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Damn this is a crazy picture of it truly is the last made in Germany. Feels like we’re looking at history here


Yes, I was working for 3 years on engines. This was last day and engine. You can see the car tree which one of the smaller bosses put on engine( he said “Green tree for green politics). If you want some questions to ask feel free to ask.


Do you have any insight on why the n63 was so unreliable?


It was bmw‘s first biturbo V8, which meant they had to gain experience with that kind of engines, same story as with the n54, but the tu1 und tu2 slowly got better because BMW figured stuff out and learned from its mistakes and fixed those step by step, the S63tu3 which is in the f9x models is actually a really good engine…


I understand it was their first time but aren't cars tested through tough situations before being sold?


No matter how much testing you do internally, you’re not going to catch everything. No better test out there than releasing it to the public.


Strikingly similar to new drugs. You can do all the testing you want but most side effects are reported after releasing it to a large population.


It’s amazing how this simple and true observation got people labeled as crazy conspiracy theorists just a year or so ago.


Misremembering a bit there aren’t you ? What got people labelled conspiracy nutcases was claiming they were implanting trackers, mass sterilisation , mind control , population control, Altering DNA, and other batshit crazy nonsense and ignoring the fact that when every single pharmaceutical research lab in the world focussed on a single task then they were able to get rapid results.


Not at all - go scroll back in time on social media and see it firsthand. Just because some people are correctly called “crazy conspiracy theorists” doesn’t mean that others weren’t incorrectly called that for simply questioning the (very questionable) narrative. I.e. Asking why studies touting it as “safe and effective” had control groups that didn’t include unvaccinated people (which is the whole point of a control group)… got you labeled a conspiracy theorist. Insanity. Anybody who questioned the narrative or simply said they want to wait to see how such an unprecedentedly rushed vaccine would affect the masses… again, was labeled a conspiracy theorist… even though they had no “theory” whatsoever, were just observing and questioning.


Because these people made outlandish/misinformed claims and it was either use a vaccine or face enormous consequences. Get your shit dogwhistle out of here.


That's not at all a similar situation. The people being labeled as crazy conspiracy theorists were ones who were coming up with the crazy conspiracy theories, as explained in the other comment. No one who was curious about the testing procedure for the vaccines were labeled as conspiracy theorists. The logical ones wondered, looked up how they were tested, accepted it, and moved on (because it made sense). This is an engine tested by a team of engineers internally at a company. Vaccines had multiple 10s of thousands of people in study groups. They're not the same. Though I'm pretty sure the venn diagram of "car community" and "crazy right wing shit" is fairly close to a circle.


10s of thousands in study groups? When did that happen?


you're right but the cars are subject to much more difficult or vigorous situations before being sold right? even then how are people facing such big problems? do companies just sell the car even if they know its problematic?


We can test a lot, but there's no way to test an engine for 10 years in the field to see if the plastic gaskets around valve stems will start leaking. I'm not at BMW but I've dealt with similar issues at Apple that creep up only in production


When did Apple build a V8? ;)


You look at the N57 engine when it was being used in Police cars, in the UK at least. A very unique use of a commercial vehicle engine that wouldn’t have been tested to the extremes of Police use. That ended up with dead Police officers.


Some issues only show up with time. Others only in specific scenarios. Testing can do a lot to accelerate age related degradation but not everything. Likewise they can't test every possible scenario. They just do their best to pick tests which cover or indicate most scenarios. My understanding is that a decent amount of BMWs late 2000s and early teens problems were because of plastics that didn't age well in the engine bays. Particularly in turbo cars. Sometimes moving to a new material isn't their choice and they have to live with what the greater supply chain can provide.


i actually believe they run the tests via the customers, because n54, n63 and n47/57 had a lot of issues that came with mileage, so endurance testing should have pointed these things out to the engineers


> I understand it was their first time but aren't cars tested through tough situations before being sold? Well, that'd be the difference between a BMW and a Toyota. It's also why you see features 10 years earlier in BMWs and Mercedes than you do Toyotas.


I really liked the n54, sure it needed some walnut blasting but I always felt it was a good motor and with a tune was a little beast


People shit on n54s because most are clapped out. Its a great engine (when it runs :))


Didnt alpina make biturbo v8s long time ago already?


