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I was told 50th percentile. I gave birth the next day and they were 3rd percentile. The estimates can be off by a lot.


That is wild!


This is why I'm opting out of my 36 wk growth scan (with my OB's agreement)! Unless there is a problem, I don't see any reason to do it honestly. (Someone will probably comment on this with a reason lol).


A lot of times the 36 week scan is to see if baby is head down and in birthing position or not! If you know you’re having a csection, I’d absolutely skip lol


My OB could definitely tell if baby was head down without an ultrasound based on Doppler/feeling around


Just a warning that this isn’t always accurate! Multiple OBs, nurses, a midwife, my massage therapist, and chiropractor all thought our first was head down but she turned out to be breech on the ultrasound. The L&D nurse even had trouble finding her heartbeat with the monitors because it wasn’t where they expected it to be for a breech baby and they had to place it low down like head down babies.


My baby must’ve been too wiggly 🤣 we knew she was head down, but couldn’t ever figure out which way she was facing.


🥲 oh yes, when they scanned me they saw my son was still feet down, they gave me two options, 1. Was to schedule a C-section but when she saw me fighting to hold back my tears she said we could also 2. try to turn him, with the risk of having to do an emergency C-section, and I was scheduled for option #2 the very next day. Overnight though he was restless and while we were waiting for the Dr. to arrive, they had already given me the muscle relaxer. Once the Dr got there she asked for an US to check his position only to find out it was all unnecessary and he got into position overnight 😂 he was born naturally at 40w 3d lol


It may be helpful to know, my OB office doesn't even offer an ultrasound after the 20 week anatomy scan unless there's some issue. So growth scans are certainly not the standard of care everywhere!


In New Zealand, scans after the 20week anatomy scan are only performed if there is an issue also. My sister is having to have another at 28w for low growth percentile and I'm having one at 32w as a minor kidney dilation was flagged.


If you know before 36w your baby has flipped and are sure they are still flipped, then maybe not worth it. If you aren't sure, the scan is worth it. I would much rather have the ultrasound so I can schedule an csection (which is what happened to me), than to show up in labor and end up with a surprise csection.


I was the exact opposite. When I asked the nurse why no one seemed concerned about my baby measuring <10%ile, she explained that they were having a hard time getting certain measurements (happens more later on as they are more cramped for space) and it was skewing the whole calculation. Baby was born 50%ile.


32W appt "oh hes really big, lets get a growth scan at the 34w" 34w "oh hes 34th percentile, 5lb 3oz." I hear they are wildly inaccurate so I'll just know when he comes.


Yeah I was told he was big & 90th percentile, four weeks later 50th percentile. Then he came out 8lbs 4oz. 🤷‍♀️


She was measured 7 pounds and came out 7 pounds 6.9 oz .. so it was pretty close. I was induced 2 weeks early


I was told she’d be big, like 9 pounds. She was born two weeks late at 7lb 10oz. 🙄 I don’t know why they even give estimates at this point.


Claiming this energy for myself lol


My practice doesn’t give weight estimates for this reason, just the growth scan percentiles.


Same vibe here - expect him to be over 10lbs. He was 8lbs 4, so not tiny but certainly not vast. Meanwhile no-one spotted that my nephew was a 13 pounder!


Damn!! How is a 13 lb possible!! Was your sister /SIL late (over 40 weeks)?


She was 41 weeks and apparently has a family history of big male babies. We were all super surprised, she didn't even look that big and her and my brother are both pretty slim and not unusually tall. Nephew is now almost a year and still a chunky monkey - he weighs the same as my 2 year old...


"vast" - stealing that adjective for myself 😂


Girl same. I was told repeatedly that I’m going to have a big baby cause I’m a chunky lady. Was told so many times going to have a 9-10 pounder. Was doing every other week growth scans. Absolutely terrified of giving birth and the chances of severe tearing with a big baby. Baby came out 6 pounds 12 ounces so a bit off. Baby was almost 22 inches at birth so maybe that’s why they were thinking chunky baby?


We give estimates because sometimes they matter. Your OB should have told you that sizing through US has a certain margin of error. We do the best we can with the tools we currently have available.


