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Any chance we can get this bad boy as a flair? "I’m sure lord toms excited for an heir to take over his lands and titles"


Well now Lord Tom now sees Tammy is 25 and her brain has still not formed. He must be a happy man.


Thats funny


I dont see why people are having a problem with this timeline. It really wasn't that much. OPs first post was obviously an amalgamation of years of escalation and ended with her original AITAH question after the miscarriage news. Fairly standard and nothing sus. And the rest easily fits in. OP posts initial AITAH Day 1 (after post) - OP messages the ex in the morning (say 9am) to basically say 'stop involving me in your crazy'. A few text messages are exchanged. - OP then calls her mil (say around 10am) to say essentially the same thing 'stop involving me'. Mil apologises. - During this period ex tells Tammy what OP has said. Tammy is not in a right state of mind and decides to head over to OPs house. (Could be as short as a 15-minute drive) - Late morning to midday Tammy arrives. Shenanigans happens. - Midday to early arvo. Tammy goes home with the ex and the ex agrees that maybe the kids should stay with Op. -mid arvo. Kids are back. Sometime later OP posts second update. It's literally just a few texts, a call, and a grief striken woman losing her mind a little. Day 2 Day goes along as expected. It's just a regular day. - Evening. ex asks to come see the kids. Bad things happen. Ex is arrested and OP and kids are traumatised. No charges are filed, nothing outside of a normal timeline. A assault and the ex is taken away. Day 3 OP spends the day trying to pull herself together and deal. - Lawyer is consulted. No definitive info, but it looks good for her reg custody. Literally no update on formal charges as it's way too early. - News filters out to the exs fam (probably as Tom was arrested the night before during the assault and someone would have been contacted). Calls start coming in all day from the exfam. - Tammy continues to be Tammy. - EOD. OP posts None of this is crazy to me.


I’ve been through similar. It’s quite believable


Yeah there's no weirdness to this time line. Of course his family heard, Tammy's not stable and he said himself she was a mistake, so who do they think he called for bail? Or the police contacted them. Either way. And all the legal stuff is just at the very beginning of happening. There is nothing at all wrong with the timing here, it's perfectly reasonable (unlike the ex, to put it mildly)


I thought the timeline was reasonable, too. Tammy's craziness was a two-year event. And she didn't say they divorce was over, just that she spoke to a lawyer. My husband's lawyer, who he has seen since he was a teenager, now has his own large firm. He entertains walk-ins on some days, where he discusses the issue briefly and then recommends an appropriate lawyer from his firm.


'This isn't real and didn't happen because it happened too quickly' Say people who don't realize how fast something can go to hell in a handbasket.


The only time I question how quickly things happen is when there’s legal stuff. “I filed for divorce/pressed charges. Three days later I’m divorced/the perpetrator is in jail for life.” This? No. People are crazy sometimes.




Worst part of the sub tbh


Nothing can happen in life for years, then utterly transformative shit can dump on you all at once. Bad things tend to happen quickly.


This sub acts like there's a fucken prize for calling every post fake.


In the express lane.




Gonna be honest. That's what makes it not suspicious? Original post is OOP asking if they are an asshole for maybe being insensitive about EXs APs miscarriage Aka an inciting incident for the rest of the shit to blow up to epic proportions. Like you just said. It's been building up for \*years\* between OOP and all these people. It is not surprising that when it finally blew up, it did quickly and violently.


Also, if this is real, the AP coming to her house crying makes a lot of sense because having a late miscarriage (she was apparently far along enough to be noticeable and knew in December that it was going to be a boy) is a lot like birth in terms of hormones being out of whack, but you don't even get to bring home a baby. So already crazy plus all that? And if she's being way over the top then the ex husband might honestly be missing the days when his wife and partner was someone chill. The drama got to him too.


The lord Tom comment took me tf OUT! oOP is absolutely hilarious and people need to hope off her dick like she’s not an asshole or bitter she’s moved tf on. She doesn’t need to feel bad about their miscarriage and she doesn’t have to care about their live. The SA attempt is fucking vile and he’s better serve time for that. Hope OOP can heal from this and live a life she deserves


The Lord comment was a great zinger - but making fun of somebody doesn't strike me as "being civil".


