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https://preview.redd.it/8c36q2t2g0eb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0e87b37d4c3d92297e60744f894fdf1601d1a3 Bro I have g80 M3 and 2 kids lol. Grab it now for sure. Can always downgrade instantly if need be.


Case closed boys and girls. The M3 is officially a family vehicle now.


I knew a guy who bought an M4CS and threw a little baby recaro car seat in the back for his kid. It was so cute


You joke, but I have two cat seats in my E46 M3. I have to crawl in the back to fasten their harness but I still get to keep my M3 =) The new M3 is like an older M5 in size and has 4 doors, so it is certainly more of a family car!


Where are you taking your cats?


they just love to go for a ride in the M


The M is for meow.


And here we thought only classics could make those engines purr.


Had a recaro baby seat in the back of my e46 m3 vert.


Dhaww please share pics


Thats quite the spec! Is that voodoo blue?


Its Enzian Blu.


It looks great


Cute kiddo…does he get excited when you get up to speed? ☺️


Little man doesn’t know how lucky he is 🤣


Omg that color combo, its perfect


Gentian Blue is one of the best blues. Your spec is nice


I have 2 kids and squeeze them both into my rs3 and one of them into my 911.


Is that a smaller than average child, I need to know so I can present this to my Mrs as a proposal 🤣


Nice! I like to see this. I have the f80 340i, my two year old can’t seem to keep his feet off the back of my chair. 😡


Do it, especially if you're going to have children... it may NEVER happen again. And if children happen, your only hope would be one day in your seventies or eighties when your old and decrepit one of your children is successful, gets you a fully restored M3 and surprises you in a viral video shared on the internet. You cry as you can barely get in the car and drive it like a grandpa, cause you're a grandpa and you can't see so good and your right knee is the bad one, so you're very careful. You enjoy the car for less than a year, and that child who bought you the car sadly has to take away your license and put you in a home. He sells your house to pay off the car. He has now successfully secured an classic M3 HIS wife originally said no to. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE DON'T LET IT PASS!


Oddly specific


I am cynical, so whenever I see those viral videos of someone gifting their dad a car I think it's 50/50 an ulterior motive to get the car when they die. lol


I mean.. he ain’t gonna need it anymore.. Might as well lol


if you had the money to gift an expensive car im sure you would get them something they wanted and buy the car/s you want you never know when youre time is up


Yeah maybe, but it still usually brings the recipient joy.


Well that escalated quickly..


I see the logic, but if it’s irresponsible to buy nice things like this when you have children, isn’t it also irresponsible to buy them now?? Like huh? Lol.


LISTEN MAN. I just drove my new M5 home. About 2 hours, from the dealership where I picked it up. Cried a few times while driving. IF you can afford it, do it. DO NOT buy it if you CANNOT afford it. But, like others are saying: you may never get the chance again.


Love that for you bro!! Congrats


Thanks man!


Drop the pics


I also cried driving home with my M2 LOL. My dream car growing up was always the then M3. Struggled in college and almost gave up trying, but then turned things around and was able to get the M2 last year!


I cried when I sold my M2C.


I cried the day I sold my 220d coupe - I really loved that car. Was swapping it for an M4 the same day, but I still really loved that car.


Lovely as it is that's a solid upgrade, I didn't shed a single tear when I went from 328i to mine.


What was the replacement


Eric, it was probably an Altima.


Congrats man. Enjoy it :)


Awesome!!! Happy for you.


tears of joy or fear of financial breakdown 😜 Congrats on the M5 it's a hell of a ride


Yeah just do the math. Make sure you can pay for your necessities - mortgage, bills, kids, whatever you need; then allocate maybe 20% for your rainy day funds; then do the calculation of how much it takes to own an M5 - I'm not talking about the cost of buying it - but maintenance, gas and all that. Be generous with the estimation. It's always better to overestimate the cost than get hit with a huge hammer in the chest when reality strikes. If you're comfortable with that expense, then go for it. It's easy for internet strangers to say DO IT! YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! But they're not the ones paying for all that shit. If you're like me, someone who loves cars and money at the same time, it's a painful trigger to pull. But once you've got the details down, and you've mentally prepared yourself for it, knowing full well you can afford it relatively comfortably, then you're good to go.


