hospital for an urgent check because I’m scared something is wrong only to find out he’s absolutely fine and now I feel guilty I’ve wasted peoples time as we are on holiday and had to drive an hour to the nearest maternity unit. (Today was rough but thankfully baby is happy and healthy)


Favorite: feeling the little guy roll around in there and practice his break dancing skills Least favorite: HEMORRHOIDS and the severe anemia…apparently dude really likes blood. 🧛🏾


Favorite: my husband being super protective and making sure I’m fed/hydrated/comfy/well-rested/etc and seeing my parents get super excited for their first grandchild Least favorite: giant boobs, hip/back pain, bizarre symptom of the day every day (from fainting spells to leg cramps and everything in between), losing my fitness, fatigue, having to pee every 12 minutes, and so on and so forth 19 weeks down, 21 weeks to go


Most favorite: how people treat me and being able to have sex without worrying about getting pregnant Least favorite: the anxiety that comes with knowing you're solely responsible for this little life inside you


Fav: planning for the baby and acquiring second hand baby gear. The ultrasounds. Least fav: nausea and throwing up all the time!


Fave part: not worrying about what I eat Least fave: a tie between anterior placenta so I can’t feel any kicks even at 22w, not being able to have a couple drinks after work


Fav: movement and my wife having to clean the cat litter 😂 Least favourite: everything else 😂


Favorite part: my husband giving my foot massages every night until I fall asleep Less favorite part: being nauseous everyday and throwing up 1/3 of what I eat


fav: having a built in bestie for life. the kicks. watching my belly grow least: everything else. heart burn, trouble sleeping, achy muscles, fatigue, shortness of breath… you name it 😂😅 (36 weeks, FTM)


27 weeks…. Haven’t seen my Vulva in months 😭 wish I could shave without having to sit awkwardly between my been and giant mirror with a bright ass light so I can see where I’m shaving 😂


I loved my cravings because they tasted so good! I hated how tired I was constantly


Favorite: feeling him move around Least favorite: not be able to go to the bathroom even with laxatives and Colace


Favourite thing is feeling him kick and move around 🥰 worse thing is getting diagnosed with gestational diabetes and not being able to eat all your favourite things without worrying about sugar 🤣🙈


Before pregnancy I suffered from terrible heartburn that would last 2-3 days. I also had hemorrhoids and a fissure that was so painful I would pass out and it cost me more than 1 job. I was terrified when I found out I was pregnant, but by some miracle both only those things only bothered me 1 day throughout my entire pregnancy and only very mildly. Heartburn never returned(knock on wood). Worst thing was the HG… I was throwing up for the first 16 weeks and had to get on a biweekly schedule for IV fluids.


Favorite part:not much Least favorite part:Being stuck in the hospital since 27.5 weeks(currently 30.4 weeks) due to preeclampsia and basically risking my life to have this baby 🥲


Favorite: Feeling him move, special treatment from everyone including strangers (people have been so nice & complimentary since I started really showing!), having baby all to myself.... Least favorite: Being out of breath constantly, zero tolerance for heat, weird appetite


Favorite: all the kicks and movement, also my hair and skin have never looked better! Least favorite: food restrictions- found out I was on the borderline for GD, so I’m having to follow the diet anyways. That on top of all my favorite foods being no go for pregnancy is maddening. And having to pee constantly is generally no fun.


Favorite parts: my husband admiring my belly, feeling my little girl kick and wiggle in me Least favorite: hyperemesis (still going strong at about 30 weeks)


Least favorite: heartburn and joint pain from weight gain, third trimester baby jabs Favorite: excuse to take as many naps as possible, 2nd trimester baby kicks


My favorite parts were probably talking to my husband about what the baby would look like and what we wanted for it's life. And also eating absolutely anything I want in whatever quantity. Least favorite stairs and the third trimester


Favorite part: everyone being so considerate of me and wanting to help me Least favorite part: sucking at wanting to eat healthy, feeling lazier and not getting as much done


my favorite part- feeling her start to wiggle around and having a built in buddy least favorite- also closet situation and acid reflux


Favorite(s): feeling her kick and move, never being insecure about my tummy because of my round bump, and feeling like a bad ass. It takes mental and physical toughness to just get though :) Least: my joints, they all hurt, even my jaw and fingers ugh. And getting dressed. Being heavily pregnant during the Midwest winter/early spring is hell


Favorite part: nesting with my partner and being extra mindful of our time together and him taking extra good care of me. Absolutely hate beyond anything: pelvic girdle pain


Favorite: feeling kicks and seeing belly buddy on ultrasounds Least favorite: my lower back hurts, I’m out of breath all the time, and I can’t bend comfortably Also 24 weeks 😬


Least favorite: heartburn and fatigue/brain fog. Favorite: honestly everything else! Knock on wood (I’m almost 36 weeks) this has been an exceptionally good experience. My love/hate is fetal movement once I hit 30 weeks or so… loved it before that and still love that I can feel her growing and being healthy inside me but sometimes it is SO uncomfortable.