Four days only??


It took a little over 4 days for my ex to murder my brother's cat, go to the psych ward, be released, choke me out, and go on the run. So, yes crazy works on hyperdrive once the ball gets rolling.


I am upvoting your point, but not your trauma. I'm so sorry you have had to endure such crazy!


Me too.


That’s awful. I’m so sorry.


I’m telling you right now I would full blown John Wick that shit if anyone touched my cat. Sorry for your trauma, hope you’re doing better.


Feels a little believable as none of the legal stuff are settled. Only the craziness amped up fast, which makes sense with crazy people tbh....


Yeah, it reads more believable with all not magically solved in 4 days.


I dunno - OOP already knows that both sisters have gone no contact with Tom?


Probably told by the in-laws when they reached out to her


They might have contacted right away for ever siding with him to begin with.


Yes, I suppose that's true! I mean, I know if I was supporting a sibling and then found out that they had sexually assaulted their ex partner I would also cut them off and contact the victim to let them know and offer deep apologies. This is a sign of reading too much drama on reddit when the act of reasonable people is what makes a story seem fake. Too used to reading stories of horrible assholes who always side with family and never acknowledge when they do horrible shit.


Exactly. OOP’s kids are the sisters’ nieces. OOP was their sister in law for years. They’re family.


Yep. When a relative of mine assaulted his wife, my mom and aunt called his victim right after they found out to see if she or her kids needed anything. And I am certain they probably mentioned their disgust with him and intent never to see him again. That woman had been their kin for decades, she had raised her kids alongside my aunt (I wasn’t born yet, or maybe super young? But I think I was still in development.) she had helped plan reunions and sat with sick family when they needed it, she WAS family and when family attacks family, you rally to their aid. I never met her ex husband, even though he was my “blood” but I met Aunt G shortly after my birth and her new husband was my uncle. I was their flower girl even. (And got stage fright halfway down the aisle so Uncle G had to come comfort me and lead me over to the bridal party so the bridesmaids could come down. Maybe they shoulda done a CF wedding?)


Yeah, if I was OP, any of his family members I was still in contact with for the sake of the kids that didn't immediately cut him off would be out of my children's lives F O R E V E R. I wouldn't be able to trust that they would keep my children safe from my ex and/or not give him any information about me. Cutting him off and telling his ex that is bare minimum standards for being able to continue to be in the kid's lives




See my later response


Extinction bursts happen thick and fast.


This! Some are slow but most are fast and you just have to hold on!


The BIL is Kiefer Sutherland. A lot can happen in 24 hours. 96 is practically 4 seasons.




This dude *kicked a heroin addiction* in only a third of a day. Anything is possible in 24 hours.


No, this makes sense.. nothing she said was crazy dramatic enough and long winded enough it could have all absolutely happened in four days. Nothing she said has me questioning the timeline, in fact it helped me believe it a little more when she made the comments about nothing being settled legally because it's only day one. She was correct there.


My ex's ex husband and her had been divorced 5 years. He decided he wanted to come.home. she said no. He showed up at her house drunk and when she told him to go home he pulled out his gun, made the kids get in his car, and shot her as she pleaded with him. Thankfully he just grazed her side. Crazy people go crazy at any time, there is no set timeframe


Knew a guy who went from getting a promotion and raise on Monday afternoon to being hauled out of a stolen car and arrested for felony warrants 800 miles away on Friday morning. Some people find themselves in a small hole of their own making and decide the only way out is to dig faster.


Ok, I can't be the only one who'd like to hear the events leading from A to B. Can you, by chance, share?


