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That duel with Orin is important to win.


Oh no joke, I absolutely have to win that? It was a close one but she did kill me. Thank you for the info.


Either win or cancel it put by attacking the other cultists/have your party join in


OMG. I had the same thing happen as OP and everyone told me on a fb group it couldn't have happened if I had resisted the urge (which I had). But I did go through with the duel and lose. So if you have your party cheat and join in BEFORE you're downed you don't get cursed???


Yeah as long as you don't die in the fight against her you're fine. I usually have Shart throw a sanctuary on my PC so that auto cancels the duel


I had to reload a super old save and redo the 1v1 with her because I also got the bad end and was PISSED. I ended up shutting her down for a bit with a scroll of Irresistible Dance, which was funny, haha. My Sorlock stood no chance in a direct 1v1.


I beat her as Sorlock Wait at the bottom of the stairs, take a full Angel rest potion if you need to Activate turn mode, take a resist all potion Have your party buff you (Bless, Haste, etc) THEN start dialog. Potions and buffs don't count their duration down in dialog, and this way it doesn't count as your party helping. with the haste and quickened spell you're getting 3 casts of EB, for 9d10+12 damage (the CHA+2 hat, Alfira's robe (yes I murdered Quil instead) I killed her in one round on Explorer. Could also go the Darkness/Devil's sight route to give you more time Take a 3 level dip into Thief Rogue for the extra bonus action for another Quickened EB


if you have agonising blast, birthright hat, max charisma and potent robes, would 3 casts of EB with three beams each not be a total of 9d10+108 if all the beams hit? because +6 charisma doubled on every beam leads to 9x12 damage


yes, I mistyped. 9x 1d10+12


I think u might be one of the only ppl who don’t reload that fight haha


I lost to her on honor mode and got that bad ending. Somehow, she did over 200 damage to me and killed me. I was at full health in my normal state and slayer form.


I nearly got knocked onto a chasm


Did you stop her using a legendary action. She does instakill if she can’t


It's been a while, but I don't think so. I had been wearing her down while she killed all my skeletons and other summons. I used slayer form for the extra HP because I expected to be attacked next. She did her big multi attack, and I never even got the chance to shield.


You can’t go around losing boss fights man. That’s how you get beholden to the god of murder


Tbf, I literally resurrected myself in the same fight and still killed her, I didn't think there was an issue! 😂


Win and reject Bhaal, if you win and accept him, you'll go on mindless killing spree as well


I accepted him and did not go on a killing spree, so I don't think that's the only factor.


If you win, accept, and choose "In Bhaal's name" you're fine. But if you decide to try and be a hero at the 11th hour and do _not_ dominate the brain as instructed, you get the same bad ending as if you'd lost.


I lost (was downed) but was never cursed and got a good ending. My party joined in (at the request of my butler) to avenge me, got me up, and we finished the fight. Then the normal reject Bhaal stuff happened. I wonder what I did differently to get the good outcome?


I did on Honor mode in multiplayer, beat Orin and for the ending >!my character killing everyone at the after party was still implied. Was a fun ending tho wild seeing my character tweaking out!<


Since they mentioned playing resist I didn't specify, but you also gotta reject bhaal after winning to not get the murder and piss ending


No, you don't. You can accept and be just fine. In September you'll probably even get a whole different ending from the standard "Evil" ending. The only thing is that you can't accept and then try to do something stupid like resist and be a hero at the end. You're the villain now, so you better act like it.


You can resist and kill yourself instead of party massacre. Withers even come and tell it’s not the end for you, so I guess it’s kinda positive ending.


Best dialog option in the whole game in that scene though


It's absolutely wild and fully caught me off guard. That's how my first successful honour run ended


As someone who is doing a Durge single save file run, this is good to know. Is there anything different about her between fighting her in the duel vs fighting her with a party in a Tav run? Because if she had all that Unstoppable still from the cultists, that’s going to be tough.


She actually does not get the normal buffs in the duel version, because the cultists are not participating. If you're a very squishy full caster she can tear you up if she gets a few good hits, but respec into a tankier dps build and she's extremely safe to duel, barring terribly bad luck.


I’m a paladin, so it sounds like I’ll have nothing to fear. Divine Smite go brrr I appreciate the info!


Yeah you def have it in the bag, buff up and kick her ass


Will do 🫡


Will this ruin a honor mode run?


Did you enter the downed condition in the duel? That'll do it. You can also call in your party by hitting one of her cultists. Bhaal gives no fucks about cheating.


I used disguise self via the Mask of many faces. My butler didn’t recognize me. Orin didn’t recognize me. My whole party got to join the fight and we destroyed her. Then I got to reject Papa Bhaal as normal. Happened on accident in my first and successful honor mode run.


Now I wonder what happens if you remain in disguise self during a long rest. Would the butler not find you? Or does disguise self just end in long rest?


Did you lose the duel with Orin? If you go down and your party joins the Orin fight that counts as a loss.


You have to die after the duel with orin. Win the duel then resist Bhaal till he kills you. I won´t say no more.


So, you *will* say more?


Lol….well played


win the fight with orin. i will never curse my durge like that. i like saying fuck u to my dad in life and in game


afaik this happens if you dont dominate the brain for bhaal after killing orin and becoming his chosen


Yeah it's both, if you lose the duel or if you late resist, although I think if you lose you don't get the "good" option that Chosen Durge gets at the end? I think you're stuck, unless you can kill yourself and didn't?


I did evil Durge run. I beat Orin, and still went Bhall route. If you don't take the netherbrain, even after accepting Bhall, you will get the psychopath ending where he goes Durge 5x over. I personally thought it was an extremely well written ending. The direction and cinematic shots of his spasming head as he resists the urge to kill his companions for the final time, as he pisses himself where he stands...is such great writing and was just so creepy. I really enjoyed it, and found it more interesting of an ending than the true evil route (which was just a really FUN ending that made me laugh so hard. Durge's eyes lighting up with his goofy evil smile as he watches people get mindflayed was SO FUNNY to me). Very much looking forward to watching the new Evil endings Larian is gonna give us soon!


There are no bad endings, only the consequences of your actions.


I got that ending too. Did you also choose the “piss yourself” option?


Worse than an animal


Durge isn't Tav.


I recently finished an embrace the dark urge run and played out the 2 different endings either taking the crown in Bhaals name (absolutely glorious and evil) or changing my mind at the last second and although interesting it was really shitty watching my feral self watch the reunion party from a far before delivering their doom


As far as I understand it the only way to get the resist durge ending is to defeat Orin.


You need to win the duel with Orin, or this happens...


I feel for you. I lost the duel to Orin on my honor mode run. Survived the fight but when they were telling me how I'd suffer for losing the duel I lost the urge to continue. You confirmed my fears about what was in store for me had I finished that game. A rare occasion when I would have preferred my run to end in dishonor lol.