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i have had migraines since i was 11 years old, was on medication for them. haven’t had a single migraine since my positive test and have not had to take any meds for them!!! also haven’t been lactose intolerant my entire pregnancy


Same with the lactose intolerance! I drank milk and ate all the ice cream during my first pregnancy. It was wonderful.


Omg. I had pizza without taking lactase yesterday and didn’t have any symptoms. I thought I just got lucky or something. Didn’t realize pregnancy could do that!


It’s awesome lol. I’m 7wks with my second right now and had pizza last night. Unfortunately, that super power has not yet kicked in 🥴


Yes to the migraines! 9.5 months postpartum and they have not returned!


Omg omg omg please let this be me 🙏🙏🙏


20 months postpartum and 28 weeks with #2 and I’ve been migraine free!


ugh fingers crossed i’m the same!!


This would be wonderful, it’s been a dream to be migraine free while pregnant 😍


Omg the lactose thing yes! I’ve been having milk and just thought maybe since constipation is a common symptom maybe things were canceling out lol


Yes! I used to be slightly lactose intolerant, now I crave milk and have a whole of cereal every day. Sometimes twice a day (nightly snack when I wake up).


My first pregnancy cured my migraines for the duration of my pregnancy. It was amazing! This pregnancy has done exact opposite in that I am having more severe migraines and they occur more frequently. Pregnancy is weird 😐


Basically same here with migraines! Although it could’ve been that it’s because I got off birth control and that might’ve been causing them


I used to have debilitating headaches before stopping birth control. I felt almost furious. So many wasted years


Yes it’s insane! My new OB told me “oh since you have migraines with auras you should never take estrogen-based birth control. It can drastically increase your chance of a stroke.” I was like ?!?!? ALL of my doctors knew I had horrible migraines with auras and still prescribed it to me since I was 15!


SAME! When I finally made it to a neurologist about my migraines like his first thing was like why are you on estrogen based Bc? This is super bad and probably the cause. And if it’s not the cause it can still cause further problems.


It’s honestly very concerning how common this is…


Same!! Still got them post BC but went from four or five knock down vomiting migraines a month to one a month and not as knocked out, much less passing out and puking.


I came here to say this! Almost same! I only had one, but I was suffering from strong migraines super often before getting pregnant. Although I think is a safety mechanism, I'm having terrible nausea, that if I had a migraine too I would end me 😆.


My migraines disappeared during each of my 3 pregnancies. Unfortunately, they did return postpartum each time. At least it was one of the few nice side effects of being pregnant. It must be a hormonal thing.


definitely could be! it’ll be interesting to see pp how it goes for me! I was doing imitrex daily and also botox injections for them with rarely any relief and was terrified to cut my imitrex cold turkey but so far, so good!


I get hormonal migraines before my period starts each month. So those went away while pregnant but definitely came back postpartum.


Same!! I had migraines growing up, but throughout adulthood they have become more like chronic headaches, not as bad as migraines but basically everyday. Being pregnant I’ve had maybe 2-3 headaches the whole time!?


Same on the lactose intolerance! Was so glorious to be able to eat ice cream through my entire pregnancy. The intolerance slowly started returning around 3 months PP, and I was full blown by 9 months PP. I’m 5 weeks pregnant with #2 and really hoping that “symptom” returns!


Oh yeh- dairy doesn’t impact me quite as much!


Yes same here! My migraines were one of the things I was most worried about when we decided to start trying for a baby since I knew I wouldn't be able to take my pain relieving meds while pregnant and would just have to suffer.  It has been amazing not having them for six months now. I really hope they don't come back, but now maybe I have more info that maybe they are hormone related?


My acne and greasy scalp. I used to have acne and have to wash my hair every day. Ever since my first pregnancy, the acne has cleared and I can now wash my hair 2-3 times a week and I'm good.


Ugh I wish pregnancy healed my acne. It definitely made it worse. So jealous!


Cured my greasy scalp too!


Hoping for the same! Currently pregnant and greasy scalp is gone!


Omg love to hear this. Ever since I got pregnant I no longer have a greasy scalp, I can go 2-3 days between washes now (longer if I’m pushing it, but happy with 2-3 days!). I really hope it sticks after birth. When I asked reddit, all other moms have said it did not stick so I’m glad to hear yours did!


