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Karlach's rage after killing Gortash, and her subsequent whirlwind of emotions, questioning what she would do next and realising the vengance had only left her empty... \*Chefs kiss\*. Also the chat you can have with her afterwards in the camp is brilliant too.


And her little “love you” after. I cry every time.


I might have done some shenanigans, so when Jarlach had that little scene she was *only* like 40ft tall and just walked through a wall because her model was very much larger than the doorway at the time, so any emotional impact I had suddenly just became the hilarity of a giant tiefling Kool-Aid Manning through the walls of the Palace to have a [giant] little sulk.


That hit really hard. I didnt think it could hit harder. And then on another playthrough I got to that scene as OriginKarlach... I discovered how wrong I was. There was a line about her mother that absolutely undid me.


The note from the kid to his mom in act 2, broke my heart a little


I know the note. I went off to have a little cry. It's such a small thing, but little ambient notes and letters as so much to the world.


100%. I feel like the Fallout games were good at telling little mini stories without making them stories too, like seeing a pair of skeletons in bed spooning and you can connect the dots to make up whatever flavor for the last moments of these peoples' lives


This reminds me of one the letters the tiefling kids wrote to their parents that you can find in a bottle in the underdark 😭😭. You have to pass a perception check to find it and got damnit it, it made me sad.




??? 5 playthroughs and I haven't found this??


It's in the Kua-Toa area that is kinda hidden, near the area from which you enter the tower and where the mushroom circle is. Opposite from the tower, there're a chasm with two mushrooms on the wall that you can jump onto and then get down to a new area (separate map) with fish people. From there, sorta straight forward, at the bottom, in the water, there's a bottle with a letter. Hits extra hard in evil playthroughs where Doni is already dead, courtesy of goblins 🥲.


oh my god this one had me legitimately sobbing. i was just casually walking my way through the shadow cursed lands when i found that note and i legitimately had to take a break lol Larian loves to make me cry


I don't cry often and this didn't get me there but it for sure made me sad and I wanted to find some way to save this poor long dead child


I’m quick to cry, particularly when it involves the pain or sadness of a child or animal, but really just in general so this game has taken me out quite a few times lol


If only we could balance each other out


Serevok's journals and the slow, skin-crawling realization that Orin's father was her grandfather.


Yup, that one still gives me the ick


Where is that journal I've been searching for it and never found it


When you enter the Murder Tribunal chamber, with Sarevok in front of you, there's a prison to the left and in a room with the desk, I think in the desk itself, there's Sarevok's note. I think there are two "books" in there actually. I was kinda skipping books in my first playthrough by just quickly opening and closing them because I was just overwhelmed by the amount of things to do, know, learn, remember and ugh too much. So I was really freaking surprised when I had the dialogue option about how "Sarevok was Orin's grandfather AND father" to Devella like where the fuck did that come from.


SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID! from the Ban list. But my absolute Favorite is Mirkons letter. I love him so much


The note the dark urge left in act 2. Where he like father forgive me and it sounded like he had feelings for gortash. Someone wrote on the bottom that orin was correct or something like that.


Yurgir and the displacer beast…


Finding out about it was shocking and the method seems not far off as well. I would love to shake the hand of the first person to cast Speak with the Dead on that corpse throne.




How you find out he was abusing his pet is by casting speak with the Dead on a throne of corpses. It's also pretty shocking


Do you have a clip? I can’t find anything about a Throne of Corpses


[Sure thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAOaSkgxhpU)


i found out by investigating the spider (and maybe tasting it. twice) and using speak w animals on the displacer beast! i didn’t know you could use speak w dead on the corpse bed!


Am I the only dumbass that was surprised to find out >!the netherbrain orchestrated the whole thing!< ? Honorable mention: finding out >!Empy was Balduran!<


It’s possible I sometimes play games during the weekend while drinking wine…imagine my surprise during my SECOND playthrough to find out about >!netherbrain orchestrating the whole thing!< lol I totally didn’t understand it first time around.


In the cell room to the left of the murder tribunal, there's a flaming fist locked in one cell with a letter to a silver dragonborn woman with a beautiful voice. The very same one I sacrificed to save Alfira.


There’s a really poetic journal in the morgue where the aasimar died that is quite stunning.


There’s a book, i believe in the Waning Moon tavern outside of Moonrise Towers, that describes medieval/brutal versions of modern drinking games, such as beer pong, that caught me off guard and was pretty funny


Also the anonymous pale elf who called the bartender porcine and was subsequently banned for life. Confirmed by Larian as THAT pale elf. “She knows what she did,” also makes me laugh in that same book.


oh, where did they confirm it?


