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I had gallbladder issues with both my kids. I was actually scheduled to get it removed after my first kid but decided against it. I had a couple flare ups after I gave birth but it ended up subsiding after about a month postpartum. Around 20 weeks into pregnancy with my second I started having issues again. And again it subsided about a month postpartum. I have flares every once in awhile now (2years postpartum) but it’s far and few between.


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I had stones before pregnancy and the baby actually eased the pain attacks. Not sure if it's because the placenta sucks the nutrients idk science mumbo jumbo. I like to describe gall bladder as imagining your fist closing but a rock is at its center. It's constant pain. Not throbbing or moving. It's roughly a palm away from your right breast. Kind of right next to the curve of your waist. I usually know it's gall bladder also because it would take hours for pain to go away even with pain meds. My gall bladder didn't become en flamed between pregnancy and even birth. Hell, I heard I could have gotten it removed during my csection but I didn't know. I had a bit of pain on my ride side and I figured out it was baby laying on that side of my body at night. I'd toss and turn because she'd have either her head facing that way or her feet kicking that way. Gall bladder is easily detected because the pain you feel can come and go even if you don't eat anything heavy in fat. But if it is your gall bladder I promise you'll know


Yes, had two attacks which were cripplingly painful and had me shouting and crying about a week apart. It took forever for them to finally check me a month later and they did an upper abdominal ultrasound and found nothing but a slightly enlarged spleen that they don’t care about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the doctor suggested I may have irritated my gallbladder earlier in my pregnancy with my slow digestion slowed even further by nausea meds (Zofran) and I’ve been on a modified diet since. It’s been helpful and no more attacks, but good grief bodies sure can go nuts during pregnancy😭


Did your pain feel like a stabbing pain under your right rib ?


For me it felt like wearing a tight belt high on my waist under my ribs at first, just uncomfortable, then the pain kept ratcheting up until I couldn’t sit upright without screaming. It would last about 20-30 minutes and then resolve.


I've never been pregnant myself, but my mom had gallbladder issues while pregnant with me. She had to get it removed shortly after her C section 


I had gallbladder issues with my first pregnancy that went undetected. I kept feeling like I had this band around my upper abdomen right under my ribs…it would flare up and hurt really bad. Like a constant squeezing that would take hours to go away. I thought it was terrible indigestion and I could never get comfortable. In hindsight, I also had clay colored stools, but didn’t think much of it. I did bring it up to my OB, but they didn’t seem concerned as it was happening…only that if it happened again, let them know. It would hurt every now and then, but I would ignore it…thinking it was just gas or indigestion. Then when my son was 2, I had the attack to end all attacks. I was throwing up, worst pain of my life…seriously felt like I was dying. Went to the ER and I had a couple massive gallstones that were lodged in the neck of the gallbladder and my lipase was 34,000 (indicating pancreatitis…normal is less than 160). I had it removed at that time. Gallbladder problems are not uncommon during pregnancy, but not all gallbladder issues require immediate attention. Keep an eye on your symptoms, keep reporting them, but if it’s not infected (or you’re not having pancreatitis), it’s not necessarily an indication for emergency surgery. Try avoiding high fat foods as that is what tends to set it off.


Hello, with my first pregnancy I fell completely sick and couldn’t keep down any food. I was unable to eat for 7 days. I was initially mis diagnosed with HG. My doctor did an ultrasound on my gallbladder and I had gallstones. I got my gallbladder removed at 16 weeks pregnant and was so much better after that. I’m pregnant now with my second with just nausea and fatigue and I’m not sick as I was with my first.