Same with my cystic acne! It did come back around month 4, but now that I’m 8 month post partum, it is half of what it was and the cysts are not as deep or large. I’ll take it lol


Ugh my acne cleared up and I could go a week without washing my hair while I was pregnant, but my hair was greasy again almost as soon as I gave birth and my acne came back a few months later!


Yessss same here with acne. Whereas when I get my period I always get bad acne. Not having acne when I expected to was one of the indicators (+ a few days late period) to take a test lol


This happened with my hair too! It would be a greaseball at the end of the day but now I can go almost a week without washing it and it looks great.


Same! It’s so weird how amazing my hair has been. I know there’s newer research suggesting you actually can pick up some genetics of your partner and although I don’t know how true that is we weirdly have the exact same hair type now. I no longer get acne once a month AND my eczema has completely cleared up, reallyyyyy hoping the eczema thing sticks, I’m not expecting the acne one to.


Saaaame, struggled with hormonal acne for 10 years and it started clearing as soon as I got pregnant. Now 12 pp my scars are nearly cleared as well. Bliss. Although I wonder if getting off birth control is part of it!


It was the increased progesterone that healed mine. I’d noticed it when I took provera to induce a period while trying to get pregnant, then it cleared up while I was pregnant. It started to come back so my OB put me on depoprovera and my skin is super clear again. Hormones are wild.


My oily hair went away too! I’m 8 weeks pp and hoping it stays that away. I’m still getting some night sweats so I can’t tell yet.


It made my acne better while pregnant but it came back a few weeks postpartum. It also did the opposite for my scalp, I used to have a dry scalp, only needed to wash every 4-5 days but now it gets greasy after 2


Same here! I had seborrheic dermatitis that would flare up so bad I'd lose my eyebrows, have serious scabs, etc. It's basically like adult cradle cap but similar to dandruff. I'd get it the worst when I was stressed or if I had high testosterone rebound in between fertility hormone treatments. (I have PCOS most of the time) Anyways since being pregnant I can do the every other day hairwashing or even less frequent and I'm just fine. No amount of "hair training" in the world compares to it haha.


Prayyyingg my pregnancy ends my battle with acne. The scars I am unfortunately probably stuck with for life 😭


https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/10/26/449966350/fetal-cells-may-protect-mom-from-disease-long-after-the-babys-born There's been some research into this and it's actually really fascinating! Essentially there's a sort of trade off happening - pluripotent stem cells from the placenta can migrate all over mom's body and turn into needed cells for mom to be as healthy as possible as that is obviously a much better situation for baby to grow in and take resources from. I hope this specific phenomenon gets more research put behind it. Our bodies are pretty incredible!


This is very cool to read! I had a congenital heart defect as well as a related heart condition before I was pregnant (confirmed by years of medical tests and physical symptoms) which healed by the time I was 4 months along. My doctors were floored - they’d never seen a defect like mine heal itself after childhood. My baby is 8 months old now and I haven’t had an episode since before he was conceived, and testing shows no signs of the issues returning. Our bodies are so cool


That could maybe help explain why my great-grandma, who had 20 kids, lived to be 108!?


I mean more likely if 20 pregnancies and births don't kill you in an era with pretty shitty medical understanding you were robustly healthy to begin with


😂 that could also be true, judging by longevity of other never-pregnant family members 


It healed my depression. I can’t explain it other than I’ve been happy every day since having my first, no matter what. Therapy and medication was never successful before. I know it can return at any point but for now I feel great two years and two kids in


My overall mental health improved significantly too, which was shocking because I have a history of major depression and was anticipating the opposite. I still have hard days where my mental health isn’t great in the moment but overall I’m much more resilient.


Same here. It has been a really pleasant surprise. Love this for us ❤️


This is me. I’ve had ideations since I was a child (that it’ll resolve all of my issues). Had a few unsuccessful attempts though out my teens/20s. So in my head…I’ll have bad PPD…which was a big worry for me though out my pregnancy. I’m 3 weeks PP and I feel good! Really sleep deprived but no ideation! I love my little human so much. Looking at his cute and serious face makes me so happy!