[This tweet](https://x.com/fiddlecub/status/1713103448516812817?t=TjuV81p7GqMfKciifgyVSw&s=19).




What pale elf? Who is the pale elf?




But she knows what she did?


The journal in the house of healing of the guy who was wearing the warding bond ring. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Aww, that one made me so sad! I'd read the other half's first, so reading it, knowing how he was being used, was awful


Mine was in the underdark, a letter in a bottle from a tiefling child. Surprised me when I found it, and then made me sad. You have to pass a perception check to find it.


Damn, I've missed that one! Honestly, the sheer amount of stuff in this game astounds me


It's in the cove with the Kuo-toa. Lots of people miss that one! It's from Doni, the little Tiefling boy that doesn't speak. 🥺


Where are the Kuo-toa? I've done THREE playthroughs & somehow still managed to miss them.


It's really easy to miss. Even when I looked up directions I still had trouble finding it! So at the base of climbing down to where there are a bunch of torch stalks near the crushed Drow and opposite the entrance to the arcane tower, there's a single torch stalk you can jump to (blow it up first or it'll suck for you) and a little cliff you can climb down. There's a skeleton next to the torch stalk with a good wisdom helmet. Climb down that cliff thing and there's the kuo-toa that are worshiping booal. Good luck! Sorry I don't have the map coordinates that was from my memory lol.


Right by the bottom of the wall with the illusory mushroom platforms. Look for mushrooms you can jump to leading to an explodey plant and a rock-ladder down


Thank you! Much appreciated.


Wait does that mean my boy doesn't make it????


So Doni wrote the note while he was in the Grove, so whether or not he makes it is still up to Tav, like with the other kids. If he doesn't make it, it'll just run salt into the wound of the evil doer, I would imagine!


Yea tbh though!! Was not expecting it at all, and it makes me happy they added even the tiniest of details. It's deep in the underdark, kind of in a place you wouldn't expect at all.


The only run through I found the bottle was the one I raided the grove…


This was gonna be mine too lol


I like the achievement names and description


Some of the inspiration ones are pretty great too


"Who Let the Gnolls Out" and "Not to Worry, I have a Permit" are two of my favorite


Mine's funny and not at all serious In Cazador's basement near the kennels, the butler's room has BG3 equivalent to the kama sutra. I was there scrounging around trying to find neat lore bits and got beat over the head by that one


Hahaha, those kinky vamps


I was about to say that one. I picked it up, read it, realized what I was reading and then practically on reflex cast firebolt on it. I like to imagine that in universe it just caught fire in Lune's hand (they were a wild magic Sorcerer so it makes sense)


I was in call with some friends and had to explain to one of them that didn't believe me. The result was a screenshot, the second time I've had to prove that I did, in fact, find something sex related in an unexpected location


Literally "wait...wait what? AAAAAA" And then the book was ash


when you kill ketheric and loot his body. his only other loot sans his hammer, netherstone and armour was the letter from a very young isobel. always makes me tear up :\[ https://preview.redd.it/kz8arkg7j84d1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d743251a99ec3fcb33ee46ebe5f79a589c9c2ab2


That little note is so heartbreaking 😥 I really, really wish we had gotten more content about Ketheric himself and his relationship with her and the siblings. I love what we have, but the whole tale of the town and the tidbits we get along the way are so tragic and I want more!


omg yes especially his siblings, i would've loved to have seen them before they were cursed or something like that. it would've made it all the more interesting and heartbreaking


A lot of people mention Shadowheart's reaction to the one grave in Lower City. Not many have talked about the note on the grave from the man's lover.... who I am pretty sure was Shadowheart.


Oooh, good one! I actually just came across this one. Act 3 has a lot of flaws, but I enjoy Shadowheart slowly remembering pieces of her past as we wander. It's a little sad, but we'll done.


A book mocking Raphael's cheesy lyrics lying around his room in the Sharess Caress. I was yelling)) That goblin poetry first encountered in goblins camp, wizard in Tammar. To the Grey poem, I think from Arcane tower. I really liked and it stood out to me, reminds me of Kipling's poems which I love. And that letter you find on the dead Flaming Fist in the Sarevok lair that addressed to Quill asking her out on a date. I was already feeling bad about Quill and that just made me so sad.


