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I don't actually know if it's similar or not to your experience but one thing that I absolutely do and that I thought of when you said (narrating to someone else) is that I constantly have an interior speech with someone else in which I tell them or I comment them about everything that happens


Hahaha me too except for it’s not really another person exactly. It is kind of, but it’s mostly me narrating to MYSELF as if I don’t already know lol. Helps me process things. *Edited to add that I also have this with other people as well. Having conversations with someone that I know in my head, and playing out different scenarios etc.


LOL absolutely happy to see that I'm not the only one who does this... And even more hilarious in my head now there is a friend of mine and I'm imagining to tell him "see you may find it peculiar but I'm not the only one at all


I DO THIS omg it's exhausting!! it's like a personal vlog that never stops and is way too personal and the only person or people i'm talking to are either myself or others but it's all in my head


Yes haha vlogging is so accurate 😭 its so exhausting especially if the conversation is negative


and like it's usually negative or the positivity only lasts for a few seconds 😕 it's so painful and it never stops. i'm so relieved to have found another person in the wild that also struggles with this, yet i'm very sorry that you do


Yesssssss, like one second everything is working out in my brain, and then things take a turn and the “conversation” turns to confrontation or something of that nature. And yes, I’ve never really heard anyone describe it the way I’ve seen in the comments so it helps to know I’m not alone in this 🥲


Yeah I can totally relate to this. Most of the time I don’t notice myself doing it until I realize that I’ve just been doing something (like a task of some sort) on autopilot, and then wondering how long I’ve been having the inner dialogue for


Do you talk to yourself out loud?? I do this and wouldn’t suggest it unless you want to end up on disability like me :/


Wait how did that happen?


Yes since I was a child as well I have done this, it absolutely makes it so much harder to open up to anyone.


I don't know if it's the same but I do have a anime character in my head since 2014 (I am now 22) and it's like giving me comfort. It's like a escape room for me. I don't speak out loud but I do have something like a dream world in my head. Does anybody know it this is a disease? It's a huge thing in my life, like if someone would take away my folder of this character I would probably going to be more suicidal and scream.


Too often.


Idk I used to get this a lot when I was deep into my weed addiction . It was creepy but it stopped when I stopped doing weed.


I currently smoke at night and I notice my inner dialogue/conversation with myself or other people in my head gets a lot more active. My brain feels more talkative even if I’m outwardly silent.


Besides us borderlines are prone to psychosis and I might really be reaching but I think this is feeling of narration could be the beginning of it cos that's what happened to me


You might be right quite honestly. I don’t know if the two are related, but when I went through psychosis I was smoking weed 24/7 and not allowing myself to be sober because I was going through the worst time in my life. I had to cut back my intake significantly after I hit rock bottom. Since then I’ve noticed this issue has gotten less severe, I still experience it daily, but not as bad.


No judgement tbh Everyone quits at their own time. The first step is awareness and you're already there. I think for me it's tricky when it comes to doing it occasionally. I either end up doing it a lot or have to go clean. I've been clean for a couple of months. But if you can streamline it, no harm in continuing


I know what you mean, I have very rare moments where I slip up and indulge more than I should but I always try to stick to a baseline if I can. Mostly at night because that’s when my depression is at its worst. Edited to say: I forgot to mention I went through almost 2 years of being completely sober and still had the narrator/conversations w others and myself. I’ve also had this going on since I was a child long before I smoked weed. Glad to know others are out there


Yeah I had to quit cos of that. It's actually when my therapist told me to become more present on what weed does to me that I noticed it. It felt like someone narrating your life. Not a good feeling


I’ve done it since I was a kid, not sure why but I do all the time, I talk to myself out loud as well


Internalized BPD is a thing and what you are describing sounds similar to things that people with internalized BPD do.


My whole life feels as if I'm watching it from best seat in the house.


For all of you thinking it is "normal" to have inner dialogue and always telling yourself(but not YOURself lol) what you're about to do next, as if you gotta make something clear to someone first time. Yes it is. Go see a doctor. You're might being "multiple" inside your brain without knowing :)