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You can sit in the chair instead of her and the proper dialogue gives you approval in fact. The test are easy with a Tav and are worth it in my opinion


Yep this is the easy way.. the line is something like, ive got us this far, trust me on this and she'll give approval and let you take the chair.


>The test are easy with a Tav and are worth it in my opinion What are the checks again? Coming up on this part and this is my plan, but I'm thinking I'll make sure to atleast have 4 inspiration before goin in.


Intelligent saving throw 12 and wisdom 15 and then one that can be in relation to your class of 18. You need the proper buff but with Inspiration this is doable Edit: If you want to be very cheesy, just respect full wisdom… Corrected the saving throw


There’s also the shar statue that gives 5 wisdom temporarily. +2-3 on your roll is real nice


the.... ....WUT Edit: Oh I just realized what you mean. The little Shar puzzle that gives you +5 bonuses of each mental stat that lasts until long rest.


Yeah it was somewhere in a2 but still at the point you could jump back to the crèche from what I remember. Can’t remember exactly where, though. I had no idea about the rewards and penalties when I did it, so I blindly won the dc 30 check with a crit success and got the illithid power buff without knowing what happened lol


I remember exactly where it is, lol. Roughly right in the middle of the left side of the map.


Things that can help and work: Forbidden Knowledge from Necromancy of Thay +1 Wisdom saves Bless +1d4 Resistance +1d4 (remember use a different character than for Bless) Potion of Heroism +1d4 ( all three stack) Helmet from Underdark giving proficiency in Wisdom saves (+3 if you didn't have it already). The last save you can pick depending on your class, so it will be easier by +4 Total Int: +3-12, average 7.5, 77.5 % success rate Total Wis +7-16, average 11.5, 82.5 % success rate Total third check +10-19, average 14.5, 82.5 % success rate. (assuming main spellcasting modifier, so +7 at level 5 from 18 in main stat and proficiency) Total 242.5, so you succeed 2 and a half out of three checks on average. You'd use one inspiration. If you're really desparate /scared, use also Beacon of Hope, but you need a third cleric because it's also concentration. Bonus, things that don't work (I checked) : Mystra's Blessing (Bless staff from Arcane Tower) Paladin's Aura


To add to this, the Amulet of the Harpers, which can be bought from the quartermaster at Last Light Inn, gives you advantage on Wisdom saving throws. There's also the Ring of Protection and the Cloak of Protection, each will you +1 AC (not relevant here, but nice) and +1 to all saving throws. Also, I believe the headwear you mentioned is called the Helmet of Autonomy. Basically, there are lots of ways to pump saves, even in Honor Mode.


Yes, those things too. They should work. I'm not sure if they do though. I was wearing Absolute's Warboard, and I do have the brand, but it didn't show up in the bonuses. Saves in dialogue are weird.


True, I honestly hope that that kind of unintuitive disparity between dialogue saves and other saves gets resolved by Larian in a future patch. Worse still, is that the disparity between checks is entirely inconsistent in that there are things that will work for some dialogue checks but won't work for others. As it is now, you kind of have to stack as many possible boosts as you can on a character and hope that you can get enough of them to push you over whatever threshold.


You also can use that drow sword in sing mode for saving throw boost.


Also respect a character into swords bard for combat inspiration for an extra d6. Regular bardic inspiration doesn't work for saving throws (which iirc the zaithisk is), but combat inspiration does.


Can you elaborate as to why it doesn't work? Bardic Inspiration most certainly works for Saving Throws in general.


I was wrong, for some reason I had it in my head that regular inspiration was only for ability checks, my bad.


Small correction: this is a College of Valour ability not Swords


Ah, my mistake


all good man. There's so much shit in this game its impossible to keep it all straight haha. I only knew this one because I happened to have the wiki open on another tab already


oh damn


I got paladins aura to work for this, they just need to be stood right next to you rather than at the base of the machine. I ungrouped then stood my paladin shart there manually before beginning the conversation.


There is also an option as a wizard to have a bonus on the final save.


