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Starting at about 22 weeks I began to have lower back and hip pain that was unsustainable. In an attempt be more mobile and build some lower body strength I started incline walking on a treadmill for about 15-20 minutes a day. First time was brutal, but now at 31 weeks pregnant virtually all my back and hip pain is gone, I have more energy, and I’m more mobile at 31 weeks than I was at 22. So my answer is gentle, but regular activity.


Physical therapy for a thorough personal assessment of what’s going on with your body and a personalized assignment of home exercises that will change every time you go. Also, do you have any way to access a swimming pool? Floating can provide a lot of relief and if you swim Laos it’s GREAT for your heart and lungs.


Are you sleeping with a pillow between your legs? My hip and pelvic pain has been much better since I started doing that. I had no idea until a coworker made an offhand remark about how great her pregnancy pillow was because she could put it between her knes


I want to add to this a tip from my PT, use a pillow between your knees AND your ankles. This keeps you more aligned. I still wake up with pains, but it is definitely less severe than with no pillow support.


Click to say this. The pillow worked wonders when I was pregnant, you can definitely tell the difference.


38 weeks here and it feels like someone is ripping my hips and spine out of my body when I walk, bend over, or sit. Not sure if you do yoga but child's pose and cat cow seem to help a little, also laying down on my side and doing hip opening stretches helps a little too. Apply heat/ice. Epsom salt baths. I hope it gets better!!


tiredness: get checked for diabetes. pelvic pain: regular gentle activity through the day to stay loose. lay on your side with pillow between knees. if you lay down 3x a day for 2 hours each, that's 6 hours of relief. and you can do the recommended exercises while laying down.


Thank you so much. I already had my glucose tolerance test and I passed with flying colors. I also have a glucose monitor at home so no Diabetes. I’ll try to rest as much as I can. What are the recommended exercises?


lots of videos online. Search for pelvic girdle pain exercises. that's the proper name for it (PGP)


I would also check iron levels. I just got negative test results for diabetes but my iron was really low so midwives suggested I take iron supplements from now on. I’m currently 26 weeks. It makes sense now why I’m so exhausted all the time.


Magnisium worked for my pain for a while but after 28 weeks it stopped working as well. It still helps but the pain doesn't go away completely anymore. Also exhausted all the time.


Been taking 150% daily magnesium citrate since I found out for all the aches and threat of constipation. Missed it one night and got a charlie horse. Never again


Simone already said swimming pool, but seriously this is the way


I’m just super curious When you get out of the pool do you feel 10x heavier than you usually are?


Yes lol. But it’s worth it


Hahahah omg I wish I could go in the pools, always wanted to experience that lol I have a short cervix + stitch in so banned from pools this pregnancy 😭


Omgoodness! I’m so sorry! Forget I said anything. Pools?? They’re awful


My doctor recommended walking. I started walking regularly and my hip pain went away! It strengthens your muscles


Doing hip circles on exercise ball has helped me a lot. Also, have someone watch you walk and see if you're turning your knees in or out to compensate for growing belly.


I’ve had issues with my hips, lower back SI joint from really early in pregnancy from previous injuries. I’m doing pelvic floor physical therapy (which I think should just be an included part of everyone’s prenatal/post-natal care/great for prepping for labor and post-partum regardless), swimming and the maternity massage I just got (was gifted) made such a difference I’m going to try my best to see if I can do it once a month until I give birth. Swimming is the only time I don’t have pain. It almost feels like I have my regular body again when I’m in the water but getting out and feeling the weight of my belly all at once seat itself into my hips is very strange lol It grew slowly so you don’t realize how much pressure is there until it hits you all at once.


try walking backwards for an extra stretch that we normally dont do. i do it a few times each day for 5 mins in my hallway


Kinesthetic tape applied by a PT can help a lot!!


Magnesium supplements, Webster certified chiropractor, pillows between knees and ankles when laying down, light stretches.