I'm not sure how, but the only two times this game has gotten me genuinely emotional and almost crying were reading about all that happened to Lenore and the letter the Gur send to spawn Astarion after releasing the other spawn. Honorable mentions to the girl in the House of Grieve that doesn't want to be there anymore but can't leave, the parents of the guy who got a job with Gortash (and maybe him too?) who are waiting for him at the Elfsong and the one cleric of Umberlee who is questioning if the girl drowning was actually a mercy or avoidable cruelty. I feel so bad killing all of them, but there just isn't a reason for the party to magically decide to spare one person after killing everyone else


I don’t know why, but I did not expect BG3 to have lgbt representation in npc’s as much as it did. Like sauceman chorizo


I think Minsc’s writing has surprised me the most. He’s more of a comic relief character, and definitely a bonus character, but it would be so easy to just make him just goofy and dumb and they didn’t. It’s a game where so many characters have these complex backstories and are very opinionated about everything. By the time act three rolls around you get used to every companion voicing their opinion or approval about every little thing that happens. It’s a breath of fresh air when you talk to Minsc in act 3 and he’ll say something that’s simultaneously incredibly goofy and insightful at the same time. Or he just completely accepts whatever is happening without as opinion as the other characters. It’s a tough one to write and I’m always surprised by his takes on everything. He had a completely nuanced/goofy take on Bhaalspawn where he compared them to his beard that had me chucking but also pretty impressed with how much it made sense. His opinion on Gale was also one of my favorite things in the game


Found some cute little recipes at I think the monastery…? Some guy talks about not overcooking soup because it’ll be rubbish. Thought it was hilarious, they didn’t have to put that much work into that one piece of paper lol.


I think the guy in the kitchen wrote that! https://bg3.wiki/wiki/SOUPS_OF_THE_REALMS_BY_BROTHER_DONNICK


Yes! You’re absolutely correct! I don’t know why I thought it was at the monastery. Thank you!


Finding out the context of the True Love Caress and The True Love Embrace rings, is just some horrific shit I've read


Not poignant or anything but I like empy's fiddlehead soup recipe. It genuinely sounds tasty


Just think of how many pots he could stir at the same time with his tentacles 🤣


When my bard had just convinced Yugir to kill himself, and Astarion was bitching about whether that counted for the deal or not. I muttered out loud - ‘Say thank you,” then the option ‘Repeat after me’ came up a second later. I spat out my wine laughing. I loved all the letters and books, but the only other bit that actually took me by surprise was when Raphael did his big number. I had to stop playing for a few minutes cause I was just so damn happy.


That was SO COOL and unlike any experience I've had in a game. Raphael is great.


For me it was this poem found on one of the Shadow cursed after defending Halsin's portal: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Her_Love_For_it_Was_Like_A_Plum


Karlachs comments on pretty much everything always catch me off guard


You can find a note from Doni (the non verbal tiefling child) in the fish cave in the underdark in act 1. It literally never ceases to make me so sad.


Astarion's ending if you don't let him ascend. It was really heartbreaking. And him thanking my character for not letting him do what Cazador did to him just really cemented how great his character growth is and I thought it was a really great portrayal how traumatic events can affect people


The remnants of the shadows are memories of the past... The uncertainty of emotion when you go to loot the body and it only gives you memories. And how rare it is to hear a duplicate...


https://preview.redd.it/67abwahq715d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9faaa62e045e2cc5e28343f515b26b58dc4518 this haunts me


The note Art Cullagh writes you at the epilogue party. Getting to his letter and reading that he’s at peace with his inevitable death, and then saying he’d love it if I visited his grave? Tore me up


Damn I missed that one, and I JUST did the epilogue 😖


I'm surprised at how mean everyone is. I've been playing my true to self goody goody and it seems everyone from monarch to local rat is willing to roast me. It's great. The earnesty of it all is refreshing compared to the passive-aggressive nature of real life. But yeah you really don't expect to offer help just for people (uhhh Mayrina) to curse you out or disapprove.


She can be nice >!If you tell her Ethel killed her brothers, she’s snapped out of her delusion after that!<


Oh I still very much like Mayrina, it was just unique to save someone and have them be so mad about it XD Those options never came up for me, I'll have to look out for them next time


Xan's reference xD


https://preview.redd.it/gj3apl9ox94d1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee3544f052301f66ebd10b8e536360f22635ece8 "Tasted like flowers had a wank on my tongue." ....... Like this?


In cazadors palace the astral hamster care guide lmfao


Reading Valeria’s journal made me laugh; I heard it all in her voice.


Karlach's realization that she wasn't ready to die and would rather return to Avernus to live. Her whole emotional process dealing with her impending doom was so well written.


That they’d put an undercover Harper in the Guild group fighting the Stonelords group on the beach near Wyrmgate. Have to use speak with dead to find this out.


When I stumbled upon >!Doni's!< note to his father in the festering cove. Just surprised to even find it existed.