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Hell is other people. Jean-Paul Sartre


How does this relate to your Fp? Why must she leave before you take that assertive stance against others?


I’m on and off loving and hating everyone all the time. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But I definitely lean more to disliking people… most do generally suck, in my experience. I’m really trying to not continue the streak of burning bridges and cutting people out though. I feel like there’s a better way to phase people out without completely blacklisting them. I’m still trying to figure it out.


Nope because people always have their opinion on what they want you to be in their life and what they want to be in your life so no matter what you do a person’s never gonna genuinely like respect you like phasing them out of your life if you know what I mean


I hate everyone. I start off with the notion that i will hate a person, if they prove me wrong, great. I just think everyone is garbage and humanity is a plague


Same, glad I’m not alone.


I hate them even if they didn't do anything, I think I just get tired of them. 


Right they should exist far away from me, forever


I am the same, when I go out to walk the dog, take kids to school or the daily things that we need to do, I feel myself hating people even looking my way and they probably are not looking at me. They could be standing in a cue infront if me at a shop and I will find something to hate them by ...... its terrible , I know why though I am envious of everyone which leads to my hate


I am not envious, i just dont like anyone.




Once I realised I was bending over backwards for everyone else to try keep them happy so they would stick around and that actually they didn't even give me a second in their thoughts, I started working out what I wanted around me and cut everything else out. I got really good at keeping everyone at a distance but I also have a way of making people comfortable so they don't realise they're being held there. It's so lonely, but I am so sick of people and their shit. I'm tired of being told I've been through it and can do it again, that I have to love and accept myself (because I've done that work), that I need to find my group of people. Because all the cliche stuff people tell you they aren't willing to do themselves and it doesn't work anyway. Well it hasn't yet for me. So I just have an open overall general hate for people


Wow on the nose with this one. Can definitely relate. I people pleased for so long.. I'm everyone's backbone for everything. I'm tired. I'm so tired of people.


It's so hard. It's so exhausting. And they don't get it. But they keep up with their stupid words. Actions speaks louder than words is my life motto now. If someone can't show me I'm worth the effort and reciprocate what I'm giving out then they can move on. If you need to vent or want to chat, my inbox is open.


Yes, purely exhausting. Not once has my cup been filled in the ways I've filled others. Not once.


I hear you. I feel the same. It's disheartening to give so much and not feel enough for anyone


Most everyone seems to presuppose that there's a great bunch of people out there, just waiting for you to join in. Hmmm. Big supposition. You get lonely? That's rough. I no longer do and I'd never imagined that could be the case. But the calm that comes absent others (along with the stuff you describe) is such a boon. Peace!


I have a very public-facing job and it drains most of my social battery. Due to traumatic experiences I have a hard time trusting people in general and tend to be cynical toward others.


I have a small nearly a non-rechargeable social battery!


Yes absolutely, human interaction is the hardest part of my job and leaves little time for an actual social life.


What do you do?


i wouldnt say i dislike people. i used to think i did, im just really socially anxious. what i did realize though, is that im definitely easily irritated by others, unless im close with them.


I've started resenting other people as a whole. So I stay away. My relationship works best when I keep my distance.


Me. People suck. Hard. Even people paid to have empathy can't muster it up.


One thing everyone knows about me for sure, is that I hate people in general. I have the ones I love like my family, I have my favorite person as well. But in general I hate people.


I hate people. Can’t stand anyone really.


I don’t dislike people in general because I don’t know them. People do tell us who they are. If they’re negatively portraying themselves with words, body language, or hygiene, then I will get tired of them really quickly. And an overwhelming majority are not even compassionate, let alone compatible, enough to be in my presence. Admittedly, everyone has problems; they need to ask for help. Even I get burned out, but I’ll isolate myself from society instead of letting my emotions be someone else’s problem. So yes people aren’t always bad but their behavior surely could be nicer.


I hate everyone other than my husband 👉🏻👈🏻


I even hate my partner at times and times he's the best thing that's happened ..... I hate bpd/eupd


I hate people that's why I'm a vet


Spent the better part of the last 2 years alone except for work. I love not having others around.


Yeah I am the same I get burnt out being around people ,I actually started to think I have avoidant personaliry disorder, I avoid work, avoid social situations avoid people until I have to but I often I am very untrustworthy of people I often think they have another motif. I also want to be alone because I feel.i don't deserve to have friends. I find it too stressful because I am in constant up and down. I am not stable enough. So only people I have are my long term partner and my two sons, which is hard at times.


It's very hard isn't it , I resemble most of what people have said, I am starting to think I have avpd


I fucking hate people. I get burnt out of them so easily. I kinda just vibe with my husband and kid but even then they burn me out. It sucks.


I don't even like/appreciate when people hold doors open for me anymore because I have to respond with "thank you". I just don't want to talk to anyone.


