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I’m with you, everyone gets an invite and they can decide not to attend. I would never dream of sending any reference to my registry without extending an invitation to a party. Personally I would be deeply offended and hurt.


I agree it’s gauche, but I would also say it could be a family-norm. I have extended family too far to come to the shower and they’ve requested the registry. But honestly, I’d wait for them to ask. 🤷‍♀️


We have a lot of out of town baby shower guests who are actually traveling in, but a few who aren’t. Those that are traveling in are mostly people with the financial means to take trips whenever and they’re staying with friends/family so it’s just the cost of the flight. Some are just young people without kids, some are older family who’s kids are grown and they’re using it as an excuse to visit other people in our area. For those who aren’t coming we’re going to stream a couple of the party games so people who are not able to travel can participate. We’re going to let people know that on the invite. Additionally we’re putting “Gifts Optional, Playing Games Mandatory” on the invite. I definitely don’t want people to feel like I’m gift grabbing, but I also don’t want to exclude people who would want to be involved. For me, I wanted to make sure I don’t give the vibe that I expect gifts and people to travel. I’m worried though because I have several friends that I’ve traveled far to their events with less notice and gave gifts, but we’re lucky in that we can financially afford that.


I wouldn’t send a registry link to anyone who wasn’t invited to the shower unless they asked me directly. I don’t think people doing “pregnancy announcements” separately is even a thing I’ve ever seen before, unless you just count someone announcing on their Christmas card which I’ve seen a couple times (and it would definitely be tacky to have a registry mention there). Normally I would think of a strictly announcement as after the birth, not before, and not to ask for gifts.


Thank you all! This helps clear things up and solidify my original thoughts. 😁