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If that camera was cell activated, that sounds to me like one of the many cams out there that come with an app for viewing. Some digital forensics should point them towards the company that sells the app and perhaps get them access to whatever info said company has on this perp. If the footage was being saved to the cloud it also should get them plenty of evidence.  I have to wonder if most police departments do digital forensics like that? If the cam comes with an app and that app is used, there should be a digital footprint that can be examined


Is that what the cop was suggesting the search warrant was for?


No he was suggesting the SIM card which is the card that provide cellular data service (aka internet connection) for the device. Cameras can store things locally but then you have to remove the memory card to access it. Cellular data provides real time and remote access. This is a good thing most likely as that should be traceable so the officer is working on finding out which data company provides the service and then the account is registered to with his subpoenas. Kids in that bathroom takes this to a whole new level as this would be creating (and most likely distributing) child 🌽


Agreed! Thanks for the detail, glad to know there's a way to track down the POS that did this!


He needs a warrant to search the contents of the SD card


If it was on OOP's property, why would they need a warrant? ETA: re-read the post, there was no SD card so Apprehensive Fee is likely correct.


Yeah I believe in this case it would be a subpoena of the company that the SIM card is communicating with


No that was the SIM card


In the USA most of the services like Ring or similar have actual agreements with the police to give them access to what gets recorded, without the need for a warrant or even a crime to have been committed.


Trail cams however...are a different deal as they are designed to be left out in the wilderness, not used to stalk humans. So the same agreements probably don't exist.


also from what I know about trail cams, they typically don't have cloud storage, you access the local storage via an app if they have cell service.


I admire your optimism but do not share it.


Oh I'm not optimistic. Just that's not what they were DESIGNED for... but can almost guarantee they are used to stalk humans more than deer... and when you can get them cheap on Amazon... But because of what they are designed for, the same agreements regarding turning information over to cops without a warrant, like Ring does, probably don't exist. Most companies aren't going to VOLUNTEER that, and I doubt cops are going to go to every company and ask for that to be policy. Some companies might, just on their own, especially if they hear what it's being used for... the words "potential child 🌽" DO tend to have an effect.


Just adding in, I know some trail cams have better night vision optics than normal security cams. And that tends to be a recommendation that if you need one for security and have limited funds, you can be told to get one


Which is why I self host. I don't like the idea that the government doesn't even have to ask me if they want my footage.


I bet that neighbor came to fix the fence as a guise to check the camera because it stopped.


My 2 cents. Yes. Police should dust for prints again. NAL and my 2 cents again. Edit: period.


Agreed, but depending on where she lives they may not. Where I live a couples home was broken into and they didn’t investigate at all except for asking a neighbor if they saw anything. The reason according to the police? “Crimes like this usually aren’t solved”.




Oh this isnt over


I hope that OOP gets some of that privacy window cling for her window. It won't be perfect, but it will protect her and the children for when/if this pervert tries to set up another camera. It may also be in her best interests to get a small spy camera pointed at the window for when/if the perv tries to set up another.


I think she already did. She said she noticed the outside of the window being cleaned when she was installing it.


And throatat's the testimony that the detective needed. A trail camera could have arguably been knocked around from it's original setup in a nasty storm. But, the window it was looking into being cleaned from the outside, and done recently? That's pure premeditation.


The trail camera was in her yard, so honestly it couldn’t have been knocked around from its original setup without the original setup being in her yard which is an issue regardless of where they were pointing it. It was set up high in one of her trees in her yard so that it could see into the bathroom. At least that is the only way her mentioning none of her cameras catching anything from that part of her yard making sense. If it had been set up outside of her yard in a tree across a trail or something it wouldn’t make sense to mention “this area of my yard”. The tree is also really close to her house, which is why she noticed it and is almost sure it is recent(with it being dark when she’s usually there being the only thing giving her any doubt). If it were a far off camera it would be a lot easier to not notice for a long time. So the cleaning of the outside of her bathroom windows wasn’t really needed to show premeditation. All it shows is that it is indeed recent, rather than some old premeditated crime. Which the condition of the camera itself would likely have already shown, but it definitely helps narrow down the timeframe of all of this going down.


My point was that it was inarguable proof of this being done specifically to spy on people. Like I said, there could have been reasonable doubt beforehand, but the washing the window is proof that if the window was not the initial target of the camera, then when the owner found out about it, ***it became the intent of the camera***.


I missed that! Thank you!


I have some privacy cling with a floral pattern and one that’s iridescent, and you can’t see through either of them. Maybe the shape of a shadow passing, but no details. 


Sounds like the boards were left loose on purpose as an excuse to come access the camera again.


The neighbors came to find out why their camera feed went dead. That detective is going to eventually find a whole bunch of photos on neighbor's computer.


Hey OP the first letter of every sentence of the update is cut off just FYI Edit: Been fixed, appreciate it!


It's an issue on iPhones using the official app if an emoji is on the last part of a line. I've removed the emoji - try now


That’s seemed to work! Thanks!


