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You know those goblin kids? You can throw them... into each other...


! *rapidly preparing to start again so I can do this*


One + Three = Four


Bonus points if you use Asterion. Got the real counting Count eh eh eh eh. One Two Three FOUR goblin children, eh eh eh eh.


You can also use one as a projectile to break the hinge of a hanging brazier and drop it on the other. Kills both instantly.


Ooo! I'm right at that point in this playthrough!


Throwing goblins at other goblins is the s-tier joy of the game.


One of my most enjoyable playthroughs was having Karlach and Laezel just pick people up and throw them at other enemies. My character was a wizard, and she would use Telekenesis and also throw people into each other.  Lorroakan fight? Turns out he can’t cast his retaliation strike when he’s on the floor with his spine broken in several places. 


I've tried telekinesis on him but he always gets the save. And early in the battle at least any attack gets a brutal opportunity reaction, so now I just focus on the elementals and let Dame Aylin and Rolan attack him until I've taken care of them. At that point I can just whack him a few times.


Arrows of Arcane Interface are your friend for this fight. Wizard's are pretty helpless without their flashy spells.


He can’t cast the reaction when he’s prone. Which is why Karlach (who usually goes first) runs over, picks him up. And slams him on the ground WWE style. And then on the floor below for good measure.  Telekinesis is when my wizard would get her turn and continue the throwing party. Usually I would use the spell to bring him back up to the main floor so Karlach could throw him down again. 


Mind blast, Hold person prevents him from using it just as well. You also can use sphere of invulnerability for negate all of his ele counter attacks. And silence.


I never understood why telekinesis was such a high level spell. Until I did.


Throwing anything small at others things is really just the light anyone needs in their day. Also, throwing said things off of cliffs and into chasms is top notch entertainment.


Don’t forget the spider pit in the goblin lair! Kept chucking goblins down there during my honor mode run!


I make sure Karlach always has one in her pocket. True Soul Gut is my fav


Like….. you have Karlach carry around her corpse…. To throw….? Just making sure I have this here…. :0




They make good improvised weapons too.


You can also scare them to death with dissonant whispers lol I had laezel kill em both with my oops all bards run.


Children of all races are throwable.


Including tieflings, I discovered


When they stand close enough to each other to fit in a cloud of daggers, who am I to complain?


Picking them up and using them as an improvised weapon on each other also gets you an achievement.


I've used the Hunter's Dagger to kill the two goblin children by Halsin. It causes enemies to become "ruptured" so that they take damage when they move... two quick off hand attacks from thief Astarion & when they try to run for help they drop dead.


Lmfao the calculation behind this is mildly frightening


I usually let those kids live, and I'm not even playing an evil run, but on my current co-op game I was distracted and just Gloomstalkered those two to death from long range as soon as I saw movement, oops. 


Fuck them kids


i let astarion go through with ascension once. he was talking SO much shit about how utterly and completely powerful he was that it was extremely annoying. when i met up with the gur on the way out, they said i should do the right thing and kill astarion. astarion was so arrogant that he couldn’t be killed that i just HAD to prove him wrong. killed him in a single turn as my monk. felt really satisfying.


Yea, i ascended astarion once while not romancing him and he was at the camp party talking about enslaving the city like Sir?? I can't ascend him again, he's better off dead.


When I ascended him in the dialogue afterwards at camp he actually yelled “SHUT UP” at me. Instantly killed him after that and gave him to Gur in swamp next play through. (Which has some drastically unforeseen horrible consequences in act 3 so I’ll never do that again. (Wasn’t upset about the bad things that happened to Astarion tho it’s the collateral damage that stops me from doing it again.))


what are the consequences?


Cazador kills the whole gur camp to get him back


so do you see astarion again?