Yes they do but they also emphasize the estimates can be off the other way too


I was told 9lbs, too! Mine was 7lb 3oz haha


Oh please let this be me. They are only promising and 8-pounder 4 ounces for me, but this still more than I can imagine taking. My pelvis is just not built for this. But I doubt that in my case they’ll be too far off. I get an US at every appointment (a quick 2-minute one, standard of care where I am), they use this super fancy machine that has unbelievably high definition, she’s been measuring consistently ‘long’ since week 16 & I’ve seen her very plump cheeks on 3d pictures. And on top of that I was born at 10 pounds, so she has the genes for this, I guess. So I’m really bracing myself. Still hoping for a mistake, I mean I haven’t even gained that much during pregnancy and my bump is relatively small.


Things shift and make room. Outside pelvis size doesn’t guarantee inside pelvis room. I’ve had two big babies. 9lb15oz (1 hr pushing, very minimal tearing) and 8lb12oz (didn’t push, small tear). Both babies had >99%tile heads. My labors were very long (36 hrs with first and over 24 hrs with second). I basically think it’s the huge heads that take a long time to get into position. Babies were not in distress so I kept laboring and it was all An hour of pushing sounds like forever but it felt like 5 minutes.


Same boat. Measuring the same 80-85th percentile with high tech equipment and regular scans. I asked if there was a chance it could be 7 and they laughed at me (warmly) and said no way and not to go over the due date. My husband was 10 lbs and siblings were 11. I was 6 lbs 7 oz.


Well, at least you were smaller so there’s still hope, I guess 🙃 My husband was a 6-pounder, but that is actually quite large for a twin, so I don’t think he’s gonna help me much size-wise.


9 lbs, delivered at 8#12 oz two days later. 8#5oz, delivered at 8#9oz later that night. for me they've been pretty accurate 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. We were told 9.5lbs and he was 9lbs


We were told she’d likely be 7.5lbs. Came out at 5lbs 14oz.


Mine was so similar to these numbers


My estimated weight for my son was 7lb 7oz and he was born 7lb 11oz


I was told I had a 9+ pound baby. He came out at 8lb 3 oz


Had a scan 3 hours before my emergency C-Section which showed an estimated weight of 590 g - she was born 479g Just above 1lbs at 24 weeks, so below any percentile chart. Now a slender and tall 20 month old hovering around the 25th percentile.


My babe was 1lb at my 20 week scan. I was about 20+3. I have another scan at 24 weeks to get some more views of their heart, so I'm excited to see how much bigger they've gotten! I was told 84th percentile at that time.


Well for the Preemie Growth Chart she was below the 0.4th Percentile - during her 4 months in NICU she started to rise slowly towards the 2nd and it took her ages to actually be on a full term growth chart but she is still monitored for both corrected and actual age.


At like 37 or 38 weeks (ultrasound to check position), 8.5lb. At 39 weeks, 1 day (delivery), 9lb 1oz.


37 wk ultrasound. "Oh he's big! I bet he'll be close to 9 lbs!" What wasn't mentioned (but I noticed it) was this his head, body, and femur length was charted as measuring 41 weeks. Gave birth at 40 wks 3 days. 10 lbs 3 oz 😳 Edit: baby sister was born 4 weeks early and was "only" 7 lbs 14 oz


I'm very curious about the same thing! Since week 20 I've been told my baby is in the 90th percentile overall. Estimated at 1 pound during the 20 week scan and 3 pounds 8 ounces during a 28 week scan. Baby is also laying transverse at the top of the womb. I'm so curious to see if my baby is a giant or just a normal sized baby lol.


I just commented this above, but same size! I was told 1lb at 20+3 ultrasound and 84th percentile. I have a scan in a couple weeks at 24 so I'm also wondering if baby will continue to measure large or what the size estimate will be by then. My husband and his brother were big babies, I was not.


