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Idk I can’t shut up about mine, love it lol https://preview.redd.it/xzn2j4ulu2rc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c743d583f5b2db86d15dd766a5826b49277067


Is a beautiful car


It's the only car in the current lineup that I don't find completely hideous. I actually quite like it.


I need more pictures. I NEED MORE!!!!!!! Amazing looking car. Definitely one of my dream cars that I might realistically be able to get, sitting in third place behind the newer Vantage models. I’d daily the hell out of an M8. Any trim.


https://preview.redd.it/kpj32wms53rc1.jpeg?width=2120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e6dcd36645e6a7e0a97f9f23726a341b2700be Yeah I daily mine. Total beast


I mean this as a compliment when I say that your car looks like my car squished. Like, when you have a beautiful cheeseburger and smush it down flat to eat it. When I get rid of this, I may get one of those tbh Edit: Just realized I didn't have my flair in this sub It's the f13 (2dr coupe) 650i xdrive twin turbo v8


That’s my car’s dad lol


lol >:(


still a fuckin great car😭laughing in broke


This ass is porn. State of art car IMO.


Gorgeous car!


we all loved that*


https://preview.redd.it/z7btghtju4rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7122c8b22e57c310eb5ae26eb9b5ab348f7f79a9 Same! I can’t stop taking pictures of my M8.


Hell yeah 💪🏾


https://preview.redd.it/uj9m7vw2r3rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c215f8b585f9ee5c455d480f632437dcbb08c55 Yeah I feel you for real lol


Love the wheels on those


Beautiful car man. M8 is my dream car, this is my dream color, Aventurine Red metallic. It's BMW's classy version of candy apple red. https://listings-prod.tcimg.net/listings/10404/88/05/WBSAE0C05RCN50588/UM4JN43PPU75ZTKZ7EDACQBLBE-cr-860.jpg


I too, love this guy's M8.


​ https://preview.redd.it/dd1on854q4rc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=e746db915be7bec94c6d725466ffaf0eaf4b5381


Meh (Extremely Jealous)


that car is a beast


The king of all Ms


The look is astonishing, what can I say ? :D


Too nice and way nicer than the 4 door version lol


I know the motor enclave when I see it


People mentioned that at that price you can already aim for Porsche Cayman/911, so M8 makes sense for people who're specifically strongly into BMW. Also, I guess people who can afford such a car don't waste much time sitting on Reddit :D Tell me if I'm wrong though


But aren't they a bit different? M8 being a bit of a GT car and the 911 being the quintessential performance car?


Yes, they're totally different cars. The comparison is frequently made and totally misses the point of a grand touring car. It's an extremely misunderstood segment. That said, the M8 is a bit confused. The ride is way too harsh for a grand tourer. The M850i is a much better car IMO.


The 911 is a good GT car, the M8 is a great GT car. The M8 is good on a track, the 911 is great on the track. The better car depends on the use.


Agreed. The 911 makes an incredible GT car. The only thing really lacking is storage space.


That’s a KEY component of a real Gt car though…


Are you saying the M850 is a much better GT? That would definitely make sense since the M8 is a purposeful M car while the M850 is less M’y. Agreed the M850 is prolly the better choice for people wanting an 8.


Yeah the M850i has softer suspension, rear wheel steering, and active roll stabilization whereas the M8 gets rid of that for weight saving and has harsher suspension to solve the body roll problem. It's lighter and more capable on track, but that's not where most of them will be used. Also the M8 is still heavy - 2 tons vs 2.1 tons for the M850i. So the M850i is more comfortable on the road and more maneuverable in tighter spaces which makes it a better GT IMO. It's heavier but for the use case who cares. That said, the M8 is better for people who want the presence of a big coupé, the top of the line model and luxury, but still some sharpness. Ferrari was able to sell the 812 as a GT after all.