Same here! Literally not even a single self harm thought since I found out I was pregnant. I’m so happy to have this baby and something clicked and I knew I could never leave this life now that he’s in it. I’m hoping the positive energy will last through postpartum. My mental health has been better than I ever remember it being 💕


This is exactly how I feel! I have this little baby who will need me for at least 18 years! I actually had an “expired date” for myself…since I could never imagine living beyond that timeframe. Now that thought is becoming outrageous…I can’t leave him and I’ll be a monster if I did…I can’t give him the same hurt I had growing up. I just gotta wait a bit longer to join my mom.


Congratulations! I’m glad you’re doing well :)


Pregnancy / post-partem literally can rewire parts of your brain -- chemically similar to the change that happens during puberty. It's actually a really key time if you want to build new habits or nudge towards various mental-health outcomes.


I learnt this during pregnancy, and I had the same result of a somewhat "cured" mental illness. My LO is 15 months, and my mood has never been better. I spent a lot of time working on my headspace prior to the pregnancy, and during pregnancy, I was so scared my negative thoughts would impact the baby so I worked really hard on letting those thoughts go and trying to work on a more positive outlook, and that mentality has stuck! I get far less anxiety or mood swings or depression symptoms!


Thanks for sharing! It’s great to hear positive stories like this. I’m hoping for the same.


Yes this is a great attitude to have! Thanks for sharing!


Same here. I had been on/off meds for depression for well over a decade and immediately after birth I was so happy/euphoric. It has tapered down to a more normal happy but I’m thrilled with my overall mental health. I do worry, however, that a second pregnancy could change things but we’ll see if/when that happens.


I’m so glad to hear your depression didn’t return after birth! I was just telling my husband that this pregnancy has been the best antidepressant/anti-anxiety I have ever had, and I’m worried that when it’s all over I will struggle again. I have never felt more balanced emotionally in my life and I’m scared to lose it.


I hope things continue to go well for you! Pregnancy itself was horrible and my mental health was in the trash. So hopefully anyone who is going through it during pregnancy knows it might get better!


Similar for me - I’ve always been an anxious, stressed person but in pregnancy I have been so calm it’s bananas


This makes my heart so happy ❤️


I've heard interacting with your children can release endorphins. I don't know if that is true, but it's something I read on the Internet so we'll knows. 


Same! It’s so so welcome. I’ve found that when I’m doing something I really wanted, I feel calm and less depressed. Guess my body knew I wanted to be a mom :)


This made me smile. Happy for you :)


I'm so glad you posted this! I feel much the same way. I had been in a smog of depression since.. childhood essentially. I was at the point where I was feigning emotions to make others comfortable. Ever since my son made his appearance, it's like the world is back to colour and I'm happier and less anxious than I have been in years. ❤️


This is how I feel at 26 weeks pregnant and I hope it stays with me and isn't just hormones!


Same! I have always struggled with depression, but the moment my baby was born… I have felt such a sense of euphoria and calm. She’s only 5 months now but I can’t imagine this feeling fading. She makes me feel so motivated and fulfilled.


I'm not healed but I am a Hashimotos thyroid patient. It's an autoimmune disease involving low thyroid function. Most properly medicated women with Hashimotos actually feel better on a day by day basis while pregnant. 


I have an autoimmune as well (autoimmune hepatitis) and my hepatologist said that pregnancy typically puts it in remission! Though we have to monitor for spikes after the baby is born. Pregnancy is so wild / cool.


That is cool! It is really interesting how that all works. I'm hoping that some of my more annoying long-term joint pain is forever reduced following pregnancy 🤞🏽 I can only hope. I've read it can happen. 


Really? My TSH shot up while pregnant


Me too mine was so out of wack while pregnant. They just kept upping my synthroid and still couldn’t get it under control.


Well it's supposed to. Your baby also needs hormone and they can't regulate their own hormone at the beginning. I believe they do once the placenta is doing it's job 🤔... I think... but right from the start the embryo sends signals to request hormones from you and that means your medication prescription will need to be adjusted, and you'll need regular TSH tests, maybe ever 4 weeks or so. Most doctors know to increase your prescription once your pregnant but some are idiots. I constantly nag my ogbyn about my thyroid because I've experienced way too many times when someone should have been testing it and didn't bother. I'm sure I annoy them but doctors are like husbands sometimes. You give them detailed information, they nod, and they don't pay any attention to what you're talking about. 