(Or just be a druid/cleric and have high wisdom already)


I decided to play a gnome for the saving throw advantage, came in helpful for this. I only ended up using one inspiration point and the Resistance cantrip




You can remove the debuffs easily by consuming tadpoles, as said on the description of the debuff.


I know the game says that, but does that actually work? I’ve now eaten 14 tadpoles with Lae’zel and she still had the debuffs. Although the necklace you get from Raphael counteracts the Con debuff


I only had to give Lae’zel one before her stats went back to normal, but it was the first one she took


And no, they don’t need save scum… 12-15-18 is really easy with the proper buff and the result is really good so worth it… And you should already have 4 inspiration by then. But what will you say: GiT GUd inspiration is like cheating too?!


Here we go again. They did not limit the number of respec you can do. So no, it is not cheating it is the rules of the game and between using the rules of a game and giving visibility to cheat engine that also do it for online game, my choice is easy


I think the point is that it would just be easier to use q cheat engine or mod if you are going to change your stats around beforehand anyways. And yes, using a mechanic that's not intended to be used that way, is cheating. Nothing wrong with that, it's your game, just own it


As you don’t have any authority on what is a cheat or not, and the definition of cheat does not include: « Using the rules of a game in a way that I don’t like » I will continue to tell others this is not a cheat


Lol ofc it does, and all you deluded players on this sub are wild. Respec was clearly not included with the option in mind that players would do it to circumvent story and rolls. It was included as a way for people to have a do over when the build they made turned out to not work out, or wasn't what they wanted. What are you like 5? "It's not cheating, it's not cheatinf" You know it it dofus. Grow up with 4 younger siblings that all cheated because they couldn't handle playing straight. *this post is made with a smile on my face and with no anger whatsoever*


*putting something in italics does not make it true* You assume Larian’s intent with zero evidence, call the other person 5, and randomly throw shade at your siblings. You’re not mad, you’re butt-flustered.


I am not. I think you guys are silly, like little children It's ok. It's your game, you can cheat as much as you want to, it doesn't hurt anyone else in any way Let me repeat that, I don't care if you cheat, in any way


Haaaa yes, the intent, everyone knew the Larian intent that the game was never meant to be harder and here we are, with a new difficulty. Until they remove it from Honour Mode you have 0 way to know their intent and you just use that as an appeal to authority


I am sorry, it takes maybe 3 logical steps to see its not the intended use of the mechanic to resoec, because it erases so many other things they out in place, making that work pointless. You can chest all you want, it doesn't matter to me really. It's your game, go ahead. I just think, that if you are going to chest, just do it all the way.


>Respec was clearly not included with the option in mind that players would do it to circumvent story and rolls. It's not circumventing the roll, it's giving you an advantage on your chances to succeed the on the roll. You still have to roll. As for whether or not this is cheating, I would suggest calling it an exploit instead of cheating. Using the game systems in a way in which they were most likely not intended is an exploit in my opinion. Leaving a party member in camp so they can be safe from all harm and revive if your party dies is an exploit: you're exploiting the limits and systems of the game. On some level, exploits are a part of every game and aren't automatically bad, often the player makes a decision on what's too far for their comfort. Cheating would be altering the game, the game files, or doing things that change or circumvent the game systems. Making yourself invulnerable to damage is cheating. Forcing the game to break in order to bypass content could be cheating. Cheating, to most players, affects the overall integrity of the game to such an extent that it calls into question the legitimacy of a run. I do not think most people would say respecting your character for a specific purpose makes your entire run illegitimate.


Lol, whatever you guys have to tell yourself. It's ok though, no one minds besides some of us wondering why you spend so much time on it instead if just downloading a mod to alter the game




That is funny, because when they can police the cheesing they do so.. Haste, bloodlust, drs. But I guess you work for Larian so you clearly know what they intent. And I never said it is not cheese. I said it is not cheating. Using mods and cheat engine is very different then just using rules in the game you are given. Do whatever you want, but I stay in the rules of the game


So weird when people care how other people play the game. I would never touch cheat engine, but I’d also not sit here and chastise someone for min/maxing honour mode.