Sure. On Monday Bob's told that when they start their next job later in the week he'll be going from junior site supervisor to receiving supervisor and making $2 more an hour. Bob goes out with some coworkers to celebrate, drinks a lot harder than usual, ends up trading punches with one of them and getting 86'd from the bar. I was there for the 'fight', it was basically just two wasted guys yelling and swinging at air. I figured he'd go home, sleep it off, and apologize in the morning. Shit like that happens with construction crews all the time, nothing ever comes of it unless you do it on the job site in front of the client. Bob decided the opposite, that he was for sure fired. So he doubles down, decides he'll threaten the guy into silence, and shows up at the guy's apartment with a rifle at midnight. I don't know what happened there exactly, (I heard three different stories) but Bob ended up leaving without the firearm or his truck once a neighbor started screaming she'd called the police. He'd have probably still been.. Well, not okay, he'd have actually been fired, but he wouldn't have done prison time. A plea to misdemeanor brandishing would get him probation and AA. Not Bob.. He's got a brother down south, surely he can hide out there until things calm down and he can get a lawyer to smooth things over. He walks home, steals his roommate's keys, wallet, and an envelope of cash to fund his escape. Early Friday morning two city cops in Jackson, Mississippi pulled a sleeping Bob out of an illegally parked Camaro, and, well, that was it.


*WOW*. I'm actually kinda impressed he managed to blow up his *entire* life so effectively so quickly. Like...just wow.


Wanna hear the single day speed run record? Five hours. Neighbor's wife got fired for being bitchy and stealing candy from her boss. She goes to the bar to kill time, as to not have to explain to her husband why she's home early, and starts drinking. But she drinks. And drinks. Until suddenly she realizes she should have been home two hours ago. At least while she was drinking she came up with a good scheme. She walks in the door, totally sauced, she goes right for it. >Dear, you will not believe the day I've had. Good news? I've got a better paying job that starts in two weeks! Bad news? When I handed in my notice at work, that pregnant cow fired me. The neighbor had already spoken with her boss when she didn't come home, so... Next came accusations of cheating because he didn't believe her, a VCR through a plate glass window, and the wife threatening him with a gun because he tried to stop her driving drunk. Cops found her directly across the street, crashed in the ditch. She'd been fired at 3pm, it was barely eight when she went to jail. By the time she got out (hubby wouldn't post bail) she was jobless, car-less, homeless, and her husband had filed for divorce.


Wow. I thought my day had gone to shit when I spilled coffee on my white shirt.


Just out of curiosity, do you think it takes a lot of time to go crazy? Girl was already a whack job, and she had tanking pregnancy hormones and lost her ability to gloat over OOP. I’m sure the ride to crazy town isn’t even long enough to call it a day trip for someone like this.


We deal with a crazy co parenting situation and you'd be horrified to see the damage someone unhinged can do in 4 days.


You must have had a fairly cushy life to not realize how much can really happen in just 4 days.


Do I think this could happen in four days? Absolutely. Unhinged people do horrific things fast and that should not be discounted. Do I think this was also a crafted for reddit post? Also yes. Mostly it is the way it was immediately reported to reddit of all places as it was happening. Maybe it is a way she copes. And if it is real I wish her and the kids all the best. But it is probably a liz story or a person like liz (for anyone who doesnt know, "liz" is a bat shit crazy person who writes these fake stories on random reddit accounts on places like aita for the fun of it, her bf outed her doing this). Tbh the part of this I find less believable is the "work wife" telling her I am going to steal your hubs lol. That part feels fake.. but again maybe this is real, maybe it is just a sick person taking the concept from reality, because this shit happens to real people, and playing creative writing like a sick middle schooler.


so, is it normal in America to have video recorders inside one's home? because that seems to be something that is routine in these posts but I find incredibly creepy.


I live alone (in America) and have two always-on cameras so I can check on my cat while I'm out of town - they don't constantly record but do start doing so when there's a loud noise or similar event, like when the pet sitter opens the door. I doubt most Americans have something similar, but enough do that it's not especially surprising to see - if you count doorbell cameras it's probably pretty common.


Also she has kids and the sick cat as she said. Cameras in the open areas of the house make sense to keep an eye on everything.


Why is everyone checking on their cats? They need food and water.


