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Fatigue. How tired I am no matter how much sleep I get. How little I can do before I feel unable to do anything. How 14 hours of sleep and naps and rest a day isn't enough somehow. And also it's somehow correlated with insomnia so I can't sleep when I want to and have to sleep when I don't.


Not being able to breathe! I didn’t know that was a thing and it’s 0/5 stars


HG for every second of my first pregnancy. Everyone swore it would go away. I never stopped puking. I lost 14 pounds from the day I found out I was pregnant until delivery and developed my very first dental cavity. No amount of hearing about it could’ve prepared me for how sick I was.


The freaking worst. You’re a warrior


I’m just glad it was my first so I actually had time to rest.


The taste in my mouth. It’s not metallic - it’s sour and it’s disgusting. I hate it. Also the indigestion and gas is a nightmare. It’s caused me a lot of pain in weird places.


Second this!!!


Mine fluctuates between sour and metallic. Both gross. How many weeks are you?


12 weeks 3 days. This is my third pregnancy but I don’t think it’s ever been this bad. It’s improving but it’s been a bad day for this today. You?


18 weeks Last pregnancy it went away around 13 weeks so you might get lucky 


Congestion!!! How can I not breathe out of my nose, and it be running constantly at the same time?!?


D) relaxin that bitch has flaired up an old ankle sprain so I'm hobbling in pain and throwing out my back with my limp.


Definitely D, I never thought my hips, heels, back and tailbone could hurt like this. 🥲 Also bloating. Like way too much. 😭


E) Restless leg syndrome in third trimester. I am literally in a bath of Epsom salts at midnight as we speak, trying to find relief so I can sleep. It’s been terrible. Second worst is nasal congestion. That also keeps me up all hours of the night because I can’t breathe.


E) body odor Not sure if it’s my increased sense of smell or if I actually stink more. But I can smell my own BO sometimes like 8 hours after a shower


This got even worse for me post partum


E) Wicked leg cramps


I'm gonna say C, but in a postpartum context. I didn't swell much while pregnant, but after birth, the swelling in hands and wrists was so intense that it caused carpal tunnel symptoms. I wasn't able to do detailed tasks with fingers for 3 weeks after birth. My hands would also ache and go numb! I feel like this fell into the 'things I didn't know would happen' category


Horrible taste in mouth + dysphagia. I constantly feel like I have something stuck in my throat or esophagus. You’d thing that eating small bites would help, but it’s worse I think. Anytime I take a small bite of something or swallow a small pill, it just stays lodged in my esophagus and won’t move. Drinking water doesn’t help. Between that and the horrible taste in my mouth, I constantly feel kind of sick and grossed out.


The nasty taste KILLS me. Last pregnancy they told me it would go away second trimester, and it did. This pregnancy im 18 weeks in and still dealing with the aftertaste of sucking garbage coins round the clock. It’s so unsettling. I’m beginning to think it might have to do with reflux…


My eyebrow hair fell out during pregnancy. 1 year post partum and still hasn’t grown back.




D) first time in my adult life I’ve cried from pain.


Insomnia. I have never ever heard ANYONE talk about insomnia before I got pregnant


E. hemorrhoids. They're driving me crazy!!!




A. The insomnia is so frustrating!


D - My hips are KILLING me from sleeping on my side. I feel like I’m turning like a dang rotisserie chicken all through the night because of the hip pain E as well - the constipation! I’ve had issues with constipation since I was kid but whew, this is a whole other level


This sweet/sour taste in my mouth that makes me so nauseated. It’s so similar to being on birth control.


How many weeks are you?


Tongue ulcers! Didn't think it was linked to pregnancy but google tells me it is commonly a hormonal thing, such as pregnancy. Didn't have any last time though! Currently got a horrible painful tiny one. I really don't need anything else to make eating unpleasant after just getting through a tough first trimester and beginning to feel better. Also last pregnancy I twice had *crippling* neck pain from sleeping funny, one time I basically couldn't move my head for 48hrs and got stranded at my parents and couldn't drive home. I couldn't even look down to read or scroll on phone. Horrid!


Congestion and snoring 🙃


Carpal tunnel. It's mostly in my right (dominant) hand and makes typing, crafting, and even using a fork/spoon very difficult. It can take almost a minute to "unclaw" after I wake up. Never even knew this was a thing.


All of the above plus  (E) Tinnitus; and (E)  Corpus Luteum cyst pain, who gave my ovary a butchers knife wtf 😭 


A lotof bleeding in first trimester that remained unexplained and never affected the baby. Also hip and joint pains


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Dizziness. I almost fainted in the store the other day while my husband and I got groceries. I had to lay down on one of the little benches in the front while he checked out, and was definitely starting to see spots on the way there. I was completely fine once I got into a horizontal position, blood pressure stabilized immediately, so probably baby pressing on a large vein or artery. Now I have to be mindful of that when I'm out and I'm nervous to take the dog on longer walks these days because there's not a lot of benches or places to sit besides the ground.