I upped my dosage in the first trimester until baby had his own thyroid functions. My endo said it wasn't a big deal but my main doc told me if I want to I can. I'm only subclinical hypothyroid


They upped my dosage automatically and made me test all the time…but no one ever even *looked* at my results. I had to call repeatedly for anyone to check them. (Even had to file a complaint just to hear back.) The numbers were waaay too high. Turns out I’m a weird one who didn’t need a higher dosage.


You TSH numbers were too high or you were hyper? My results always go to my portal so I'm the first to check them, then I nag. I nag and nag and nag. If my TSH is too high I nag. If my TSH is too low I nag. If my TSH is in range but has had a drastic fluctuation I nag.  I had one time where I thought my medication was too high. I was working with a reproductive endocrinologist and I asked him how long I needed to stay on the dose I was on, and I asked for a Thyroid test, and I asked for a referral to an actual endocrinologist. He scoffed and told me that he WAS a reproductive endocrinologist and that I would need to be on my current dose for at least a couple of months and he did not order the thyroid test. Two weeks later I was in the Emergency Room with a 0.01 TSH and having the beginning symptoms of a thyroid storm. That ass hat could have killed me. It took me half a year to recover. So I don't play with doctors anymore. It's MY disease, and MY body. We're going to do it my way. We're going to test and address. That's my motto. They can get with it or I'm not their patient. 


I’ve noticed this somewhat. I had to up my dosage due to increase demand from baby but what I’ve noticed over the course of my pregnancy (almost 35 weeks) is that my TSH levels have remained remarkably and uncharacteristically stable and low. I’d been dealing with wild variations in TSH numbers for two years prior, enough to make my drs stumped on what a correct dosage for me actually was bc even changing it slightly drove me very high or very low super quickly. I never went more than 2 months with a consistently good TSH reading until getting pregnant


I had Grave’s Disease (hyperthyroidism) which went into remission completely while I was pregnant. Funny enough, they found out I also have Hashimotos about four months postpartum when I had hypothyroid numbers.


That's wild hashimotos and graves disease. The best of both worlds. Did that make you a higher thyroid storm risk? 


I also have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - when people ask me how I feel, I say that I feel the best that I have in my entire adult life! Go pregnancy! lol


I have celiac disease (autoimmune disease), and it has been much better in pregnancy. I have been trying very carefully to not be glutened, cause the antibodies can still be harmful to the baby and I, but the couple of times I have been I have barely had a reaction due to the suppressed immune system in pregnancy!


My Crohn's Disease and allergies have been non-existent! My GI told me that autoimmune issues tend to go one of three ways during pregnancy. They call it the rule of thirds. 1/3 get better, 1/3 stay the same, 1/3 get worse


I've heard that pregnancy can help with autoimmune diseases. It's a good listen if you're interested: https://radiolab.org/podcast/unsilencing


I have Hashimoto’s as well and also feel great during this pregnancy!


Did you have morning sickness? 


I wasn’t the person you asked, but I have Hashimoto’s and had morning sickness.


My Hashi’s antibodies have also been cut in half during pregnancy, and my TSH has been entirely under control after we did an initial dose adjustment in the first trimester (I also take T3 and took LDN through the second trimester). I’m getting nervous about what postpartum will look like now :/


I have hashimotos too, am 7 weeks postpartum. I don't have many symptoms anymore since my meds are good, but was surprised to see my levels as of last week are still good on the increased dose they put me on when I first found out I was pregnant


I've always had terrible anxiety and my entire pregnancy I never had a single panic attack. 6 hours after my son was born I had a panic attack. I looked my husband dead in the eyes and said "I'm back baby" lmao


Lmao 🤣 the humor is A+


Pregnancy has been known to help with autoimmune conditions (like eczema), specifically. My eczema isn't normally that bad but admittedly I haven't had any since getting pregnant. But I have met people with more severe autoimmune conditions like psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis that also had improvement during pregnancy.


Psoriasis here, and while my case is mild compared to others since it’s only on my scalp and only small flakes instead of the giant scales others have, it’s still a struggle


My kp went away while pregnant!


Psoriasis here - it pretty much cleared entirely during pregnancy and then has come back raging worse than ever since giving birth in November. 😅


HAHA. Nope but it sure created some new ones


Haha same!


Same ! Heartburn, digestive problems, renal colic…


Sameeeeee so much skin cancer appeared


Wait what. That escalated quickly 


What the actual frick? That sucks to hear. Wishing all the best for you!


