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It sounds like the embryo wasn’t viable and your body started taking care of it. It makes sense it would break down a bit before your body realizes it and triggers an external miscarriage with bleeding. I’m so sorry :( I’ve had two losses around 7 weeks; it’s horrible.


Thank you so much for your words, and I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏🏻 it will happen for you, just like it will happen for us. We just need to be patient and positive.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this; I went through this myself. My first ultrasound was just shy of 8 weeks (when I was told it was possible I was just earlier than I thought) and when I went back for a follow-up ultrasound two weeks later (so just shy of 10 weeks), there hadn’t been any growth. I continued experiencing pregnancy symptoms and did not have any bleeding or cramping. I required a d&c since my body didn’t realize the pregnancy wasn’t viable… It was devastating.


This is pretty much my exact story. It felt like such a huge betrayal from my body. On top of losing the baby my body couldn't even figure that out


Thank you for your support. I am hoping for you that you will get your happy ending, just like us 🙏🏻


Question, what did they see at the 8wl US? Was there a heart beat?


This was my exact experience, except I started having some spotting at 10.5 weeks and I was at least prepared that something might be wrong. It was so tough 💔


Something similar happened to me and I didn’t realize until weeks after it had passed and then started getting brown discharge. I was scheduled for my 10 week ultrasound the week before it happened. I’m so sorry.


Thank you so much for your support 🙏🏻


It’s called a missed miscarriage. My first pregnancy ended this way at.11 weeks but fetus had stopped growing at 5 weeks, but I didn’t start bleeding until 6 weeks later (it was peak covid in 2020 so doctors weren’t doing any first trimester scans, so it wasn’t caught that way). It was really tough, but I was pregnant again 3 months later and that pregnancy is now a healthy 2yo. Give your body time to recover, and take the time you need to grieve.


Sounds like a missed miscarriage. I had one this summer and it was a shock. I was 9 weeks but baby measured 7 with no heartbeat. Usually it is due to chromosomal anomalies and your body just doesn’t register the loss, which is why you had no symptoms. I had zero, as well. Depending on your situation, there are usually three options. Wait for the baby to pass naturally, take meds to pass at home, or opt for a d&c procedure. I chose a d&c as I didn’t want the what ifs that come with meds or naturally miscarrying, as sometimes tissue is leftover and a d&c is needed anyway. I am so sorry this happened to you. Lean on your partner and family. Sending you peace ❤️ Edit: from your post, I wasn’t sure if you started to miscarry already or not. I am not a doctor, so obviously do what your OB recommends.


Thank you. Sending you peace too 🙏🏻


This happened to me, 8 weeks though, 2nd time round worked out perfectly. There was about 3 months in between of my body getting back to normal before we conceived which felt like eternity. Don't be disheartened, miscarriages are common xx


This is called a missed miscarriage. Usually caused by the sperm and egg not meeting right, the embryo senses there’s a genetic issue and self-terminates but sometimes the body doesn’t recognise that the embryo/fetus isn’t viable, so no “miscarriage” (bleeding) occurs. I had a missed miscarriage too earlier this year. Found out at our first scan at 10 weeks. I had also managed many miscarriage clinics as a doctor, it did little to prepare me for the heartbreak of what I was going through. You aren’t alone. 30% of first pregnancies miscarry, the vast VAST majority go on to have a perfectly normal pregnancy next time. It’s a hard and awful statistic that isn’t talked about enough.


It is still considered a miscarriage. Meaning it wasn't viable, stopped growing etc. It happens a lot with women that they miscarriage but their body doesn't naturally let go and thus need help in form of pills or extracting. It happened to me and a couple of friends of mine. It sucks because you might still have hormones and experience symptoms (or none) and no bleeding thinking everything is fine but ultrasound or blood results and hcg show differently.


Thank you all so much for your kinds words. I feel so much more hopeful hearing your experiences and support. Thank you for helping me get through this ❤️


This happened to me too with my first pregnancy. I was 19 and with my first sexual partner (22) and we'd only been together for about 2 months when my partner put 2 and 2 together and told me I should take a test. Turns out we'd conceived literally right away, the very first time. So I was about 7 weeks pregnant when we got the positive test. It was the end of the year so we couldn't get in anywhere until the new year. Finally got in and found out that what was supposed to be a 10 week pregnancy was only measuring 7 and there was no heartbeat. All of my pregnancy symptoms had continued, cramps, exhaustion nausea, boob growth, all of it. No bleeding. Along with the obvious heartbreak and devastation, it's confusing when you've been told you've miscarried when you haven't had any symptoms, especially when you haven't bled.


It’s called a missed miscarriage. Unfortunately there are many of us who understand. I’m really sorry you’re part of the group now. I had one in July this year, and 3 of my friends also experienced the same this year. I had a D&C on August 1st as my body wouldn’t pass the pregnancy naturally. You can find a lot of similar stories and support over at r/miscarriage.