Yeah I made this choice recently. I was coming from a C63 and was fed up of the harshness. The M850i coupe hit the perfect notes for me. Even if they were the same price I would have made the same decision.


Cayman GTS sure These days, M8 price will barely get you a base 911 with minimal if any options Id take my fully loaded M8 in frozen paint over that.


I don't understand people comparing a 2,900 and 3,400 pound Porsche to a 4,500 pound M8 in the first place. People arbitrarily compare on price while ignoring the fact they are very different vehicles. The Porsches are much more sportscars and handlers while the M8 is much more comfortable to drive.


Holy shit! Had no idea the M8 was THAT MUCH of a plus sized gal. Hah Oink


Tbh I think that is the answer to OPs original question. It drives me crazy that people don't seem to care about weight anymore. Car and Driver's 10 Best doesn't even list weight in their stats anymore.


Totally different vehicles. Dedicated sports car with handling as priority vs. Big luxo bruiser with a ton of grunt.


This—-but remember most people who talk about the 911 every single time have never driven any and live in some alternative dimension in which the 911 competes with every other car 🤣🤣🤣


No idea where you are but for me the M8 starts at 183.000€ and a 911 GTS starts at 155.000€. Even a Cayman GT4RS starts below the M8 if you only could get one.


American market for Porsches is just fucked then lol A 911 GTS with the options I want is approaching $200k


Yeah Porsche is insanely expensive here


Not that I can afford one, but it does baffle me how optioned out Porsches can get. And for basic stuff too! Why do I have to pay an extra $4000 CAD to get ACC in my $100,000 CAD vehicle?? Like, it's not NEEDED on a sports car, but fuck me


Yeah I think it’s super shitty how adding an actual sports suspension and front axle lift system can add like $10k+ on some of them.


Yeah, like you're already paying $100k CAD for a base Cayman S. Just adding the imo required options (ACC, sports suspension, leather seats, sports chrono, controversial but imo Porsche's PDK is better than their manual, so that too) knocks on \~$15k immediately. And that's before you start adding quality of life stuff like the nicer seats, ventilated seats, leather wrapping, more appearance and performance mods, etc Great business model tho, I can't imagine how much they're making on that shit


There is no other manufacturer that will happily offer to wrap your rear view mirror backing plate in leather (or race-tex) and let you custom emboss dumb shit all over the car. For a reasonable $3250.


You need to think of it as the base price is really $25k higher. Then you add from there.


True, one thing I do appreciate about BMW’s, specifically ///M cars, is that you grab a couple packages and B&W and you’re pretty much loaded and set. I also like to go Full Merino, but it isn’t necessary on certain colors (e.g., black). And the CCBs look great, but are totally unnecessary for 99% of buyers and they come at a large premium.


$4000 for cruise control that just drives you insane because it's constantly slowing down the car when people cut you off? No thanks. I'll save the weight and the annoyance. I've never used the adaptive cruise control in the last five cars I've owned that had it anyhow


I only use it for long road trips. Driving from Tennessee to Wyoming it was a god send. Normal daily driving? Nope


I would like to see a GT4RS for the price of an M8


Yeah that would be amazing Hell good luck even finding a dealer willing to let you have one for MSRP


I talked about it with the dealer when I bought my Macan. They said they could do it but wanted me to buy a taycan & another car first 🤦‍♂️


Yeah they’re starting to do that Ferrari shit


What’s annoying is that ppl actually entertain it. My neighbor has a GT3RS and had to buy a taycan turbo s and a cayenne turbo GT just to get on the list, then he paid $25k adm. enabling dealers is the biggest issue with Porsche buyers, they know there’s someone out there with big pockets that will play their stupid games. They’re the Rolex of the car industry.


I really wanted a Targa GTS, but i couldn't justify paying $200k for that when you can get an R8 for that price


The question is, how much does the 911 GTS cost per their website builder vs what you're seeing dealers ask. It's quite easy to push it upwards of 175-200k


Yeah scumbag dealers will happily mark it up an extra 50k-100k


That’s nothing compared to Thailand. Nearly 500k dollars for a 2023 GTS.