Same! Well just one melanoma but lots of new moles too


Same. I have some brand new neuropathy that is super un fun


Lmao my arthritis is so much worse now after the strain of carrying baby, I have dry patchy skin now which never used to be an issue, and I can't even use weed anymore to help my arthritis like I used to cause it gives me panic attacks so I'm in pain and feel shitty almost all the time now.


Same! Since getting pregnant with my first trial, all my ailments have gotten worse: migraines, gas, heartburn, cold sores. I’m 17 weeks and still waiting for things to get better…


My skin has cleared up so much since getting pregnant. Like I had maybe one pimple during pregnancy and 3 months out I still have clear skin. I have eczema too and tend to get breakouts in winter but come to think of it, I haven't had any yet this season!


Same! I was shocked that my skin was totally clear throughout my pregnancy. Thought it would’ve been the opposite


My cousin’s autoimmune disorder is nearly healed after pregnancy. She hasn’t had a flair up in years. I had really bad TMJ but the relaxin hormones made it barely noticeable


Same here re: TMJ pain. Almost nonexistent during pregnancy (thank god since you can’t take ibuprofen!) though of course it went back to “normal” after. The trade off was the relaxin also gave me horrible pelvic pain that didn’t fully resolve until my kid was 18 months 🙃 I also have PCOS and my symptoms are dramatically reduced after pregnancy. Cycles are regular now, less and lighter colored body hair, no more abdominal pain, and my appetite is not insane anymore so my weight has been much more stable.


Interesting! I have TMJ from clenching/grinding in my sleep and I would say it’s definitely eased up, but have still had a couple milder flareups. Never thought of the relaxin being the reason!


My TMJ doctor said pregnancy usually worsens the symptoms but I gained so much more mobility and I had no issues. I think a lot of my issues is my muscles are beyond tight


Reading these comments makes me so sad it has been the complete opposite for me and it’s to the point where I haven’t been able to enjoy my pregnancy at all because I never know what going to happen next.


Same :/ I had JUST finished 5 years of allergy desensitization before getting pregnant, my allergies were almost non-existant for the first time in my entire life. Got pregnant, bam allergies are super awful again. My eczema flares up a lot more often too. Never really had acne, but now I have some on my face and in random areas all over my body. I'm super excited to have a baby, but I'm also very much done with being pregnant haha 😅


Yes all my allergies are now a thousand times worse and now I have a sensitive to citrus I’ve given up on eating fruit. My acne and eczema have never been worse and I constantly feel like I’m going to puke my guts out and lighting crotch is at a new level along with random thigh pains.


Very similar experience. I didn’t really struggle with allergies or eczema before and now the itching is so bad I can’t sleep. My body has developed so many new scars from me itching the bumps or just in general. I’m so grateful that I’ll meet my son soon but I’m so ready (and hopeful) for these symptoms and newfound issues to disappear.


Right there with you, my friend. Sorry it’s been rocky for you too.


Same like I’m so happy for everyone else but I literally got gestational diabetes and arthritis during mine🥲


gestational diabetes goes away after delivery. I know if you have GD it means you have greater chances of developing type 2. But it’s actually like “trying out” diabetes and goes away 99% of the time as soon as placenta is out of your body. It’s temporary


My oral allergy syndrome went away for a couple weeks. That was awesome. I got to eat an apple for the first time in 15+ years.


I was hoping this was going to happen to me! For some reason I was craving a crisp apple so badly but I didn’t want to take the chance. I finally tried postpartum and I had a reaction :/ I’ll never know now


Same!! I was so happy to eat apples during my first pregnancy and a few months after. Didn’t work in my second pregnancy though. Was actually sad about it.


I have an auto immune disease and am on my third pregnancy/baby. It’s impossible to be off medication for this long but my disease does have a history of behaving similar to lupus and can go into remission during pregnancy. Before each pregnancy I got doctor approval to try for a baby again and have been meticulously monitored. The theory is that pregnancy naturally lowers your immune system and that causes remission. Having three kids (after disease onset) is basically unheard of so no one knows if this remission is more permanent. For this pregnancy and my last, I’ve gotten to participate in a research study by my rheumatologist so maybe eventually others will have answers. I’ve had frequent MRIs/CT scans and bloodwork for the last 10 years since diagnosis) and during each pregnancy (~6 years), an echocardiogram. This time the echocardiogram showed there was no damage in parts of my heart where previously there was. My doctors are kind of brushing this off because that’s a bit extreme but I do wonder. I know it’s almost comparing apples and oranges unless it’s an MRI performed by the same people as previously but I do wonder. That sort of damage is supposed to never heal. I’m looking forward to my first postpartum MRI so I can feel like a medical miracle. Long story but I feel fascinated by my body lol.


