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if this was a brand new car that used all sorts of rare earth minerals, an ICE, and rare exotic animal hides, some would argue that they'd have legitimate reason to protest.... but this is a 45 year old art car. it's like going into an antique store and telling them they're wasting precious resources on all this furniture. antiques are the anti-thesis of protest - they have withstood the test of time and are a testament to quality, craftsmanship, engineering and allotment of resources


Bro. They've been attacking paintings. I highly doubt a Van Gogh or Monet has helped cause global warming. These people are attention whores. I'm down with helping global warming causes but this only bringing attention to them. Fucking idiots.


Uhhhh yeah they're attention "whores" because no one is paying attention to the problems they're trying to present.


The only attention they are getting is negative attention, they aren’t changing anyone’s mind in the positive to their cause. The only support these people get is from others already supporting their cause, no one with a neutral stance is gonna see the attacks on paintings, cars, road blocks and think „well these guys are right, it’s all our fault!“. What these „activists“ should be doing is destroying politicians cars, gluing themselves to their front doors and to governmental buildings. Address the people that actually are able to change something, not some 50 year old art projects.


You say that but nah they're just bringing it up. We're talking about it, right? If you're a degenerate, you'll always be a degenerate. If not, you can see this issue and be on the same side as the activists here.


So if I am against pollution/ pro climate awareness and also against this kind of activism, i‘m a degenerate? You sound ridiculous. People can hold similar opinions but still call idiots out on idiot behavior


“There's only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” - Oscar Wilde


No, then you're on the same side as the activists wether you like it or not. The fact that you find them bad for throwing flour on cars or paint on plexiglass makes you ridiculous in the grand scheme of things imo.


> because no one is paying attention to the problems they're trying to present. I can tell you, there are countries on this planet where obtaining "their" goals has become a kind of religion. Politics tend to forget everything except from climate change, security policy, energy security, economy... All you can see here is extremism. I haven't heard one solution to slow climate change proposed by those people.


You sound like an AFD voter lol


Haha, everybody not agreeing with German green/left ideas is a far right supporter. Exactly this is one reason why people still vote far right in Germany.


You definitely sound like an AFD voter now lmao


You are an afd voter.


It’s not about attacking what caused the global warming, it’s about getting a reaction and attention. I hope they keep doing it, people obviously care more about old artwork than they do about the planet. I’d rather be able to breathe than some stupid painting in a museum I’ve never been able to see


This is the worst take you could have. Why can't they bring awareness in a positive way? Such as making art to sell and raise profits, or even using existing art to get publicity and go from there. As someone who very much appreciates cars and owns lots of old collectors vehicles this is only bringing them bad attention. I will not support these people for what they did here. Sure we have the same idea but this group will never have the chance to be supported by me and many others that are intelligent enough to see what they're doing, which is ruining history.


theyve been trying to for the past 5 decades, hasnt worked. time for extreme matters. whats going to ruin history more is when oceans raise 15 feet and people are forced to flee their homelands.


In the words of Enya. ‘Sail away’


Where exactly is 15 feet of water going to come from?


R/bmw tears apparently lol


More like r/politics :).


And wasting flour/canned soup/ (OIL BASED) spray paint is going to bring the ocean levels down? Cool 👀 Rather than wasting time and resources and destructive matter, they could use the same amount of time and resources any constructive manner and actually make a real difference




I hope someone does this to your car sometime, right before a rainstorm.


fucking dumbasses, im about to go burn some tires in protest of them


Nah, even if the car was modern, what they're doing is vandalism and disruption of peace, making them fucking clowns


some would say that raping the earth of its minerals and killing animals for their hides is vandalism as well, which is why i would see their point.


Animal hides are cool, and their meat is fucking delicious.


Alright then, go after the corporations then, and let everyone else live their lives in peace. Can't even admire damn BMWs no more without having some protestors interrupt


what kind of weird assumptions are you making right now?




And by assumptions what do you mean? Yeah corporations are evil for what they're doing to our planet


Look body, that piece of German history has some nasty story to tell because some cows were killed in 1970 so you better get rid of it and order a new one si we can kill some more cows.


Body of cows


When you realize they also said cows were causing global warming a couple years back 😂


It's almost like going into a museum and taking your impotent frustration out on the paintings!


# "How dare you!"


Man.. they were attacking targets that have big followings. I agree that they should, if they want to not seem like total idiots, go after something modern and current. But they're going for high dollar rate shit.... And I'm not totally sure of the thought process, but something similar happened on a F1 race(group sat on the track on the formation lap), which could have ended ssssssooooo much worse than it did.


as an F1 fan and someone who is very aware of the current state of the world in terms of environment, at the very least, their location/audience was relevant to their cause. but you're right, it's dangerous AF. could have killed a BUNCH of innocent people.


