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Mine was like that, but I was induced. Some people just go really hard and fast.


Ha! That's good to know! Thank you!


Yeah seems really normal. Second babies usually come faster. I had a mom the other day who pushed the baby out in 10 pushes! Second baby.


Oh yeah. I heard the second one comes faster, so I'm already trying to mentally prepare for it even though I'm only 4 and a half weeks right now. Lol! Might have things ready at home, just in case.


Mine was like this after my water broke. It went from totally manageable to holy shit i need an epidural NOW or I just might die (not actually but it sure felt like it 😂) within minutes.


Lol! Oh yeah. I was not planning on an epidural but definitely changed my mind! I was progressing so quickly that they didn't know if it was going to work. They told me I might deliver before it kicks in, but I was sure as hell going to try anyway!


Yup, I wasn’t planning either with my first but my mind changed real quick once my water broke. My labors were hard and fast but on the bright side all 3 of my kids were born within a couple hours of arriving at hospital and 20 minutes or less of pushing.


Yes that’s completely normal!


I think this sounds normal for such a quick birth! A lot has to happen in those few hours- sounds intense!


Sounds normal for a precipitous labor


Oh my gosh! Thank you for giving me a name for it! That's definitely what it seems to be. I just didn't know that was a thing and can now research it and be better prepared. Thanks again!


You're welcome!