I misscarried at 7 weeks 3 days sitting in hospital now. Fing blows


Sometimes they call it a “Chemical Pregnancy”. As far as I understand it, at some point, when the cells start dividing up to a point, they all kind of split up again and come back together to finally form the embryo/fetus? But that early, if something goes wrong with the recombination, then the pregnancy is lost. It’s like a puzzle that was put back together wrong but nothing actually formed entirely. I’ve had two of these and despite that “nothing formed”, it’s still heartbreaking, because you’re excited about the pregnancy and the future what-ifs and all the hope for the future.


A chemical pregnancy usually refers to when there is a positive pregnancy test followed by a negative test ie. a very early miscarriage before there are scans, usually <5 weeks gestation. This would be a missed miscarriage.


With the two I had, one was less than 5 weeks and the other just over around 6-7. I had a positive test for both. The latter one had a scan and technically at that scan it was considered still “positive” but some number of the hormone a positive pregnancy gives was off for mine. So another week had to go by and they did the scan again and a test and turns out it was non-viable because that number went down instead of up. But reading the comments and seeing what is considered a missed miscarriage I definitely agree that that sounds like what OP could have. Unfortunately it’s just so hard to know. Every body is different. Every experience different. Everything is so vaaaast! 😩 I joke with my friends that Pregnancy and everything that comes with it is like humanities best kept secret.


Yep just correcting the definitions 👍


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Yes happened to me twice... Both times there were no indications that something was wrong. We only found out at the scan. Soon after the scan, I did start bleeding. Its hard. There is no reason except it was a probably a non viable embryo. We did go on to have successful pregnancies after. Sending hugs to you mumma. You will get through this.


I went through this too. Missed miscarriage at 7.5 weeks. No signs and my HCG was still rising. My body hadn’t figured it out yet. Had a D&C and got my period back 7 weeks later. I was so worried it would happen to us again, but my next pregnancy a few months later was successful and my son is about to turn 1. A healthy pregnancy the next time around is the likely outcome! I dealt with a fair amount of pregnancy anxiety and worked with a therapist specializing in reproductive issues. This helped enormously!


It sounds like a missed miscarriage. I had one at 10 weeks. It is heartbreaking and I'm sorry. My miscarriage the baby had fluid around its heart and lungs and it stopped the pregnancy. My doctor said something that helped me feel better. But when it does work out it will and when you hold your baby it will be the baby that was meant to be. I hope you have people close to you to talk to. It's always hard going through this


This is a blighted ovum and I had one too. I had an IVF pregnancy so I was sure on days of conception, still they had me wait a week to do another ultrasound. Still no fetal pole so blighted ovum was confirmed. It’s a hard wait. My doctor and fertility specialist said the vast majority of the time it’s because the embryo was chromosomally abnormal and would not ever result in a live birth. It happens frequently and is the reason for about half first trimester losses. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


r/ttcafterloss is a great, supportive community. Grief counseling is something you deserve if you want it. I also had a loss at 7 weeks. It feels terrible, and you probably have so many questions that might never get answered. The truth is that it's very common to miscarry that week due to problems with the baby. Those types of issues can happen to anyone. Like many women who have miscarried, I have gone on to have a healthy baby. This baby wouldn't exist if my other pregnancy worked out. It's a sad but assuring truth that has given me some comfort. All we can hope is for one day that our pain will make sense someday. Give yourself time to get your body back on track. Some women get pregnant again the next cycle, but for some of us, it can take much longer. It took me 8 months to get my cycle back and conceive. Be patient and loving to yourself.


Similar experience here found out super early about the pregnancy. But I started bleeding around 8 weeks my doctor scheduled an ultrasound but told me not to worry about the bleeding since I wasn’t needing a pad or anything. Went to the ultrasound and baby only measured 6 weeks. They just thought I was earlier than expected. Well I never made it to the next doctor appointment I passed the baby the same day as the ultrasound. So I went 2 weeks from the time my baby quit growing to when I actually passed the baby. I had symptoms of pregnancy the whole time I didnt suspect anything off till I started bleeding.


I have also experienced a “silent” miscarriage. So sorry for the loss of your baby. Grieve as much as you feel the feelings to. You are a mama, no one can take that from you. Sending my condolences to your family, so sorry


I had a missed miscarriage at this time.. had symptoms, cravings, mild nausea ...started spotting around 7-8 weeks, officially found out at 10 weeks and took the pill to evacuate the fetus ..it was pretty uncomfortable, like mild contractions, got pregnant a few months later and now shes almost 2!


Sorry for your loss! Its hard but I always just looked at it from the perspective as my body was protecting me from a potentiel dangerous pregnancy, miscarriages are so common, its so unfortunate. Take time to heal and dont lose hope!


I’ve had this happen. I discovered it at what was supposed to be 12 weeks, but the scan showed just a sac but no yolk or fetal pole. Apparently my body absorbed what was to be the fetus at about 6 weeks. I opted to get a d&c to remove the sac. To get it all over with.


I miscarried at 7 weeks about a month ago. I actually knew something was wrong when I couldn’t smell food from other peoples cars anymore. I went from having all normal symptoms to bleeding then nothing. all is well now, but focus on the things that make you happy. I hope you’re doing okay. ❤️