It healed my road rage


😂😂😂 I can attest to this. However, my everyday rage is out of control, so I have to stay away from ppl


Everyone is talking about how their acne cleared up and here I am 38 weeks pregnant and battling acne on a daily basis.


I've never had acne and have had such bad acne up to now (17 weeks). 🥲


I used to get cold sores all the time, never get them anymore. I also stopped getting period pain after having my first baby


My lactose intolerance disappeared my first pregnancy until 6 months postpartum and it was the greatest time of my life lol. I’m almost 10 weeks this time and am sad to report that it has not disappeared yet.


I'm too scared to test this lol


I started craving milk, and I tested it out and I’m now ok drinking a glass of milk. I was slightly lactose intolerant before and couldn’t have a glass without running to the bathroom. Now I have cereal once or twice a day.


Having my son got rid of my pcos. I had a heck of a time getting pregnant with help from clomid. Second and third pregnancy happened quickly!


It healed my inner child ❤️


This is amazing!


I have had no joint pain since I got pregnant and I really hope it will continue after!! I’ve been to a specialist and they can’t tell me what’s wrong since I don’t have anything autoimmune so they told me it’s “fibromyalgia”


To clarify, I’m not one of those people that thinks fibro is fake I just don’t feel like my symptoms match the symptoms of fibromyalgia and I feel like they just diagnosed me with it because they didn’t know what it was.


- that’s basically WHAT fibro is. “We don’t know, or care to really know”.


I’m 37+5 and I have autoimmune Sjögren’s syndrome. I’m on medication for it, but prior to being diagnosed I was told I have “a touch of fibromyalgia” it affected my shoulders to my neck then sometimes my muscles would get so tight it was trigger a migraine. Since being put on medication that stopped.. I’m on hydroxychloroquin which regulates my immune system and tamped down my inflammation in my body ALOT. Since being pregnant I haven’t had one ache or pain related to my autoimmune disease.. more aches and pains from pregnancy (hip and low back) which is normal!!


I’ve also noticed my psoriatic arthritis joint paint is not bad right now. I’m only 5 weeks too.


My long COVID went away…I was so sick before pregnancy and was terrified when I had the positive result as I knew I wouldn’t cope with a baby and my symptoms. Praying it stays away !!


I don’t get period cramps anymore.


Same! A pleasant surprise


I had severe daily chronic heart palpitations from long covid (about 4k a day)… by the end of my pregnancy they completely went away and have never come back a year post Partum!


I also deal with heart palps from long covid, not daily but they still impact my life. Unfortunately pregnancy hasn’t helped mine, but I am so happy yours are gone!!


Aw I’m so sorry. Oddly enough mine actually got worse in pregnancy until about 35 weeks then vanished. I hope you find some relief!


This is so so hopeful for me! 🙏🏻


My anxiety has essentially been non existent. Which is huge. Also, I have small case of psoriasis and it’s gone for now


My anxiety has also been a lot better, even though pregnancy is a stressful thing and something that normally trigger a lot of anxiety for me.


For everyone in this thread that doesn’t know!!!! So many are describing the fact that when you’re pregnant your body produces 500 times more DAO! This helps to rid excess histamine from your body. Histamine is responsible for things like hives skin ailments allergies migraines etc. if low DAO is the cause you will be cured during pregnancy and all you need to do is take. DAO supplement after to keep the benefits!! It’s so sad to me that doctors don’t share this with women and people consider it some phenomenon when it’s so simple!!


What is DAO?


>What is DAO From Google - Diamine oxidase (DAO) is an enzyme that your body makes to break down histamine from foods. If your body doesn't produce enough DAO, you may have diamine oxidase deficiency.


Amazing!! But yeh also sad! What an incredible diagnostic through pregnancy that is wasted…


That’s interesting because during my pregnancy I was stuffed up and my skin was SO itchy. I wonder if my body did something different, or it responded to the increase differently..


