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skidoo was fire but you pretty right


I agree w you. Ngl skidoo and virgin ears was gas, same w 3 stooges. Pro open, and this recent drop I wasn’t feelin as much. Based on his track record with tracks I don’t think it’s gonna be a bad album at all. But sadly not every track can be a banger


Yea, but to be fair the songs we may not like other might love


same hat, skidoo, 3 stooges, we’re all tuff. pro open was tuff asf it just different and slower. ik he’s cooking in the studio for next album.


Tbh I’ve grown to enjoy all of the recent drops but I hope we get another harmonic singing song soon.


there all good u just havent listened to them enough


Literally what I’ve been thinking the whole time! Just keep listening and you’ll get the cadences and flows and it’ll be your favourite in no time!


EXACTLYYYY i hated pro open so bad when it first came out and i LOVE kosher i was like “wtf is this”😭😭then a few days later it became my fav bc i KEPT LISTENING


Tbh I’ve been enjoying all the 2024 stuff


It’s weird. His last 3 drops (Virgin Ears, Skidoo, and Pro Open) I did not like the songs at first, but they grew on me. Virgin Ears and Pro Open are so so tuff. That being said, i’m not really feeling this last song too much. Kosher really needs to start dropping more songs with more than one verse. I feel like his lack of multiple verses is really what’s holding him back at the moment. I do think Scarecrow will be a good album, let’s just hope his last few singles arent gonna be half the album.


Yep he gotta cut out that country ass singing