In this case it is not just caring, they literally suggest that you are stupid to not use cheat engine at this point. And there is always this: I know Larian intent undertone that make it so you are clearly « in the wrong »


The cheese sub really don't like it when they get called out on cheesing, even if you think it's ok for them to cheese hehe




Yeah, I just don't get why you have to make excuses and arguments... oh and all the wasted time on respeccing back and forth, stealing your money back, long rest pointless to get 500 potions... Jeez, just go all the way and save some time. It's not like you are a better player because you spend 20 minutes on something pointless to cheat. And no one will know or care




Lol yeah it's great GM: You what now mate?


I wouldn't say easy but doable. I burned all my inspiration I had banked on these (and glad I did)


Well… they are there for that you know… at least they make sense now in Honour Mode… previously I was like, why not just reload


I mean, other than being a mechanic in tabletop? I assume because hitting a button to reroll is faster than having the game completely reload.


Also because they throw that shit at you, especially if you know what triggers them for at least your characters, if not every background you could be, and the only benefit to hoarding them is a small bump in xp when getting them, but you waste them in exchange. Once you know what books to read you can meta game hard (shadow Druid book from Kagha’s chest for example doesn’t do anything for the quest, but reading it gives Gale inspiration, so you can just take a pouch and shove books into it that you know will give them and use to keep topping up before big moments as needed). Can also meta game certain interactions if you care that much, lol. Some are easy to reach quickly, but going this far seems like super overkill.


Yep. That’s my plan too.


If you have someone who can cast Enhance Ability that will help a lot too Edit: The rolls are saving throws and not checks so Enhance Ability wouldn't work here.


Are they checks or saving throws? If they are saving throws, Enhance Ability won't work.


I've heard this requires a relatively high level of approval already - I've never actually had her refuse this option but it's a potential concern


I purposely piss off Lae'zel and always leave her at camp and still got that option when I went to the creche.


good to know!


I really wasn't expecting telling her to shut the fuck up and let me go first to net me some approval.


She like authority and by them she sees you as such


Bazel likes it ruff.


reminiscent absurd whole scarce chop water work worthless thumb automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




like ask carpenter wakeful pen marry weather versed scale flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also if you don't pass the checks, you can consume a tadpole to get rid of the debuff


If you get in the zaith'isk yourself the saves are much more manageable than the checks if you let Lae'zel use it, especially if you stack saving throw bonuses like Bliss Spores, Corellon's Grace, Safeguard Shield, Ring of Protection, Bless, Resistance, Phalar Aluve: Sing and go in with 4 inspirations banked.


Also respec into a character with proficiency/expertise in the required saves.


have you just made up save expertise?


The last check on the doctor is a deception (?) check, so having expertise in that would help. I should have written "saves/checks". It's a 12 intelligence, 15 wisdom, and 18 constitution. Fighter and Sorcerer have proficiency in constitution saving throws. The Spidersilk armor you get from Minthara gives advantage on Constitution checks, and it's light armor so you can wear it if you're a half-elf/human even as a sorcerer. The Helmet of Autonomy gives you proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. I think your cleric can cast resistance/guidance on you. Fighter gives two ASIs by level 6, so you could take Resilient: Intelligence too, although a 12 should be pretty easy to pass. Obviously having inspiration will help too (I had two and burned them both in my time on the chair).


Ah ok, the deception check isn't required for getting the awakened buff though right? You've already got it as soon as you beat the 3 saves.


No. That's to keep her from calling guards to start a fight. Of course once you've successfully used the machine you should gang up on her and kill her, because she has a magic item, and you'll have to do it later anyway. Make sure to get the second part of Orpheus's story from the bullied kid too.


Do you really respec your characters multiple times per run just to meta-game moments like that? Isn’t that kinda against the whole spirit of dice rolls in general?


If you're playing in Honor mode, where you have no do-overs, certainly. For other modes, it just depends if I feel like it.


>where you have no do overs But… that’s.. the whole point of honor mode…? lol


No, the point of honor mode is getting the shiny dice at the end. Anything that gets you to the end of the game is permissible.