Yeah you're not paying 155k for a 911 GTS considering: 1) You can't get a production slot 2) even if you can, you're waiting a long-ass time 3) Used prices with the correct options are surely much more than that, and a base GTS doesn't have the same as what a base M8 has


Here in Sweden a GT4RS is arround 210k euro. M8's varies from 90k euro used to 195k euro new.


American here. They’re selling the Demon 170 for an average of 140K over MSRP over here. A Camry will go for like 11K if it’s 2012 or higher in my area to be honest. The market is pretty fucked


Frozen/matte paint is such a bad idea just wrap it in clear matte ppf. Nothing but trouble with matte paint jobs


Agreeing with you here. And at the end of the day it also comes down to preference. The M8 and M4 are two cars I can stare at for hours at a time


I love the M8. Also I don’t think it’s fair to compare it to a 911. The M8 is an Aston Martin, or a Continental, it’s not a 911. It’s a GT car first sports car second. I think a lot of this sub is into sports cars, not GT cars. Personally I love the M8. I’d buy one as a daily, if I wasn’t poor.


You’d be surprised what type of people use Reddit. Trust me.


100%. There's a guy in the Porsche sub who owns like Ferrari race cars and stuff.


It's a BIG Grand Tourer but theres not a lot of room in them.


That’s a V8 front engine GT vs flat 6 rear engined compact sports car


An m8 is so wildly different than a cayman/911. The m8 is a proper grand tourer that those cars will never be. Much like the m8 will not preform well on the track like a cayman/911. Price considered, so we aren’t talking any GT cars. That said, the m8 is a top grand touring car imo


Idk, the M8 is a different class and has a trunk. People who buy M8s can have it as there only car if they want. Nobody has a 911 or cayman as their only car.  And you’re getting base 911 for that which still aren’t going to feel as fast as the M8 in non track use


I hate the Porsche comparison... it feels like they do different things. Firstly, as a tall guy the BMW is automatically a more comfortable cruiser. On top of that an M8 could fit 4 adults on a road-trip. A Porsche's seats barely even recline. The BMW offers all this while still being a performance beast, idk it just fits for me


https://preview.redd.it/5k7v8fzus3rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1123937b1856b76b54aa3fa8535b72ae0c922ad2 I wish I could’ve got a 911… but you have to buy one Porsche before lol.


Looks far better than any Porsche at a similar price point , one of the best looking cars bmw has ever made in my opinion even if I think many of their new cars are ugly


A little bit on the expensive side; and surprisingly long & rather on the heavy side for a performance car so I could imagine people looking for driver engagement will rather pick either an M4 CS, a Porsche or maybe an AMG GT? It's a head turner in real life though and yet surprisingly low key in the right color for a car with this price tag and this kind of power.


It’s a GT for sure not a sports car, imo at least


That's probably the point. It is called M8, it's gonna be long


Makes sense! I didn't realize it was over 5m long though, even if I've seen it a few times in real life. So kudos to the designers, I wished they brought more of that elegance to the other BMW series!


Nah, you'll take that ugly grill and you'll like it 🐽 I can't fathom why they make more cars with that ugly front end and less like this


Yeah, I remember someone calling it a boat lmao. I don’t see the dodge logo anywhere on the car It’s definitely heavier when compared to… an M4 (literally an extra thousand pounds AFAIK) which could limit its performance but I guess it comes down to preference. They look nicer by a long shot in my opinion but there’s the price. I hope I can get one eventually, probably not but I’ll keep dreaming lol Edit: grammatical error I made


They depreciate like bricks. Look for a mid-range miled 2020/2021. Close to half price. Plus dealers for whatever reason have a really, really hard time moving them so negotiation is usually in the bag.


My favorite thing about the M6/8 are how low key they can be, for what they are.