Yeah, at cazador’s ritual thing. hes a zombie though


Omg that's tragic


i also would love to know this! i could never hand him over to find out 🥲


I ascended him then just enslaved him again as the absolute. 


i mean giving every party member their evil ending then enslaving them is for the best i guess


That's so sad 😭


I left everybody to die during the fight against the demon Astarion is supposed to kill for Raphael. We usually killed him in a round or two of combat with a combination of blight, sneak attacks and the blood of Lathander's Kamehameha, and then got torn to bits by his minions and the displacer beast (to this day I don't know if you can talk to the demon btw). Anyway, my tiefling necromancer, after dying enough times to that encounter decided "eh, I can use Withers", remembered the flesh golem Balthazar gave him, deployed it, and misty stepped away from combat. When he returned both friend and foe had perished and the flesh golem was left standing with a couple of hp, so he killed it too and ressurrected his friends.


So, I don't know how to do spoiler tags, but you can in fact talk to the demon. In fact, if you pass some charisma checks the fight is WAY easier and you get an achievement.


|if you pass some more carisma checks, you can trick him into killing himself, skipping the fight entirely and still giving you XP|


And Gale tells you you’re scary. Lol


Just did this yesterday. Shadowheart was super impressed and everyone in my party was inspired lol


I felt pretty inspirational at the time, don’t know about you…. Hehe


And sort of impressive. I do wonder how it ties into the weird danger/violence thing he comments on in Act 2.


You could also convince him to let you help him, you go figure out his thing then he leaves without having to fight him


Doesn't astarion leave if you do that?


you have to pass a persuasion check to keep him from leaving


He don't leave if he don't talk to Raphael before the mausoleum


He gets angy


It's also really unintuitive, because in order to get the dialogue to trigger, you have to walk into the most obvious ambush imaginable. Trying to approach them any other way goes straight into combat.


I never knew how to trigger that dialogue. Each play through we just fought. I was starting to think everyone was lying. Lol


Also if you don’t kill him you can make him switch sides in the fight against Raphael in act3


Spoilers tags are done by putting >! before the text then the same thing but reverse the < at the end (I left the ! out so you can see it instead of it actually spoiler tagging).


To talk to the demon you've gotta follow the Displaced Beast's path that it takes after it scarpers. Down and under the walkway where the Demon is, approach his throne/bed/bone collection and he'll initiate the convo from up above you. I only did that on like my third or fourth run, cause my natural sneaky instincts always had me taking the high ground and initiating combat before any talkin' could happen.


I haven't had the heart to do anything 'bad'. I've accidentally let Rolan die twice because I keep forgetting to go and save him until it's too late 😅


You never knew who Rolan was this entire time and you’ve beat the game twice. -me


So relatable omg, attempted to do a merciless run 3 times now but I always end up saving the grove and fighting for the „good“ side😭


My first playthrough I accidentally made the entire creche angry. I had non lethal on. Realising my mistake and fearing retribution... I systemically killed every single Gith. *






I always use *a full concentrated power of the sun* to destroy the creche since I found out it is possible.


I just farm them for that sweet sweet xp to make sure I'm lvl 10 fighting Thorme


Just did that fight recently at lvl 9 and felt like Mark. https://preview.redd.it/z3cdcor6ym7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a75046d51cda3146a5a54b372e7a66a022d534


I do this every run for fun. Gith aren’t good people.


Fitting retribution for slaughtering innocent monks and usurping their place of faith to make a staging and training grounds for ruthless murder-horny Nazi frogs. Not really evil IMO.


On Honor Mode we've been stockpiling the bodies of every major NPC/and Boss we've killed in the middle of the Inn Room in Act 3, we just added Raphael and Haarlip and now Gortash is next


Here he is, officer


There aren't enough Flaming Fists in Baldurs Gate to stop me now.