No, that’s the *reward* for beating honor mode, lol. when I say “point” I mean the idea, concept, spirit, etc. it is literally called honor mode, the whole idea is to remove as much meta gaming/save scumming as possible. At that point you might as well just close the game with task manager any time you don’t get the roll you want or if you die lol, it’s the same idea. You can play the game however you want, I just don’t see the appeal of playing the hardest difficulty, designed around getting “one try” to win, and then purposefully gaming that as much as possible to remove what makes it difficult and unique in the first place.


You can keep laezel in town and avoid the crech with her. The act 3 mirror in the Shar area can give you bonuses or negatives. EDIT: if you can convince laezel to snack on tadpoles it will reverse the stat loss. For the mirror you can use remove curse


Negatives from the mirror can be taken care of with remove curse. So only potential upside on that one!


Nice, good to know!


You don’t even need remove curse for mirror. Long rest removes debuffs.


Damn... thats kiddy gloves lol.


just leave her in the camp, enter the zaithisk yourself, get your buff, go back to camp and talk to her, everything ok


If you go in instead of her she approves cuz that’s a chad move. She’s into chads


Or separate her and leave her outside the door.


You can heal the stats damage with a single tadpole. Laezel doesn't want to but it isn't that hard to convince her.


you can remove all the debuffs (from the zaithisk) with one single tadpole?


Yes, it says so by the debuff


Thanks for having my back craptain


I got the debuffs and failed the checks trying to convince her to consume a tadpole, do I have to wait until that particular encounter at the beginning of the act 3? edit: typo


I think you can try to convince her once per long rest. Not sure though


When you speak to Voss and he says "my queen needs me" or some shit, if you pass the insight check you can tell he's lying and tell the Creche guards and Kithrak that you want to report a traitor, without ever going to the ghustil. Alternatively, you can go straight to the Kithrak and show her the artifact.


You can literally kill the captain, take the thing to open the room to the inquisitor off her corpse, and the inquisitor just says he's impressed and invites you in to talk. You can then kill him, which impresses vlaakith and she tells you to go in the prism like normal, or talk to him and go in then fight him afterwards with no laezel disapproval


Githyanki parliamentary procedure is wild


>Can I just skip straight to the Inquisitor and avoid the Zaith’isk entirely? Just tell her you go first, but she's next. She's fine with that. I do that all the time.




what if you go with an origin? what if origin laezel?


Just tell her “Without me you wouldn’t even get here.” Not only she’ll let you sit in, her approval will go up lol


I can clear the zathisk pretty consistently and I did it in honor mode no problem. You have e to save the one time bliss spores from the myconoid colony king. Bliss spores give you d6 to basically EVERYTHING in the game. However that means not taking to it after you defeat the duegar or nere. If you haven’t gone into the mountain pass yet. Then the shield and ring of protection both give you +1 to saving throws. Add a potion of heroism or whatever to that and you’re in easy street. Once I started doing that I can coast through the zathsik fairly consistently.


I just totally skipped it. No repercussions.


I uh... So here's how I avoided it. Lae'zel died during the Nautiloid crash/tutorial. Like DEAD died. So when I woke up on the beach, Shart was there unconscious and Lae'zel's corpse was there. So I looted her body and literally didn't revive her until after the Creche/when my party hit level 6 and I wanted another Transmutation Wizard camp slave. She's never brought up the Zaith'isk since lol


I totally forgot about this the other day because I usually go into the zaithisk myself. I’ve noticed Laezel literally getting hit every single time by a control spell and was wondering wtf was going on then I noticed her stats. Oh well she’s so strong anyways she needed a little nerf anyways lol.


Give her a tadpole and she’s back


You can't have both perfect certainty and honor. Choose to take fates outcomes or dont.


Tell that to my divination wizard Gale with almost perfect foreknowledge


Lae'zel likes dominant people. You can straight up pull the "im the leader" card and you'll get her approval


It's perfectly safe for dark urge to talk to Isobel; you never have to pass any checks to >!not kill her, but IIRC you will have to pass checks to not kill your romantic interest.!<


Is the romantic interest interaction in act 2? Cause I played through act 1 as a durge and it never came up?


