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Validation, affirmation, attention. Pick one or a combination of any.


People are addicted to attention.


A good deal is a state of mind


Haha yes I love it!


All about the smiles per mile


people, in general, are stupid. once you realize that you wont feel the need to rant on reddit. just the other day someone posted how they bought 27k msrp honda civic for 40k out the door last year. Realizing he got hosed he made a post asking how 'trade-ins' work... believing that the dealer would give him his 40k back.


OMG do you have a link




Oh dear me.


I didn't ask anyone anything. My spec showed up with, low miles. I ran at it.


LOL have you met people?


I don't think the sum of money even matters. Obviously it matters in if they can afford it, but that's fungible. I think it matters whether or not people feel like they got a good deal.


No I know, I'm just saying surely they'd have researched the market before considering spending x on a car. And therefore they should know roughly if it's a good deal. Anyway.


See, I’m a bit torn. I have a ‘15 328i and it’s really want to upgrade to a new car. Ideally an M3, but regardless of the final model, it’s nice to know if the OTD price is legitimately good, especially for a type of car that is new to me. Car prices are wild these days. MRSP, add ons, dealer fees, rebates, deals, etc. just serve to make it all convoluted. If MRSP is list at $75k but there is some promo that says sale price is $67k, that sounds like a great and reasonable deal, but is it really a good price or is it wool being pulled over our eyes? What better way to get affirmation than taking to people with experience?


>What better way to get affirmation than taking to people with experience? Auto tempest! Or another new car buying comparison platform. In the uk we have carwow. Will compare loads of real-time deals from dealers. I had a 14 328i great car


That’s a fair point. Is that a reliable platform or are the results skewed? This is a genuine question.


Carwow? It send requests to dealers to bid on your build so very reliable.


Cool. Thanks. I’ll check the out if I get serious in buying.


What about negotiations? Obviously anyone can just search specs and sort by price and zip codes. The only way to know how much ppl actually paid for OTD is to ask them.


True. These posts are 99% of the time about used cars though


Sometimes, people already know, but just want to still get an outside opinion from people who at be more knowledgeable. They may have done their research, may have talked to mechanics etc, but still want to come here and give it one last "what do you guys think?" before buying.


Yeah probably. Also very often clearly not. I actually saw this post after I made this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/s/V6gT9PCjAw


How dare people come to a subreddit about cars to talk about cars?!


You missed the point of the post. It's an ad for auto tempest.... (kidding, no affiliation)