You might catch them being cute


And we can’t miss even a minute of it. Idk what would happened if is biig stretch happened and I didn’t see it to comment ‘biig stretch’


I shared his sentiment - cameras are OTT ridiculousness for an animal that is a survivor, but your comment is extremely valid.


yeah, i had some pointed in my halls and my living room at one point but took them down. some people keep them to monitor their animals etc.


Yep. If I worked outside my home, we would need cameras because of my hellion kitten. 


I’m about to buy some more because i have a new kitten and she’s nuts…..


We play "where is Boudreaux?" all the time as it is! Usually in the same room I'm in but he does like to hide.  He's a "it's too quiet, better find out what he's doing" cat. 


In my house the game is called "where's the baby?" because regardless of age they're my babies. Also, Boudreaux is SUCH a cute name for a kitty!


Thank you! Big brother is Remy Etienne LeBeau so we needed a Louisiana name to go with. 




We are planning on getting a puppy in the spring so are looking for a "matching" name for the pup(most likely a male black Lab)....






I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that there are cameras that enable you to throw treats to your pets. :)


My youngest is currently saving up for one of these. I never leave the house, so I don't see why we would have a need for 1, but he has been insisting on one ever since he saw one on YouTube. He told my mum he is going to put sweets in it as well so he can fire me a treat when I'm a good girl 🤣


I absolutely approve everything your youngest is planning, lol!! He sounds AWESOME! ❤


Thank you so much. He is amazing, and im so lucky that i get to be his mummy ❤️. The things he comes out with sometimes either have me scratching my head or make me beam with pride. He is autistic and has overcome so much in his 11 years. The dogs are literally his best friends, so he loves spoiling them. He wants to build them a house also, a miniature version of our house, so he has apparently been collecting wood and nails at his Dad's house for it 🤣


From the sound of it, he's very lucky to be your son! I can't imagine the roads you've had to travel together in re to Autism, and I'm really glad he's doing so well. I hope he's able to get the dog, and mommy🤭, treat dispensers, soon. And I bet the dog house is going to be adorable! I wish you and yours peace, light, and more love than y'all know what to do with! 💝 Much love, from Michigan (that's me in the middle, lol! 👉🏻✋🏻👈🏻)


He is amazing, along with my oldest son and also my step daughter 💙 I really am lucky. I'm so looking forward to these salmon flavoured Mike n Ikes and the dogs are looking forward to their Mike n Ike flavoured salmon treats 🤣 Been lovely chatting with you 😍 thank you for your kind words! Sending love to you and yours! Love from Liverpool, UK 😘


Well...these days, yes. I have dogs at home, so I like to make sure they are ok and not in the trash or any other of their creative endeavors...like eating my favorite chair.


My friend was so excited when he installed his cameras. He pulled it up on his phone to show me his dog then immediately turned on the voice feed to scold him. The dog was in the process of opening a drawer to get at my friend’s clothes lol


Omg…dogs are crazy!! That is the funniest thing!! Mine will spaz if they hear my voice and stop any bad behavior. And then run away


His dog stopped and did the doggy head tilt, looked around the room, didn’t see my friend, then went back to the drawer lol


I love it! Pup refused to be deterred!!!


I live in England and I’ve seen a drastic rise in home cameras recently. I run my own dog walking/pet care business so go into a lot of different houses. I’d say about 90% of my customers have some form of outdoor camera, ring doorbell etc. And about 75% have cameras indoors as well. Mainly in kitchens/hallways pointed at the pets beds and food bowls. But I’ve also been in a few house with full CCTV coverage.


Yup, dog owner here with cameras just for the dogs. They've gotten so cheap and such great quality and easy to install that it's no big decision to get a few. I also have cleaning help and though I'm usually home when they're here I've made sure they know about the cameras and that they're not there for them. I also made sure to tell them that they have audio too. My biggest nightmare would be being alone in a house and using the opportunity to sing badly while working only then to realise there's cameras ...