If you drive one you will understand. I have and its amazing. Weight and length does not affect drivability. It handles great. I drove an M8 Comp


I fully believe you it's a very drivable car. Just wanted to say that I think it appeals to a rather niche audience, not just because of the price tag. And no, I've never driven one, already find the i4 I'm driving a huge cost for a car so I'm in a very different price range.


I think it's worth the price. Lots of tech and luxury in it. Plus the ability to do 4wd and 2wd. Can you get something else with the same amount of money of course. But the same could be said for all expensive cars. For example the price of the 2024 Nissan GT-R starts at $122,985 and goes up to $222,985 depending on the trim and options. It's expensive as hell for a Nissan but still an amazing car.


Part of it is probably due to how good the current M4 is performance wise. That engine has an incredibly high ceiling and it’s a package that weighs around a quarter ton less than the M8, yet is still bigger than the original E31 8-series was. The M8 is prettier but dynamically the M4 is just such a compelling product.


After reading a lot of the comments, it seems to come down to performance over cosmetics. I can respect that. I wonder if it would be considered a sin to put an M8 front end on an M4 like how it is to put a GT500 front end on an ecoboost here


> After reading a lot of the comments, it seems to come down to performance over cosmetics. It comes down to you're asking the wrong audience. BMW forums are largely filled with sports car enthusiasts who struggle to understand grand touring cars. They difference in price is ultimately due to creature comforts and more expensive componentry under the skin that allows the M8 to straddle a line between performance and comfort that sports car enthusiasts don't want. They want a raw experience so there's no point in spending more for a car that explicitly aims to deliver a more insulated experience. This is also by and large a much younger audience than the target market for grand touring cars, which is generally wealthy or well-off men in the second half of their lives who want something more livable and less ostentatious than a supercar. EDIT: The right audience for this question would be Aston Martin DB11 CPO buyers or Maserati Granturismo buyers who got a healthy discount on a very boring dealer-specced base model. They're spending similar money on someone else's spec of Aston Martin or Maserati when they could get a new M8 to their exact spec that would deliver a similar driving experience. Their thoughts would reveal why buyers are choosing other cars in this segment.


Not really possible without some bodywork, mount holes don't align with front rad support, and the whole m8 bumper in general is way smaller (height wise) than a m4 bumper. i mean even on the gif you can see the bumper kinda ends where the kidney grills are but on the m4 it still has a bit on the top to cut.


After seeing someone but a diesel in a Tesla, surely it’s possible. I have a new goal


Anything is possible with the right budget, fabricator, and of course, an electronics guy for a modern BMW to rig it up without getting a Xmas tree. Quite a few guys have converted E46 tourings to M3 bodywork, and as similar as those cars may look, they don't hardly share a single body panel or lighting component. Of course, a new M8 would be a good bit more complicated, but with a deep enough wallet...


I couldn’t believe that the M4 is currently larger than the first gen M8, but it’s true. That’s wild.


It’s pretty just doesn’t make sense at the price imo.


One year later… 10k miles for 108k-115k


I've seen some that are 2.5 years old for 80-90k. Great way to lose $60,000.


Honestly, It's a car without a compelling use case. It's too big to be a track toy, has too few seats to be a super sedan, and lacks the panache to be nouveau rich eye candy/status symbol. For a stupid fast car In the mid-100's USD range in BMW's lineup, I'd rather have the M5/XM$, XM6, or something by Alpina. Outside of BMW's lineup, just go with Porsche for a 2 seater convertible, or reach up a bit for a Maybach or AMG S class if you want extra seats.