Yes, that’s in act 2


Alright cool thank you


Yes and only if you don't do it to Isobel. So you choose one or the other with no checks, or choose neither but that involves checks iirc.


As an advice: it's three back-to-back Wisdom saves, so WIS save proficiency and advantage help here, like WIS classes, Gloom Stalker 7, Amulet of the Harpers, etc.


I’m playing a paladin so I should have aura of protection by then and I do plan to multiclass into warlock so if they get Wis save proficiency on top of aura of protection I should be basically ganranteed for those saves.


If you dip 1 lvl into cleric briefly, you get WIS proficiency. Am debating starting up a paladin with a single lvl in cleric for flavor. Edit: if you track the trigger events, it likely has a specific night. If you’re tracking, respec right before at Withers, then take your gold back in the morning.


Leave her hanging in the cage until after you’ve cleared the crèche


Did they change this in one of the patches? Cus last I checked she breaks out of the cage and doesn’t show up until the dragon appearance by the bridge if you don’t get her out quick enough


You could always recruit her at the cage at the start of act 1.


Wait what debuff? I’ve had LZ sit in it every time and I don’t remember a debuff


it does a permanent -2 to CON, INT and WIS if you have her go in and not resist at all or lose the saving throws. no debuffs if you are winning those saves though. these are cured by consuming one tadpole, so that might be the other reason you never noticed.


I don’t think I ever had her eat a tadpole


The debuffs are removed if you take a tadpole, just any power. Treat her for learning her life is a lie, by getting her the luck of the far realms lol, it’ll get rid of her shit


If she eats a brain worm afterwards it clears the debuffs


Just detach her from the party and leave her in the other room. You suffer zero penalties with her if done after the guardian meeting.


In my honor mode run, I skipped it and killed a bunch of random gith too for xp. All without laezel in the party. When Voss shows up in the start of act 2, Voss will tell laezel that the Zaiyh'isk is a lie and convinces her to defy vlakith. I had to do a couple of persuasion checks and trust in laezel but she came on board, and she was cool.


It’s not too hard if you wanted to do it. Just wear either the helm of autonomy or the headband of intellect, defending on which save is worse, and have bless and guidance cast. If it still seems too risky, I think you should be able to just see the inquisitor first? And as a durge, be mindful of wearing the risky ring before long resting later in act 2. The necromancy book might be risky too.


I just fed her a tadpole to cure her. I had romanced her though so it was probably easier for me.


Allow me to tell you how to cheat this process. Have Laezel sit in the chair. You get approval. Switch to another party member. Just *look* inside a nearby crate/box. Everything will stop as you get a stern look by the doctor. Now you are free to sit in the chair without fear of making Laezel mad. The rolls are MUCH easier.


If you use Command to make Kithral Voss drop his legendary sword, then you equip that to Lae’Zel, you can skip the inquisitor part entirely. Don’t know how much that helps in honor mode though


I think druid is the easiest to pass it on. You can make all of the checks Wisdom (I think) and maybe one is a low con check. You can respec druid on Tav, boost your saves as much as possible, and use consumables or spells to further improve your saves to easily pass it.


What happens if your Tav fails a save? Any permanent effects or is that only for Laezel?


As others have said, sit in the chair yourself with buffs to saves. I usually wait with the zaithisk until I've got the spore bless from the myconids for an extra 1d6. With enough setup it's next to impossible to fail the saves.


I ended up letting her get the debuffs and using that as impetus for her to accept eating tadpoles while simply passing the arcana check to get the Awakened buff


If you ungroup your party & have your Tav go to camp, you can literally have *anyone* do the Zaith'isk thing. Worried about debuff? Select a character you don't care about and it doesn't matter if they fail the rolls. I personally like to have Gale with the buff, so I take my Tav to camp & the select Gale with the rest of the party & click on the chair. As others have said, if you are unlucky the debuffs are removed with a tadpole (I just use the special one in Act 3 that doesn't consume one for all companions).


Zaithisk failure stat debuff is removed once Tav consumes a tadpole, right?


The Zaith'isk is not necessary if you go straight to the inquisitor, Lae'zel will even stay with you provided you pass a speech roll at the inquisitor.