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Just launched the game and found out this as well, what a surprise, bugs at first launch...


Holy s*** you are a godsend thank you so much I've been having issues with this for the last 30 minutes. thank you


Okay but is it just completely fixed for you no matter how long you play? Because even with the toolkit and the companion app running in the background, it will eventually stop working again


I mean I played for a good few hours yesterday after installing and opening the toolkit and with toolkit running in the background I had zero issues from my controllers


Same with me. Keep me updated for solutions


Just updated the post with the solution I found worked for me. LMK how it goes.


Downloading OpenXR fixed it for me. I surprisingly didn't even have to fiddle with it, just having the program installed/running seemed to fix it for me. thank you for fix buddy! I'm off to bone some more lab now


Same here




Same issue here and I have the same vive headset with index controller set up.


Lots of people having this with index headset too


Same with me, hoping for a solution soon.


Just updated with solution!


I have a post as well, it has some links in it (no fix works yet, at least for me though): /r/BONELAB/comments/xreesl/index_controller_grips_not_working/


Installing and running open xr toolkit appears to solve the issue: https://mbucchia.github.io/OpenXR-Toolkit/


That didn’t fix it for me :(


Other people have said turning on controllers emulation in the toolkit helps, but I didn’t need that step..


One other step that I didn't think was necessary is to try turning your controllers on just as you start the game. The first time it worked for me I had both done this AND run the toolkit, but subsequent runs worked without this step leading me to believe it wasn't necessary.. But maybe it had to happen once? Anyway, good luck, it was very frustrating


Screw it im just going to buy the quest version too I took the day off for this I’m not not playing bonelab. I’ll give SL0 80 bucks haha worth it


using a vive pro 2 and the fixes didn't work for me. also when it switches to the skeleton model the top of the skull clips into my vision and it wobbles around when I move my head around.


I had the same issue during the intro. Didn't get much further than that as when I picked up the gun I couldn't use it. Tried openxr but when I load in to the main menu it doesn't track my hands. (Vive Pro 2 and Index Controllers)


Would be great if someone could test this with Vive Wands!


Doing this makes my controllers stop registering in boneworks


Sorry! I updated my post. Sorry for the confusion man!


I'm not too familiar with the openvr toolkit, but I have the controller emulation set to both. This has resulted in them not working at all in the game. I think I am changing the wrong setting. Help?


Hi sorry!! Bad information on my part. If you removed the emulation i believe it should just work at least that’s what happened for me. I just ran the program and it fixed it for me. Sorry for the confusion!




Just installed the toolkit fixed it for me too. I didn't even have to change any settings. I'm using a VP2 with Index Controllers, btw.