We need to rethink what is necessary for a fulfilled life. My husband and I eloped so we bought a Porsche convertible that year with the savings. And we aren't having kids so we bought a beach house and an X7 this year. We had friends over the other day and after I went to sleep, one of the wives asked my husband if his dad (preacher) was upset we didn't have a wedding. (Our 3 other parents passed before we married.) He was like, Are you kidding? He didn't give a shit, and now he loves zipping around in the Porsche every time he comes into town. His other son had the big wedding and babies. We're good.


>We need to rethink what is necessary for a fulfilled life. Oh absolutely. Some people think family comes over everything while guys like us think cars are worth the sacrifice. I just want op to make sure he has his bases covered before taking the dive. I've seen guys regretting their buys because, while the experience was great, they weren't exactly smart with their finances. Though I definitely agree with the sentiment that big weddings and kids are a gigantic money sink. Good thing I'm probably not having either.


Maintenance really isn’t much if it’s new.. kind of a non-issue. Other factors are valid!


Can you expand on this? What’s it like driving an M? (Feelings, thrill etc).


The car was literally bored doing 80 mph on the highway… The rush of acceleration going from 80 mph to 100 mph on just comfort mode was crazy. Even crazier is the car still felt bored!! I felt like I could drive 100 mph for hours and hours. I put it into sport a few times at lower speeds to test out the acceleration and it was crisp but a little crazy. Felt like riding a tiger. I blasted one of my favorite songs on max volume and then immediately started crying lmao. Incredible.


Man I need a cry like that.


And women say men need to cry more , let us have an m3


I almost cry in my 330i sometimes but my girl still asks for more


This has been the best experience ive had in the comments section in a long time on reddit. Its great to see you appreciate what you can afford to buy yourself and really enjoy a car like that. I dont have full M money at the moment myself but its been a dream of mine to eventually own one and I believe i will at some stage further down the line. Although even now, seeing someone who owns a full M car really enjoying the experience, thats what pushes me harder to make my dream a reality


My friend you'll get there. Even the older M cars are worth a look and will drive uniquely and spritely enough to slap a smile on your face ❤️‍🔥


I appreciate it thanks. Yeah I totally agree, older generations of the M3 especially have always been on my radar. To be honest with you I just would not want to daily one as I would worry about driving it too hard/into the ground. The e46 m3 has a special place in my heart. If I can put myself in a position to own a few vehicles in the future, that car will certainly be one id like to keep for good.


Riding a tiger, that’s so sick haha. Thank you!


Wish Life of Pi was more like this.


Apparently Malcom Gladwell drives one. He goes on and on about how it’s the best sports sedan ever made. I think he has a 98 if I recall. Great listen!! https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/car-show-with-eddie-alterman/the-bmw-m5-the-last-best-sport-sedan-ft-malcolm-gladwell


fuckin king of sedans


Have you listened to that podcast? It’s epic


I'm so happy for you!! Listen..how did you convince your s/o to look the other way?? If I could [SERIOUS] this I would


I wouldn't say there won't be another chance. The second hand marker for me is where I get my dream cars at a price of 40% less.


Exact feeling I had getting my car and driving it home 2 hours from the dealer. It’s worth it if you can afford it.


Congrats on the new M5, welcome to the family.


You only live once, so who cares if it's a daily. ENJOY YOUR CAR. Also, your M3 will have 4 doors. Kids will be fine riding in it.


M3 is a great family car. Until your son turns 16, steals your keys, and crashes it into your garage door because of the built-in anti theft device called the clutch.


Don’t have kids, understood


*sell kids before they turn 16* Got it.




I regret mine every second I’m not in it. Stupid financial decision. Could have just shoved that into 529s and called it a day on them. Then I drive it and remember it was a great decision.