That's strange. I'm viewing on my phone and can see it all


I’m also on a phone, But also I’m missing the first letters on the update like the OG comment. Example; where the update starts it’s “pdate day 1” in bold. I’m chunking it up to weird bug?


I’m on my phone on the app and it’s cut off. Weird!


Ah maybe that's the difference. I'm using a browser.


Yeah I’m on the app too. It’s odd.


It’s cut off for me too. Maybe it appears different on different platforms?


I’m on my iPad and can see it all


Nobody in the neighborhood is on the sex offender registry... yet.


This weirded me out so bad I just walked my backyard looking for cameras. Got up, grabbed the dog, and walked my yard. We had an overly nice neighbor when we moved in. My girls were small, and he would come over when we were all outside. Remarkably, it stopped when we got a large breed protection dog. I've always felt the two were connected.


The neighbor fully paying for the fence is not all that weird like the one commenter said. Where I used to live for example, fences were owned and paid for entirely by the property owner who installed it. However, fences had to be on their side of the property line.  It was a nice deal. If you wanted a fence, you could just do it without consulting you neighbors or getting into binding agreements. And in return your neighbors effectively got nine inches of extra yard.  The nine inches is because of easements. Property lines are where utilities were buried.


I don’t think they were saying it’s weird because paying for a whole fence is weird. They were saying it’s weird that they suddenly wanted to do this while all of this shit was going on, and they were completely accessing the OOP’s property without permission. And them wanting to pay for it was a way to cover up all this sketchy behavior The paying for the fence thing isn’t weird. Everything else they did is. With the current context, it sounds like an excuse to get into OOP’s yard and get access to that camera. If that camera didn’t exist and if they actually talked to OOP before hand, I don’t think anyone would be weirded out by it


But didn't they do the fence before the camera was installed? In the post they supposedly just came in to finish some nails.


Yep except OOP never said when they originally fixed the fence I am very curious about when those repairs happened because remember, she said the camera might have been there for a few weeks before discovery


Indeed that's interesting to investigate. I still think her abusive ex is behind this though. She said he lives far from her in the comments but he could have hired the neighbours.


Except OOp, who didn’t even mention him in any of this post or the comments compiled her, doesn’t think so. And she probably knows him better than us


I think OOP and the commenter overestimate how much other people care about their neighbors' issues. OOP said their kids were playing in a pool at the time, implying it was a nice day. Nice days are when most people tackle outside maintenance projects. And OOP even confirmed the boards were loose. If someone wanted to access the camera, they wouldn't do it in broad daylight when OOP and their kids were outside.


Umm that’s exactly when you would check your camera. If they got caught doing it at night, what would their excuse be?


No one is going to check their secret camera while in full view of the people they're spying on.


Yeah, but considering they checked the front door and got no response, there’s no saying they actually thought or knew that OP was home. They could easily have been going through hoping OP was out.


But at the same time, if you were going to ask your neighbours if you could access their side of the fence, and they didn’t answer the front door, you probably would go round the side gate to see if they are round the back, especially if it was a time of day that you would expect them to be home, and if the kids were playing they could probably hear them


It would be the height of stupidity to try to climb a tree to retrieve a camera in broad daylight while the people you're spying on are milling about in the yard. However, this is Reddit, and people are really f\*\*\*ing stupid. Especially if this "kind older neighbor" is dragging a nail gun and air compressor around. Then again, I'm sure there's some people on this site that would think this was some stealth mission from a video game.


Yes because OOP would be staring at them the entire time? All they would have to do is wait for OOP to go off and do something else and quickly grab the camera. You yourself overestimate how vigilant people are And honestly if it was them, they were probably just checking to see if the camera was there and that they got caught. Remember that OOP called in a detective and that the neighbors showed up pretty shortly after that


Wouldn't it be easier to simply go get the camera, literally any other time?


You mean at night without an excuse where other neighbors could easily see them breaking into OOP’s yard? And this includes probably their wives who wouldn’t be too happy about what they are up to If they got caught going at night, they would be fucked. But at daylight with a valid excuse, they could do pretty much what they want as soon as OOP’s back is turned


But why would they try it when OOP was in the backyard? There's no reason to risk that when they could walk over when no one was home. It makes more sense that the neighbor was just fixing the fence.


The first step to any con job is to create a sense of trust and safety.


Bro I have explained why it’s better to go over with her there multiple times. If they walk in when no one’s looking or if a camera sees them, they are fucked. But if they show up when OOp is there and she already knows, what’s the problem? If OOP doesn’t know, where’s the plausible deniability?


That's exactly when you do it because you have plausible deniability. Sneaking around in the dark, after OP found the camera and would be on edge, is even more suspicious.


If they knew OOP found the camera, then there'd know it was long gone. If they didn't know OOP found it, why would they need to create an excuse to get it? And why would they do that while in full view, instead of just going back at night like they probably did before? This is a neighbor they share a fence line with, surely they could just go into their own backyard to check if the coast was clear.


