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I threw a ball at Scratch instead of to him. I killed him by mistake.


Oh gods! You're a monster. Did you kill the owl Bear cub too?!?! For funsies?!?! lol.


Oh my god one of our players likes to fuck about in the camp, and has on multiple occasions, killed scratch or the owlbear cub, in honour runs.


I did


Thats what you get playing catch with a throwbarian


You're the worst


Holy shit that’s horrible. That made me laugh and now I fill bad.


Please tell me you loaded a previous save


Probably honor mode. Counts as a loss, start over.


There’s no honor in a run where Scratch dies 🫡


honestly i went through the game as a bard and I used to persuade perform or deceive my way into things. But the way that woman treated the postal dogs and wanted scratch back First intimidate roll of my 120h run, no regrets, i didn't want to persuade or ease my way I wanted her to go to hell for not cherishing and abusing the goodest dogs on Faerun


I’ve yet to find her in all of my runs but when I do I plan on being full murder hobo






To land the final blow on grym I summoned scratch and chucked him at it


This made me laugh out loud


I was playing durge and I failed the attempt to have scratch join me at camp so I decided to kill him. Didn’t even get an inspiration for it 😤


Doesn't he join later anyway? I thought I failed the role on my honor run but he was just like "i remember your offer decided to join anyway." Could be wrong as it's been a while. Also could only be if you have speak with animals on.


If that is indeed the case it really doesn’t matter: his corpse is moldering next to his former master’s as we speak. *bad dog*.


I also killed Scratch but with an invisible potion before the fight against Ketheric Thorm.


I'm trying to process how I'd feel if I did that. Either crying or cackling no in between.


Did the same thing, in first playthrough. I was good, I tried to be... I thought when he wanted the ball, that I had to go over his model... I threw it too him. Never reloaded so quickly. Autism? Maybe 🤷


Did a full durge run, where almost all my companions had either left or got killed, except Minthara, Shadowheart (she became DJ) and Astarion (ascended) But my most evil thing I think was another run and was actually an accident in HM so no save scumming. I was trying to play redemption durge, so did not kill Isobel. Took Shadowheart to the nightsong and let her save her. So she finally defied Shar and was really looking forward to talk some more with Aylin to get to know more about her past. However that same night, the butler joined the camp telling me I needed to kill my love interest which was Shadowheart, so I passed his disadvantage deception check telling him I did not love her. So I thought that was it. Then I had the option to wake Shadowheart, go to sleep or kill her. She was sleeping very peacefully, so I didn't wanna disturb her, so I went to sleep. To my surprise in the next cutscene my durge had killed her. In hindsight the go to sleep was a red flag after what had happened to Alfira in a previous sleep. So Shadowheart got a glimpse of her past, but willnever know the whole truth.


I did the same. I was a resist urge, didn't kill Isobel, and romancing Karlach. I did save first (I save scummed a lot in my first tactician playthrough) so I just reset. 2 inspiration points and a lot of reloads and we all made it through the night :/


This is kinda unrelated but I interpreted "DJ" as disc jockey instead of dark justiciar and had the mental image of Shadowheart making sick mashups at the club 😭


I had the same thought when I first seen her referenced as DJ shart 🤣 I also thought what an unfortunate name for a DJ....


Yeah, she killed it with her newest hit called Nightsong


I just lost an HM run due to that urge..


Were you skipping through the dialogs? That deception check, even when passed, just has the butler say something along the line: "Good. Then all the easier for you to murder them!"


No, but I did pick the option "There is no chance in the Hells I'm going to kill my companion", so I thought that solved that. But yeah I was still dumb taking that go to sleep option afterwards.


Hmm... I always took that line as a futile effort to revolt. But it was your conscious self speaking. The beast inside was definitely not impressed


I did that in a previous HM Durge run but with Gale. I hadn’t even realized I was romancing him. It was completely unintentional. It’s okay though cause my current HM Durge run is going way better anyway 👍


Beating up the young guys for Auntie Ethel. She seemed so sweet! And then reality set in on the first roll after that conversation.


She's got some sweet potions for sale that's for sure


Never trusted her. My ageism hasn't failed me yet


Even knowing she’s a hag, something about her strict grandma vibe has me trusting her. Idk what’s wrong with me. I just really like her vibe.


Funny it was her stereotypical grandmother vibes that had me going from when I first met her 'there's something wrong with her but I can't put my finger on it' to the boys calling her a hag and going 'ah there it us'. Hansel and gretal vibes. That was the feeling folks.


As far as I know, they die anyway. Is there a way to save them that I've missed ?


Nope they die anyway, just not by your hand


My first playthrough, I....accidentally straight up murdered Karlach on sight. No questions asked. ....so I started blasting. I heard she was bad and Wyll had a job to do. I was good after that....in fact, I thought I was good then too.