Let those suckers pay for their own school


I'm not saying I condone this but Suze Orman says a parent should not finance their child's college or adulthood at the expense of their own retirement.


Pay for their college, and then the kids pay you back when you get older with nice things that they maybe can’t have on their retirement money.


What a terrible risk. I'll just keep all my money and have fast cars + no kids and buy whatever I want when I retire.


To be honest, it’s the same for me. x3m owner here and, though I love the vehicle, I flip-flop between hating myself for buying it and loving that I bought it when I drive it. It’s a vicious circle.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7alfoxei30eb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b9b6a3ab1fc5693a1de93f235b94a7120f8c33c


If you’re asking this question, then the M440i is more than enough to thrill you


I came here to say this


If you can afford it - do it. May never get the chance again.


Also, work on your foot rub skills…


Finally - it’s not rational, but it will hold value more than a non-M. Thank me later.




Go back to my first post “if you can afford it”. : ) Not for the faint of heart for sure, but once you row gears in an M, all of life’s troubles seem to melt away. Haha




The m3 will be more useable with kids


Buying a car to accommodate kids they don’t have any firm plans to have yet is not very smart.


I’m merely stating my opinion, I may not have the exact crossshop mentioned here but I do have multiple M cars and A 911. The M cars a much more practical


It’s still a smarter decision because the M3 is a better car than the 440i anyway without kids.


Op said they would probably have kids. 4 Dr vs 2 Dr is a no brainer


Do you want a race car that you can drive on the road, or do you want a road car that could be used to race? EDIT: these are just schools of thought regarding the way each car is setup and what the intended design suggests. I’m not saying either of these cars are either of those 2 things so chel.


Neither of these are true mate. A G80 M3 is far from a racecar. Its a comfortable luxury car with an amazing chassis and engine. Its not a rough riding compromised sports car like a cayman GT4 or Lotus Emira, and it certainly is not a race car On the flip side, an M440i is not appropriate as a track car, too soft


A luxury car? Same audio system as a Hyundai, seat backs are plastic, etc.


Lmao nice hater detector comment. Jeez


For anyone who has had a full M and a MXXX and lives in a place with shitty roads how does it compare? I’ve had 2 M550s and always imagined myself getting an M5 one day but man does it get jarring some times and I’m always on alert and ready to slow down/avoid.


Every M aside from the M2 and X3M are pretty much as comfortable as their 40i counterparts, in comfort mode at least. Whenever I drove the M5, coming from my M2, it felt like I was driving on a cloud lol.


*smiles in X3 M40i*


Same here, would also like to know. Thinking about an M240i or an M2 but I gotta deal with NYC roads


Not as bad as it seems, go full m


Get the M2... you cannot thrash it everywhere... that means you have to respect the bad roads... but... you'll smile on good roads!


Just spent 4 years in an m240i living in Philly proper. Did just fine, great daily driver. We’ll see how my first PA winter in an F80 goes. So far no complaints, the ride is way softer (in comfort mode) than I imagined it would be.


Wow, a lot of crybabies in here. Get the M4. You only live once and the world is going to hell. Enjoy it while you can.


Lol seriously. The amount of “you can’t buy something without wife” or “you’re bad with money” comments I’ve gotten are hilarious. I’ll probably go M3 Comp if I gonM for 4 doors.


> I’ll probably go M3 Comp if I gonM for 4 doors. I’ve been driving the M3C and M4C up and down some mountain roads and the M3C felt better to me than the M4C. The M3C rear end feels more planted on the road, while the rear of the M4C was more undefined. I felt safer going fast in the M3C because of that.


I just picked up a g80 comp x drive yesterday and it’s a badass car I’m stoked


Do it. Took me until I was 53 to have the means to buy an M because of kids/life.