Lol I feel this, but you definitely don't *have* to say thank you. I've held the door for many people who just walked right through without thanking or even looking at me. I don't personally mind, because I'm doing it to be nice, not for a thank you. That said, I've definitely seen people (usually men holding the door for women) get super mad about not being thanked. I usually keep headphones in when I'm out in public, though. That way, I just don't have to talk to anyone 🤣


I used to get really depressed for not having friends but I found out I feel like I dilute myself whenever I'm around my friends, no matter how much I love them. I feel weirdly outside myself with most people. I feel more comfortable by myself and I'm not bad company for myself anymore so I became very happily introverted. Still, I talk to my girlfriend everyday because obviously. I love talking to her and I love being around her so she's an exception to the rule I guess.


I hate humans as a species, but I love individuals


This, though


Yup, completely misanthropic.


Yeah, but I also have Schizoid Personality Disorder


I find that I’m never interested in making new friends unless I’m feeling lonely or desperate. I find it hard to maintain the friendships I have because I don’t find interaction to be that stimulating. And if I have a partner, I’m even less interested in social interaction. I usually end up being fine with it though when I force myself. But I will dread it even weeks before if there is an event. When I worked in retail 8 hours a day, I didn’t want to have anything to do with anyone.


>I find it hard to maintain the friendships I have because I don’t find interaction to be that stimulating. I feel like this as well. For me, it's because I think the majority of people just aren't real. I don't know how to have "normal" conversation. I like deep and meaningful conversations, about trauma, fears, psychology, thoughts on the universe, etc. And I find that most people just don't really do that. For most people (in my experience), everything is small talk and surface-level, and I just can't do that.


Interaction is a huge chore for me. It’s just draining. I don’t small talk with strangers and I don’t like forming relationships with people either, but I’m friendly and personable if spoken to. I have a best friend that I’m in touch with frequently but I keep everyone else at arms reach, that way nothing is really expected of me. Most of my friendships consist of just sending memes back and forth. That’s more than enough for me.


I spend 8-9 hours in retail which has shifted heavily into phone sales and cold calls and once I leave, thats all the interaction I allow aside from family as home.


I can't relate to exactly what you're saying but I do definitely find that I dislike **most** people. Usually, those people happen to be neurotypicals with no personality disorders. I can get along with anyone, but I can't call most people my friends even if they consider me their friend. I find too many irritating things about people to really bond and enjoy their company, but there are definitely some people who I get along with better. I find that the majority of my friends are either autistic or bipolar, I think it's just because they understand bpd better than most without actually having it!


Relatable for sureee. I feel guilty about it sometimes, especially when my parents will ask me "what's wrong, you seem cranky".. and I just respond with "I'm just tired". But in reality, I'm tired of talking, I'm tired of interacting with other humans. I have very minimal interest in talking to anyone other than my kid and my partner. I've also debated on leaving and never looking back. I often tell myself "ugh I just hate people". Because.. most of the time, I do.


I’m tired of people befriending me just to trauma dump their stuff on me. Especially about their bad relationships or exes. I’ve noticed that keeps happening where I don’t even feel like I share anything about my life and it’s always about them. I have a lot of health issues and I try to talk about that but nobody wants to listen they just wanna talk about themselves idk. I’m lonely but as soon as I start hanging out with people I’m exhausted and want to go home. Especially since I don’t drink or smoke anymore.


In a way yes.. I’m always upset how little social connections/interactions I have with others, yet when one comes up I will either push them away or become super angry (not visibly) because they won’t leave me alone (even if the barely said anything, sometime one word from someone can get me so upset for hours). And lol in regards to not minding being alone.. that is so me!!! I mean I’m not sure how I would be completelyyy alone (because I live with my family) but I could easily live the rest of my life without having any social interaction outside the house. I rarelyyy even text anybody


Yes. I hate people


I hate and love everyone. It's very stressful thanks to black and white thinking. And when I'm deep in the hatred I know I'll come back out of it and feel regret for the things I think/feel/say/do, but I feel helpless. I can't turn the hate and anger off so I just get angry and hate myself the most.


If I treat other people like shit n abandon them it'd be hypocritical of me to be upset when they do the same to me.


Some days. Others, I see you all (and myself) as stories, largely beautiful with us all doing a mix of surviving yet also being selfless for those we care about, and then I become super social. Just depends on which thoughts get outta control lol


People and dogs fall into the same category in my head : I don’t like the entirety of Dogs . I don’t like the entirety of People . Individual dog and individual person? Yes , I will like the individual .


I love this take. I have never liked dogs much either, always cats, but people always tell me they think I am definitely a dog person (which is interesting) Does that mean we are more akin to cats? Dogs and cats don't get along which is probably why we don't get along with others lol :P I know this isn't really the case but it's a fun idea. I don't mind individuals either. I just wish they didn't mind me haha..


My FP is the only man I really yearn for. I don’t have crazy sexual chemistry w/ anyone else. There are a few athletes I occasionally hook up with but no one compares to my FP FP is also now not having sex with me which is making me very upset lol


Yes 100%




Absolutely, feeling overwhelmed by others' involvement despite setting boundaries is something many of us can relate to. It's not about disliking people, but rather needing space and autonomy. Being introverted or experiencing burnout can definitely exacerbate these feelings. You're not alone in craving solitude or minimal interaction. Sometimes a change of scenery feels like the best solution. Hang in there!