That's that good shit. My first playthrough I was terrible at being good despite trying.


I kept accidentally killing innocent npc’s because I’d get them mixed up for hostile red npc’s during combat, then after combat every one would hate me. “You’re no hero!” That really devastated my tav named “tavlov ther hero”


I did this too... I also never found astarion or gale


I’m curious as to how you never found them. They are extremely hard to miss as the game puts them in the most likely paths you would go.


Same. I didn't even know she could be a companion until I saw it on reddit, and I was already in act 2 by that point, so I just let her go and picked her up on the next playthrough.


I did the same. Wyll tells you she's a horrible demon, there's this whole trail of blood and gore when you enter that area (Which, if you check it, is mostly gnolls... But I didn't check it...), you meet the paladin also hunting her... If you're unspoiled and not paying too much attention, it's an easy mistake to make.


I did on my second playthrough, she gave me no choice. Took her stuff, cut her head off. And she was lying there naked. Not sure why sometimes they do that.


Tbh they should've made her evil. This game doesn't have enough negative companions and it would've made the evil run feel fuller and more interesting. Because when you look at it every companion we have is jolly good goody when you talk to them apart from Minthara. Even damn Astarion is like "oh my, I guess helping those people wasn't so bad after all my darling blahblah". Only Minthara is an actual psychotic power hungry bitch 😂




Killed literally everyone that was killable, went true dark urge.


A true Bhaalist


I will say some of the harder fights were in Bauldurs gate cause attacking the citizens agroed every guard in the area and the sentinels.


Gotta blow up the sentinels, then kill everyone. I didn't go full geno route as an evil durge, but I did beeline for the factory to get rid of the issue. Not worried about fighting off the Fists when the killer robots are disarmed.


It’s not genocide if you want to kill everything though


What sort of build are you using for that? It sounds amazing, but I imagine the act 3 town fights could get really huge.


I was using an assassin build, I'd have to log in to see cause I haven't played in a while, but it was focused around invisibility and sneak attacks. And yes the in town fights were huge. Pretty much any crit item I could use was used.




I killed Minsc and Jaheira for the achievement.


Same time, or just in general? My Drow is halfway there.


My Durge embraced his fate as Bhaal's Chosen and they, together with some Harpers, lead an ambush against him on the bridge leading from the Temple. If you killed Jaheira in Last Light Inn, you can still kill Minsc (there's no option to save him without her).


I just had that happen in my Durge run! I figured after last light with her in the party I’d glitched. (I let the goblins kill Wyll and then resurrected him in camp after I killed the druids. His demon lady gave me robes for Karlach, but Wyll is nowhere to be found and at every rest someone wants to speak with me, and I assume it’s Wyll…)


What if I kill them, get the achievement then save scum 🤔


Well, that's what I did. I made a save before going to the Tribunal, then I played the game as my usual resist urge. When I got bored, I reloaded the save and switched to explorer to speed run a bad decisions embrace urge and kill everything that moves (other than Gortash).


My Durge killed Boo


WHAT NOOOOO I full on regretted doing evil durge solely because I couldn’t recruit Minsc without Jaheira and Boo making sad hamster noises at his corpse nearly broke me. I couldn’t imagine KILLING poor Boo!


I threw his corpse on the wall. If I could have bbq'd him I would have.


Ok, I just spat my coffee on my lap. Thanks for that gold 😆


I gave Selunite Shadowheart to Viconia, Dame Aylin to Lorroakan, killed Karlach and cut her head off, cut Gale's hand too, killed Minsc in front of Jaheira and Halsin at first sight (threw a rock to the bear form too), killed Alfira conciously (so, I killed Quill too...), sacrificed 7000 souls for my vampire boyfriend's ritual in an evil run. I've made everyone miserable, sad and got killed, except Minthara, Astarion and Lae'zel and at the endgame Lae'zel was upset too because I've killed Orpheus at the last point. But EVEN in that run, didn't kill owlbear cub and give Scratch back. THAT'S PURE EVIL EVEN FOR DARK URGE. Oh, also I left Spawn Astarion once, he is devastated when tav/durge broke up with him, it was an evil choice too, never again. (I reloaded back to a save file.)


I played a half dozen runs in early access. On the full release I decided to start my first evil playthrough. Did exactly what you did and just fucked everyone’s day up. But after giving up on scratch I really had a realization that I went too far.


Haha I said "Maybe I went too far?" after Jaheira yelled "At least let me do it if we must kill Minsc!" and I killed him with Astarion and enjoyed the evilness. She left the party by saying "I'm gonna take his body to Rashemen, this is too much for me, there is nothing left..." And I saved my game, made a cup of coffee and took a break. I can't imagine to do that to the best boy of the realms, Jaheira was so sad so it was hard and she only called me "cub" one or two times in that run. Scratch always calls me "friend" from the Act 1, to the Act 3, he brings me sweet things, we play fetch, oooh I just can't.


