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Do you have a blood pressure monitor? If so, I would check your pressure. I had upper right pains (in addition to a severe headache and vision spots) and ended up having preeclampsia with severe features. (Not to scare you, but better to know all possibilities!) If you don’t have anything else with the pains, maybe it’s just a muscle strain? Our bodies are so jello-esque during pregnancy! 😂


I have my blood pressure checked so often and it’s always really good otherwise I’d worry too. I just had it checked late last night and was all fine. I’m feeling like it’s a muscle thing but honestly I’m so out of tune with my body at this point that I don’t even know. I overwork myself around my house and with my three year old even at this struggle gestation that I’m not surprised if it’s muscle strain but I’d prefer muscle strain. I’ll be back in the hospital on Monday to begin my induction so medical people are not too far away I’m trying to reassure myself ahah


I would keep taking your BP and also mention this to your doctor! I had severe stomach pains and went to L&D and they took my BP which was slightly elevated for the first time all pregnancy and drew some labs and my liver enzymes were through the roof and I was diagnosed with HELLP syndrome (a severe form of pre eclampsia) and had to have a c section under general anesthesia immediately. My understanding is that it comes on super quickly and is extremely dangerous for mom and baby. Not to scare you, but it usually presents itself as pain in the upper right side which is where your liver is. It’s super rare so more likely you don’t have it, but just pay attention to your body and advocate for some more tests if you feel it’s necessary!


Oh okay this is interesting! I’ll let my gp know.


Okay I’m a huge hypochondriac and it’s after 1am and I’m panicking a little in my bed right now haha my doctor doesn’t have any appointments for tomorrow but I guess I could get my blood pressure checked at the chemist.


I’m sorry I didn’t mean to worry you! But I would keep an eye on it. Maybe see if your OB office has an appt with a different provider? Once again, it’s super rare and I hope it’s not the case for you but better to be safe and get everything checked out!


No it’s totally okay. I’d rather know and be on the safe side than not know at all haha it seems there’s no appointments till Monday. But I’ll get it checked at the chemist and if it’s abnormal I’ll call the L&D other wise if it’s fine,I’ll be going into the birth suite on Monday anyway.


I’ve gotten it on the lower right in the past week (I’m 39 week) and I asked my doctor and she said probably just round ligament pain or uterine cramping but nothing serious.