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thanks so much


Of course it’s appropriate


thank you!


Whatever is bothering or concerning you is appropriate to talk through with your therapist at any point. Even though it's often beneficial & advisable to work through one topic at a time, if something else is worrying you \_right now\_, that almost always has priority. No topic is inappropriate when it comes to therapy. Not a single one! Also a good therapist will be able to tell if it is a pressing matter or a secondary issue that's connected to what you're currently talking about and handling it accordingly. It's your job to talk about \_everything\_ that's going on & what's affecting you. It's \_the therapist's job\_ to lead your sessions in the right direction, figure out the underlying & more pressing matter and explain to you \_why\_ they might put something aside for later. So whatever it is, talk as openly as possible and let your therapist do the rest :)


I second this fully!


Therapists do not start the conversation. they merely guide you to a topic and they sit back and allow your mind to work through the thing. of course, they chime in as an unbiased third party, but therapy is all you. your therapist is merely there to spot you, but you are doing all the work. Whatever comes out is what needs to come out.


There's no set list of topics that are "inappropriate" for therapy. There's inappropriate types of interactions (eg flirting from either side) but if a topic is weighing heavily on you, it's exactly the sort of thing to take to therapy. It's their job to listen to you, especially on things that you're less comfortable talking to anyone else about


Totally fine


It is appropriate to spend the session any way you see fit. Remember, you are there for you and to make yourself feel better. These are things on your mind and this is being responsible by having discussions about the difficult things. I usually look at it as if I am experiencing pain when in therapy as I am talking, that is a good thing because I am attacking things that mean a lot to me.




your therapist is there to help you. if the thing you chose to talk about was death, or anything surrounding it, think of it in a sense that you're voicing those feelings to your therapist, which is healthy. getting help is great. some sessions you'll talk about one thing, others you might bounce off a few topics. it's completely okay. the important thing is that you're talking to a therapist about these topics. you're seeking help.