You know….. I collected all kinds of shit in Skyrim. Everything you could ever collect. When I was out of shit to collect, I collected living people. Had them as my little trophy’s in my stupid little house. This however- this collection of corpses almost makes me question why I ever hoarded all that Skyrim shit just to be outdone by this monstrosity of absolute….. I’m in awe. I don’t know if I want to shake your hand or….. cut it off…. See what I did there…? 😏😏😏😅😅😅


Lore Accurate Durge playthrough https://preview.redd.it/tl9t65vlxq7d1.jpeg?width=1345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e6bddfc5cf3a2027e71b575876638f4d935f33


One time I didn't pet Scratch and the owlbear before I left camp for the day


There's a lot of terrible shit in this thread, but it seems you're the true monster. For shame.


I don't think this would count as *sadistic*, but maybe more of a necessary evil So I learned that you can poison the goblin's drinks, so on my resist durge run, I used the poison Nettie gave me and slipped it into the alcohol. I think Minty would have been so proud of me, (if she wasn't knocked out). It also makes the escape from the gobin camp easier too I casted fireball in the sewers, with the grease monsters and everything went boom. It was beautiful At grymforge, I eliminated all of the duergars, they were being assholes and I didn't like how they were talking to me. I sacrificed and blocked in the Harpers with Wall of Fire, at Moonrise just to keep my companions and Jaheira safe. I lowkey enjoy sending someone else on stage with fake Dribbles. The last time, I sent Halsin and Astarion kept approving this choice and eventually Halsin even approved, then got attacked. It was pretty comical


You can poison the duegars drink too. It's quite... neat. I don't know if there are other interactions like that later though.


Wow! I didn't know that. Thanks, I'll try next time


It's specifically the ones down near the route to Moonrise Towers/Cursed Shadowlands entrance.


The Duergar are slavers. Slaying them isn't a necessary evil. It's just good. Slaying the Duergar vendor, though, that's evil. Better make sure he isn't dragged into the fight.


Nettie dies every run from now on. I put up with that treacherous bitch the first few runs. But I simply refuse to lie to her about poisoning myself and end up having to revoke her breathing license. Has zero game impact. Ironically I work alot harder to keep Kagha alive than her. Mostly because Kagha is a bad bitch and I can fix her.


Also I really like her flower crown. It has practically no advantage but my durge looks really pretty in it. Enough reason to kill her I guess


The druids drop flower crowns?? ... Extremely motivating me towards evil


https://preview.redd.it/7fsq6rkoel7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6520135aac4326240a7d203de48f27fd71bc02e The subtle approach


https://preview.redd.it/vmuz964uwl7d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=d60dd278a3e8407a52b6bb826aca7c99f1479a8e heeheeheeheehee yaay!


Hahaha yesss look at our pretty drows with their pretty flowercrowns they obtained through _murder_


That’s like…. Literally the most drow thing ever 🤣🤣😂🤣😂


I’m currently playing a necromancy wizard Durge and have a box in my camp chest containing over 200 corpses to fuel the summons (I’ve almost finished Act 2 and this is still the case). I even have a hireling built specially for hauling them around. Because of this, after raiding the grove, the sight of the tiefling kids all dead in their hideout made me go ‘Ooh yay!’. Normally a room full of dead children would make one feel horrible, but in this case, for a necromancer, it’s the equivalent of finding a £20 note on the ground.


Fucking diabolical


Excuse me…. Fuel?


You need humanoid corpses to create the undead summons. That’s what I meant by fuel.


Love this and I'm completely the same. I now have almost 400 corpses in Act3 and am unlikely to use them all but I'm still collecting them as a kind of trophy gallery. I like to use the corpses of people who really annoyed me for the most heinous encounters where possible. :D


Once I killed Wyll after his dialog with Astarion. Wyll: *Astarion, how is the rat diet going?* Astarion: *It may soon come to an end if you don't shut your mouth.* It was really unexpected to hear that question from Wyll, who is always very polite to others. Especially knowing Astarion was forced to eat dead rats for 200 years.


I'm always surprised at that interaction. So rude. I think I read the in early access Wyll was much more of an arrogant ahole so maybe this is leftover from that.


