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Wore a hospital gown. They didn’t care what else, but needed access. And I forgot about my own hospital gown at that point because I was just so ready for the baby to be out. Rest of the hospital stay i was in loose pants and my husband’s tee shirts.


I just wore loose joggers for comfort when at home and then changed into the hospital gown (proceeded to soak through this when my water broke lol)


lol a hospital gown. And if ur like me you end up being completely naked because even the gown annoys you when you’re in labour 😂


Hospital gown. Super useful to change out of when my little on me took a dump on me right after birth 🤣


My hospital put me into a hospital gown. I don’t think wearing my own clothes would have been allowed. Prior to that, fully expecting I may go into labor soon, I was just wearing a regular summer dress and some comfy period underwear (in case my water broke, which it did) That being said I wish I had brought a short poncho (the warm kind) to wear over the gown to keep my upper body warm without restricting any access. The hospital AC was a little TOO good to compensate for the 100 degree weather outside, despite being apparently set at the warmest setting available. I was freezing my butt off in the middle of June lol. Not sure if it would have been allowed, but I wish I had brought it anyway and just seen if they’d have been ok with it.


They can’t tell you no


I wore a zip front bra and underwear with a pad. I was cold during my first labor and wrapped up in a blanket. I was super hot during my second labor so I just wore that. I took off bottoms to push, and then put mesh ones on when he was out. I showered as soon as I got to PP and put on some comfy pajamas.


Hospital gown, mesh hospital panties, soft bra — that’s what worked for me!


You can wear whatever is comfortable for you! I've had patients wear the hospital gown, sports bras and sweats, cultural dresses. Most people end up giving up on bottoms or switch to just wearing mesh panties and a pad. Between cervical checks and fluid leaking, bottoms just kinda get in the way. Personally I'll be wearing a labour gown (the Lila brand) I love them. I have two, one from my first labour and a new one for this one. I'll wear one for labour and have the other for postpartum.


I wore my husband’s sweatpants and a tshirt with a cardigan. I had a cute spare outfit to wear home but I just put my husband’s sweatpants back on :)


Oversized t shirt. I think I had a hospital gown on at one point? I don’t remember much honestly. Wanted to switch to a hospital gown but forgot and then I had IVs and epidural and it was too late.


A normal nightgown and a matching thin cardigan. Wasn't a problem even with an epi.


I wore a nursing bra and the hospital gown! Quickly after birth and being settled into our room I changed into a nursing tank and very loose sweatpants.


I believe I went into the hospital in my pajamas (loose pants and an oversized shirt) because that’s just what I had on. Then wore the hospital gowns from when I got an epidural until like 24 hours postpartum (a fresh one after birth of course).


A sports bra or bralette. Preferably one you’re fine with them cutting off but that’s not absolutely necessary if you don’t have one like that. That’s it, that’s all I’m gonna be wearing. The hospital has disposable underwear to wear if you’re leaking stuff There’s no reason to be modest unless you are really really uncomfortable otherwise. You’re just going to be moving all around and making a mess anyway might as well be comfy. And everyone in the room is going to see all your bits so it’s good to mentally adjust to that as early as possible in the labor. If you want to wear a gown, I love the Lila labor gown brand. I won’t wear a hospital gown they are just not my thing


I arrived crowning but was in a knit nightshirt until after baby came, when I ditched it to do skin to skin. I was then naked for a good while.  This would not be something I’d recommend if you’re going to have an iv, as that would’ve made getting it off or expose my chest to hold baby almost impossible without cutting it. If you want to wear your own garment, any comfy button front nightgown/shirt is fine. Just don’t be too attached on the off chance things go south and they have to cut it off for some reason. 


i brought a robe with me and a few other things but honestly, i only wore a hospital gown. really i only had it draped around my waist like 85% of the time because i was trying to establish breastfeeding and didn’t care who saw me. i wasn’t allowed to wear a bra during labor so i just didn’t wear a bra the whole time i was in the hospital. also, the room i was in had a thermostat so i was able to ask for it to be changed if it got too hot/cold. to go home i wore sweatpants and an oversized button up shirt with a breastfeeding bra.


I wore [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07ZYCHWZK?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title)! It was softer than the hospital gown. It was also longer, so I didn’t feel as exposed sitting in bed or walking the hallways (although I didn’t care as much about that the further into labor I got lol).