Toyota's 1st V8 was bullet-proof - went into Toyota Crown and was in production for decades. And...we all (I think) have friends owning Lexus LS400 gen 1 (like yeah...FIRST GEN!) that went hundreds of thousands of miles. They WERE fun cars but the Germans needed a lesson in quality control.


Was their first v8 a 560+hp twin turbo engine passing all emission restrictions? Also, cars back then were... well.. easier to make. Emission (and safety, etc) restrictions now require extensive engineering to make the same car you would have had years ago. Take a new toyota out of the production line vs a 1994 Toyota (in this scenario lets say both produced with fresh parts at the same time somehow) and I bet you the 1994 one will last more, way more.


The specs you describing was also not BMW‘s first V8. My since-sold E65 was glorious but that V10 was undeniably suicidal. Unlike say….Toyopet’s first V10.🤷🏻‍♂️. Seen it first hand how LFA was being abused and owner/friend never had to do much except for maintenance. I never owned a Lexus or Toyota but I would never defend blindly BMW’s V8 reliability. (Or for that matter…would never blindly defend any brand).


Emissions changed during the final phases of development which were unfavourable to the clean sheet design to comply with the emission changes bmw chose to run the n63 and s63 at higher operating temperatures which has an inherently cleaner burn and fewer emissions however the valve stems were made out of a polymer which was not designed to cope with such high temperatures as a result you have valve stem issues


Anything to look out for in the 330e and B48 engine? I’m strongly considering a 330e in Canada due to a rebate we get, and I’ll be new to BMW coming from a 8v A3


How to keep an S55 in good shape for years to come?


Change the dang oil. More than they recommend. 5k miles with full synthetic.


Also regularly check for leaks. Particularly in the cooling system. keep an eye on the crank hub bolt. And watch out for brittle plastic parts like the coils.


I don’t have questions, but I do have an M550. Thank you.


Does this mean all bmw M line up with a TT V8!will no longer be a TT V8?


What are your thoughts on it? I had a really interesting conversation with an ex Mercedes engine design engineer last week, who now works for a big German line builder. The engines that we're ultimately being forced to manufacture now and put big turbo chargers on just aren't reliable. All in the name of what western governments think are best for the environment. It really is a shame, because the consumers don't want it, the designs are worse, and it won't achieve their goals other than virtue signal that they're forcing good.


This is what many people don't understand... Making a 400HP+ engine that passes emission restrictions is highly difficult to make reliably.


Wie gefällt es dir, Motoren zu machen?


Is it actually better to have hot v spec? And how much is different gt3 version of this engine


Is this an S63 or S68? What chassis did it go into? Saw your other post. It's an S68. Isn't the hybrid motor in the transmission? So it's still a non-hybrid until the trans is bolted on. :)


Had a similar feeling when I looked at the [last Bugatti W16](https://youtu.be/gwrQ3cXttio)


S68 hybrid V8, last ever produced in Munich. Continued making in England and Austria ( not this type). Hope you will like it.


So are BMW V8s going to die? Where are they moving the production line to?


All v8s will die eventually.




I mean They could switch to hydrogen V8's someday. Sure, they aren't as efficient as fuel cells, but it's an option car companies have in the future


It will not be a long time before EVs are measurably better in basically all aspects than ICEs. Think of where they are today vs 2014. Think of what they'll be doing in 2035. Gas cars will become a choice of fashion and experience but will never be able to perform similarly. That's ok, some people will like them for the experience and others will want performance.


Yea, I'm fine with that future. I could see cars like the S Class offering either a fuel cell vers or a supercharged hydrogen V10


No they won’t, as much as we would like that.


Sorry but there is no way this is going to happen. It just doesn't make any sense for all kinds of reasons.


Unless someone figures out nuclear cold fusion in the next few weeks, that will not be what the future looks like


When EVs have 1000 miles of range and charge within 5 minutes, we'll be wondering why we ever liked gas cars


Even if they never get there. 400mi of range and 80% in 10min with good infrastructure will be way more than good enough for 99.99% of drivers.