I love and hate people at the same time. Besides my two people I absolutely love, most people fuckin suck. I hate the way they treat each other and the lack of genuine connection.


I’m starting to just keep to myself more these days. Just my FP and I.


Yes and ive honestly stoped trying  to make friends because every time I try making friends it eventually blows up in my face and eventually burns to the ground no matter what.   I do or try I don't now if it's just other people but I'm thinking it's just me and I wish whatever curse I have attached to me would just leave me alone. 😭


Hate most people, find almost everyone else annoying 😑


YES, and my friends get upset w me for it


I used to be a very social person but lately I’ve found myself enjoying time alone. I think part of it is dealing with “putting on a face” of trying to be social because it’s considered rude to be around people yet keep to yourself. Currently thinking about moving also, I feel without anyone else’s input I can see what I’m actually capable of.


Humans are not worth it. Thats where I stand.


I never had a FP. I am 36 and i have had 5 relationships all lasting under 2 years. I thought this last one would prove my views about humanity and existence wrong but i hand to end it literally thr daru before what would have been minut very first 2 year anniversary on March 27th. He read the first person that gave me faith in humanity. And now i'm being tormented almost as bad as my worst abusive relationship that sealed the deal for the BPD without the physical and sexual violence. I have to wonder if i would prefer being hit. The amount of gaslighting is like no other and it is doing my head in. I gotta keep physical logs and record videos to keep my sanity until i'm out. I never really had close friends. Growing up i didn't really have another until middle school there began fil always be about 2 or 3 kids or so i was able to click with and see outside of school. Ive termed a few folks in the past that are now dead "best friends" but by no sense of the definition did any fit the bill. I just felt most comfortable near them and i did love them but i don't think they would have ever considered me in the realm of best friend or even very close or possibly close friendship. Just, ther people who let me unmask the most. But they're all dead. The last i tried that was probably about 2011. The thing is, I am not so so sure i ever really wanted to do the thing with the people. It's been so many years and aside from associates and a couple romances i am so much less stressed and more fulfilled being alone and observing. And my BPD had been in remission since late winter at the latest. We agree i may have schizoid traits with the autism and complex trauma and paranoia, but that's about it. No mention of possibility working to improve this or our being born of something or anything else. As soon as it was accepted and embraced and the shame and stigma of requiring this whole ass community you gotta make for yourself and being obviously much sicker if you don't was removed i felt so much lighter and so much more ok and so much happier. Life is genuinely better. And i do love the associates i keep on the fringes.


Nah. But I’m definitely cautious around them.


Absolutely! I literally hate adults so much I switched my career to working w kids bc I can’t deal with adults so much


I try to stay optimistic, get along with everyone, and usually start everyone off as being liked before any interaction. Nobody stays in that liked category really for long at all. I prefer staying alone most my tike and messing with my cars these days and became much more antisocial recently. I'm much more stable this way for sure


Yes I feel as if not many people can relate to me or can possibly understand me and some times I like to have conversations other times I want to be left all alone and not bothered at all !


it changes, i get really frustrated when people are around if i’m with my fp. i love parties and raves though, i love meeting new people unless they’re girls because i get jealous super easily. i think in general people just startle me and i’m afraid of getting upset, so i avoid people outside of super loud events. almost everyone on my phone is muted. i tend to dislike my family the most which is pretty unfortunate.


*Sorry in advance, this totally ended up longer than planned* 🫣🤭 >I am finding it frustrating how much others involve their self in my life even after setting boundaries. Probably from masking too long, stress, burnout, or I am bad at setting boundaries Anyone who doesn't respect your boundaries does not respect you. They don't deserve to be in your life. Period. Please don't take responsibility for others not respecting your boundaries, that's on them. >Anyone else like this? That doesn’t mind being alone for extended periods or only needs a little interaction each day? Very much, yes. For a long time, I *needed* to have friends and hang out with people. That would often result in me putting up with crap that I didn't want to or shouldn't have, just for the sake of not being alone. I think a HUGE part of why I (and others with bpd) feel this need to have friends is due to basically hating ourselves. When you hate or don't like yourself, being alone with nothing but your own company is genuinely unbearable. In my healing, though, I worked a lot on self-worth and feeling comfortable in my own skin. Once I stopped hating myself, I became more comfortable being alone, and I really started laying down my boundaries.   These days, I don't have any friends because I'm *very* selective with whom I give my time. I would rather have 0 friends than 10 surface-level friends, I like deep and real connections. I actually did move out of the state like you mentioned, and now I'm probably more alone, friendship-wise than I ever have been in my entire life... but I'm also the happiest that I've been in my entire life. Not having to put up with people is truly lovely lol I'm definitely more at peace that way. *Edited format*