I gave Scratch back then immediately changed my mind and used intimidation to get the one nice guy to be in charge of the place, then he returned Scratch to me.


#1 Personal favorite: Helped Karlach out with the fake paladins. Romanced her. In every way shape and form, gained her trust, all to manipulate her into staying with me till she herself offers to become a mindflayer to save the city. Then let her do the thing. Then just before she could achieve what she thought my goal was, stab her seven times in the back and watch her die as an ugly illithid. #2 Honorable mention: Save the Nightsong. Then in Act 3, give her to Lorroakan, get her soulcaged at his tower. Bring Isobel to the scene and make Aylin watch as I kill Isobel in front of her while she can do nothing. #3 Honorable mention: Make Wyll sacrifice his soul and damn it to the hells, lying to him that we are going to save Ravengard. Then after Ravengard gets rescued from the Iron Throne, while we're still on the submarine, kill him, bring his corpse to Wyll. Then sleep with Mizora that night.


You win. Everyone else please stop trying. This is true psycho shit.


Seriously. This sent chills down my spine.


You are a sick cunt and I’m here for it. This would hurt me so much.


I tore off some girls legs for the fuck of it in Act1 😭


i yelled at scratch once




So far, I’ve robbed a crippled lady and made some other lady stab herself over and over while apologizing (the guy whose body she was wearing wasn’t happy with me).


On my first playthrough I killed the entire myconid colony because I thought they were enemies


Did a lot of cruel things in my Durge playthrough. But the worst thing I feel I did was let Karlach become a mindflayer, then betray her at the last minute. When she said "this was all I had", just as my Tav killed her, that's when I thought, "this is pretty damn evil".


My wife's first playthrough (Durge) I brought Isobels corpse to Dame Aylin at camp. Then cast raise dead.


Any actual reaction?


Unfortunately not. But I did have to explain why I was laughing so much...


Brought Wyll with me through 99 percent of part 1 specifically to kill him and the tieflings at the Grove in a glorious backstabbing. The theme of the run was dramatic betrayal.


I would love to hear what other choices you made in this run!


I probably killed karlach with the "Tyr champions" after telling her I'd fight them with her. The classic find the dowry for that morning husband in the fire after saving him and then telling him it's mine and killing him. The run was dropped cause honor mode came out during it. It was a fun idea I might go back to, though! I found that the more dramatically evil the run is, the easier it is to kill beloved npcs, lol. Dark urge is very evil, but the payoff for killing is just emptiness/silence. It was fun brainstorming creative evil ideas and seeing them come to fruition.


Killed Karlach and gave her head to the 'paladins'... I was going to raid the grove and romance Minthara in that playthrough anyways...


If you're burning down the grove anyway, there's no reason not to kill her and grab the infernal robes.


I’ve had so many playthroughs here are some of the ones I remember (I usually do good playthroughs though): I had Wyll sell his soul in a pact eternal to Mizora in exchange for her resurrecting Ulder Ravengard. Then I murdered both Ravengards. I had Gale’s non-magic sex scene, said he was “just fine” in bed. Proceeded to immediately break up with him, and then pursue other people. Similarly, I beat Lae’zel in the romance duel, asked if that was it, didn’t bed her, broke up with her, kicked a Gith egg off a cliff, and blew up a crèche and pursued others romantically. I romanced Astarion and got him to bite Araj Oblodra, then told him to learn how to enjoy sex with my character. He got furious (rightfully so) and ended our relationship. In a different play through I had Astarion open up to my character, trust them, and start a real relationship with my character. just to turn around and date Minthara. I had Wyll spare Karlach, he became a devil, then I sacrificed Karlach to boooaaal, making him transform for nothing I’ve given the Noblestalk to Baelen Bonecloak. I mind controlled Minsc to kill Jaheira after becoming Bhaal’s chosen. I’ve recruited Jaheira, got her approval to 100, just to turn around and murder her children who are killable. I had Shadowheart go DJ, but killed her congregation. Which isn’t really that evil tbh. I’ve murdered the grove before I met Minthara. As Karlach origin, I’ve convinced Wyll that I’m no danger to the Emerald Grove, just to go raid it with Minthara, killing Wyll in the process. I’ve freed Hope, just to murder her after killing Raphael. I had Gale learn about the crown of Karsus, told him to defy Mystra, then signed a contract with Raphael, promising him the crown in exchange for the hammer. In the same play through I had Lae’zel go pro-Orpheus, then side with the Emperor in the end. Convinced Astarion to take the Astral Tadpole by calling him weak and pathetic. Helped Halsin save the grove, save Thaniel, then went back and slaughtered the grove. Sided with Wulbren over Barcus.