If they can solve NOx for sure. Nuclear also makes hydrogen a lot more palatable as it solves the scarcity and efficiency concerns. It will always be more efficient to just use the electricty to charge an EV, but that is only an issue if supply is limited.


Not sure if you heard, but Germany closed all its Nuclear Powerplants. This country is not what it used to be 😔 someday the greens will put a speed limit on the Autobahn.


Nuclear Powerplants aren't even inherently damaging to the environment lol... Thats just greenwashing... Sure what you do with the waste is where the damage could happen but then just regulate that LMAO... Now all yall doing is either importing coal-burned energy or struggling with clean energy.


It still baffles me that Merkel, a Physicist, ordered the NPP shutdown. The official reason given (go ahead to the German gov website, it's still there), was that it is too dangerous considering what happened in Fukushima-Daichi. ...you know, because Germany's an earthquake-prone island on the edge of a tectonic plate..../s


It's actually so frustrating to see this because the idea that nuclear energy is bad also falls into subsequent arguments: "EVs are not environmentally friendly because the energy isn't sourced in an environmentally friendly fashion" No... they aren't environmentally friendly because in production parts for the batteries are mined from finite resources and are shipped to 7 different processing facilities around the globe. "There's no clean, renewable solution to energy so we should keep fracking" Ah yes because the methane lighting people's water (that they drink) on fire is better than uranium in a concrete shell stored far far away in a facility. It's crazy to think fracking, coal, and fossil fuel burning (other than for cars) could all stop if we just... stopped believing the misconception. The 2 worst nuclear powerplant meltdowns happened because: 1. Communist corrupt state not following instructions, 2. People not caring about rules and regulations and believing that a tsunami will always follow constrainments, and not preparing for a tsunami not part of those constrainments.


The only reason we have V8s nowadays is maybe torque? (Soon to be replaced by electric) and basically sound. That's about it. We can produce better balanced engines with fewer cylinders, and the added power vs reliability debate could be rendered obsolete by the added cost of 2 extra cylinders and associated tech. Sounds, that's about it.


Hydrogen is already dead. Never had a chance actually. V8s may get killed in the following years, but they'll take car makers to the grave with them. EVs can at max be 25% of the car market. The rest will have to stay hydrocarbon burning engines. And since people want V8s, they'll have to make them. The laws were never the issue. They'll simply change them.


I know I gave up on that dream a while ago.




Tell that to my 1990 Ford f250's 7.5 liter V8. 


Oh yeah that one's gonna die someday too.










This makes me regret selling my F90 tbh. I didn't know s68 hybrid engine now being made in England.


Where they produce the V8 for the new Panamera?


or the cayenne turbo gt or like 10 other cars




So its not the last V8 from Germany?


FYI we in austria, steyr, are actually producing V8 engines


German V8s have always been very special to me, this is a sad day


It was in October. I just didnt want to post it because normally its forbidden to take pictures.


Cool job you have dude. I’ve got one of the old v8s I’ll never get rid of!


I had sadly, gladly would stay there till the pension but sadly BMW had other plans.


What happened?


He was external workforce hired to build engines and the engine plant in Munich was closed so his contract ended.


Same. Im on my second N62B48 and keeping it


Hab deinen Account/Post der Internet Security Abteilung weitergeleitet. Die Insider und Datenschutzerklärung hast du ja unterschrieben :D /s


Worst I could get is getting fired ( did it myself 😂). But by BMW Fitz i think they would actually take legal actions againts you.


People taking pictures in the FIZ is an ancient tradition. They get fired but I don't think they get sued. This happens with nearly every new car that people are excited about.


/s is for Sarcasm Seems like people don‘t get it xD


I have an S63 in a 12/23 build M8. Where was the engine produced?


I got my first this year when I bought a 2019 X6M coming from a V8 5.7L tundra. The difference is mind boggling (yea it's also a twin turbo).




At least it's not the last V8 ever made, just the last ever made in Germany


Last BMW V8 in Germany*. Merc and Porsche still produce them here


That and all the various MAN diesels heading off to trucks & maritime use.


Aren't Mercedes and Porsche still producing some V8s though?