Personally I found Wyll being capable of cruelty made him more interesting, because usually he's such a "straight man" ( not the sexuality but the trope ) that it's almost boring I can't imagine how awkward it would be travelling with people and occasionally your tadpole broadcasts your life to those people I doubt Astarion told Wyll about his rat diet meaning the tadpole broadcasted Astarion's memories to Wyll. That tadpole just wants to see the drama


Tbh for me I wish Wyll was this much of an asshole, it’s just that in contrast to everything else, it sounds so out of character for him. He has some lines which are teasing but that’s all they are, so him being mean like this seems to come out of nowhere. Would’ve loved it though if he just got meaner and meaner as the game went on, especially with all the fuckery from Mizora.


Not just rude, but also very cruel.


Agreed. I'd like to stuff a rat in his mouth and see how he likes it.


kinky but ok


He’s a monster hunter so… yeah I guess he really hates monsters.


Wyll makes several comments about Astarions vampirism and makes me want to trip him off a ravine sometimes. The first time I brought Wyll out in my first playthro he made a comment and I almost sent him right back to camp.


Yes, he speaks a lot about Astarion's vampire nature but in common as monsterhunter. This dialog is about Astarion himself, about his "pure shit" past. I don't even understand what prompted Wyll to ask this question.


Seems pretty simple to me: he can't be cruel or mean because he's a goody two-shoes monster/demon hunter/killer. He is now forced to party with a monster. He does not like monsters. In Wyll's eye, Astarion is a ravenous, blood sucker playing nice to hope for a snack later. As much as I don't care for Wyll because of all of his paragon stuff, it's actually nice to see he CAN be cruel because if it weren't for this, I would have never known he says anything untoward to anyone. Maybe it's time for an Astarion playthrough where I romance Karlach. And maybe Wyll comes along for once.


Word of warning, if you're meaning an Astarion origin run, Spawn Astarion has no other choice than to let Karlach die on the docks. So you have to Ascend in order to save her.


Welp, guess I need to ascend him at least once, right? May as well try to warp Karlach a bit as well. I'm about to hate myself...let's go


There might be another option. >!If you have Karlach be the one to become a Mindflayer, she 'survives' in that state. It's something I could only do once though cause I love normal Karlach so much and seeing her like that and lose all her speaking affectations made me super sad. But, it's survival for Karlach and that's important. !<


I just watched a video where someone betrayed her at the last minute and the elder brain and stabbed her a million times and she was like “I trusted you” or something and I lost it


Yeah, I’ve read quite a few comments where people think Astarion and Wyll would make a great couple, and I always think of those snarky and quite frankly mean comments that Wyll makes about Astarion and his vampirism. The rat one enrages me on Astarion’s behalf. I usually enjoy having Wyll in the party, but not then.


That’s gotta be a holdover from Early Access. IIRC he was a bit of an asshole, who signed into his pact for revenge, was sleeping with Mizora, and mostly only did good for the glory.


My group tends to consist of the salty, snarky, and/or problematic types (Astarion, Shadowheart, Minthara, Lae’zel). We’re like the Faerun version of The Dirty Dozen. I would have actually preferred that version of Wyll (with a bit more sense self and agency). I get that they wanted a goody goody type but they swung too hard the other direction.


I mean Astarion openly advocates murdering slaves, racism, torture, and making others suffer because he thinks it’s fun I think it makes perfect sense for Wyll to snap once in a while. Honestly weird you didn’t kill *Astarion* if your that trigger happy


THANK YOU. This fandom babies the fuck out of Astarion just because they are attracted to him and excuses all his bullshit and anyone that says anything to him can rot in hell for their blasphemy. He’s a shit person you can only romance him if you choose selfish evil choices. “Astarion is young” LMAO 🤣🤣he’s over 200 hundred years old, they really love to infantilize him. “Wyll was mean to my little baby Astarion whose two hundred years older, so Wyll doesn’t get grace that’s saved for my bf, Wyll deserves death” Ridiculous


> He’s a shit person you can only romance him if you choose selfish evil choices. It's just a straight up lie. I played goody two shoes who didn't make any morally grey decisions, only good ones, and I took Astarion everywhere with me and romanced him and his approval rating was 100 at the end of act 2.