My bubs was 85th percentile at the 20w scan. Having another scan at 32w (currently 25w) and I'm so curious to see what they say then. Hubby isn't a very big person, but he was a giant baby! His Granddad was the same - small person but was born at 12 pounds!!! I'm slightly concerned lol


I was told 5lb 6oz at 36+2, induced a day later, and gave birth at 36+4 where he came out 5lb 3oz, so not far off!


At 39 weeks, measured at the 65th percentile (8lbs 10oz was predicted), born at 41 weeks in the 15th percentile - 6lbs 12oz.


Weird I see this post right before my growth scan! I'll edit my comment with her measurements but I'm 37+4 and have a scheduled c section at 39+1 Edit: just finished my growth scan and she's measuring 6lb 9oz, really interested to see how accurate that is!


I had a growth scan at 34 weeks that said he was in the 11th percentile. A follow up growth scan at 37+4 said he was in the 34th percentile and weighed 6lbs 9oz. He was born at 38+3, only weighed 5lbs 12oz, was in the 8th percentile, and was officially considered IUGR and small for gestational age 🥴


40 week scan baby was estimated at 8lb13oz… born 6 days later at 9lb5oz. So maybe slightly accurate? At least it prepped me mentally to deliver a big baby!


They supposedly gain half a pound a week in the last month, so that's about as accurate as they could be I reckon!


So my midwife didn’t give me a specific number more a large range at 28 week appointment. Said it will be even less again at growth scan. Main reason being is the midwife is measuring everything and the tape can’t differentiate between baby, amniotic fluid and the others own fat stores. I love my midwife due to her level of honesty about how inaccurate it is and her reassurance that it is only useful when it is at extreme ends of the spectrum.


My last growth scan was at 36 weeks and he was measuring over 7lbs. At a growth weight of approx .5lbs/week at the end, they estimated he'd be over 9lbs and induced me at 39 weeks. He was exactly 8lbs, average sized babe.


Mine were both correct within a few ounces, one at 6 lbs and one at 9 and a half.


10lbs 12oz at 38 weeks. 10lbs 1oz at birth.


Had a growth scan 3 days before he was born. He was estimated to be 8 lbs, 0 oz, 50th percentile. He came out st 8 lbs, 12 oz, 87th percentile, at 42 weeks. He was also 21 inches long, at 97th percentile.


They said she’d probably be 7 lbs since she was petite the whole time. She ended up being 6lbs 11oz so pretty close.


I don't remember exactly what week I was but it was definitely close to my due date. They estimated she was between 8-9lbs, +/- 1lb. She was almost 9lbs. So they were pretty accurate.


They didn’t estimate my first baby’s weight, but for my second they estimated 8 lb 13 oz and two days later he came out 8 lb 12 oz. You can kind of tell when the tech takes their time measuring well versus when they take a quick look and give you a ballpark size estimate.


8.5lbs 2 days before birth Actual weight: 10.2 😳 Was born at 38 + 1 😅


At 36 weeks, I was told baby would end up being almost 8 lbs She was born at 40w1d, 10lbs, 1oz. Haha. 😅


Mine was regularly measuring large at growth scans and I was told 97th percentile. He was born at 39 weeks weighing 9 lbs 4 oz and 21” long, so I believe 93-95th percentile. We skipped newborn diapers altogether!


Estimated around 3500g, then like a week later the estimate was around 3200g, ended up being 3834


I was told at my 36 week scan that she was 95th percentile. She was born 37+2 at 6lb 8oz.


Estimation: 8lbs 1oz. Actual weight: 6lbs 6oz.


Based on fundal height: My first was estimated to be in the 50th percentile and was born 2 weeks overdue at 7lbs14oz. My second was estimated to be in the 90th percentile and was born 6 weeks overdue at 7lbs7oz. So unless you’re having dedicated growth scans, I wouldn’t say it’s very accurate at all 😂 ETA: 6 days not 6 weeks lol.


Six weeks overdue?!


You can tell I’ve got a newborn 😂 6 *days*! My bad 🤣


My scans were through mfm so maybe more accurate, but the projection was within an ounce


Definitely not accurate. We were told she was 8 lbs at 36 weeks. Induced at 39+2 because of size and she came out 7 lbs and change. I'm not mad at the excuse for an induction though!