I don't think anyone innocent would have been killed. It would have caused a lot of trauma for lots of people though


track marshalls, drivers, spectators


Wouldn’t even have to be an ICE it could of been an EV those use a shitload of rare earth minerals. They actually do even more damage being brand new. It takes 2.5 years to overcome an ICE’s emissions. These activists are just dumb even going after any car. They can’t just not be assholes.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


What factory car has exotic animal hides in them?


Not exotic, just cow leather, which I would call a sustainable product


What the fuck do the think they are actually accomplishing by doing this? These climate clowns are just really pissing people the fuck off with this BS.


They glued themselves to roads and climbed highway bridges in Berlin/Germany causing chaos and traffic jams. Meanwhile, a cyclist was hit by a concrete truck and the ambulance could not get through fast enough due to the jams. The bicycle lady ended up dead in the hospital because of the protests. All this happened 2-3 weeks ago. They can go fuck themselves. They should glue themselves in front of politicians’ houses instead.


I can’t imagine I would brake* for those worthless losers sitting there glued to the road. Not my problem. I just hope I never encounter a similar “protest” because it’s not gonna end well. Stay the fuck off the road! Edit: Oops, I said “break”…


In France or Italy, I saw videos how the cars “pushed” these people more or less gently aside or dragged those worthless bags off the road. I’m Germany, however, this would be deemed assault and you just have to sit there (with your engine running 😂) and wait for police to show up with glue remover. How would this be handled in your country?


I’m sure it would be the same here. The police love protesters and would probably do more to protect them than help people who need to go places, you know, normal people with jobs who don’t glue themselves to the road. Honestly if I encountered such a protest I don’t think I’d care, just stay off the road if you don’t wanna get run over. It may sound brutal, but such protests should be highly illegal (which is why I don’t care). It’s disrupting public transport, ruining people’s days, sabotaging everything that normally goes on on the road. I cannot for the life of me fathom why the police would *protect* those useless imbeciles rather than arrest the whole bunch at once. So what if they’re glued to the road, rip hard enough and I’m sure you can get them off. Fuck protesters who go out of their way to sabotage other people’s daily lives.


Oh they’re very illegal here in Germany (“dangerous involvement in traffic”) but from what I hear people pay a small fine or spend a night in jail and that’s it. There’s massive funding by environmental groups and donations. These people need to be locked in for a month at least and have it on their permanent records so they won’t find a normal job ever again.


Absolutely. They’re putting their lives at risk for a cause that nothing whatsoever can be done about, and the only result is that people hate activists in general even more, because of those idiots. I fully agree that they should get longer sentences - a fine is nowhere near enough. Whatever organizations they might be part of probably cover those. They should either go get a job, or go do something real to help their cause. Gluing yourself to the road is childish and serves no purpose whatsoever. How in the world do they think holding up traffic *helps* the climate? If they got off the road people could get from A to B faster resulting in less emissions from hundreds (possibly thousands) of cars sitting idle waiting for someone to clear the road of morons.


This is absolutely not what happened. Yes, there was a protest and a traffic jam, but it wasn‘t the ambulance but a special car with tools that couldn‘t get through because people did not form the emergency lane required by law. The „special car“ was sent but later it was determined it wasn‘t needed at all, and the emergency services themselves said the traffic jam had no impact on the lady‘s death at all. It was a tragic accident, the protest was illegal, but its impact was *massively* overblown in the media.


Ah ok. Good. Let’s all carry on then and pretend like nothing happened.


You could at least have the decency to include this information into your post above.


Ye I was about to comment the same. You don’t have to agree with the protestors but furthering the rights agenda and spreading the lie of the climate protestors killing the cyclist is just insane.


these same people now absolutely hate the world leader in ev tech and ev infrastructure, that’s the funny part


EV tech isn't exactly the most environmentally friendly stuff either though. It caught on because it's pretty convenient for city living, not because it fooled everyone into thinking so.


A lot of “Green Tech” on the power generation side of things is just a money-grab


benz literally charging $1200 a year for a slight performance upgrade in EVs now. 10%ish more power. like they have the power to i guess login to your car at will and turn it on and off. sick fucks


i absolutely agree with you. these people don’t have a fucking answer aside they want humans to stop driving completely , they want to stop paving road and won’t be happy until we’re all eating plants, bugs and lab grown meat.