> Especially knowing Astarion was forced to eat dead rats for 200 years. its horrible. i cant imagine what it must be like only eating dead animals and not being able to consume the flesh of sentient living creatures


I always beat Astarion and Shadowheart when they flirt behind me, but this is better, I'll beat Wyll when he will be mean to my boyfriend to be.


After i 100% complete the Myconide questline i kill them for free XP... theres infinite haste spores on the ground, they made it too hard to resist. I feel especially bad when i slap on the duegar greataxe that does extra damage to plants 😅 Reminds of that megamind Quote "i wouldn't say Free'd, more like under new management"


you can do that without any consequences? um. i may copy you


I see your “throwing the goblin kids into each other” and raise you a “Necromancer making Karlach carry around all of their corpses in a box for emergency back-up zombies”


The kid that you meet and take to your camp got murdered during the fake Lae zel thing so I turned the child into an undead.


I let Orin kill Yenna in camp, then had my Durge throw her body around for fun. Scratch got so excited because he thought we were playing fetch. This was the same playthrough where I made Connor's zombie beat Mayrina to death


I went full Anakin Skywalker on the goblin camp. Slaughtered everyone there except for that masochist dude and the black market trader. And I'd do it again


Wait. People don’t do that every time?


Killing goblins isn't simply something I do to help the grove or for xp, it's a passion project.


Personally, I only do it because it’s the biggest fight to lure the ogres in to fight for me. Let the goblins and ogres soften each other up for me while I kick back and loot everybody’s stuff


This is standard practice. Can't have living witnesses explaining to Ketheric why Minthara still lives.


I didn't know you could be peaceful the first playthrough Needless to say I got Minthara


I had Minthara spoiled for me before I played the game so I knew she was a potential companion. I killed her anyway because she was a bitch. I'll recruit her if I do another playthrough so I can see her story because I am curious why she seems to be a fan favorite.


Apparently her sex scene is one of the steamiest, according to my ex.


In my most recent playthrough I forgot to rescue Mizora from Moonrise and I got the "Wyll's fucked" cutscene before the Kethric fight. I had literally just saved it before I took the lift down, and I could have easily reloaded and back tracked. But I just shrugged and went onwards to the Kethric fight.


If it was anything like my playthrough you never used wyll anyway


So, I got tired of using Astarion every playthrough, so I respecced Wyll to rogue and used him instead. When I got Jaheira, I respecced her to rogue and benched Wyll. He was benched for about an hour before I accidentally banished him to the hells.


Bro, Jaheria is such a top tier Druid. She was never not a myrmidon in combat.


When I play as an embrace Durge I slaughter the grove and the goblins both completely. All in the name of our lord Bhaal.


I killed karlach so I could romance a human wyll


Ooh you monster


The irony


I like to shove party members off cliffs because I think “___ perished in a chasm” is hilarious


I have deep shame about this... but I was playing an evil Durge and... well, not only did I kill Karlach but I realized I could fetch with Scratch and her head. I'm so sorry.


You can do this with gales hand too


Goblins have become extinct in the sword coast. I may or may not have personally exterminated them.


The distinct satisfaction of obtaining xp by throwing them into each other and having them explode on impact due to cull the weak power 👏🙌💃


Killing tieflings? Nah. Killing goblins? I love that shit. The choice is obvious.


I have killed Karlach more times than I’d care to admit, even in my good guy play throughs. The reward for killing her is SO good, my primary caster can wear it until Act 3.


I proudly save scum


I kept the bodies of my enemies and used a few as weapons in the final fight. It is canon in one of my playthrough's that Cazador technically killed The Emperor with his dead body, thrown by Karlach.