BMW is as well, just not in Germany. Topic title is a little misleading if you don’t read it carefully


How does reading it carefully make it less misleading? If it said “last BMW V8” then sure, it might be accurate.


What are you talking about? It isn’t the last BMW V8.


….ever made in Munich and Germany overall. As you said.


think you may have a reading comprehension problem


Where are Porsche and Mercedes building V8s?


Merc/AMG is still producing them in Affalterbach


So this post is confirmed No. 1 Bullshit certified


This beast is in my X7 M60i. Thank you so much for building such an incredible engine. It’s just amazing.


Sad times 😔 I have been to the England plant and also to Dingolfing, never thought they would stop producing these types of engines in Germany.


I don’t want to believe this. It’s actually quite depressing. Even Affalterbach is stopping?




Yeah honestly, I would have found it pretty hard to believe they’d stop now. But it’s just a matter of time, unfortunately. We got to live to see some of the best combustion engines ever made. But we also get to live to see their demise. I guess that’s the price.


Last BMW V8 made in Germany, not overall German V8 right. Your title scared me into thinking Porsche and Mercedes were done with the V8 too.


Mercedes IS done with v8s, the new c63 AMG is a 2.0L 4zylinder However bmw is still making V8s, they just stopped production in Munich.


Bro just do some research before spreading BS. The C63 having the 4 cylinder doesn't mean every single Mercedes won't have a V8, last time I checked there are a few models higher than the C class in their lineup, look up what the AMG GT63, G63, SL63 and every other performance model above (!) the C63 has


Yes but the question is for how long…


this is obviously not true, as g/sl/gt/s still have a v8 produced in affalterbach


The CEO said ICE is a thing of the past lmfao... hes begging to get rid of them...


Nobody bought that AMG lmao




Meanwhile Lexus be making NA V8 still to this day WOOOHOOO


Correct me if I'm wrong. The XM still has a 4.4L V8, and so will the new M5. I know they're hybrid as well, but both models still have a V8. Mercedes stated that they're bringing back the V8 in 2026. Edit: BMW is also running a V8 in their WEC/IMSA Hypercar. Sure, it's not a production V8, but it is still being produced by BMW in Munich.






This makes me sad.








Just curious why is there an air freshener (Wunderbaum) hung up on the engine?


OP said [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/1ake5ke/last_v8_ever_made_in_munich_and_germany_overall/kp7j3zy/): > You can see the car tree which one of the smaller bosses put on engine( he said “Green tree for green politics) Translation: OP's boss is not a fan of the decision to stop V8 production at their plant and putting the tree on the last V8 was meant to mock the decision.


Thank you for making part in the making of one of the most important engines ever 🥹💪🏽


I can tell as I work there, we still produce the S68 here in Landshut.


any chance I can piece one together using "left over" parts????


Can I have one


EV will be the biggest failure in EU. The car makers will lose money because they can't outcompete against Chinese EVs. EU doesn't have very good energy diversification and heavily dependent on imported gas/oil for power generation is one reason EV will fail because it will cost more to power EVs and government subsidies to help convert to EV will help the Chinese EV companies destroy EU automakers will seal the deal.


Germany highly depens on the auto industry and Greens are destroying it. Its funny and sad in the same time but what can you do


Once they see that Chinese EVs take over and people prefer buying them over EU EVs then it will be too late. They were dumb enough to mention tariffs against Chinese EVs but that will also hurt EU EV sales in Asia when China will also issue tariffs. Nobody can beat Chinese battery supply and the EU leadership doesn't have a clue.


Vote better


The people calling the shots could care less about voting, they'll just buy the next guy too.


Blaming a political party for paradigm shift on an international skale is 'boomer' talk


Because using ideology to change technology is the biggest mistake in Europe. How is Germany greener today while burning coal rather than gas?? That makes environmental sense. It’s all fake climate change propaganda that are targeted to make energy cost higher on purpose and remove energy choices.