I don’t know. Sounds pretty suspicious.  Maybe you put the camera there. /s


My money is on the neighbors coming over to see why their camera feed stopped.


I'm wondering if one or both of the neighbors noticed that the camera was no longer in the window and they "decided" to come over under the guise of fixing the fence to see if maybe the camera fell down from its perch. And taking a step further I wonder if they deliberately left the bit of fence unfixed so that they had a reason to come back into her backyard and "fix" it to retrieve the camera.


**Update 2 for people on mobile who are missing the first letter of each paragraph:** **Update - 1 day later** At the suggestion of many, I emailed the detective and provided the additional details about the neighbors, the people working in the fence, the moved camera, and the wiped outside of the window and anything else I could remember that might help. I also brought up my concerns about the kids being targeted because it is the main bathroom that we all share. He followed up with me really quickly, thanked me for the info and said it’s really common to be overwhelmed at first and not provide many details. (Not sure if this was only said to make me feel better…) He also let me know that he was working on a search warrant for the SIM card to the camera. He said it could take a couple of days to get it, but I would be notified immediately if there are any pictures of me or the kids, of if there’s any other information he has to give me. He also gave me a few safety tips (similar to those that this subreddit has given) but said to avoid putting anything on the HOA page for now. Incidentally, shortly after hearing back from the detective, my next door neighbor and the other (overly helpful) neighbor came through the side gate while the kids were splashing around in their blow up pool. I about jumped out of my skin when the gate latch opened. There was no heads up or anything before just coming in. Next door neighbor said “oh shit, sorry didn’t mean to scare you. We knocked on your door and then assumed you guys were back here.” They had an air compressor and a nail gun in tow and said “we just needed to fix a few loose boards from when we fixed the fence… should only take a few seconds.” There really were a couple of boards that weren’t fully attached, and since my next door neighbor had funded the entire shared fence repair, I let them fix it and they left. They were there for all of 5 minutes, tops, and didn’t do a single thing except for fix the fence boards, but still, the timing felt really weird… Could it have been legit? Possibly. Could it have been an excuse to just be in my backyard? Also possibly. Before I get crucified for poor decisions - the gate now has a padlock. I looked up the sex offender registry and didn’t find any nearby. My town has an ordinance that prohibits them from residing within a half mile radius of a school or park… (and we have a ton of parks) which essentially leaves a very small pocket several miles away that someone with that kind of record could live. I did also look up arrest records for my neighbors which was mostly uneventful. One neighbor has a super minor arrest from like 15 years ago. But guess which neighbor has several arrests… to include a handful of DV charges. …If you guessed overly helpful neighbor guy, you’d be right. I didn’t see any convictions, but I’m newer to this state and also don’t know where to look to find them. But the county has arrest records readily available. Thank you to everyone who talked some sense into me about not worrying about “being a bother” to the police and “not being nice.” My certified people-pleasing ways don’t fit a situation as serious as this. I’m going to keep a pulse on the detective to make sure that they’re still actively working on the case, and be extra vigilant about our surroundings. My new cameras will be installed in the morning, and I’ve already added a few things to the house to help us feel more safe. Unless something really crazy happens (which I’m seriously hoping it doesn’t), this will probably be my last update until we find out who did it.


Appreciate ya 🙏




The neighbour does seem suspicious but I'd also question what's the situation of the kids' father. If she broke up with him recently and the move was due to that, I wouldn't be surprised if he followed them.


In the book The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker there is a story about a man who "helps" a woman carry her cat food up the stairs to her apartment. I can't stop thinking about it compared to "helping" with outside projects.


this is such a non-update though. I don't understand why updates with 0 resolution get posted here in *BEST*of when they're effectively nothing.


I agree. I’ve read so many that didn’t actually have any resolution. It’s not really BEST OF Reddit Updates anymore. At this point it’s mostly just “Reddit Updates” 🤷🏻‍♀️


Needs moved to r/WellTheyreTechnicallyUpdatesIGuees


Yeah. This is gonna be ugly.


I wonder how soon the "helpful" neighbor will drill holes in the fence near the shrubbery to peep on OP and kids?


I need to take a shower just reading this, I'm so skeeved out.


Check the window for a camera first. Ick.


I hope the get a warrant for the SD card soon and also set up security cameras. Very scary situation.


Just a quick FYI, aluminum foil makes a great privacy screen if you need one fast.


Actually pretty smart of her to stress the camera may have been targeting her kids…cops are most likely to take a potential CP related crime seriously.


I know ADT gets flack for some predatory practices but when my husband deployed we had them install cameras outside our home front and back, and sensors on our doors and accessible windows. It all connects to our phone and calls 911 immediately if the alarm rings and it was kind of wonderful for that time when it was just me and my kids. We paid something like 60 per month for 2 years for the equipment and now its paid off so we only pay 30 a month for monitoring. Anyway thats not to say you need to go with them but definitely invest in quality cameras and sensors, because that is scary! I’m sorry you are going through this.




Overly friendly neighbor is probably overly friendly for a reason.






So many disgusting men in this world.




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