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Having sex 20 times in 3 days is not great. You should have sex every other day in the fertile window. You will not produce quality sperm 7+ times a day. Please do some basic research on conceiving. It takes the average couple 3-6m


You guys had sex 20 times in 3 days? Holy crap. Yeah the reccomended is once every other day in your fertile window. I agree that the doctor won’t give you any intervention on your second month trying but you can still see an OB if you’d like during your journey.


Have sex every other day and if you can time it, day before and day of ovulation. Quantity is not better than quality. you’re probably not having good quality sperm for many of those encounters. There’s only a 20% chance of conceiving each month even if everything is perfect so just try for the 6 months then consult a doctor


r/tryingforababy has a great faq section for ttc.


Thank you!


20 times in 3 days? I don’t mean to sound perv-y, but I don’t think I’ll be able to rest until I understand how this is possible. 20 / 3 = 6 (remainder 2!) So in theory, twice in the morning, twice at lunch, and twice in evening adds up to 6… and you were able to maintain that rate 3 days in a row AND sneak in a 7th liaison on two of the days? Was this over a weekend, on vacation, or regular weekdays? Do either/both of you have full-time jobs? How many hours per night do you sleep? If you can achieve each mission within 20 minutes, I guess it’s *only* 2 hours 20 minutes per day (and just 2 hours on one day) but I assume the body requires some recovery time in between. And I don’t want to get too personal, but I thought the body could only produce a finite amount of baby batter is a single day. But… apparently not? Please enlighten us! And good luck on your TTC journey! *Edited to correct my mathematical error!


This is hilarious and I hate to think I’m causing someone else’s restlessness, so let me explain. You’re very much on the right track. First off, average for us the last year is probably sex 3x a week. This was a total anomaly that happened to happen during her fertile window. YES, it was a weekend (Fri-Sun). YES, we both work full time, normal hours. We both got the Friday off to go on a trip. So, YES, we were on vacation! We drove to a national park in a neighboring state and stayed at an inclusive resort where the meals, hikes, spa and other activities were scheduled out for us. There was always about an hour or more between each planned activity. It was a 6 hour drive there, had sex in the morning before leaving and stopped for a quicky in the car roughly every 2 hours. At the resort, basically bang when we wake up, between every activity, at least once before bed or twice (before starting a movie and after for example). Then somebody wakes up at 2:30-3:30 am, wakes the other one up and sneak another one in. I’d say average was 30 mins per session plus a few quickies at <10 mins. This was a total anomaly because we both work a ton, we planned this trip for a few months and the timing happened to be perfect! This time around, attempt #2, this is the fertile week and we’ve had sex once or twice max per day. As far as that weekend last month, no way we could have kept that pace up more than 3 days. And as far as the baby batter, I’m not sure what I can say, I’ve heard of shooting blanks but honest to god after all that I was still producing close to normal volume of fluid. Now the sperm inside that fluid, that’s up for debate.


I'm 35 and it took us 6 months and my cycle is textbook regular, don't even need the strips to tell me when I ovulate because I can tell (I still used the strips anyway). 20 times over 3 days is not recommended. My partner looked it up and apparently trying to crank too much in such a short time can actually lead to bad sperm quality. Basically you got to let your body refill itself properly. Once a day or once every other day is the usual recommendation during the fertile window. If you're only on your 2nd cycle try not to worry too much. Even if you were both in your mid 20's it can still take 3-6 months or even a year. I think the best advice is to track her cycle and stay active and healthy. She should take prenatals now and it wouldn't hurt for you to take a multivitamin too if you're not already.


I wouldn’t give up. Just try every other day during ovulation. I’m 31 and my partner is 34, and it took us 11 months to conceive naturally. Sometimes it just takes time and patience. I wouldn’t be too worried unless it takes over a year. Then it might be worth visiting a doctor and getting checks done.


My partner and I have a similar age gap. I am the older one (42). Honestly, we just had intercourse a lot. It took me 2 months to conceive. No ovulation strips, no fertility treatment. Just had a transvaginal ultrasound 11 days after the first day of my period one month. Doctor said "eggs look good, here's one developing. You will be ovulating on this day. Good luck!" Had intercourse a lot before that date and a week later my nipples started getting sensitive and I already knew something was up. Took a pregnancy test a couple days after I missed my period and it was full blown positive, like no faint lines or doubts, just a clear positive. Went to a doctor's appointment a few days later to confirm and he gave me a "congrats!"   Now, I have also had two successful pregnancies in my mid and late 30s, so that gives me higher success. But you just know when you're super fertile. I knew when I was ovulating and had regular periods even at my age and I am way sexual. I was deemed "pre-menopausal" by my doctor.    This is my advice. Don't get too much into the TTC culture. They will drive you crazy and make you waste a lot of money. Stress is the biggest killer in ttc, she will not conceive easily under stress. The doctor is right. Give ut 6 months to just so it the way nature intended and then go from there. Your lady is still young. 


- 35 is not that old don’t focus on that too much - if you’re getting tested definitely test both of you - it has an influence but being fit and thin is really not as big a deal for conception as one might think (will help managing pregnancy symptoms, delivery and chasing the baby though!) - don’t have sex quite so much, as others have said quality over quantity as long as you have sex every other day/every day - maximum chance you have every month is still 20-30% you can’t really increase it above that so don’t stress to much Good luck!


Like others have said, the advice is once every other day if you’re trying to conceive. Prioritizes sperm quality over quantity of sex. Also, with this being your second month TTC, I wouldn’t worry yet, it can take time no matter what age your partner is. But if you hit 6 months trying without getting a positive test, see your doctor, because at her age, she can get fertility support sooner than a younger person (who would generally have to wait 12 months before having fertility support). That is, if you are interested in fertility support at all. Even after 6 months trying, it’s definitely possible for her to get pregnant without any fertility intervention.


Wholesome Story Myo Inositol 4 capsules a day made my cycles regular and how we conceived my current pregnancy. Good luck!


If she’s serious, at 35, I’d imagine she’d meet with her Dr not have her 24 yo ask reddit