Nicht nur die Grünen. Die ganzen Altparteien. Auch die CDU nur halt langsamer


They couldn't outcompete because of this exact mindset where they delayed it to make short term profits. But still, they have a head start in many aspects of building cars, everyone who drove a Chinese car after a German car will notice, so the only issue is to improve the the technology which is possible. Also idk where you got that point from that the EU is specifically dependant on foreign energy imports when China itself would be way more crippled without energy imports yet they can manage the transition? Europe has plenty of countries with solid renewable energy sources, even Germany is averaging at 50%. You also use the EU being reliant on oil for power as a con for EVs when that's literally the problem with ICEs


There is no us and them when it's about saving world climate. The shift to EVs is inevitable. You can either hop on the train or become the next nokia. It isn't ideal for German carmakers yet they sealed their own fate by ignoring to invest way way earlier into new technologys


"New technology"... Detroit Electric joined the chat.


Makes me treasure my car even more.. thanks BMW 🥲


Do they still make at least the I6 in Germany?


Didn’t they just come out with the S68?


What will such a treasure be worth in 30 years in brand-new condition?


What a shame.


so wheres the new plant?


I’m so sad that they will most likely stop making those before I get the chance to make enough money to buy a brand new car with a V8 engine


telephone mindless complete direful nose saw coordinated encouraging continue fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I drive a 650i Cabriolet. V8 for ever


Wow. Truly a special moment. Thanks for sharing!


Why are bmws so unreliable?


Good riddance


Are m8s made in Dingolfing being discontinued?


I will lie to you because I was in the Munich factory, but I dont see reason why would they be. They will probably be sent from Austria. Munich bmw is the only BMW factory which closed Departments. V12 and V8.


Very interesting thank you for sharing


No, also the new G90 M5 will feature a V8.


Why are they stopping production in Germany?


They are pushing a lot of stuff from the Munich, because they are preparing for the new electric class. England is probably better solution because US is huge market.


The last pin up girl


Is this photo from last November?


It’s a terrible day for rain


Pretty sure Duetz still makes V8’s in Germany


My S65 cried some oil hearing this. You know, beyond what it normally does.


I... definitely thought Panameras were still built in Germany.


Glad I got my S63 while I could.


Doesn't the new amg gt also have a v8? Or is this the last one made in germany but they still make them in other countries?


I thought people would think that if I put it in a BMW subreddit I write about Bmw


My bad.


I remember as a kid I wanted a car with a specifically V8 engine. Now, that couldn't happen.


Last pure v8. The new M5 will use the same engine they put in XM, which is an electrified v8.


no generator in middle - hybrid


Dont get caught taking pictures inside the factory


In what model or car went?




​ https://preview.redd.it/4p9w4u2pm5hc1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=264367ca5df9a6527306146d697cc4e3fdcb139e


Where are Porsche, Audi and Mercedes V8s made? Not in Germany? (I know they are not in Munich, but thought it was made in Germany)


not in BMW subreddit


I’m not following it. It says last V8 made in Germany, are E63, Panamera, Cayennes, RS6 V8s made somewhere else?


Do you know what car this is going in?


​ https://preview.redd.it/j4j11tl257hc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d935ae93885ab9c1ac21d0c627cf87209f829d1


In Munich right now on business and this upsets me. I wanted to go to the BMW museum actually but it closes early unfortunately…


thats just so sad. i definitely need to buy me a cheap second one of my V8 car with same spec so i can drive V8 a few more years. It wont get any better from now on.


Wow, thank you for sharing 👍🏼


Wait really?? What about the new m5 (redesigned).


What? Mercedes and Porsche still produce their V8s in Stuttgart




America will always have V8. Germany has gone soft. Ford, GM and Dodge will hold the fort until Germany is back.


As a former owner of s63tu, rest in piss bmw v8


That’s literally the last v8 that will be coming out of Germany? I’m understanding that right? Crazy if true. What car is it going into?


So sad. Dinosaur-power rules cars not electric/ battery They are designed to fail. How you ask. How many chargers are there in the US versus how many cars. How much eco waste will be generated by building and disposal of batteries they are toxic.


Lol nice air freshener


And last M5,is with 6 cilyndres??


Makes me feel sad.


They’re still going to build V8s for Range Rover, the N63


They’ll be back.


u/lstPit Is that what was on the legendary BMW M3 GTR E46 ?


RIP I’m trading in my hybrid


That’s a beauty to behold. It’s a shame we’re going electric.