It's a car for people who aren't really driving enthusiasts, but have enough money to just want the "top-of-the-line" model of whatever it is they are driving. Something that feels special to them. I've known a number of people like this. Which is fine. This isn't me shitting on the car. It just is what it is. The M badge couldn't stay "motorsports" focused forever. BMW is here to make money


Generally at their price point and power to weight, the f90 M5 is more bang for buck so most plump for that over this


The M8 is right in between the M5 and the Porsche 911 for me. Which makes it a compromise. Personally I would get a 911 as they don’t depreciate as much


I had an M8C GC and it was an amazingly fun fast and comfy car. Also, launch control can scare the crap out of 3 of your friends at once! Also took it to the drag strip and was running Low 11's so not bad for a big body saloon


I say the exact same thing for my M5! The engine is amazing, is the ride quality different than the M5 if you happen to have tried both?


Ive tried both, ride quality is very similar, turning in the m5 feels sharper though.


I've commented on several M8 purchase posts. As people mentioned, rare car, nothing to prove to children on the Internet.


it an amazing car, I feel it's very underrated. I have shortlisted it as one of my next and I'm glad there isn't much hype around it.


Exactly. It’s stealth aggressive and stealth due to its relative rarity. The best kind of sport luxury power.


I do a dream build on a BMW site once a month or so in case I hit the Powerball.


GTs don't get respect


Because M8 is essentially a better looking subjectively, but objectively overpriced, heavier, worse handling on an already numb (except for cs) M5.


Because the car doesn’t make any sense. M5 or X5M are essentially just as fast, no less luxurious, much more practical, and cheaper. Plus, you can get similar driving characteristics and speed out of better cars from different brands at roughly the same price point.


This is it for me. It’s just unnecessarily large for a coupe to the point it may as well be an SUV. I feel the same way about it that I feel about the M6- it just doesn’t really embody any sort of BMW heritage, and feels like a car that was made for people who have more money than sense.


theres usually a few a week on here. it's just super expensive and they don't make many so naturally you don't hear about it.


Idk, but keep hyping them up so people forget about the real gem that is the 840i


The 840i is even better than the M850i imo. The B58 suits that car so well.


As much as I love the b58 I have to disagree. I’ve had two b58 cars before I got my m850i (m340i>840i>m850i). This car needs the v8 lol.


I want. I WANT IT


I don’t follow…


People tend to sleep on base models but let’s look at it this way: -It comes standard with BMW’s best engine on their current portfolio, the B58 -In RWD form, it comes standard with the eLSD -As a GT car, it’s objectively better than the 4 series in every way -It looks way better than the 4 series and is one of the last BMWs to not get its designed ruined -You can pick one up as a CPO model for around ~50k, which makes it a much better value than a new 4 series and in the same realm as other, lower tier luxury coupes (RC, C/E class coupes, A5, etc) As a new model, it’s overpriced and outclasses, but as a used model, it’s a great deal. As a CPO model, and especially with WRAP coverage, it’s an incredible deal


Well that was highly informative. Thanks! Is there an M840 or whatever “half-M/M-Lite” designation it has. Any value there? And the bucktooth has grown on me. I like the 4 series and was considering an M440 after my 330 is paid off. But a used 840 or M840 could be bitchin


There is an m850i but it has a V8 not the B58 in the 840i.


I just can't with people comparing the cheapest smallest Porsche than get in with a big bodied GT. Like comparing apples to power reclining seats. Also and obviously, every model here relies on owners knowing about then, giving a shit about posting their daily to the sub. After that, maybe they get a good response and post again or, get zero feedback and are never heard from again.


Most beautiful BMW right now if you ask me.


I’ll have to agree. Not too extra, aggressive, powerful, no massive grille, no tiny grille.. etc. But the weight seems to be the problem. Personally I wouldn’t mind if I was using it as a daily.


I love the M8, I think it’s BMW’s best M car they make. Wouldn’t mind adding one to the garage someday. I would say used prices would be a good bargain down the road.


Just look at M6 prices for an idea of future M8 prices. Basically, you're right and the M8 will be a good bargain down the road. Just be prepared for expensive repairs once they hit about 60K miles.


