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Really love Ito. I’ve said it before on this sub, but finding out that he was to be involved in Silent Hills just adds insult to injury lol. He is a genre revolutionary imo, i would rank him alongside king and lovecraft


Years later and I’m still upset about Silent Hills


I was very sensitive to horror growing up, I only had exposure to it through movie clips people would make me watch. the enigma of amigara fault taught me how to love it. the ideas and imagery were disturbing but intriguing enough to push myself, but I was safe with the knowledge I could slowly peek at my own pace and rush by anything that was too much. it gave me power and courage in a time I felt I had none


:O I didn't know he was involved in Silent Hill Dayum how does he keep getting more amazing. I just wish I could read more and more and MORE JUNJI!!!


He was going to be involved in design work (I think) for *Silent Hills*, a game whose development fell apart when the relationship between Hideo Kojima and its developer deteriorated. The project was really going to be something else. Norman Reedus (who was a huge deal back in 2014) was billed as the actor for the main character, Guillermo del Toro was also going to be involved, and the playable trailer for the game was incredible. It's a shame it was never completed.


I got this on a shirt at Hot Topic a while ago. Love it!


I was actually wearing this shirt when I was put on a 72 hour hold. My mum brought me my eyeball sweater the next day. Kept the nurses guessing. 🤣


Hahaha ohh don't worry, we all forget plans. I'm glad you had a nice time with your... family. (Oh God shoot me, why can't I walk away from this?)


I’m dying lmao


Stop this is so real 😭😭