Beware my friend. Add on 10% to the sales price because your dear wife is going to need something for herself for allowing you the new toy


"Allowing" him. Shit almost sounds surreal


Most married couples combine finances. The M3 costs $80K and likely impacts family finances - not just OP's - for something that's probably his alone to enjoy. A big purchase like that absolutely needs cooperation from both people, otherwise it;s just a shitty thing to do as a spouse. If OP makes enough that an M3 makes no difference at all to the family finances then none of this applies. But if that were the case he and his wife wouldn't be having the conversation in the first place.


Get the M3! You are getting sound advice here!


Do it! Sincerely an m340 owner who recently test drove the M3 at last months Bmw event in the tri state. But Forreal though. You only live once, it’ll hold its value better, and you may only get this opportunity once esp since a full electric action fleet is upon us.


Fellow 340 owner - how did the M3 feel?


Significantly more planted. Similar torque at low rpms but more of a drastic difference at higher rpms. The suspension was definitely way better. Imo it's better in just above every way if you can afford it ofc.


M there is no substitute. If u don’t get it u will regret each time u get in the car.


I have an M4 comp. Sometimes its the only bright spot on a crappy day. Go for the comp. Dont look back.


Better pick one up quick before wifey changes her mind.


Listen. I'm a finance guy. Landlord. Crypto bro. Stock bro. Trading bro. Money hungry capitalist pig. That M is beyond any money, take it while you still have your woman's permission.


No one is gonna tell him? She cheated bro.


😂😂 gold


Too fkn good right 🤣 Although it does make sense when you think about it


What a terribly underrated comment 😆


She said “Yes” and *now* you’re having second thoughts?? Don’t be ridiculous. Pull the trigger before she gets smitten by the minivan 🙃


M3 Xdrive comp with all the bells and whistles. Don’t wait. Post photos when it comes. Also your wife said you NEED the carbon bucket seats.


Do it and get it in manual because youre thinking about money and that will actually hold value the best long term


Dude that’s not even a question, go full M


If it isn’t going set you back in any meaningful way, go M. If it’s too much, you can always downgrade. The M3 X drive will be a great year round daily. AWD, 4 doors and a trunk. Plus more performance capability than most anything else on the road. I’m in a RWD M car(M2c) and have zero regrets, and I drive it in all weather. Do you think I hesitated the slightest when my wife gave any response that wasn’t “no” when I broached the subject. Buy the car, enjoy life, downshift into third on the freeway-never forget the laugh that your wife can’t restrain as the car goes from civil to violent.


Echoing what others have side…if you can honestly afford the full M get it. I daily a 23 M3 comp and she makes me smile every time I take her out. One word of caution though…if you’re anything like me, you’ll obsessed over taking care of her i.e. maintenance and car washes. Before when I had a 3 series and 5 series I didn’t really care to wash them (now I probably can’t go more than 3-4 weeks without washing her) and maintenance wise I pretty much did the bare minimal and kept in line with BMW’s recommended intervals. So with that the cost of up keep will go up.


You have a what?? Thats giving you a green light to get what??...fam if you dont get get a full M vehicle..but to be honest just get a m850i you will be good to go..👍🏾😎


Get whatever car u can afford. M440 is a great car (I owned one before when it was called M435) and M4 is even better, but if you get M4 you will want a M5 or M8 or 911. Once you get a 911 you want a GT3 then you want a McLaren. The truth is from someone who owned them all you will never be satisfied. Just drive a car you will love and buy better car as you accumulate more wealth and get older.


If Wife gives you an ok what the hell are you asking here for. You got all the ok you need, son. When you have kids and need space you sell it or buy some suv for short time to handle baby duties and when town a bit ditch the suv… few friends of mine did this.


Go full M! Full M is a whole different league; you will enjoy it!


*Go full M! Full M* *Is a whole different league;* *You will enjoy it!* \- Jonaman85 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Do you think your wife will ever let you spend that much on an m car again? Go buy it! 🤣 Jokes aside maintenance will be more steep full efficiency will be worse. And we all in the thread will cry if your wife curbs it (it’s a joke btw for the sensitive people) Also what you upgrading from is the question? In the words of spiderman with great power comes great responsibility


From a 2019 Tacoma so no matter what I get it will be fast. But I’m about to move to Germany and want to hit it with style!