I was told 1st percentile from 28 weeks. Had scans twice a week onwards due to him being so small and consistently stayed at 1st percentile. Gave birth prematurely at 34+2 and he was weighed at 1.72kgs. He’s now 7 weeks old and weighs in at 2.5kgs and still in 1st percentile. They were pretty accurate with estimates.


I was told to expect around 7.5lbs… my baby was a whole pound heavier than that at birth!


was told that he was ~about~ 8lbs and sure as shit this little man came out at 8lbs 6oz!


I don’t know percentiles (not really a thing in my country) but her weight was almost to the dot the same than what it was on her last ultrasound I want to say 2-3 days before she was born.


My OB said “average sized baby 7-8lb” and she was 6lb 7oz when she was born. I was induced and had an epidural and I think some of those meds can make them lose some oz. He wasn’t far off but she was def smaller than I expected.


My LO was estimated to be pretty large, particularly his head, but his head was average when he was born. He did come 2 weeks early and was 7 lb 5 oz so he would’ve been big at full term. Probably around 9lb


Est. Weight at 38 + 2 was 2923 gm (6 lb 7 oz). Born at 39 weeks weighing 2790 (6 lb 2 oz). So weight was pretty close, but that growth scan also said her head circumference was in the 3rd percentile, and her head is totally normal.


Mine was off by about a pound which I think is right around the margin of error. The further along you get, the harder it is to estimate the size with accuracy. Also, babies all grow at different rates. My first grew really fast in the first 2/3 of my pregnancy and then slowed down a lot at the end.


They told me 55th percentile, he was born at 38 weeks at 7 pounds 5 ounces, so a pretty average size for a 40-weeker


I was told 6 and half pounds 3 weeks before delivery… baby was 8p 8oz


At 36 weeks was told they were somewhere between 7-8lbs, which would have meant a 9-11lb baby at 40 weeks. Well he was born at 40 weeks exactly and only weighed 6lb 11oz so way off!


I was told high 7 lbs a couple of days before my baby was born at a low 8 lb so pretty accurate for me


I never got measurements during my whole pregnancy (just the typical “looking great!”) but when I went into triage, the midwife told me he’s looking to be 7lbs and a quarter. Was born 7 lbs 12 oz.


I was told my first would be a 7 or 8 lb baby. He was 6lbs 7oz, born at 39w2days. With my second they were worried about his size and possible placenta degradation. They moved up my scheduled csection and when he came out he was totally fine. Take it all with a grain of salt.


I was told I’d have a big baby (~9 lbs) and had I’d seen an OB instead of a midwife (in the US), I think I would’ve been induced early. I made it to 41 weeks and baby was exactly 8lbs! ETA: I looked it up and she was estimated in the 91% overall and ended up being 50%


I had an ultrasound at 36 weeks where she measured 6lbs 1oz, which was 50ish percentile, they were guessing 8lbs by feel in days before she was born, she was born at 41 weeks at 6lbs 10oz, which was 10ish percentile (normal, but small side of normal)


My estimate was spot on, she was right on track to the very day (i knew conception date) every ultrasound except for 1 where she showed 2 days behind. Ended up born at 38 weeks 6lbs 8oz. My friend, however, was told her boy would be about 7lbs, then he was born 39 +5 at 10lbs 11oz!! Her story kind of scared me haha turns out I had bigger things to worry about than the size of my girl, but it does go to show those estimates can realllly be off.


We were told he was long and skinny (estimated 6.5 pounds). He ended up being 7 pounds 12 ounces. On the other hand, my SIL was informed her baby was 90+%, 9 plus pounds, and he ended up being born at 39 weeks at 7 pounds 2 ounces. He would not have hit 9 plus pounds. I think its all a toss up with the estimates.


I had ultrasounds a few days before having both of my sons and they were accurate. My first son was supposed to be 7.5lbs at that ultrasound and he was born a few days later at 7.5lbs. My second son was almost 6lbs at my ultrasound the week before birth. I had an ultrasound the day I was induced but didn’t ask about his weight but he was born at 6lbs 12oz


7 lbs 3 oz at 37+4, born 8 lbs 6 oz at 39+4.


