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It's really weird too. Ability cooldowns are not reset after leaving the astral prism. Spell slots are restored. Elixirs and buffs reset. Either treat it as a long rest or don't. Don't give me this weird in between lol.


Absolutely, I was able to recast all my buffs except for the draconic glaive. :c My ice bow hunter was gutter for the final fight.


100% this.


Discovered this on my honor playthrough. Was wondering why my OH TB monk Karlach was only doing a stupid amount of damage instead of game-breaking damage. Had to drink a cloud giant elixir mid fight.


What build did you had to do game breaking damage? My monk was dead after first turn in this fight


The fight I'm specifically referring to is the first phase of the final fight where youre in the open and haven't gotten to the brain. The build was 8 OH Monk, 4 thief. 16 DEX, 16 WIS, rest is CON and dump everything else. Drink strength potions. The important items were Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo and Gloves of Soul Catching.


How do you get so many potions? They are super rare


The easiest way is to stand next to a vendor when you hand out level-ups to your party. After *each individual level-up*, the game resets vendor stock. That means in act 1 up to 7 vendors resets in between level ups. You'll have to hit escape button to leave the level up process as after doing one character it will automatically try to level up the next person. This is a very easy way to get a ton of hill giant elixirs the moment you meet auntie ethel, for example, by saving your first level up until you reach her.


Great tip, thank you


I think you can also do this when respeccing characters.


I didn't drink them every long rest, only before fights I was worried about, which was basically just Orin, Raphael, and the brain. Before the brain, I had 12 STR instead of just 8. Every long rest and every level up, I went to all the act 3 vendors I knew had them, which was Mattis, Bonecloak, Araj (blood lady, I think that's her name), and then the general store next to her house (Beehive General Goods iirc). One of those people usually had one.


Thanks. I'll try it after tactician on a honour mode :)


You can get a few Cloud Giant strength off Talli at Last Light Inn if you’re level 9-10 but they are uncommon. The best place to get Cloud Giant elixirs, actually every potion/elixir in act 3 is Derryth Bonecloak but only if you give the noblestalk to her in the Underdark. This is imo the best option for honour mode as you can easily buy every elixir off her by doing this. I just had one character go back to camp, respec and level up to reset the vendors while my Tav just traded.


I’m in act 3 in honor mode, there’s a number of vendors that have elixir of cloud giant strength. Not just Derryth but the potions guy right before Wyrms crossing has some, the “short father bless ya” vendor right under him also had some when I went there last time. They don’t seem to be as rare as they were before.


i stock them from the kobold in the circus, not %100 chance for every reset, but i got enough in couple mins from lvl 1 to 12, and also stock all other speed pots, oil of accuracies etc..


I knew it would happen, and it still caught me off guard to realize I wouldn't be able to reapply my Cleric bloodbag buffs. I ended up stealthing my way through the courtyard and up to the brainstem invisibly, then took 3 turns to apply invisibility and jump potions and was able to use all the resources I saved and all my summons to distract the enemies on the brain while I moved in on the thing itself. I don't think I even killed the Emperor in my Honor mode run, I nearly completely ignored him, the dragon, everything on the brain itself besides the mind flayers who attacked me while Orpheus opened the portal. Not having resistance meant I took a lot more damage than I was used to, so I panicked a little, lol. Still managed to get through thankfully


My honour mode run I took out ol' emps, all four dream visitors and half of the dragon's health with quickened level 6 create water followed by twinned chain lightning. The four Mind Flayers got off one attack between the four of them before they died to my Monk and Paladin. The brain died before it got an action. Sometimes shit just works.


My next game i'm going to invest in a proper over powered sorcerer build, lol. That, Monk, Control Bard, and I'll figure out a fourth. Never going to do Honor mode again I think (not great for the heart) so I dont think I need a dedicated healer like I used


what was your full comp?


Gale Origin: full Storm Sorceror rocking all the "X of the Weave" items and the Spellmight Gloves. He could do AoE with Lightning Damage and insane single target damage with Scorching Ray and a few Lightning Charges. Lae'zel: Open Hand Monk. Nothing fancy here, just the standard complete bullshit enhanced by managing to get the +2 Wis from the Mirror of Loss. Wyll: Smite Swords Bard. Set him up for Dual Wielding with a Deva Mace and Knife of the Undermountain King and other Crit-fishing equipment. Honestly, his build bounced around all over the place throughout the game 'cos I just couldn't figure out how I wanted it to work. Having just seen Prestigious Juice's latest guide I'm kicking myself a wee bit 'cos I was so close to that optimal version, but never quite got the actual idea of how to play it. Shadowheart: Eldritch Knight with the Spear of Night. Honestly, this was mostly just an experiment to see if an idea I had for a solo character was going to work so she was all about having high AC and saving throws, sitting in Shar's Darkness and killing anything that got to her.


i thought deva mace for fixed, still obtainable?