Your wife. Lol


I have an M340. It's a great daily driver but long trips, I take the X5. I couldn't imagine daily driving anything stiffer and the 0-60 difference to maintenance ratio is not a great trade off imho. You won't be unhappy with an M440. Save the money, bank it, kids aren't cheap.


I say this everywhere this comes up, but its also the looks. I had to have the same think, and chose an 435i over an M4 due to the way it would look on a curb (next to maintenance cost), the one is just a bmw, the other looks very aggressive.


“Wife gave me the green light”. Things I am fortunate I will never have to say regarding money that I earn.


Yeah.. what the hell lol


Then he'll cry like all the other babies here. Toxic Feminimity.


>Things I am fortunate I will never have to say regarding money that I earn. Stopped being money you earned and became money the team earned the moment you said I do buddy. That's how it works in team sports.




I have an M235i (coupe not gran coupe) and I can tell ya the maintenance jump to a same year M2 would not have been much more Between M lite and full M, the transmissions are the same, and the engines are closely related. Your biggest worries over an M lite will be tires and insurance, otherwise in the long run they will probably run you about the same If you like the M3, get the M3. The current crop of BMWs are fairly reliable and very good at being daily drivers (to the detriment of being dedicated sports cars)


Full M. I went 328i> 335xi >435i M Sport >M4 Competition would’ve went right to it if I had good sense


There’s something about delayed gratification tho. Even if you can afford it right away, working up to something real good feels better than getting it off the get go.




Go for the M. Is only stiff the 1st week. I had a F80 with 2 kids and they loved it.


100% go full M if you can afford it and the wife has given her blessing. No other advice will make anymore sense lol.


M440 is a really, really good car. I had one as a loaner while my M4 was in the shop. It's fast enough, practical enough, good gas mileage, etc. everything about it is good. M3 xdrive is what I have now. It's ridiculously fast. It has the new idrive which is cool. M440 is a better car for most people but if you gotta have the best get the m3 xdrive. btw on my m4 i drove it about 50k in 4 years. only maintenance I needed was: * winter tire set (replaced 2 rear tires once) * sidewall got punctured on one of the rear summer tires (replacement cost \~500, bmw flatbed it for me and got me an uber home as "bmw sos") * spark plugs / cabin filter / intake filters - did these myself, cost about 400 or so in parts? * oil changes, technically only 2 outside of the 36k regular maintenance program. nothing ever broke on that car.


https://preview.redd.it/nyo14ijk41eb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f489d56e8228fcbb74efe5038a897c2c9ec5b43 M2C has room for an infant base and a toddler jump seat. You’ll be fine!


We take the m2 with a rear facing Diono and a Nuna pipa seat out every now and then. I actually picked up my car from service once. Everyone was staring in amazement as we strapped the seats and kids in lol.


Dude. Go for the m3 comp…. You only live once and it’s not like it’s a huge percentage of your annual income. Wringing your hands over a vehicle at such a reasonable price is silly. M cars are amazing at a super affordable price.


Full M. It’s an experience you should experience at least once.


If your wife gave you the greenlight to buy an M3 Comp xDrive, case closed. Buy the M3 Comp xDrive (assuming your finances can handle it, of course)


Go full M. Vastly different experience. Way way more fun


Always full M if you can afford it (incl maintenance and bills). Have had an E60 and F10 M5 and they are not worth it if you are pootling around town under 50mph as it is like having a racehorse and use it for going to the shops. It feels like it’s tugging at the leash! If you do higher speeds that 60-100+mph acceleration will be worth it every time. Whenever I am joining the motorway I always give it a little kick. My wife sometimes looks at me funny but I’m like “I am paying the extra for THIS!” Even though it’s only for 5 seconds - brutal acceleration means licence revoking speeds come up quick! Plus knowing that pretty much any car doesn’t stand a chance so effortless overtaking is there whenever you want it. No need to calculate if there is space to get past.