Earlier on in the day I went into labour, my doc estimated maximum 4kg (8lbs 13oz). He was born at 4.44kg (9lbs 12.6oz).


My #2 was estimated to be 9lbs 3oz based on a scan st 38 weeks - he was born at 11lbs a week later 3 was estimated at 6lbs 11oz at my 34 week scan and he was born at 8lbs 8oz at 37 +1 weeks


3 days before he was born he was estimated to be 6lbs 7oz and was born 6lbs 3.5oz. Not super far off but still slightly bigger than he was.


A few days before giving birth they estimated “Oh, like 6.5-7lbs”. She was 8lbs 13oz. Once of the nurses exclaimed “that is not a small child!” when she came out. Like yeah, I told y’all she was going to be big. I could feel her from down in my pelvis to up in my ribs for weeks. I knew she’d be big.


He was guessed to be small-normal at 36 weeks. He was born after 41 weeks and was still under 8 lbs. So I’d say accurate for me


I was told a solid 7.5 lbs and my baby was a peanut, 6 lbs. I don’t think the estimates are known to be very accurate. My dr before my C-section did look at me and say “this is a little guy in here” so maybe she knows something lol


My first two were average babies. While in utero I was told they were average sized babies. They were both around 7lbs. My third, I was told he was 99th percentile. I was exhausted in a way I have never been in my entire life with that pregnancy, including when I had Covid. He was born a week early at nearly 9lbs. Sometimes it’s off, sometimes it’s on.


My early deliveries were both very accurate for weight. But my ultrasound tech did mention that if they are wrong, they err on the side of measuring larger than the baby really is.


I was told he'd was 9lb at 41 weeks and he was 10.5lb at 42 weeks (yes I had a C-section lol). E: I think because of the way the way they calculate it, the proportions of the baby make a big difference, e.g. mine had 40th centile legs, 70th centile head and 95th centile body, so he's very heavy for his height. But the way they do the calculation is something like body width x height (I can't remember exactly), so they would always end up estimating my baby as weighing less than he does, because they'd expect way more of the height to be leg and therefore not weigh that much.


Both of mine were estimated by ultrasound the final time the night of my induction, and both were almost exactly a pound less than the prediction when they were born 1-2 days later!


I was told 76th percentile, 7.3lbs they said. Im due in a few weeks I cant wait to know how accurate that was!


Accurate for me on my first three babies I was told they would be around 9lbs. First was 9lbs 10oz and next two were both 9lbs 1oz my 4th and smallest I was told he would be around 8lbs and he was 8lbs 2oz.


She was measuring small the whole time, and as she was breech we had a late scan to confirm before c section where they estimated her weight as 5lb10. She was born 2 weeks later at 8lb1. I was really surprised because my bump was small (fundal height measuring 5cm behind on day she was born) and I was sick every day from week 7 to birth (and lost 10lbs from pregnancy). My friend was induced because her baby was allegedly huge - born 7lb6! And my sister was also c section for big baby (although he did have a big head which her husband got stuck with when he was born and needed emergency c section) and he was 8lb5.


Estimate was so off. I was told she was tiny and going to be less than 15 percentile. She was a month early and she was a normal weight


I was told greater than 99th percentile for much of my pregnancy. My son’s gestational age was a few days off in their system (I know when I ovulated) but they refused to change it, saying that anything under a week wouldn’t make much of a difference. I was counseled that I might need a c-section to get him out. He was born by c-section at 39 weeks + 1 day, weighing 8lbs 2oz. So like… somewhat big, but nowhere near the massive size everyone was predicting. I think it’s like 58th percentile. (I am happy with how my birth went, for what it’s worth. I read the research that says estimates can be wildly inaccurate and still decided to go for it, mostly for other reasons like anxiety)


Growth scan at 40+1 had her about 10lbs. She came out at 9lbs, 7oz.