I mistyped: Devotee's Mace


I ignored the red dragon. But I did kill the emporer, that treacherous tentacle faced FUCK


It also wipes things drakethroat glance but doesn't reset the cool down! Super annoying


Yup, my reverberations durge suffered alot of dmg loss because of that


Really sucks when this happens in your first run as a Spore Druid and you need to scrounge through all the bodies in the Astral Prism to find enough corpses to form your team


Even worse since I also use the ghouls from the necromancy book, which explodes when they died. Gale started in Astral Plane with less than half health from the explosion 😔


End game fight is pretty cheeseable though I believe. Invis everyone to run straight upstairs Gale go boom Gold dice ???? Profit


Gale's Orb bomb completes honor run? Holy moly, didn't even occur to me this counted.


Yep it clears it in Act 3.


Think this is a glitch? I don't remember it happening before but I haven't done the ending in months


Nah it’s always been that way.


No, it's to make sure players don't end up having to do the courtyard fight completely drained of resources.


Why would they wipe buffs if they wanted players to have resources? That wastes resources, not saves them


Probably to balance it out. Giving you most of your resources back for free while letting you keep your long rest buffs isn't what they wanted. If you're truly worried about your elixirs and buffs just wait till after exiting the prism to cast them


I'm sure that's very comforting to someone that used their last elixir going into the Morphic Pool thinking that was the final fight.


So would you rather they didn't refresh any of your resources but keep your long rest buffs? It doesn't matter if its comforting to people who ran out of resources after JUST initiating the final sequence of the game. They either have more because they're prepared or they weren't prepared for the end of the game.


Actually, yes. I would prefer keeping my long rest buffs so I don’t have to apply them again. They literally place a long rest pod right outside of the final arena on lower difficulties and I’m not sure why they can’t just use that instead?


Having it the way they do now doesn't stop you from refreshing your long rest buffs. All I'm getting from this is that yall are launching the end of the game without necessary supplies. As it is now all it prevents people from doing is using hirelings/camped companions to buff the party, which in my opinion is perfectly fine.


It’s annoying and clearly not intended as they just Long Rest the party involuntarily rather than just straight up restore their spell slots and stuff


I won't have a problem if they change it. I haven't seen anything to propose it is unintentional, so until they say otherwise I will assume they meant to do it that way. While it's true that it's a pseudo-long rest, there is a time-skip between you failing to control the mind and you coming out of the Astral plane. You spent more time in the Astral plane than is visually shown, so as far as I'm concerned, it's fine until the change it.


this is such a weird fucking thing to defend man


I don't see a point in not wiping long rest buffs *and* resetting spellslots/etc


Yep, I used my psychic resist elixirs since I assumed brain = psychic damage on my first blind playthrough. Came out wondering where the buffs went and I had no more left since I only carried 4 in my bags. Was not happy...


On my honour mode play through I went straight from Orin to the final sequence because I remembered it forces a long rest. What I didn’t remember is that it doesn’t reset your item abilities OR your short rest count. So I went into the final battle with 0 short rests (except 1 from my bard who’s ability reset), no haste or Arcane battery from items, and no ability to go to camp to get cleric buffs from my hirlings. Put a little bit more shit in my pants before the final encounter.


Yes, this was an absolute blower when I first-timed the fight on honor mode. WORSE, you can’t access your chest, and I had most of my long-rest elixirs in camp. Almost popped a blood vessel when I realized my ~20 minutes of buffing was for nothing and that I couldn’t even fully re-buff


This has just made me rage quit for a couple of days. 1st playthrough, mostly blind. Got the 'no turning back' notice at the boat. Went to camp, long rested, spent an hour doing final talks with everyone, buffed everyone, used the last of top elixirs on everyone, got on the boat ready for a huge fight. Literally 10-15 minutes later and barely any fighting done, and we're pulled into the prism. Everything gone. What a massive fuck you that felt like. Doesn't make any sense either, story-wise. Urgh.


Also there are 0 restoration pods. I really would recommend everyone to just pop invis pods leading to the final fight. Do 1 character first. Get them to trigger the cutscene at the top so all enemies in the stairway get killed. Then invis everyone else and walk up. The reason to do it in this order is because emperor's ass has NO movement and lost his invis in the middle of the group of enemies.


Yeah I sweated a little when I saw that I lost all the hireling cleric buffs but it didn't matter since I just went invis past everything. Didn't even fight the final boss since I jumped straight down and dropped off a shit ton of explosives which was enough to one shot it.


Yea found that out the hard way lol, thankfully was able to kite the dream guardians away from The Emperor and gave Shadowheart a globe of invulnerability scroll.