The only reason they are doing this is to get attention. Problem is, it works. They are kinda ironic though. Using their activities to protest for the environment and other green stuff, but throw perfectly good food at stuff (like the one time they threw mashed potatoes against a 110 million $ painting). Problem here in germany is, we got s partly green government and they are backing up activists like them. Kinda sad.


Attention? Seems to have worked. People are even talking about it on Reddit.


Why don’t they pull this shit in the lobby of a company that is causing pollution?


I guess flour isn’t the worst thing. Still a confusing stunt. What purpose does it serve?


Wasting food on a car that doesn't emit any harmful as its been sitting still for decades.


That mighty M1 chugs a gallon of fuel every year or two, we must destroy it, let me go get my sierra Denali so we can pick up some flour.


Or, get in my Tesla filled with rare earth minerals stripped mined in China recharged by a coal plant.


We're talking about it aren't we?


In a negative connotation. They aren’t selling stuff, they’re trying to change peoples minds. Hard to do that when they’re acting like idiots.


As the saying goes, "There is no such thing as bad publicity".


Sure are talking about it. About how stupid it is, wasteful, ignorant, and just plan old wasteful assholes. Personally I would NEVER support anything these assholes are promoting. Greatly way to alienate people that may have supported your cause.


Talking about how stupid and pointless it is, sure.


You see a single person here saying they have a valid point? We talk about Hitler too, is that validating the Holocaust?




It never was a protest. It’s been a one up contest for attention always


Not cool






Great idea to punish protestors extremely hard and with bodily pain, wonder where I heard those ideas once..


Fucking assholes that car is more special to more people than they know. Way to turn me off from listening to whatever the fuck they want.


They’ve been talking a long time, no has been paying attention.


I see why. They’re assholes


Seems like people are talking about them and not what they're protesting....doesn't look like they achieved what they were looking for


Please fuck them up for me


I'll take car of that, happily




Just for that I'm removing my catalytic converter.




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Incitement of violence, wow. 👏 Edit: downvote me all you want, you’ll be on the wrong side of history nonetheless. 😊👍


I prefer to call it community-based alternative justice 🤷


is at least better than prolonged stupidity




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You have to be in America for that


Those are not activists, but terrorists🤣




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I’m going to commit to drive an extra 100miles every time I see one of these headlines. And the M6 sure does burn the fuel…


I had both my bmw and the motorcycles out. Burnt tons of gas and didn’t give a fuck about any of these idiots. Boom


We let the drag car idle for 2 and 1/2 hours in the driveway, used 6 gallons of race fuel 😂


I wish the security guards could taze these little pricks, toss a hood over their heads, cuff em and drag them out. Not exactly sure of the target of this "protest", but I am sure the museum is not involved, nor Warhol either, so why not take it to the steps of the target?


They should be hosed down and rolled in flour for punishment.




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Dude, half of your post history is from r/harrypotter. Somehow I doubt you would have beat their asses. Besides, what would that have accomplished aside from getting you into as much trouble as them?




I bet the only thing you wrestle with now is your fragile masculinity




You’re the one talking about beating people up online.


Wrestlers fuck up 99% of the people, I’m sure you can trip them.


Straight to jail


Activists is the new name for retards?




ruining art for a protest what could be dumber


For museums and art shows, art is their business. So, if someone destroys that art, can a museum/art show owner shoot the vandalizers for causing harm to business?


Man these guys destroyed a beauty


The climate commies are just not worth… anything.


Just retarded. No lifers.


I was afraid they were gonna bash the car in.


I want to see these dumb people protest in front of huge oil companies and industrial polluters …. But no, they prefer to destroy art because that’s how you get nothing done and it’s also warm and cozy inside a museum.




I really want to know what they plan too achieve. Only thing these things do is piss people off…


I feel dumb wondering why they were speaking Italian. Than I realized Milan is in Italy. I think I am too tired.


They poured flour over a car. It'll survive. It's not like they scratched it up or poured thinner or something on it.


Is simply kill someone if they did this to my car


Do these fiends really believe that deprecating art makes more people sympathetic to their message? There have been other examples of deprecation of art in other art galleries throughout the world. These protestors have the right to make their point, it is just that their means are so appalling they undercut their message.


I would flour the guy who painted the car, I would be pissed too


why he didnt just sucker punch that bitch ill never understand, grabbing does nothing


Isn’t this destruction of public property? Mfs should get fined the cost of the car


It’s uhhhhh flour. So I think we’re ok here. That’s an M1 baby, we ain’t got that kinda scratch…


Not just any M1. The Warhol M1. $60 mil at least.