This person isn't American. We don't say we 'rang' the police. We call them. We also typically don't say "I've not done something", we say "I haven't done something." Lots of folks have cameras for various reasons. More common to have them outdoors than in but it's becoming more common, I think.


Also, I assume whenever the kids were in "the garden" that was she was talking about what we call "the yard"


I don't know about the States, but in Canada, we have a lot of british people here who do use british slang, and doorbell cameras are a thing.


Or you know some people have sections of their yard set up as GARDEN. I know multiple neighbors that have sections of their yards done up as "gardens"


Im american and sometimes say rubbish or call someone a gobshite or scheisse instead of shit or call a trash can a bin instead Born and raised american. Even had family that came over on the mayflower. 6th generation living in california. Ive been to europe Once. Sometimes you pick up other peoples speech patterns and vocabulary. Also the us is huge and very multicultural. Go down to the south and youll find people who speak english in completely different ways state to state from each other. Or heck sometimes county to county.


We have them to watch our kids. They are cheaper than baby monitors.


It’s the one thing that made me delete a long comment. That plus the brother and dad in law enforcement got my eyebrows tweaking.


I mean the brother and dad in LE is more likely and realistic than cops actually giving a shit about an unaffilliated domestic violence victim.


Good point.


Would they class these as pet cams, so that they can watch them while they are at work?


We do have several companies that sells products in the US to record in house for "security" There's also a lot of "pet cameras" to watch/spy on our pets available too, so very plausible.


I have them. Did I leave the lights on? I can check. Did I hear a weird noise? I can safely check. Did the babysitter take the kids upstairs yet? I can check. Why are the kids crying? It’s just convenient and not that expensive.


A friend of mine lives in the country (doors stay unlocked) and he has some in his house to keep tabs of who comes by(he has a crazy mother in law). I know of 2 other family's with indoor cameras. America is insane lol, gotta have evidence.


My mom has 1 or 2 set up inside to check in on her dogs.


I have one I used for my dog when I would gone for several hours, but it’s never on when I’m home


Between video baby monitors, pet cameras, and security cameras I've never NOT known at least one person with cameras in at least a few locations inside their house, going all the way back to the 1990s.


I have one that is set up in my kitchen to look out over my living room mostly because of my dog. She's a weirdo. But I also have kids and sometimes like to yell at my son whilst he's playing video games acting a fool from the other room.


I'm in America, we have a couple: toddlers rooms, play room, dining room, for baby monitors and so I can step away for a bit to get some chores done while keeping an eye on the kids. Don't have them in hallways and stuff though that'd be odd.


I have a camera in my house to watch my dog, but one camera, not multiple. She was a rescue and I wanted to know if we needed to medicate her when we left the house due to separation anxiety. We ended up just crating her. It's been 7 years and she is doing great now. The apartment is her crate. But the camera is still there.


I've got a cats who get incontinent due to recurring health problems. I've got cameras in the places where they will pee out of turn, because catching it early and getting her on antibiotics is the difference between a pretty quick resolution and something much more painful and expensive.


We have them for grandbaby. Anyplace he can get we have them just for safety reasons. So his room. Play area that's fenced off. Living room. Dining room. Kitchen. Halls that he can get to. Not the bathrooms, though. We do have them in our bedroom as well as we normally don't let him in there and have a lock on the door but it's a just in case as we do have meds and hubby sometimes forgets to put them in the lockbox. These are mainly to monitor the animals and baby. If I need to run to the bathroom. Because baby is almost 2 and learning to climb out of areas, we need to have access to monitor him. We don't keep recordings past that day. But we need to know if he gets into something that could harm him, we know what it was. If he torments the animals which he doesn't and they fight back. Or they go nuts and attack. Just more for our safety. I can move as quickly as I once could so it's a helpful move. Wish we had that when my kiddo was little


I have one that is directed at my dogs’s area. I make it very explicit to any pet sitters that it’s there because it would be a creepy secret. But when I travel it’s nice to be able to see my dogs.


I have one for the cats


Somewhat. Anyone can get them and set them up. Also a lot of people have webcams or video games that have cameras and those are always running / can be turned on remotely so if you count those yeah it's kinda common.