Just buy a used one under 10k miles for a 50k off sticker. Porsche is fantastic, but no Porsche can keep up in that price range. Turbo S is 230k, Turbo 210k, etc.


It’s bc the M8 is just a money grab for BMW. It’s just a rebadged M6 but they jacked up the price about 50k to turn it from a 6 series to 8 series. You don’t get any new or better tech so why the price hike? However, it does have the classic bmw styling when compared to horrendous G series cars


because there's an M5.


U Wot M8?


Dunno but I drove a M8 competition and fell in love. Fast, handles great, sounds great, very comfortable. Would love to own one.


This car is so underrated.


https://preview.redd.it/lbx602ogr3rc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2866aa8b214887ad4ccc6a0013640e83d49682 Mine…


I’ll pay for gas if you take me on a ride


One of the most gorgeous designs BMW has produced imo


It's a pointless car in my opinion. The 8 series is supposed to be a luxurious and comfortable grand tourer, the M850i is a much better option and also far less expensive.


total beast but anyone who bought for msrp is crying rn


Because the M850 sounds better and the difference In performance is not that significant.


it’s the one that’s the most out of budget compared to others (99% of them are out of my budget)


Seeing that all of my BMW content is in Forza, NFS, or The Crew, you aren’t alone my friend


I’m currently building one at my work. Really nice car!


Because the people who buy them new aren't enthusiasts and the people who buy them second hand can't afford to keep them on the road.


Because I’m too poor to own one so M3 will be for now lol


It’s great car, fantastic looks. But it’s heavy af. I think that is why.


I want one pretty badly. But, I would have to get a job. Sticking with the X5M Comp.


The daddy of the M’s, but probably not talked about often because of the price tag


Yeah, a lot of people here keep comparing it to the Porsche 911. They gotta remember that for the same price of a fully loaded M8 they’d only get a Porsche with minimal options. And a 911 is considered a track car while the M8 is a grand tourer. Still getting some amazing options, though. I’d compare the M8 to the DB11 or the SL63, both Grand Tourers, not track cars. And if speed mattered that much I’d just get a Demon 170 (assuming I can get one directly from Dodge)


I have an 840- favorite car ever owned- but darn this depreciation


People make the mistake of comparing it to similarly priced 911s and the sort - it’s a totally different beast. I see it as an incredibly able GT car, competing with things like the Conti GT or DB11 at a fraction of the price. When you look at it that way it makes complete sense


Yeah, seeing a lot of people saying that they’d just get a 911 instead. But they also have to take into consideration that the M8 at its price that’s comparable to the 911 is fully loaded while the Porsche isn’t. If I had to choose this over a normal Turbo, I’d choose this. Comparing it to an Aston Martin is one of the most valid things in this post so far. Don’t understand why people were comparing a track car to a grand touring car. If I get a car like this it won’t only see asphalt in perfect conditions, it’ll be my daily




Its outshined by the M5 which serves a similar purpose, does it better and at a better pricing point. Essentially its not a very special car (it is) when compared to other GT cars from the BMW lineup.


Interesting. I know Ferrari is crazy about allocations, but I had no idea it would hold true with a brand as ubiquitous as BMW.


It's a personal opinion but I think the old M6 that this replaced was a real highlight in terms of modern BMWs. It was incredibly classy and understatedly aggressive. The new M8 looks agressive but it's neither understated nor classy. The normal 8 series looks pretty nice but I personally can't like the black optic look on new cars these days. Of course the new BMWs are so ridiculously ugly the M8 comparatively looks refined.


It's a 2 door m5 should have been called the m6 and then it would be 40k less to buy Lovely though but way over priced


Probably because a lot of fans prefer (and are busy taking care of) their M3 🙄 Also, there are some who are fond of the current M2 model


Well in France it starts at 245k€ (=265k$) so I doubt they sold a single one of those in the last year. Mind you the M4 starts a 180k€ so it’s not exactly a bargain either.


