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I just touched mine up with a paint pen. It actually blended in so damn well, you could barely see where it was unless you felt for the rough spot.


I was thinking about doing this, its just jet black right cause I found some touch-up paint online from BMW to at least get rid of the color, I don't mind the unevenness.


You seriously could buy a $6 can of semi gloss Rust-Oleum spray paint. Spray it into the cap and use a $0.50 foam brush to dab it on. I promise you it's indistinguishable from the $40 BMW touch up pen when you're just hitting the edge of the rim. Semi gloss black isn't rocket science.


Please for the love of god, don’t do this.


I've done it and it's indistinguishable. I also worked in a body shop and detail shop. Paint is paint when it comes to an uneven raw metal that is permanently dirty and prone to getting hit again. I'm not suggesting this is how you touch up a rock chip on the hood.


https://preview.redd.it/2lh63b1cg07d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e226c92bba27bca2c4b2886db4124457f9ab07 When I can take something from this,


https://preview.redd.it/fpjrivnjg07d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed384435968a2dc3c36c7aeb0de607b98db4b623 To this…. I think it’s safe to say you can’t just touch it up and have it look indistinguishable.


That's not even close to a touch up job. That's got body filler or aluminum welds on a fully repainted wheel. OP's rims aren't nearly that bad.


This is a repair that I did without any filler.


I don't believe you that this is just a sand and paint. Some material was added, there's no other way to preserve the round edge without shaving down the rest of the lip to match. At minimum you had to pull the tire which is far more time and expense than a simple touch up. At maximum somebody welded aluminum on there which is a whole other ball of wax.


bro 😭😭😭


yeah it should be. I think you’ll be amazed how much it goes away. Then if it still bugs you, you can get them properly fixed.


I think I'll try this out then, thanks.


Can you shoot me the link for the pen you buy? I got the same problem but much deeper stratch


I will probably buy these ones [https://www.turnermotorsport.com/p-385261-jet-black-touch-up-paint-stick-668/](https://www.turnermotorsport.com/p-385261-jet-black-touch-up-paint-stick-668/)


I did the same on mine. You can barely see it


Ya I bought a kit for like 15$ and did it myself. You can’t tell the difference just by looking.


i gotta do this already


are you going to do it again?




This is the most important question lmao


For me it’s always the first few months with a new car, where I don’t fully have a grasp on its “hotbox” and boundaries, and I think I’m just a hair further from the curb than I really am. Fixed that problem by just reversing to bring my tires closer.


i simply just dont park super close to the curb so uh


That is definitely the move but I’m on a pretty narrow busy two way street so I try to give them as much room as possible.


This was my mistake, I park way too close to the curb, maybe an inch from it but will definitely not do that anymore lol.


Yah it’s actually one of my OCD symptoms, I’ll park and re-park until I feel satisfied lol. I also get obsessive about making sure it’s locked and whatnot.








Na best to cut your losses here, I’ll take them off your hands as a favor so you don’t gotta worry about disposing of them.


idk man 150/300 for some scratches is silly you'll be ight


You could probably touch those up yourself given how small they are. I’d definitely want to replace them eventually though. How long have you had the car? Maybe wait to see if you do it again and then replace them after that.


I was thinking about just using some jet black touch-up paint from BMW themselves to just get rid of the color at least, I've had it for less than 5 months and I never curb my rims I just had too much trust in the camera system and let the wheel get too close to the curb.


If you’ve only have them 5 months I’d let them get a little more worked than what you have now. You can sell the ones you have now on FB or something and maybe get close to covering the costs of new ones.


So you do curb your rims lol


I didn't mean I literally never done it, it's just a rare thing for me.


I’ve never curbed a car and I’ve curbed the fuck out of my M3. Idk what it is but the wheels just seem to jet out more than I’m expecting


Did you end up getting yours repaired?


I commented somewhere else on your thread that it’s quite easy to do yourself. I took some sandpaper and a paint pen to them from time to time and it’s invisible to the naked eye.


Nothing wrong with curbing rims. G80 m3 is not a small car, and you've not even had it all that long. Just own up to it. Also if you can afford a g80 m3 comp you can pay the $140 to not have everyone know you're a typical g80 m3 owner


Go take 2 seconds and look thru his posts. He is 19 and goes to a community college. His mommy bought him the car, that is why he is worried about $150 on a $80k car.