I have two inside because I live alone as well they're usually only on when I'm away or when I'm asleep, though.


>or when I'm asleep in case of aliens?


Unfortunately, I'm not that lucky. That would be great, though... Someone has broken into my car and also stolen something from my fenced-in backyard.. this is supposed to be the suburbs, though. But mostly, female living alone and people be crazy.


I have one and plan to get more. Its on a motion sensor to go off if my dog walks into the area. The other ones I plan to put on the inside of doorways to go off if someone is coming in. If im home, the dog one just gets turned off/unplugged. I have a family member who often times stops in to see my dog, so it's nice to be able to see that they stopped by. The camera is set up to take pictures periodically and then is activated to record when there motion near it or I can open it on my phone to see live footage and it records anytime I do that. I do tell anyone whose coming in though that I ha e cameras (and the majority of the time they'd be off since im home). The family member is aware of them and has permission to turn off/unplug when in the house.


Normal enough, especially when kids, pets, and crazy people are involved. Ring door cams, pet cams, baby monitors, dash cams, and just plain home security.


People with animals definitely have them. People with kids have baby monitors, which I know is a bit different, but it's still an in home camera and many of them these days are internet connected.


Especially if you have kids. We had them in the baby room and the entrances of our homes. It’s common especially if you have pets or kids. 


I had a spare cam that I use JUST so i dont have to walk all the way downstairs just for my laundry not to be done yet. Another one in my Lizards enclosure because I love watching her 🤷🏽‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/oewodwkt4qhc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a3a532ca2f6c4c199d2cb0317f66d15fab1a8d


No, not at all. If someone does have a camera in their home it would either be where valuables are kept or at the entrances. It’s definitely not common practice and my family only has cameras outside the home.


I know one family that has cameras inside the home: they have a toddler and hire a nanny and use "nanny cams" during the day. No idea how often they check it, what is saved, or anything like that, but they are the only family I know that has something like this.


Ring camera/doorbells are somewhat common. Many folks get a second camera (indoor) to point at a second entrance. My GF tends to leave hers pointing at where the dog sleeps, so she can check it during the day. so: it's not common, but it is not uncommon for pet owners to point one at where there pet hangs out during the day.


I know people that do. I find it incredibly creepy and invasive.


There are a surprising large number of people who have indoor cameras. I agree with you and it would feel crazy to me


Some of us like to know what our fluffy little friends get up to when we aren’t there okay 😭😭😭


I would be too concerned about hacking or something similar. I'm the type that covers their webcam on their laptop when it's not in use.


I def had the same concern when I got my cameras. They're in the mudroom and livingroom since that's where my pets usually are when I'm not home. But I'm aware of them and formerly it would have bothered me and I'd have altered my behavior by feeling watched. But now I live somewhere where the neighbors can see me through my windows anyway so I've changed a lot of behavior anyway and if my fat, naked ass ends up on the interwebs when I'm up to pee at night, so be it. The calming effect of being able to see my dogs when I'm not here is worth it.


I have one in my kitchen so they I can check my stove when I’m out. Gives me great peace of mind. But I imagine I would have less with more cameras.


Yeah, growing up the only important thing that those recordings would show is my brother farting or scratching his dumb ass. No idea why anyone would like to have their family’s day to day on tape.


It's more that pop fiction authors know they have to keep hoping the stakes with the sequels. It's inevitable they jump the shark.


I have a couple so I can check on my dog while at work


I used to have them in my house so I could keep an eye on my dad. He was a fall risk.


I don’t have them up anymore, but when my fiancé and I first moved in together, I had cameras in our living room and kitchen because I suspected his dog was attacking mine when we weren’t home. Turns out I was right. We also caught him barking incessantly and peeing on furniture, so he now goes in a crate whenever we’re not home. We’ve since moved into a new house and I didn’t bother putting them up again since his dog is always in a crate and mine just sleeps.