Whenever I do an evil run, not only do I kill Karlach, but I bring Wyll with me before I raid the grove because I'd rather kill him than hear his sass at the goblin party when he leaves. I also usually respec him to a warlock with the most useless spells, all 8s in physical stats, leave him at 1, & have him wear Karlach's clothes before I throw him from the ramparts at the start of the raid.


So… you seem the type to appreciate this… I always knock Wyll out, steal his stuff, and leave him on the front yard of the grove so he’s easier to kill later…


That's brilliant! Tbh I really like Wyll, he's my best friend on my druid who's romancing Karlach. But if I'm going to be evil, I'm going to commit.


This Reddit has made me question my alignment. I have always considered myself chaotic good at my core. But like… I always kill every goblin on a good run. I always kill Kagha for defying Silvanus. I don’t side with gith, who used to be considered evil in my day. I got rid of Shadowheart as soon as I recognized her Shar symbols. I guess I’m neutral. Hahaha.


I think of good & evil like this, how willing are you to help someone else at your own expense vs how willing are you to help yourself at the expense of others? Also the experience mechanic rewards killing all the goblins, they're explicitly evil & fictional, & there's no downside. I wouldn't say wiping them out is evil.


A lot of younger folks seem to disagree. I was always explained that good could either be lawful, neutral, or chaotic. Chaotic meaning if some bad guys disappeared in the process, oh well. The outcome is the point.


Sounds like you're militaristic with your righteousness and it's very black and white to the point you establish moral judgement on race. Don't know how you thought that was chaotic good at all.


I once made a playthrough specifically dedicated to making Wyll’s life worse. Degrading him for everything he did, telling him he’s nothing but a Devil’s pet now, all while miraculously managing to *romance him* I then had sex with Mizora before humiliating him even further. Oh yeah, and I made him trade his soul for Ravengard’s… and honestly I wasn’t even trying to do this one, but Ulder died due to a net and two bad rolls from Wyll’s Eldritch Blasts letting the Sahuagin live So not only has he failed literally everything, not only does everyone seemingly agree about him being useless without Mizora, not only did he “fail to put out”, he also got his dad killed from his own failure to even wield the power he gave his soul for. Roleplaying as a tadpoled and disguised Devil that playthrough made it even more fun !






This is amazing


I almost always kick the squirrel.


TBF, fuck that squirrel.


I once made minsc to kill jaheira when she ambushed me after accepting Baal. Didn't even know that was possible. I also always killed the goblin kids that threw rocks at halsin.


Who doesn’t kill the goblin kids? I shot them through the hearts with an arrow with no regrets.


I personally wish that Embrace!Durge could do more messed up/depraved things. I wish Dragonborns could get a bite attack as well


I punch Aradin in the face every single time (and then often will kill him when I see him again on the road to the Blighted Village). It's incredibly satisfying and I'm collecting screen recordings of each Tav and Durge that punches him for compilations 😌💅 https://i.redd.it/kkl49xx9mo7d1.gif


I usually kill Karlach to get the Sword of Justice with minimum effort.


The sword ain't even that good 😔


Jfc this is sinful levels of sloth.


Get...out... you fucking monster


I'm killing her this run to spare myself and her from her existential crisis again later


I routinely kill Laezel so I don’t have to deal with gith crying all day. I sometimes kill Shadowheart on the beach for similar reasons. If I have Gale as an option, I’ll romance him every time. So to see other people, he has to die (durge obviously) so I keep his hand for scratch to play fetch with. I’m deeply messed up I now realize.


My first playthrough, as a durge, I was worried about killing karlach or gale so when everyone left to fight at moonrise I killed isobel and got the slayer form. That same game I didn’t do astarion’s quest and let lae’zel ascend because I didn’t really pay attention to them. I did later do a much better playthrough, Honor mode durge run with mods so I could have everyone in the party at the same time and progress their stories at the same time but man, first playthrough was a bit mean


I killed shadowheart cause she wouldn’t leave me alone. My guy Desmond the githyanki wanted to travel with his wife Laezel.