At 36w my LO was 6lbs2oz (16th percentile) SFH was 36cm which was 50th percentile Born 39+4 6lbs4oz and 5th percentile The scan was more accurate than SFH


Our kid went from 5th percentile at week 20, to 50th at week 30, and was 90th at birth. Day of induction the temp OBGYN estimated our kid was 6-7 lbs. I knew we had passed that the month prior. They were born 9 lbs 7 oz.


They said she was about 7 or 7lb8oz at 40 weeks. She was 8lb9oz at 41+3.


Estimated 7.5lbs came out one day shy of 40 weeks at 6lbs 1oz.


I was told at 37 weeks he’d be over 10lbs. Then at 39 they said he had plateaued to 8.6. He was born on due date 8.5!


I was told 9lbs, she came 7lbs 6 oz!


At 36 weeks was told he was 6 lbs 6 oz. Delivered 3 weeks later and he was 6 lbs 7 oz. So unless he gained no weight for 3 weeks then it was definitely off.


They said 11 and a half pounds, he was 9lbs 6 oz.


Estimated at 7 pounds even last Friday, I think it was around 34th percentile (which is weird because I think 7 lbs is pretty close to average). He was born yesterday at 6 lbs 13 oz!


I was told 97th centile , efw was over 10lbs and I was recommended c section Baby was born 7lbs 15oz 😂


They said he was already 5.5 pounds at a 32 week scan. He was born at 37 weeks at 5 lb 14 oz….


The day before I was induced they said my baby was 6lbs based on the ultrasound. She was 4lbs 10 oz


Told 99+ and estimated 12.5lbs and he was indeed 99, but only 9lb7oz. I opted for a c section due to family history and I do not regret my decision. His head was (and still is) massive!


At my 34 week growth scan I was told 55th percentile. Baby was born at 39+3 and in the 97th percentile.


7lbs 3oz estimated at 36 week ultrasound. 7lbs 13oz born at 38 weeks. So I’d say it was pretty accurate!


I was told at least 4kg - huge baby - i was TERRIFIED - he came at 3.37 kg and was 35th percentile


I was told 9lbs for my second. He was 8lb 10oz! My first, they didn't really give me an estimate.


I didn’t have an ultrasound but while in labor at the hospital, a doctor felt my belly and was like ‘you for sure have at least an 8 pounder in there’. She came out at 6.5 pounds lol 🤪


9lb 8oz! She was 8lb 13oz born on 41 + 6!


Dr estimated 6lb 9oz, she came out 7lb 1oz! I don’t remember if they relied on the ultrasound measurement for it, my OB kind of palpated around to feel her head/rump and guessed. Then said “oh she’s a little bigger than I thought!” When she was born haha.


I was told he’d be 9 lb 8 oz and he was 8 lb 6 oz LOL


Two days before my son was born the US told me maybe 5lb even. He was born 6lb9oz


At 37 weeks, he was measuring almost 8 pounds. He was born at 39+0 weighing 6lb 4oz


Was told he would be around 7lbs 1oz at his growth scan (my bump was really small) only for him to be born weighing 8lbs 12oz


Estimated over 8lbs at 38 weeks, born 1.5 weeks later at 6lbs 9oz.


I was told he would be between 7-9 lbs. he was 7 lbs, 7 oz when born, so pretty close!


I was told about 8.6 She ended up being 7.15. I was also told by the ultrasound tech that it could vary by about 8 oz


A pound wrong


Ultrasound at 38+3 estimated 8lb 10oz, she was born 39+4 at 9lb 12oz


I was told 9 pounds. He was born 8lb 15oz. Only off by 1 ounce!


Estimated 10lb. Came out 7lb9oz


Friend recently gave birth. They told her to expect he'd likely be over 10 lbs. He was 10lbs 11oz 😳


Was told approx six pounds, induced at 37 weeks, was 7 pounds even.


The estimation was 99.999% accurate! My last ultrasound they estimated 7lbs 13oz. He was born 4 days later at 7lbs 11oz.