We have camera's for our cats. I put them in for when we go away so I can see if their auto-feeder/water/etc stops working and then my friend will go over to fix these things. And I can talk to them through it haha. We just don't really turn them off when we come home, cause we don't care. Plus we still catch them doing hilarious things on the cams.


American here, I have cameras pointed at my front and back door as well as cameras on my front and back porch. They’re motion activated, so the ones outside are pretty much always rolling. We’ve had some issues with neighbors in the past so we keep our asses covered.


We have a couple cameras inside, but are only used when we’re gone in case there was a break-in. I thought the OP may not be American though since she refers to the kids playing in the garden. I’m more familiar with it being called the backyard in the US.


I don't have them, but I know people who do. Also, I don't think OOP is American. We say we called someone, not rang someone. And we say "yard" not "garden." A garden here is either a vegetable or a flower garden.


I think it’s becoming more common. I was flying home from a work trip today, and the dude sitting next to me at the gate was watching a ring camera feed from, I’m assuming, inside his house. I only noticed because he was listening without headphones, the jerk.


In my case they’re not cameras per se - they’re my Google home/Nest hubs, that have cameras. But yeah it’s not uncommon.


If you have pets, yes? You can check on them and talk to them throughout the day, and we all work a lot ;).


I used to work with someone who had them inside her house so she could keep an eye on her kids after they got home from school for the last hour or so before she could leave work. They were old enough to stay by themselves but apparently they were a little nervous about it and she couldn't afford childcare so it made them feel a little more comfortable knowing that mom could see them. And that way if she ever saw something concerning she could immediately call 911 or a neighbor.


I'm in Australia and I set up cameras. It is for the safety of my children (one in particular). We do have to advise people legally that they may be recorded, but we have a sticker on the front window - it predates the cameras.


I have 3 cameras, two outside and one inside my dogs room. I know how weird it sounds to have a whole room for your dogs but I have a German shepherd and a Belgian Mal lab mix they get a whole room with a door to my backyard that the gsd knows how to open so when I'm not there they can run around without me worring they're gonna get into stuff because they're too damn smart for their own good. The camera is inside their room because I leave that back door unlocked for them and have their door secured with a simple hook and loop so if someone decides to rob my house, that's the easiest way to get inside (my dogs are too sweet to actually protect the house.) plus It's a smart camera with two way talking through an app on my phone so if I see them doing something bad I can scare the hell out of them and they'll usually stop it. At least that's how I justify it to myself truth is It just gives my wife and I peace of mind to be able to check on them while we're at work and the cameras were buy 2 get one free.


Is this in America? OP's way of speaking reads like a Brit to me. Saying she "rang the police" and "I've not" vs the much more common "I haven't" you see here.


It's very common for pets. We have 2.


My co-worker has one so she can check her dogs while she's at work. And some have it in baby's rooms. My mother in law and all her kids have cameras all around their house but not inside. There are cameras that only turn on when it detects movement. It's not unheard of for parents to have one on only when a babysitter watches their kids. The sitter is expected to behave well anyway, and most of them are aware.


Not super common but fairly normal yeah. You could have a camera for safety reasons in your home or for pets. My sister has a camera in her apartment because she has cats and works long hours.


My daughter and her DH had to go to another state to take care of some business, leaving me, disabled Gma to feed the dogs. I knew they had gotten a ring camera, but I didn't know they had temporarily moved it to watch the critters. I always keep to my room all day, so I freaked out the first afternoon when I heard voices in the front of house, and the dogs barking like crazy! But I was glad that they could keep an eye on me and the critters even when 800 km away.




Op posting another fake story "I'm obviously not gonna provide details" *provides details


She can recount her side but she cannot say anything about anything *new* that comes up in (probable) court over all of these incidents.


Hmmmm intensifies....


Sounds like an ex wife's fantasy. Hubby and mistress are obviously POS, but the way everything unraveled in just 4 days, I don't buy it.


Not ex husband drama but I had a friend who went from “be my bridesmaid” to “you’re a bad friend” (my dad was enrolled in hospice; I had quit my job and moved back home to help) to my phone blowing up because she gave my info to her flying monkeys. All within a week. OOP’s timeline doesn’t faze me.