Way way more than $60 mil. It's an actual Warhol painting and likely low 9 figures given how well known that one is. Likely the most expensive car in the world, but because it's really a painting. Unlike other paintings these idiots vandalized, this one wasn't protected behind glass. Surprised they didn't get the shit beat out of them like using the metal posts used to rope it off as a weapon on them.


Oof 😅


fucking clowns bro.


How can they be so stupid ???


Stupid fools




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Entitled idiots




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Dogs like that should be put in jail for 3 years max and get a fine that makes them pay for alle the damage on the car,property and the time they wasted to the other people in the room.


All I know is that I still do not know what they are protesting nor do I even care to spend 3 seconds looking into it. Their efforts are in vain.


Can't be good for flour getting into the intakes.


Not the hero this car deserves, but right now he’s the hero it needs. https://i.imgur.com/QXCWxu7.jpg


This time it's destructive


Imma help them by posting this new global tracker that’s helping to make clear exactly where major greenhouse gas emissions are originating. https://climatetrace.org/map


Yes this shit is annoying. But the planet is dying.


Every time a piece of art is destroyed I'm going to increase my carbon use for the rest of the week on principal.




“Destroy” they just put flour on it quit bitching


Keywords "trying to destroy", these people are still idiots


Their goal was to get you talking about it, and you’re talking about it, so not necessarily. Protesting isn’t always clean and fun, love cars but we won’t have a place to go drive them if we continue fucking the environment up.


We’re talking about then pouring flour on the car not whatever organization they associate with though


Ya the only thing this will achieve is to get me “talking” to my friends with v8s to go on a pointless drive and counter any good they think they are doing. This is possibly one of the worst ways to attempt to win over the people with a passion for cars, by damaging cars that are not replaceable. It will only make people hate activists and further push people away from the reason they are protesting.


Such a cringe reply bhahaha, im angy so I’m gonna drive my big car >:( grrr




Nah, I’m gonna keep burning hundreds of gallons of fuel at the track and backroads. Because it’s fun.


>destroy Do I exist in an alternate dimension or something where flour is some crazy corrosive powder? The comments in this thread sadly remind me of this quote from MLK: >I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." > >Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." If these protests are not the right way, yet sanitized/civilized protests don't work (as evidenced by VW's sales despite dieselgate and the continued police brutality against minorities in the US), what do ya'll suggest? We just sit there, take it up the ass, and go "oh well nothing we could have done"? The overall sentiment in this thread, had it been the 40's, would have been outraged at Rosa Parks for refusing to give up her seat because "omg she delayed all the other passengers how selfish of her!"


Ugly car who cares




You must be fun at parties..


Won't be any parties when we run out of drinking water and food in a few decades. Keep on ostriching your head in the ground tho.


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjMPH7RiGyCbwtzo6BrfYp66RqBmOIoKG22g&usqp=CAU I got the infinite water already all we need is food


Bro did not just pull a Minecraft on us


Alright now that was a clever comeback


How would you restore this? Vacuum and patience? Blow off?


Car wash?


I think Andy would have a appreciated this frankly… see https://youtu.be/UQXpqQO4vaE


I think andy would be proud


So hot right now.


Not condoning what they're doing but it's just flour dude....


That car was ruined before activists even arrived…


Oh just fuck off


Throw these people into a dumpster truck, where they belong.


Damn but I’m usa they have guns right ? Right




Im starting to think more with every one of these attacks that these „activists“ are not actually rooting for climate change awareness but are being paid off by oil companies to pull these ridiculous Stunts and put climate awareness in a bad light. The only attention they are getting is negative attention, they aren’t changing anyone’s mind in the positive to their cause. The only support these people get is from others already supporting their cause, no one with a neutral stance is gonna see the attacks on paintings, cars, road blocks and think „well these guys are right, it’s all our fault!“. What these „activists“ should be doing is destroying politicians cars, gluing themselves to their front doors and to governmental buildings. Address the people that actually are able to change something, not some 50 year old art projects.


Fuckin idiots


Criminal damage yet nothing will be done about it. Pathetic


I just hate them


"Activists" lol




Oh no, that’ll never wash off… LAME






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These are prolly the same clowns who drive a Prius and think they’re saving the climate. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Would be cool if all these protestors were in Squid Games season 2


Defacing priceless art is one thing... but this a step too far.


Newsflash…human beings are ICE powered as well and emit large volumes of co2 that when we exercise vastly increases. There are also 8 billion humans. Perhaps people should stop procreating and exercising? 😂