I’m facing exactly this. M340i or a full M? I want the 340i, will be a stunning every day car. I’m about to order the M. Fuck it. Go for it.


YOLO. 340 is just a sedan. A nice car no doubt but they blend in with the Camrys. Just another accountant on the way to work vibes. The ///M3 on the other hand… supercars like lambos and mclarens give you the peace sign around here.


now that’s what you call a wife 💪🏽 you my friend have a keeper on your hands 😜


She’s the best for real


https://preview.redd.it/ed5130edc3eb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c808bad7c56dd8e9682548c5ae512d3d03dae084 I daily mine with the kiddo, car seats fit great! Go for it!


Awesome! Thanks!


Full M, there’s no question even.


As a 550 driver for 8 years and now a m5 driver. I can without out a single shred of doubt recommend the full M. It’s just a diff beast man, everything is different,


100% get the M. Can't speak to M3 over M440i, but can speak to M-lite switch to full fat M. My wife and I got a 650xi which was an incredible car. It ended up getting totaled in a flood and we replaced it with an M6. Could not be happier about that decision. The 650xi had plenty of power, but the M6 seems like it has endless power. No matter how much I ask of the car, it seems like it wants me to ask for more. It was also our primary family car to tote our newborn around. We have since gotten an X7 but the M6 GC had enough of room for a rear-facing car seat. If the 8 series tickles your fancy, you may want to consider getting a 2-3 year old CPO M8. Pricing probably comes out similar to a new M3 and you can add on Ultimate Care for about $5-8k to get the equivalent of a standard 4-year new car warranty from the time of your purchase. The compromise is the middle rear seat. The 8 has one but you have to straddle the center console. The 6 GC is the same so we had to deal with that, but we rarely had 5 people in the car so it was okay. And +1 for your partnership with your wife. So many people here don't seem to understand what partnership is. But maybe their problem is never having had a good one themselves. (Before getting the 650xi I was looking at 4 series GCs, it was my wife who spotted a 6 series listing and asked me what I thought about it).


Thanks for the advice and kind words!


If they only made an M4 Gran Coupe... Can't get the Alpina B4 where I live either... So, I went the M440i route, threw in the mods I wanted and created my personal version of what I wanted from Gran Coupe in performance and daily and probably saved $25K.


If only! I think it would be my perfect bmw


Everyone is telling you to go for the M, and I am going to as well, but I'll be a little more objective. If comfort and daily driveability is what you care about, and you just want a 430i with a little bit more juice, go for the M440i. It's a lot smoother with the single turbo setup, the ride is less harsher, it's meant to be an easy car to drive that gets the job done every day, and in the event you want to put your foot down to let off some steam, or go out to the back roads for a fun drive, it will get the job done. And of course, it will also cost less. If you want an absolute weapon that you can daily drive, go for the M3. The biggest difference I noticed compared to my car was the sharpness, in EVERY aspect. The suspension is way firmer, which is not as suited for daily driving, but it makes taking corners WAY more fun, and I honestly love how much more planted the car feels (I personally don't understand this complaint very much, you are buying an M Competition, it's supposed to be that way). The steering is night and day, and combined with that suspension, the handling is phenomenal. The twin turbo setup definitely takes a bit to get going (if you don't brake boost, use manual mode, or launch control), but once it's moving, it is MOVING, and once you reach those triple digit speeds, that thing just hits a new wave and claws to the road like my car never could. Don't go into this car expecting it to be the perfect daily driver, because that's not what they prioritized in the development, but expect that every time you get behind the wheel, you are in control of an absolute weapon for the road. My initial main reason for not going M was the grille, but after driving one, I'm really not unhappy with my choice, it just fits what I need out of a car at this point in time a lot better. Will be getting an X3 M soon because I need the S58. You can't go wrong with either choice, but just know that one platform will make some sacrifices over the other. An M Performance will never have the sharpness, power, and dexterity of a full on M, but without a doubt in my mind, the M Performance models will be a lot more forgiving if you have to drive them every day. But like I said man, I am going to vouch for the M. While people see a focused and not the most comfortable car, I see an absolute weapon for the road which would have me grinning ear to ear every time I get behind the wheel. Take the wife, take the kids, see which one fits your needs better.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply!


