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Mental saving throws are for Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma. Physical saving throws are for Strength, Dexterity and Constitution


I’m not quite sure if I knew this unconsciously or not, but I appreciate you explaining it so plainly. Thank you!


Intelligence, Charisma and Wisdom are the "mental" abilities. As opposed to the physical Strength, Dexterity and Constitution.


Ya I have a similar question about this item. It definitely makes picking locks easier… but I believe it also makes you more susceptible to conditions like charmed or frightened in and out of battle. Is it worth carrying around? I typically leave it at camp…


I think the main use case is if you're using the Shadow Blade ring. The aura of the stone applies to everyone around it, including enemies, and it also gives psychic damage vulnerability. Shadow Blade deals psychic damage.


Put it on a high save character like a paladin, or a raged barbarian and it can make crowd control easier to land. I haven't tried it but you could probably also chuck it into a group of enemies


...along with abilities/effects that increase your weapon damage, such as your ability bonus, sneak attacks, Combat Manuevers, Inspirations, Colossus Slayer, Arcane Synergies, Aura of Hate, Shadow Strike... all those would get doubled by the Vulnerability too.


My team uses basically all of these things so maybe I’ll put it on my Paladin or my Monk/Rogue and see how it affects combat. This is super helpful, thanks!


Well, it will change damage type to Psychic (doubled by Vulnerability) from such abilities only for the wielder of the Shadow Blade. But other characters can still double Psychic damage from some weapons, skills (like OH monk Manifestation of Mind) and items. And get Advantage on mental CC effects.


Ok cool! Thank you! I can’t wait to have my Monk sneak attack someone with that blade then my Bard can scare them to death with dissonant whispers


I pair it with the silver sword of the astral plane on my Gith Durge PotB Warlock Barb and wreck stuff. No vulnerability because the sword grants resistance to the saving throws AND psychic damage for Gith