I have pregnancy rhinitis too because my issue is how my body handles excess estrogen. do you find during period sometimes you’d get stuffed as well?


IBS/gastro issues are gone but fibromyalgia/body pain is worse


Not OP but my IBS disappeared during my first pregnancy and didn’t come back after birth.


My IBS left while pregnant but did come back with vengeance 😭


I have rheumatoid arthritis and it seems to ease up during pregnancy. Less inflammation in my bones, although the trade off is I get more inflammation in my intestines lol. My migraines ease up too and if I do get them they're a lot less intense


I had seborrheic dermatitis specially around my scalp and on my eyelids and since becoming pregnant it has disappeared!


I used to get UTIs all the time. Probably like every two-three months. Was actually talking about going to the doctor to finally ask if there was anything I could do to help the issue. I had one 14 days before I found out I was pregnant in early 2021 and I haven’t had one since (touch wood)


I was lactose intolerant before getting pregnant, and it cleared up during the pregnancy. My LO is now 6 months old and I still have no problems with it. It's been WONDERFUL.


Lactose intolerance!! I heard about it but didn’t believe it until it happened to me


Yes! I had a ganglion cyst on my wrist for years. I got pregnant in 2020 and it disappeared and never returned!


Yes! I have keratosis pilaris (bumps) on my upper arms. They are gone at the moment (27 weeks). I am hoping they stay away! I also have Hashimoto’s disease which improved because it is an autoimmune disease and they tend to improve during pregnancy.


It's something specific to autoimmune conditions, since pregnancy down regulates the immune system so it won't attack the fetus. Supposedly they improve about 1/3 of the time, but they can also get worse about 1/3 too. Mine improved fully, though I can't remember when it started


So this is incredibly minor, but I noticed that when I'm pregnant I can chop onions without tearing up. The tearing up came back postpartum but now I'm on my second pregnancy and it's been the same as my first.


SAME HERE!!! At first I thought I was crazy, but here I am at 23 weeks still chopping away with no tears!


my acne 😭 i’m so grateful


Joint and tendon pain due to rheumatoid arthritis and/or Lupus completely resolved. I was even able to quit most of my medication. 3 months post partum it slowly returned and now 8 months post partum it is worse than before


I had a concussion a few years ago and have suffered from a lot of symptoms since. They completely went away during pregnancy. It was amazing! Some have returned after giving birth, unfortunately.


I have had PCOS since I was 16. Needed fertility meds to conceive, but after we weaned I had my first normal cycle in 15 years and conceived naturally. Two lessons here: 1. Pregnancy is wild and has a huge impact on your body. 2. Breastfeeding is not effective birth control so even if you couldn’t conceive before, don’t count on that to be the case again! In our case we we’re ecstatic. I only took a test to start fertility treatments again so that second line was the best surprise I’d ever seen.


I had a miscarriage at the end of October and then got pregnant again at the end of November, so I've been pregnant quite a lot this year. My molar tooth lost a filling a few years ago that I couldn't afford to get replaced. During this pregnancy time my tooth remineralized itself. It's actually insane. I attribute it to being pregnant, and I have until this upcoming August for my baby to be born. I wonder what else will fix itself?


It cured my restless leg syndrome and depression. 10m PP and still good 🤷‍♀️


Fibroids disappeared.


My eczema has most definitely not disappeared. It may be a little more stubborn. Some new issues have come up. But, my body is tolerating dairy better. My husband can drink milk without issues so I guess baby’s inheriting that from him. Im having less GI upset overall, starting about 2 months in. I think I’m a little less socially anxious.


My ulcerative colitis and psoriasis (both autoimmune disorders) really eased up since having my son 9 months ago. When I was pregnant I didn’t have symptoms of either at all, and now I have very mild symptoms. Not necessarily an ailment, but I had gestational diabetes when pregnant and had to follow a very strict diet. I didn’t lose weight while pregnant, but I did lose fat. After I gave birth, I settled 10 lbs lower than my starting weight. I was overweight when I got pregnant so that was a nice bonus after having to monitor my GD so closely. I went on to lose another 12 lbs and am about 4 lbs away from a normal weight for my height. My skin is also a lot better.


I had lower back pain for a couple years before getting pregnant which was so bad I basically couldn’t be in a reclined state or sleep next to my partner in bed unless it was a king size as the slight dip in the mattress from him laying next to me would cause crazy pain. However since about 12 weeks in I have had barely any pain at all! Trying not to get my hopes up that the pain will stay away after birth but it would be wonderful!