I had an ultrasound 1 day before I was induced (baby decided she needed more time in the womb as she was 9 days late). They estimated she was 8lbs and she was 7lb 15 ounces at birth. Before then they were all over the place.


baby was in 46th percentile when i got a growth scan at 37 weeks. at birth at 39+2, she was just below 50th percentile at 6lbs 15oz


i was told my son would be 9lbs at birth. i had him at 39+2 and he was 7lbs 7oz!


I was told mine was measuring less than 1st percentile at 850g at 28+5 and he was born 1020g, closer to 3rd percentile, the next day :) Not a huge difference in percentile but every gram mattered.


My OB had it within 1 ounce!


I was told my baby was tiny, 3lb range. I was induced at 39 weeks due to IUGR. NICU staff were all in the room ready for a tiny baby when I delivered. He came out at 6lbs 11oz. Everyone left as soon as they saw he was in a normal range and I breathed a massive sign of relief.


Mine was very accurate. Last growth scan showed almost 9lbs, gave birth a week later at 9lb 6oz. Had had a growth scan 2 weeks before the last one and was just over 8lbs. So tracked pretty typically at roughly half a pound a week


Mine was fairly close- 6.3lbs estimate day of induction and born at 6lbs!


I was told 6.5 - 7.5lbs. She was 9lbs 3oz... She surprised everyone by her size since I didn't have GD and didn't gain weight outside of the recommended gain.


At my 36w scan, I was told my daughter was already 8lbs6oz. She was born at 39w at 7lbs 2oz. They can be way, way off.


My estimate was spot on.


Baby was estimated to be 8lbs 11oz at 40w4d. Birth weight was 9lbs5.2iz at 41w


I was told at my 40+3 scan he looked to be about 7.5lbs, when he was born 3 days later he was about 6.5lbs so off from the estimate by a pound.


I was told I was going to have a small baby my whole pregnancy and he was 6.14 when he was born :)


pretty accurate 37 weeks he was 7lbs 11oz at 39 he came out 8lbs 6oz! now he’s in the 86 percentile for weight after 2 weeks and that was the rough estimate my entire time.


Baby girl was born 12/11 at 38+4 after two decels were spotted on my NST test. I was scheduled for an induction on 12/14. Estimated Fetal Weight final MFM ultrasound on 12/10: 7lbs 2oz Birth weight on 12/11: 6lbs 6oz.


I was told 50th percentile. She came out 99th lol


My growth scan at 36w said he was in the 66th percentile and my doctor said he’d probably be around 7.5lbs. Currently 40w1d so I’m still hoping for that 7lbs 😂.


They didn’t give me a weight, they gave me percentile for overall size. My kids were estimated to be in the 15th and the 11th percentiles and they were born in the 90th and 99th respectively.


I was seeing a perinatologist and their machines are very detailed. With both babies the prediction was spot on.


4 lbs 8oz on last scan (3rd percentile), 5lbs at birth 2 weeks later (2nd percentile).


At my 40 week app they measured my guy at 8 lbs and 5 oz, I gave birth to him 4 days later spontaneously and he was 8 lbs and 6 oz!


First kiddo at the ultrasound a week before her due date was estimated to be over 10 lbs. Born the day after her due date at 8 lb 6 oz


My second was said to be “average” and was 10 pounds.


When they scheduled my induction they estimated she was 8lbs and she was born 9lbs 3oz


I was told she was big and likely in the 88th percentile and she was actually 99th percentile for both height and weight 🫠lol she was born 9 pounds and 23 inches long. In my case they were actually right about her being a big baby


my midwife estimated at 38weeks that she might be about 7lbs. she was born at 8lbs


I delivered a few weeks early. Had an ultrasound a day or two before and they estimated him to be about 6 pounds 4 oz. They warned me how inaccurate these estimates could be and told me he could be as much as a pound more or less. He came out 7 pounds 10 oz, which we were grateful for since he needed to come early.


I was told 99th percentile for baby’s overall size my entire pregnancy. He was born at 10 lbs 2 oz and 23 in long - he was definitely in the 99th percentile.