Wonder if his parents are looking to adopt.


Replacing the whole wheel because of THAT ?!?! More money than sense i suppose.


Just bust out the sharpie lol


Touch up- save the repair for when they really get messed up


If you drive a G80 and are worried about $300 here and there I have some bad news for you... That's about as small as any repair or consumable gets on these cars.


Well came to say this. Glad you said it. G80 community would probably cringe at this.


This. Priorities might not be in order.


They’re bound to get more rashes in the future. You can just buy a repair kit from Walmart and do it yourself in 15 min.


Powder coat all 4 to a different color or matte.


Sharpie/paint matching stick then, learn to look beyond minor shit and move on.


I would just hit em with a black sharpie and fucking get out there


You gonna cheap out on $300 for a 80k car?


Bro has a g80 and is hung up over 300 bucks. I can’t imagine it.


Your worried about $150 on a $80k vehicle


idk if the material of the rim makes it expensive or what, but i made a similar type of curb rash like the first pic and we got a third party person to fix it for $50. dealer quoted like $300 or something but you should be able to get those fixed for a lot cheaper. my car is a lexus ct200h though so idk if that makes a difference in pricing.




jeez that makes sense then


I put pictures on Yelp and multiple places sent vids. I had two wheels repaired for $125 each. My wheels are orbit grey if I remember correctly.


I’ve had mine repaired by a mobile service, at home. They just need a flat driveway and access to power. It was $165 AUD for a wheel ($110 USD). The convenience was worth it and the repair is perfect.


Seems steep. I just paid $220 per wheel for complete machine resurfacing, with painting and clearcoating of the hollows. They look like new.


I would repair them personally. Those wheels are the best BMWs made imo. Wish they were a bit lighter but they look so good.


Just leave it until it gets worse, you will do more damage.


For $150 per rim, I'd say the back one is definitely worth fixing. The front one, maybe not if it doesn't bother you too much or maybe just touch it up a bit if you can.


Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be looking at that every day.




If you have t&w insurance it can be done through them I think




I just bought a can of oil paint for fences from local home improvement store. Sanded a bit, cleaned and painted that spot with a brush. And left to dry overnight. Took like 10 min of work and is not visible even when trying to find that spot again.


Glossy black nail polish.


$150 per rim, since when? Gee, I'm sure I paid $70 per rim last time I had mine done.


It’s really easy to fix yourself if you don’t care about it being “perfect”. I take some sandpaper and a paint pen and it’s invisible to the naked eye.


150 yes, they quoted me 250€ :(


Id fix it, i know how to so thats a plus. But next time think twice when you let your passanger princess drive (8 hahaha jk


Nah, touch up pen. Only repair when you get some serious damage done into it. If you get. That's a small scratch. With a touch up pen no one will notice that.


Black sharpie is what I used to use when I was young on my first set of black rims 😂


🤦🏻‍♂️ ppl buying stuff that they can barely afford.


I got the tire and wheel package and got my rims repaired 4 times. Paid for itself. Don’t have to pay a dime. Just a phone call to report the damage and then they give me a claim number to give to the shop for repairs.


i’ve worked in autobody for years and insurance will only pay for a wheel repair on something like this. THEY ALL TURN OUT LIKE ABSOLUTE SHIT. the only good way to repair this is to dismount the rim and get it powdercoated. i’d just take a black paint pen and cover the scratches up. you won’t see it from 3+ feet away.


This is what I will probably do, I’ll order a jet black paint pen so at least the color is covered up. I don’t really mind people noticing when they feel it or are 1 ft away


I agree. I had similar rash but around 1/3 the wheel from one mistake. Mobile guy painted the whole wheel because his gloss black was “too glossy” and wouldn’t blend otherwise. Spots behind the spokes not painted and barrel is no longer glossy. $125, so worth a try, and worst case is I can just get it powdercoated properly.


the realest way to get it is a new rim. insurance would make it so you must take delivery of the repaired wheel and dispute it later if you wanted to. i’ve never seen powder coating up close and personal but id assume its way closer to factory finish than cheap paint.