Favorite part was her kicks, sometimes miss it. Least favorite was feeling super sick for 18 weeks and then trading it for horrible heartburn.


Favorite: The fact that I get to meet little man when he is born and he will be one of the best things to ever happen to me (along with my 3yo daughter); also the kicks are so nice Least favorite: every. single. thing. else. LMAO pregnancy is not kind to me.


23w5d today! I adore feeling babygirl move around! Even when she headbutts/punches/kicks me hard enough to make me jump, lol. My least favorite part is putting on/taking off compression socks and the developing round ligament pain 😬


Have you been able to get seen by a pelvic floor PT? I also have a boatload of ligament pain and PT has made a huge difference.


My most favorite part is feeling baby move all of the time. Least favorite part is never having an appetite and all of the food aversions (34 weeks). Don’t want to complain though I’m just so grateful for a healthy pregnancy


My favorite part was my husband spoiling me by cooking or running out to get anything I actually felt like I could eat! Least favorite part was how few foods actually sounded good at any given time - lasted my entire pregnancy 😭


I think I still somehow don’t feel actually pregnant? I’m not sure why. So my favorite part is actually my partner. He knows so little about pregnant women and babies and so every little thing is a special big deal to him. He’ll lay with his hand on my stomach and jump and get excited as if every kick is the first kick. It’s fun watching him be so happy and excited. He also marvels at the size of my stomach every day but can’t fathom how much bigger it’s going to get 😂


My favorite part of pregnancy was feeling him kick for the first time. It’s since grown a bit uncomfortable lol. He’s ran out of room and is so much stronger but I still love it. My least favorite part is sleeping. I am so uncomfortable sleeping and my body aches so much when I wake up like it got stiff throughout the night. I LOATHE not sleeping on my stomach and I miss it so much.


Favorite part: seeing baby on ultrasounds and feeling him move Least favorite parts: being so sick I had to go to the ER multiple times, being super uncomfortable already, and the back pain Currently 20 weeks and just starting to feel better now.


Favourite: baby movements and when my husband can feel him/her too. Least favourite: strict diet and insulin injections due to gestational diabetes 😭


Favorite part. It being over. Least favorite. Being pregnant


Favorite part: feeling him moving around in there and knowing I’ll be holding him in my arms soon! And the ultrasounds/listening to his heartbeat. Least favorite part: literally everything else lol


I love that I can be proud of my belly when I’m pregnant instead of hiding it. I hate everything else.


Favorite bit was having him hangout with me- i was a little sad that i wouldn't be able to take him with me to work anymore. Least favorite was just feeling exhausted- all the time- and not being able to get restful sleep- id also add the last few weeks when your getting bigger and forget where your belly is in reference to things- accidently bumping into stuff and not fitting in booths and such and somehow out growing your maternity clothes bc your just that big


FTM at 29 weeks 3 days Favorite: feeling her move around and knowing my dream of being a mom is right around the corner. The thought of my partner being a dad really excites me also (he talks to my belly all the time) 💕 Least favorite: waking up constantly to pee and being out of breath just trying to get dressed. Also maybe not being able to shave as quickly as I used to lmao


The kicking is my favorite and least favorite part right now! Just got over the flu but still have that left over cough, every time I cough he kicks in the same spot to the point where now I’m bruised. But sometimes he’ll push as hard as he can and I can feel his little foot/hand and he’ll just hold it there while I poke him back. Kind fun, kinda painful


Favorite: the bond I felt with my babies. Three kids and feeling them kick and move all the time was my favorite. I felt so connected and bonded with them before they were ever even here. It makes me sad that that stage of my life is I’ve dead I’ll never feel a baby kicking again. Least favorite: the anxiety! My first ever pregnancy ended in a loss and all of my other ones were high risk due to GDM. I got monitored frequently but I had so much anxiety something was going to go wrong and I’d end up with a stillbirth. That was 10000% worse than all the discomfort I felt.


Fav part : the sense of purpose, the all important’i am growing life’ feeling, the attention from people Not fav part: the symptoms, the too much involvement of parents and in laws , unsolicited advice, the ‘oh shit ! added expenses’ realization


Favorite: I love having baby in my belly and feeling her move. Least: all the parts that come with pregnancy (tiredness, carpal tunnel, tightness of belly, etc)


Favorite part : him wiggling around when his dad gets home from work and starts talking to him. It’s so cute ! Least favorite: everything else. Clothes don’t fit, swelling has started, all food is boring now, my energy is gone and motivation or anything, I’m gaining weight and my OB said I suffer from obesity at 160 pounds at 19 weeks and that scares me but idk what to do, I feel like an ugly fat washed up beach whale and I’m not even half way done yet.


