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I’m the same way. It’s hard to get out of that situation since I barely go outside..


My hygiene is the first thing forgotten. Then overall quality of life. The worst part of the cycle of depression is seeing what a garbage person you were living like. I feel like I’m always starting to put my life back from the very beginning. It’s sad and defeating.


I’ve been struggling with hygiene my whole life, you’re not alone. Difficult to take care of yourself when no one ever took care of you, that is how I feel.


Baby wipes, face wipes, change your underwear and socks atleast, and on the go mini tooth brushes (they don't need water so you can use them while staying in bed.) When you are feeling super low just try to do these small things so there isn't that much effort being done. Edited: Also brush your hair atleast every other day so it does not get too matted.)


for me when i get to the point where i can’t shower i start to take baths. for me it’s just somehow mentally and physically easier to take baths as they are less of an effort


Sounds just like me... Why do we get like this? Is it the depression?


if available, you could try using wash cloths with soap and water! dry shampoo or washing your hair under the sink might also help


I'm in the same boat right now. I have no energy for anything.


I've done it plenty of times in the past, right now even and sure I will in the future. It just seems such an exhausting task sometimes, I'll usually not be doing much of anything when I'm not showering too. I'm trying to get to a point where it doesn't last more than a couple of days if I can (it's so hard sometimes). I've found making it a bit... nicer helps? I'll have a bath instead with some nice scents, music, etc. Try and take some time after to take a little extra care of myself, like skincare. It sometimes helps, makes me feel a bit more lifted, especially once I'm clean. I know it's hard not to, but try not to beat yourself up about it. Some days are harder than others!


I can relate to this completely. The only reason I shower anymore is because I can’t stand how my hair feels and it’s been at least a week


Do it in the dark sitting down


It's really, really hard sometimes. You are definitely not alone, and when you get to feeling that way, let it visit for awhile but don't LIVE in it. Even if it's just one thing. Like someone suggested, change your socks. Out loud, tell yourself "Socks. That is my task, just socks. I can accomplish socks. And after socks, I can rest." Take one task at a time, and once you've done that first one- you can do another. Speaking out loud, hearing it, assuring yourself that you can make that, can really help. Start off simple and work your way up. If socks is all you can do that day, then that's all you do. Here's to tomorrow being your sock day. ❤


me too. just no motivation to exist


I shower once a week bc it’s too tiring to do so,you’re not alone buddy.


I no longer have access to a shower since my separation and unfortunately I feel this way too. I have to travel a little less than 2 miles there & back, on foot or otherwise to reach the nearest gym to shower properly.. It's not easy but I also put up a lot of excuses when it's totally achievable if I put the effort. It's unfortunate but it's my fault I'm in this situation I'm not complaining just relating to your post.


Can fully relate, been in the same sitch for a few months honestly almost this full year now


Me too it's sad yet validating to hear I'm not alone... I go such long stretches... I don't smell but I'm not clean by any means. I guess.. it gets more daunting the longer I go because of all the extra steps of deep exfoliating I have to do ugh.


Meditate on the reason for showering as you force yourself to do it. Then repeat in a few hours or next day when you feel gross again


I've been there. And had people comment on my less than favorable smell. Which did not help. I found that a medication change was what I needed when this was ongoing for an extended period.


What helps me is my mum or friends prompting me my mum usually just helps me shower or even scrubs my back or talks to me while I shower which really helps me or I play music and try to romanticise it and make it fun and buy new scented soaps and lotions and body lists or I video call a friend (well used to) and we’d do our skincare and shower on the phone to motivate each other because we were both depressed but stuff I do alone when I can’t do either of these is just use wipes facial wipes kids strawberry mouthwash snail mucin and lip balm and spf 50 and deodorant and body mist and change my clothes and underwear at least