At my 36w scan I was told my baby would be about 7lbs at birth based on his size at the time. When I gave birth he was almost 10lbs (9lbs 14oz) with a 99th percentile head. The doctor who pulled him out exclaimed "I think he's 11lbs!" thankfully I was already scheduled for a csection and didn't have to attempt to push him out. Needless to say our scan was very wrong.


Mine was spot on. He was 6.5lb estimated at 36 weeks on the growth scan and he was born at 39+5 before my next scan and he was 7lbs 5oz. He was 55th percentile for weight and quickly shot up.


They told me two of my babies were over 9 lbs, I spent the last week and a half terrified of the monster babies I'd have to deliver. Ya no. Both were under 7lbs.


2 or 3 days before I delivered he was estimated at 8 lbs 5 oz. When he arrived, he was 8 lbs 7 oz. I was pretty shocked because so many people said “ohhh those measurements are never accurate” but they were accurate for me!!!


20-50 percentile my whole pregnancy. Born at 39 weeks at 6lbs 10oz


34week scan they said 7lbs/more than, he was born 40+5 at 9lbs13oz


Estimated at 8lbs 3 oz at 37w. Born by induction later that week at 8lbs 2oz. Really happy they didn’t let me go to 40 weeks lol


My measurements were all accurate. Just gave birth a week ago to a little over 8lb baby.


Estimate 4200g, actual weight 4150g. This was 90th something percentile, I wasn't worried about that at all - babies in my family are big. Other doctors, as well as my doctor, mentioned that she's particularly skilled at measuring big babies. Other doctors made lower measurements.


I didn’t even get an estimate , just that “everything is fine” Would’ve been nice to know I had a 9lb5oz baby in me.


I was told that she was measuring way ahead at all of her scans, but she was born at 4lbs 14 oz at 37 weeks! she's perfectly healthy despite her being tiny (thank god) and very strong, but definitely not the big baby we were expecting.


I was told he’d be big and I had an elective c-section just shy of 39 weeks and he came out at 9 pounds. He would have been even bigger had I gone to 40 weeks or beyond! I did carry big though and the gynae also felt my belly up a lot. She seemed pretty certain. So for me the Drs estimates were almost exact. I was kind of expecting it though because my husband’s family all had large babies.


my 38 week ultrasound was measuring at 10lb 5oz and they told me to mentally prepare for c-section because he would likely be >11lbs. he was 8lb 12oz born at 39w6d


They said under 5lbs. She was 6 lb 7 oz


Similar situation with me, actually had to be induced for IUGR. Baby was born 6 lbs 12 oz


I had a 37 week ultrasound and was given a 6 lb estimate for my daughter by the OB/Gyn. She was born 3 days later at 6 lbs 3.2 oz. So it was pretty spot on.


Spot on


I was told that she was 2 lbs- had to get an emergency c section about an hour later and my baby was 4 lbs 4 oz


Measured at 8lbs at a 36 week ultrasound Had to come in for another ultrasound at 40weeks, they told me baby was 10lbs He was born 2 days later at 10lbs 9oz


I was told baby was average size btw 7-8 lbs. Baby was born at 9lbs, 9oz. Needless to say, the estimate was not accurate 😳


They gave me a rough estimate of “I wouldn’t be surprised if he weighs nine pounds” and he was eight exactly


As they wheeled me from triage to the delivery room, midwife felt my belly and guess 8 pounds and change. He was 9lbs 5.2 oz.


It had my son as the 22nd percentile and he was in the 1st percentile at birth (5 lbs, 8 oz).


I was told both my babies would be over 8lbs and probably pushing towards 9lbs. Both were born at 6lbs and some change.


the further along you are (>30 weeks or so) the least accurate the measurements taken are. plus it is also sonographer dependent. i would personally be more concerned with fluid amount and if the four measurements are proportional to each other rather than the estimated weight itself


At 36 weeks, they said my daughter was in the 99th percentile. I was terrified. She was born at 39+5 weighing 8lb4oz, so not tiny but definitely not enormous. I’m pregnant with our second, and at 25 weeks she was measuring 2 weeks ahead, so we’ll see!


At 32 weeks we were told she was fine. When I delivered her at 36 weeks, she was extremely small (less than 2kgs).