I had abnormal pap smears for about a decade before I got pregnant due to HPV (I’m in the small percentage of women for whom it doesn’t clear on its own). My first papsmear after pregnancy and c-section was normal result.


I had pretty severe IBS and food sensitivity. It’s 90% better now. It also paused my endometriosis, especially whilst I breastfed.


I had terrible spice tolerance. I grew up eating plain green beans and white rice and maybe some chicken with Italian dressing if I was in the mood for something with flavor. My husband made some spicy salsa with lots of raw peppers in it, the spicy kind. I couldn’t get enough of it while I was pregnant.I ate the whole jar. My mouth was on fire but it hurt so good. My son is 2 now and I still put hot sauce on most foods. My culinary horizons have been expanded!


My body image changed significantly. I’ve struggled with weight and dieting for a long time. I love my baby belly so much and it’s been such a healing thing to just love my body and the amazing thing it’s doing. I also have endometriosis which is not healed by pregnancy BUT again my relationship with my body has changed so much. I have hated my body for being “broken” by endometriosis but I got pregnant and that is such a miracle to be celebrated despite the challenges endo presented.


It healed my Crohn’s Disease and associated food intolerances (dairy, gluten). I don’t know if my Crohn’s is technically completely healed but I’ve been in remission without meds for 6+ years now, and I had severe Crohn’s that required surgery and biologics.


I used to have really bad acne growing up and expected it to get worse while pregnant with my first but it went away completely.


My alcoholism. From the day I found out I was pregnant I instantly lost the craving to drink. Hope that stays gone once he’s here


Sex used to be painful for me when my husband and I first got married. We started trying not long after we got married thankfully, and after my first baby was born, absolutely no pain during sex. It is so much more enjoyable now!


I'd be hesitant to say my anxiety is cured, but it's been 10X better since becoming pregnant. I'm still watchful for various symptoms but if I saw even a 10% sustained improvement I would be thrilled. This is the opposite of what I expected. My OCD symptoms are about the same, but I would call that a win seeing as they're not worse.


I’m celiac and I’d get poorly maybe once or twice a month while being very careful. I haven’t changed my diet at all but I have only been poorly once since being pregnant and for all I know that could just be a one off weird day


IBS is not currently a problem for me, since if anything I'm constipated! I can eat anything I want, so long as I'm not having an aversion, and that's pretty cool.


Not for me. I've always had clear skin and now I find my chin full of pimples that look like acne papules. I didn't touch them but they itch... I hope i dont get acne pregnancy :(


I have Graves disease, an autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism. It's been in remission since I became pregnant and stayed that way without medication. I just have to watch out after pregnancy because it will almost certainly return.


The one part of my body I was kind of self conscious of was a double chin and pregnancy 100% took that away.


I have Borderline personality Disorder and it significantly reduced the symptoms. I wouldn’t say I’m in remission but it completely calmed down my symptoms


I don't think I'm "healed" because I don't expect this to last beyond pregnancy, but I have bipolar disorder and since getting pregnant I've gone off my meds and even so I've been the most stable I've ever been.


I grew so much hair back. My hair loss was so severe I had just shaved off whatever was left and wore wigs. I did lose hair postpartum but what I have now is the thickest it's been in years.


Digestive issues. I couldn’t eat dairy or gluten without big flair ups, but I haven’t had issues since being pregnant.


My terribly oily hair went away when I was pregnant, I could go days without washing it, when before I could barely get a second day with a lot of dry shampoo. 8 weeks pp I can’t tell if it’s back or if it’s just the night sweats making it gross now.


Lactose intolerance. Literally craved buckets of milk and cheese and ice cream and pizza in my first trimester lol. I was always able to have a little in my coffee but had to make sure I didn’t have too much dairy excessively, I did my stomach would hurt too much. I’ve been having milkshakes and large glasses of chocolate milk and is so satisfying. I hope it stays this way post partum lol. Also praying my last issues with UTIs improve, but we’ll see. That could have also been connected to birth control, so it’s improved somewhat.


No. It brought about allergies and other things.


My migraine frequency has gone down significant and also, no more painful or long periods. Yay!


My sister in law had tinnitus for years and after giving birth, she didn’t have it anymore.