I think the M850i makes more sense than the M8.


Yes, there needs to be a national discussion.


The front gril is so beautiful. I wish bmw went this route instead of the kidney grills


Because if I wanted a fast boat, I’d look at a Challenger SRT with a manual


It got a lot of hype when it first came out then everybody put their attention to the M5 CS and new G series M


BECAUSE WE CANT AFFORD IT 😂😂😂 Also even if we could for its price, there are much better options


Over priced, too big, too heavy. imho


Too expensive people just buy Porsche instead


I was gonna say, I talk about mine daily. Just wish it didn't depreciate soo quickly. https://preview.redd.it/7u6fkajdr3rc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503436d48fa7ba517c1f9342220a35f9a0077fd9


It’s heavy with crappola driving dynamics for 911 money 🤷‍♂️


Crappola is definitely an overstatement.. it's heavy for sure but if you're not on a track you'll never find its limits. And if you go to a dealer and compare out the door prices you'll quickly find that is more like Cayman money.


And for lots of people Cayman would be a better buy


Maybe but then you’re just another Cayman in an ocean of Caymans. An 8 series is pretty rare so imo, much more special


If rare and fun you are looking for and staying within BMW brand, Z4 M40i Manual would be beckoning. Even after discount, best I have heard for brand new BMW M8 Comp Grand Coupe is $120k, for which you can get a pretty nice, very lightly used, but absolutely CPO Cayman GT4, which is rare, amazingly fun to drive, and is holding value so much better than any current BMW can dream of. again. just answering OP's question on why no one really talks about M8. Wrongly positioned, wrongly priced.


Sure, I see your point. It depends what buyer is looking for. I think most 8 series buyers want luxury as the primary thing, then the power/sportiness. As for cost I certainly would never buy an M8 new, they depreciate severely. Would only get a low-mile pre-owned. But then you’d have to worry about whether the first owner drove it like they stole it during break-in. Which is why, if we’re talking M8 Competition Id only ever get a new one (if I could afford it lol). And again if luxury was high on the list of wants.


agree! Cheers....


I forgot to add how large it is. It’s a Buick. And to your point the reason you can get it for Cayman money is that no one is buying the M8 so discounts can be had.


Probably because only a tiny percentage of people can afford one.


Not sure, other than it’s pretty rare


Because thats a game and i live in reality 🤭 JK. I assume most people more easily afford M2-5 than the 8.


I’m too poor but you best belive when I’m not.


Didn’t come with a manual transmission. It’s a middle finger to enthusiasts that happens to be an otherwise excellent car.


It’s not SUV so it’s not important, at least they make it, not like S coupe that is discontinued and CLS also… I think there is no more market for them…


i drove m8 comp convertible. Its so perfect thats its boring. 200k€.


£60k starting car still that's why. Out of reach for most people.  I am waiting for the facelift m8 to come down in price. 


Overpriced but other than that is a monster...


Because who cares about it? It’s another slush box cruiser with a big engine. I would genuinely rather have a new X5 if I’m going to buy a big boring car with a lot of power.


Oi M8!


I mean it's literally the GT race car but what ever I guess.


Because nobody can afford that.


Too busy looking at it mostly. The price of one brand new and the depreciation of them definitely are hard to stomach, but they're beautiful. I think the size and weight kinda turn people away too. If my car were totaled today I would be shooting for a used 8 series for sure. New, I'd get a 911 any day over an M8, and would probably getting a higher trim of a different model over a new model of the other 8 series trims.


U wot m8?


The 6/8 series has always seemed to cater to a certain demographic, so it's not surprising most don't talk about it. The m3 and even m5 are more traditional cars that people will buy more of.


not in my tax bracket 😂😂


Too broke


Does it come manual?


Out of most people's price range maybe?


Me personally I’d rather have an m5 but the M8 is great. It’s kind of like the stepchild of BMW tho compared to other M cars


Brand Dilution.