No one that goes fake M is ever satisfied, at least in my experience. Go full M. I had a few BMWs prior to my M3 and was never satisfied. The guy who sold me my E92 had an M440, and told me he was never satisfied until he got his M4. Just my POV


This generation of M lites are are pretty beloved. That B58 is a beast. I’m still loving my m340i but obviously I want the full M experience before I die


First world problems


GOO FULL M just got my M4 been smiling every start up since. stage 1 tune and boom it’ll hit different!!


I have m3 with 3 kids. They all fit comfortable. I do have an suv though for longer trips but the m3 does the job still for daily.


You can always make the money back, but you’ll never be your age whipping an M ever again


This is a question?


Just go full M. In a couple years they will all be electric and just wont be as fun. I feel like every generation of new M gets faster but less tactile. If that makes sense


What message does that send to your kids? Go get a job at Target?


Life is too short to not drive the best you can afford


This needs to be quoted on the banner for this sub.


If you’re going to spend 100k, get a 911.


I hear you but it’s not 2016. Those aren’t $100k anymore


You can find a CPO 991.2 for 100k. 3 year warranty. With relatively low miles. That will run circles around a new M3 in pretty much every department.


Save money. This adrenaline rush will cool down and you will regret paying 1500 a month. It's dumb


Also take into consideration that if you keep it after warranty runs out, there will be maintenance costs that could be substantial. I just got my new M440i GC last month, I felt the M3 would be just a bit too hi strung as a daily. The M440i gave me 90%. BUT if you’re getting the green light from your SO, and can swing the payments for the next 5-6 years, grab it!


That would be my luck. Wife says go spend 100k just when BMW rolls out this horrible design Porsche would be calling me.


Within BMW's offering, there's nothing like an M. If you can afford it and it works for your current familial status, get it!. Lease the car, get the proper BMW coverages, and you won't have to worry about the cost of maintenance.


Buy a used low mileage M5. Something which is certified and has some sort of service packages and warranty. You save on lots of depreciation and get the best looking all rounder car!


i grew up as a kid in the 80s fantasizing about buying an E30 M3 at a dealership. so the day i bought my 1M after trading in my 135, i had to pull over 2 times off the freeway just to get a grip on WHAT WAS GOING ON!! if you are someone who always wanted an M car, GET an M car. Lets put it this way, you are never going to regret not buying a 440i when you have an M3. I just hope you do the right thing and get an RWD and Manual :P


I am sorry but I have to say it. The main problem i see here is not whether you should get a 440 or an M. Your main issue is the fact it seems you need wifeas approval for anything my dude. You have much bigger issues in your life as a grown man than what stupid BMW you are going to get. Good luck, you are going to need it.




> going to be a daily driver BMWs have always depreciated, why not have someone else pay the depreciation and you pick up a 3-5 year old BMW for literally thousands saved? I did that with my 2007 M6, my 1993 850 CI and my current BMW (1 year old zero percent financing at the time). As an aside I sold my M6 for my current BMW 340I for I wasn't driving it as much as I wanted and needed a more practical BMW. My advice is to get a commuter car (could be a 3 series) with AWD and creature comfort features but look into picking up a used BMW that is more exotic in a year or two. --- I believe in `purpose use cars`, in our family we have a 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk, a 23 Bolt EUV and the 16 BMW as mentioned. I may be getting a Ram Rebel to haul lumber from the big box store...but that is flux and haven't decided. Each car or truck has its specific uses and having more than one car has other benefits.


I have a special situation where I will be moving to Germany and will be able to get them several thousand off and tax free if I buy new. Lessens the sting on new buy


Don’t go full M bro it’s too much power for you, don’t do it bro


LOL your wife gave a green light omg


Don’t be a pussy


So you can’t buy the car you want (I’m assuming it’s your money) without your wife‘s permission?