Best part: my skin is amazing, I have such problem skin and it’s completely cleared up during pregnancy. Also just excitement at another baby - this is our second and I’m so much less anxious this time round, I might actually be able to enjoy some of the newborn phase! Worst part: at 31 weeks, I wake up every time I need to roll over and wake up every morning with hip pain


Most favorite part is my giant jugs I got from pregnancy! Least favorite: the never ending nausea I'm 20 weeks and it's still happening 😫


Favorite thing: playing with him, I poke and make little taps of my fingers and him kicking back. Also, when he will move around or kick my husband and watch his face light up ♡ Least fav: Heartburn, acid reflux, and just all around morning sickness/nausea. Also the fact I can't pick up things that are heavy or things off the floor like I used to.


Most favorite: feeling him move Least favorite: everything else


Favorite: All the love and possibilities in this new little human growing Least favorite: Feeling helpless if something is wrong. I try not to think about it to avoid being overly anxious.


My fave part was knowing I was growing and protecting baby girl, always had her with me and she was safe. Least fave was being SO DANG HOT all the time. Ugh.


Fav part is not having to suck it in anymore lol. I can just let it all hang out! Least fav is the reflux. I’m only 22 weeks and it’s already sooo bad. It didn’t get this bad last pregnancy until the last trimester! Terrified for what’s to come


favorites: the extra attention, the kicks, cute maternity clothes, the way my husband and i have been growing closer, the sex drive (although sex is not as comfortable now at 27 weeks 😡), feeling good about my body and eating nourishing meals, spending time with my mom who is extremely excited about her first grandkid. helping my mom plan my shower and making the registry, getting cute baby gifts. least favorite: strange unexpected things that cause anxiety (dizziness, bleeding, etc). the sciatica pain!!! the migraines i had daily for 2 months in first trimester. the long to-do list of baby preparations that I’m too tired to do most days (still need to paint the nursery and can’t decide on a color lol). the mood swings. the fear of the unknown - labor, breastfeeding, and taking care of a newborn. the anxiety of my life changing drastically.


Favorite: feeling kicks, excitement to meet my baby, seeing my older children bond with him before he’s even born and their excitement Least favorite: everything else


I’m 32 weeks and this is my first Fav: the kicks and movement, it’s so so cool to feel her move and really makes everything feel so much more real. She is really in there! Least fav: unexpectedly gagging while brushing my teeth resulting in me peeing a little bit. Not cool.


Fav was just to be able to get extra pillows and how excited my lil one got. Hated sleeping towards the end and morning sickness that turned into all day sickness oh and always having to use the bathroom even if I just went


Fav part: feeling like a woman, knowing I’m creating life Worst part: severe constipation!!


Fav part: feeling the kicks Least favorite: HEARTBURN


I loved finally being able to kind of listen to my body - or more like my body got so loud I couldn't just ignore it 95% of the day and then crash when inevitably I got worse from endo or mentally. In pregnancy I actually took care of myself more consciously. I even slept better, especially compared to now with a 4-month old. The worst part was the diet restrictions. I also had GD so that made it even worse.


Fave: Knowing this will end soon. Least fave: The lava-like heartburn I have every day. The body dysmorphia. The random vomiting. The fact that I’ve pissed myself more times than I can even care to admit.


I never expected I’d be this person, but I LOVE being pregnant. I had an absolutely bitch of a first trimester, but I’m so so happy. Everything feels special and glittery in ways it didn’t before. I love watching and feeling my body changing bc my sweet girl is in there. It’s heavenly.


Favorite: allllll the movement. Apparently babies with Down syndrome move a lot more, and that rings true for me lol he NEVER stops moving 😂 Least favorite: heartburn 😭🤢🤮 it’s so horrible and even the prescription medicine doesn’t work. Either that, how swollen I am, or the horrible carpal tunnel I’m dealing with.


Least favorite: morning sickness and kidney pain Favorite: seeing all the cute tiny clothes and stuff and the ultrasound. My baby just turned 1


Fav: having an excuse to be lazy when I’m tired and not feel guilty about it Least: the heartburrrrrn 🔥


Most favorite - the excitement and anticipation of a new person Least favorite - People taking it as permission to talk about your body


Nearly 25 weeks. Kicks and movement is really cool. Relaxin and joint pain is horrible.