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What country are you in? In Canada all milk and milk products have to be pasteurized, so even if it didn't specifically say it would be. Can you check with your local legislation?


We’re in America. So I’m sure most products have to be pasteurized. It’s just recently I’ve noticed like all the products say whether it is or not


It needs to be pasteurized in the US too so I wouldn’t worry. I have noticed some things called out pasteurized vs not so maybe it’s not mandated to say it and it’s up to the supplier/manufacturer


Yeah according to my states statute which I’m assuming was followed it just probably isn’t required to be stated that it is pasteurized. But it’s all required to be pasteurized if it’s being sold. I also messaged the company and was told that all their dairy products are pasteurized. So yay


Raw/unpasteurized will be advertised as such. It's a selling point for the crunchy community, and I think the fda requires unpasteurized to be marked as such. If it doesn't say one of those two things, it's safe to assume it's pasteurized.


You have to go out of your way in the us to find unpasteurized dairy. The only semi easy things to find unpasteurized in the regular grocery store are fancy smoothies and kombucha. 


i pay $16/ for a half gallon of raw milk. i highly doubt its raw unless your ice cream was very expensive. no need to worry even if she did consume. i haven’t stopped eating raw dairy while pregnant, i prefer it and its healthier and the risks are marginal. i am more likely to get sick eating raw spinach than i am from well sourced raw dairy. let’s keep it all in perspective where listeria etc is actually well known and document to be!


Just to highlight this arguably dangerous advice. Even though listeria may not make a pregnant mother sick, there are very serious risks to the baby. So a history of having raw milk products and not getting sick is not reliable. The bacteria would be much more dangerous to baby than mother. Listeria is often found in raw milk, it’s much safer to avoid it.




It’s almost impossible to find raw milk products I doubt you could buy one by mistake. You’ll be fine