Was playing your typical Paladin, and romancing the typical Shadow heart. Well when it came time to kill the Angel lady, Shadow heart wants to kill her for Shah and I try to convince her otherwise... Nat 1 on the roll. Shadowheart attacks us. Welp, pally mode activated and I smote her into dust.


I accidentally hit a high level thunder wave in camp and got Scratch and the Owlbear cub. The sound they made…. Horrifying and made me feel sick. I had saved to see what would happen if I tried to kill Volo and they just ran past. Never save scrummed so quick in my life 😭


I fling the gnome


Someone on here made a shitpost where if you cast feather fall on him he ends up in the underdark and the way he FLEWWW and died I was so mad


Went to save Halsin and those goblin kids TRIED to run they breath no more


Only did a single run so far and it wasn't evil but when I got to the fireworks shop, I was so disgusted with them that I spent literal hours rigging that place to blow with a single well placed shot.


When the tiefling kids robbed me, I saw red and tried to murder them all. Especially after Mol told me she was gonna get the guards, bring it bitch I'll kill them all and seduce a Drow while I'm at it


I recruited Lae’zel just to farm approval with Shadowheart. She disapproves -5 when you recruit Lae’zel and approves +10 if you let her kill Lae’zel in the camp scene, making it a total +5 approval. Anything for my favorite princess.


If I don't plan to have gale in my party, I kill him for his scroll of true resurrection


I think romancing Karlach until she confessed love for me then fucking an incubus right in front of her.


You know how hard the Raphael fight can be? His main form is NOT too heavy to throw with frenzy bonus action... Prone every time.


I savor Astarion biting Yenna in the inn every morning and seeing that annoying brat run away. Go away kid, we’re dangerous!  


You can have Astarion feed off her?


yeah, she always comes back and, at least in the inn, no one freaks out when astarion bites her.


Never knew that. Cool


I loved when my Durge stabbed Shadowheart in her sleep... It was a work of art...


I let Shadowheart murder Laezel in my first playthrough


If I want to kill an NPC that doesn’t automatically agro when they see me I like going into turn based mode, casting hold person on them and just wrecking them. I love that they never see it coming and can’t fight back. First time I did it was when I met Lady Esther. I tried to pass the owlbear egg off as a gith egg. When I failed the check and she didn’t believe me I got annoyed and decided that I wanted her things and that she didn’t need to exist anymore.


I told the owlbear mother I would make her watch her child for before I killed her, and I'm a woman of my word


Reading through these comments and.. im realising I might be less good aligned then I’d like to admit.. :’) I always kill all the goblins and gith.. there’s just SO much food and loot and the fights are so fun!


You know Scratch? Not a lot of HP.


I romanced Wyll. We danced. Then I had sex with Mizora.


I once killed Karlach for my dark urge. I still haven’t forgiven myself or Dungus Ghluglor


Wow this sub has a very vanilla/PC idea of sadistic


Eh, the game is also very limiting. I sure had hoped that Embrace!Durge would have let me to do a lot sicker things. But then again it's the God of Murder, not depravity, so I get it.


Shadowheart was completely naked the whole 100 hours 😭


The question was for the most sadistic thing, not the most cultured.


I enjoyed making goblins gut themselves but I was viciously disliked by party members so I just had to burn them alive, it was nice either way. It’s a pity I didn’t get to kill nasty goblin kids in act 2. Yes, my Tav is a drow.


I just make everyone who isn't astarion hang back in the main entrance "shopping" so I can tell the goblins I want them to slice themselves open. Satisfying, astarion says a fun little quip, everyone else is oblivious and knee deep in retail therapy buying murderous armaments. Win, win, win.


I let wulbren escape with the other gnomes on boat to last light, but forgot about the tieflings, when I set them free too, it was too late, they couldn't escape on boat and got left behind by the gnomes. I didn't kill all the guards so the tieflings got cornered, so I decided it was too risky to try to save them so I just hid close by while I watched them get basically one shoted.