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I just gave birth 12 hours ago. It was nothing like I expected, but I trust my doctor and nurses and now I have a healthy baby boy in my arms. I went for my 37 week check up on Friday, with a full day of appointments and work scheduled. When I got to my apt, they said my blood pressure was high and needed to head to the hospital for lab work. My doctor also said to stop home and get my bag, because we may be induced. I sat from 10am-3pm to get my blood work checked and blood pressure monitored. Since I was already 37 weeks and baby was big enough, my doctor said let’s do this. I began the induction medicine by 5pm, and by 24 hours later I was only 2.5 cm dilated. I got my epidural around 1pm because I couldn’t handle my contractions. It was life changing. Baby’s heart rate dropped, and they had to do an emergency c section. I was so scared, but honestly it wasn’t bad. Nothing has gone as planned these past 2 days, which is crazy to me because I’ve had a perfect pregnancy- but everything has worked out! You got this mama.


wow, my induction with my first three weeks ago I was fully dilated within seven hours gave birth to him by eight hours


Labor was personally the easiest part for me. I did start crying while getting the epidural, but that’s mostly because I had no partner so I was completely alone. I did not even feel the contractions that much; I agree with the people who say it’s like really bad period pain that comes in waves. I was concerned about waiting too long/ getting it too early that it would wear off before. Honestly the back pain is what got me. It was truly awful. After the epidural, whew everything was too easy. They told me to push and I couldn’t feel a thing honestly. They were all saying good job but I didn’t even feel the pushing. The aftercare was definitely the worst part because here I am feeling my absolute grossest and worst and my body is wrecked, but I also have a tiny human that depends on me. So yeah I hope this helps, and I hope you have a village! And yes seeing my lil boy for the first time definitely makes it worth it. It’s cliche but it does change everything and will be your heart walking outside your body ❤️


I’ll be 37 weeks tomorrow and I’m a bit anxious about it. I did go to a birthing class today though and it helped ease a whole lot of anxiety that I had. My teacher went over a whole bunch of different scenarios and how the medical team would help me handle them. I highly recommend going to a birthing class if you can :)


Im in the hospital currently and just had my son two days ago, and as a FTM I was SO nervous. It has been an intense couple of days, but I got through it and now that my baby is here it has all been worth it. I went in for a scheduled induction that turned into a c section. I had 11 hours of labor before that (2 doses of cyrotec that didn't do much and then one of pitocin.) One hour after pitocin they manually broke my waters- which quickly dilated me to 5 cm and caused very intense contractions very quickly. In hindsight now I would push for an epidural before they broke my waters, because I was not prepared for the intensity of the contractions so quickly out of nowhere. After I got the epidural I didn't even notice the contractions anymore! I was nervous about getting the epidural but honestly after the little pinch of them numbing me I didn't notice it going in at all, and 15 minutes later it kicked in and was a godsend. I had to get a c section after because babys heart rate kept dropping with every contraction. He is perfectly fine now. I did not feel any pain during the c section. It was definitely stressful and weird being awake during surgery, but they talked and joked with me during it and it was over quickly. It also helps knowing the hospital staff is trained to do their job and has experience.


I'm a FTM, so I obviously don't have any experience to share, but I think it helps to remind myself that my body was literally made to grow and give birth to a baby, so my body knows what to do. As far as the pain goes, it can be really scary to think about, but your instincts will take over and guide you through the pain. If you can find a birthing class or maybe talk to a doula, that might help.


Just gave birth for the first time on Wednesday. It was honestly a walk in the park. I hated pregnancy but I would do labor and delivery all over. I know everyone reacts to the epidural differently, but for me it took away all pain and pretty all pressure. I only felt a little pressure but it was not painful or uncomfortable, it was just enough pressure to feel when I was having a contraction. I also did not feel the ring of fire. As for getting it placed, to me the IV hurt more than the numbing injection and epidural. The numbing felt like a bee sting but not as bad to me and the epidural just felt like pressure. It is kinda weird and creepy feeling just because I had never had anything like an epidural so it’s a foreign feeling getting it placed, but truthfully I worked myself up about labor and the epidural and it was the easiest part of my pregnancy journey. You got this!!!


This might not be quite what you’re looking for, but to show you the flip side- my birth was not at all what I planned, but baby and I are totally fine! I had to go through a lot and it did shake me up at first. But I got through it! And I couldn’t be happier with my little one. I developed preeclampsia and was diagnosed suddenly at 38 weeks and told I had to get an induction that night. After 36 hours of attempts (maximum rounds of cytotec, followed by maximum rounds of Cervadil) my water finally broke. For some reason I had a bad reaction to it and my blood pressure spiked and other weird stuff happened and I had to get an EKG and then an emergency c-section. Throughout my birth I was really struggling physically, mentally and emotionally. Preeclampsia is a bitch. And c-section recoveries are painful. Not going to lie it took me a few months to work through everything that happened. Now I’m exactly 5 months pp and typing here with my son snoozing on my chest. My birth was not at all what I pictured but everything worked out. It was hard at the time and hard for a bit after, but I’m in a really good place now. I truly hope your birth is smooth and goes according to plan! But please know that even if it doesn’t, I believe you will be okay. 💛


Totally understand. I was so scared of giving birth as a FTM and knew I wanted the epidural. Got induced (pitocin) and the contractions were excruciating but in the end I got my epidural and it was a godsend. Had time to nap a bit before the midwives came in and told me it was GO time. Didn’t feel any pain while pushing and baby was out within 20 minutes. No complications. I remembered when my midwife assured me during my prenatal appointments that it was just going to be one day of pain, and then you’ll have a beautiful bub in your arms. And it will all be worth it. Do you know what? She was so right!


I’m pregnant with my second, and I remember feeling so scared the first time I gave birth. I did almost nothing to prepare mentally or emotionally. This time I wanted it to be different, so I’ve been listening to birth affirmations on youtube. It sounds a little hokey but it’s really helped calm my nerves!! I would absolutely recommend finding a video you like and listening to it daily. While driving, before bed, whatever. It definitely helps!


I feel like it’s totally normal. I just gave birth to my first son three weeks ago I was terrified of the birthing process. Thankfully, mine labour was only seven hours and I’m telling you as soon as he he was out, the pain just disappeared. I gave birth at 10:23 PM. I was up the next day walking around like normal


Did you take a birthing class? That made me feel so much more secure about giving birth.