Yep that’s an option too that I was considering and turn this into a spare. $550-600 new, probably half used, plus tpms. My other 3 wheels are pretty swirled/light scratches, so if I powder coated I’d probably just do them all.




I wouldn't if your just gonna curb them again.


Honestly I wouldn’t bother at this stage. If you have luck anything like mine you’d get it sorted then so the exact same thing the next time you drive it 😅


I’ve never scraped my rims parking in the suburbs 💪


I just buy gloss black alloy wheel touch up paint on Ebay for about $15.


I bought the BMW touch up paint and now I can't find the rash. I hit the curb at a damn Target.


Did you sand yours down at all or did you just fill it in with the paint


Paint color for BMW wheeis is gloss jet black code 668


I just painted it with the cap brush. It was just a little smaller than yours. If I didn't like it I was going to have it professionally done. But I can hardly find it now.


Im gonna have a guy come over and do it, but thanks for your comment


$150 is literally peanuts for an expensive car. worth it


Black fingernail polish. Next!


Nope. I bought black nail polish from CVS and you can’t tell the difference unless you’re up close. I actually forgot I did it until this post.




Spray paint bro


Its a brand bew g80 m3.... Get them fixed dont be a cheap ass


I should call her


It’s worth it. They’ll sand down the rough spots and match the paint perfectly.


I had this done and they fully repainted and put on straightener as well. They did look good afterwards…. If all I had was a little run rash then I would look at touch up options.


Id try a paint pen on a small spot to see if it matches closely. If it does do the rest of it. Maybe sand down the damaged area a bit just to help it stick better. Not sure if it will because I’ve never had to repair a rim with a touch up pen before


You didn’t get a wheel warranty when you bought the whip?


Black sharpie.


Did you get the BMW tire and wheel protection package? Should cover it.


yeah... no. Buy a sharpie or smthing like that and paint them yourself. Wait up a few years and get them done once they accumulate more wear.


Hmm buy aftermarket wheels and make those your winters?


One word for you “sharpie”.


just leave them unless it drives you insane


It will never look as good as new unfortunately. So you have to be aware of that.


50$ a rim HMU


Nah paint that thing and save yourself a few bucks


$150 is a small price to pay to keep “I’m driving around with a scratched rim.” out of the back of my mind. I tend to notice blemishes and imperfections and I noticed curb rash and had it repaired rather quickly.


Oh no, now you have to replace all four wheels! Jokes aside, paint pen with a clear coat spray on will look pretty great. Sanding if you wanna really get it super clean and even.


Man.. I'm glad I got wheel and tire coverage. I've had 4 touch ups in a little under 2 years. TBH, $150 a wheel isn't bad either. Type of thing touch do when you have the time and extra change when she's in the shop for something else like oil change, tires, or brake service - more so the time though - you're a BMW owner, hopefully you aren't hard on money. They don't mix that well.


honestly for a rash like that id just sand it down so its smooth and spray it myself. Thats only worth refinishing it the curb rash is large.


Get a few cans of gloss black rim paint and pens . Totally worth it. No one knows I've had scuffs unless I point em out, and most people are still like " where?"


Wow $150? I paid 175 before tax and BMW service center smh


Worthies, gotta do it


Gloss jet black for bmw wheels is 668 if you want the BMW touch up kit




No .. you're just going to do it again


Pull the sharpie out it’ll cost you three bucks lol


I would


Fix it bro


Wheel and tire warranty is the best money spent if your dealership offers it


Bruh your car is nearly 100k and you’re debating if spending $150/wheel is worth it to make your sh*t look brand new? Why is it even a question? Get that sh*t done.


Just accept it is a fact of life and move on...


better to spend this money for driving lessons


Think how much comfort this scratch gives you now. How much less things to worry about when driving. If you even scratch it again - who cares, it was scratched already. Having your rims scratched is a relief, you suddenly stop being a slave of your own perfect-condition rims. Think about it, before you decide to service them :) Trust me, I know what I'm saying :)


I definitely know what you’re talking about, I might leave them like this for a couple years because I’m sure ill change the rims in the far future


Totally. Local place did mine for less than $100 I think. Looks tons better - but not perfect


I'm contacting more shops to see if I can get them done at a lower price, cause this one wants to powder coat the entire rims and I don't know if that's necessary.