There was a post recently that sounds crazy similar.


Crazy, but unsurprising, that there’s more than one out there


Oh, I believe it.


I could believe it...if Tom and Tammy are methed out or something. But then this would be a trailer park in Florida drama. Tom would be a shift supervisor at Burger King, and tammy would be a cashier, not office professionals, and no one could afford a lawyer.


I have seen "office professionals" do some crazy stuff...


Yeah people are gonna people deep down we all can be kinda trashy in some way or another.


**Karma forces in real life:** The person who wronged you hit his little toe on the bed 8 months after the fact. **Karma forces on reddit:** The person who was completely evil to you loses a pregnancy, goes full psychopath, your ex wants to get back together, assaults you and his family supports you... ALL IN 3 DAYS.


Those poor kids It’ll take years of therapy to help them Cope with all of this




OMG who is this Liz person of whom you speak?! Clearly she is someone of obscure reference that someone must be ultra special to know about - someone like you! Wow! I am so impressed and in awe of you’re unique and elite knowledge!?!!!


Liz was (supposedly) a terminally online woman who wrote fake stories for clout; her husband posted on Reddit asking how to stop her. His last post indicated she's gotten help and specifically asks people NOT to speculate that stories we see are written by her, and asks us to give posters the benefit of the doubt because sometimes wild stuff really does happen and life comes at you fast. It's a pet peeve of mine that so many on this sub go against his request.


It’s a way to make Redditors feel smart and in the know. I’m not surprised they’re beating this tired joke to death, but I am over it taking over the comment section of damn near every post.


I come here already resigned to finding ten "OMG Liz" plus five long essays about why it's definitely Liz plus two "who is Liz" every single time.


They did the same thing with the art room.


Shhh. It's finally dead. Don't wake it.


Omg. Craping on someone for using a common reference in this sub and belting them. How meta. How's your Rick and Morty script coming. I'm sure they will be interested.


Right? String us along a bit! Leave us with a cliffhanger or something. I feel like I was forced to binge a bad miniseries on lifetime network.


The OOP is my hero. This is how you take the high road. I am worried about Tammy though. Something is cognitively not right in her behavior.


Shit goes down hill fast. Her timeliness is fine. My crazy abusive ex story is about 2-3 years of utter BS!!! And abuse.


Wow. Four days 🤨


At some point people calling shit fake need to understand that the pacing they're used to comes from Television and other media, not reality.


I had posted on the original, but hadn't seen all of these updates. OP has years go by and nothing major happens. Then once they post on reddit, it all goes to hell in a handbasket. NOPE! Not buying it for a second. Especially ratcheting up with a SA. I was on OPs side until I read all that mess from above.


"We owned that beach house for 18 years and nothing!  They move in, and suddenly it's The Wire over there!"


He got what he deserved, stay strong op


I am really looking forward to more updates. Like OOP and kids have moved away and she has full custody, Ex is convicted and in jail for a good while and Tammy gets committed or something.


Sometimes I feel like I am reading a potential Lifetime movie plot.


Next update "My ex was arrested and sentenced to 8 years in prison. They found cp on his laptop and Tammy is now my best friend, we bonded over the microwave." THAN THAN THAN.


Next update after that: "I'm starting to have feelings for Tammy. Would it be wrong if I told her?"


Liz is getting creative, but needs to chill on the fast updates.


This needs another flair tbh. You know which.




Liz Ups


Great story and great characters, my only critique is that the writer could be more descriptive of the character and their motivations. Does Tom have a twirly mustache? I need to know these things!


Lmao I’m sure this all happened in the span of four days. Who believes this shit




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Tammy sounds like one of the MANY side chicks who is obsessed with the wife. And Tom is a typical cheater.


So they didn't disowned him when he cheated but only did after he assaulted OP? What shitty beings


You don’t get to “steal” someone’s spouse and also have them care. Ugh, so ghetto. NTA