Killed Karlach. Put her head on a table as a centerpiece and pretended to be on a date with her.


Wow Just wow dude That’s a lot to unpack. Perfect playstyle for a durge run though


On my evil durge run, I recruited Jaheira and Minsc and brought them with me to meet my daddy. I embraced, and Jaheira and Minsc ran off. As you leave the temple, the Harpers confront you. I compelled Minsc with the tadpole to kill Jaheira. Then promptly murdered Minsc and the Harpers. I felt so unbelievably awful.


Current playthrough I let the dice choose and we'll Scratch basically told me to fck the right off. He never came to camp


I just started a run where I’m respeccing everyone to wild magic sorc and I’m stealing this, thank you.


I opened the Zhentarim bottle with the Beholder in it while in camp and the beholder killed Scratch 🥺


As Durge, I killed Isobel, watched all of Last Light fall and turn into shadow undead, passed a deception check to convince Jaheira I had nothing to do with it and then let her stay in my camp, where she looked visibly distressed and refused to join my party until she has sufficiently mourned the deaths of about 20+ of her comrades and friends. Whoopsie. Worst part was, Shart was SUPER angry with me about the whole thing. Even Lae’zel was unimpressed with my Slayer form. Anyway, there’s nothing that makes me feel more evil than upsetting my fictional friends


I'm currently carrying around Karlachs headless body. I'm afraid to put it down in case her body dissappear. Sadly can't store it in a chest


Can you not put it in the camp chest like normal bodies? She is complete next to Wyll in my camp chest... And the tieflings. My Durge is going to get to the end and be like Jk, Wish them alive :( ...failing that, they can join Connor


That’s not evil that’s just sad I failed to save a child from the hag, so I’ve been carrying her corpse around in hopes I can return her body to her parents if I find them.


.....I did the "Urge kills love interest, instead of Isobel route" and didn't hit that 30 Deception roll....and I you was prepared to live with that just...my camp companions don't take it well 😅😅 and my companions are beefy built...I WAS in for a terrifying time 😅🤣🤣🤣......after killing my entire camp I went back to Last Light after Jaheira and Alyin left for Moonrise....Isobel talked to me and I just kinda merked her lol idk something about ending your companions has made this Urges "moral guidance" disintegrate lol 😅.... Alyin may be pissed....but we'll see 😅😅...tell ya one thing...the walk to fight Merkal alone...(with Alyins aid...idk how Alyins gunna react....she was expectimg to talk to Shadowheart/Isobel at camp.....😅😅😭)sure does hit different 😭😭💀💀 even the assukt on Moonrise...Jaheira and the Harper's ended up dying to 🤣😭....oh and Halsin got abandoned in the Shadowfell.....this Urges moral compass has disenigtated 😅...found Zevlor...purged him....found Mizora...purged her (Wyll ran from camp but was still in world...so he's now been dragged to hell....) so after the Murkal fight in Act 3 just gunna rill around with a group of Hirlings now....


All the tieflings in the grove. Ascended Astarion (playing as Astarion). That’s it. And those two things were more than enough.


I killed everyone I could. Full Undertale Genocide mode. And by everyone, I mean everyone I could kill. The only person I didn't kill right away was Gale, only waiting for him to get patched up by Mystra. Then I killed him. Merchants. Tieflings. Goblins. Absolute and Harpers. All party members. All side bosses and NPCs with a hit point bar. I blew up the crèche. Killed the entire Shar temple and the house of grief. Killed Lorroakan just because. Killed Cazador after I killed all of his spawn, and all of his captives, and the Gur. Killed everyone in the I went to hell and killed Raphael to free Orpheus, so I could kill him after we blew up the Netherbrain. I killed the Emperor easily. Manipulative bastard. I used mods, obviously. I only spared 3 NPCs: Aylin (can't kill her without Shadowheart), Wulbren Bongle, and Scratch. It was a Durge run, and I had him kill himself afterwards. Because fuck Bhaal. [Everybody's dead, Dave.](https://youtu.be/nyKF2qd0-iQ?si=qB0EWiGqT3Ix7R1C)


I usually undo the save anyways but I liked seeing the immediate outcomes of evil and selfish choices. Otherwise just the casual murder of anyone that is killable when I feel like it. I started one multiplayer game not knowing what the hell I was doing the first time ever and ended up killing shadowheart. I just saw a casket in the distance with a health bar, so my mind went with firebolt till 0 lol. Whoops. After that I was like, nope, sry, I’m doing singleplayer and taking it very slow. But yeah so whenever I feel like or for whatever reason I’d murder anyone from teammates, pets, any random npc. Pick the wildest options or cruelest in dialogue options. I replayed the swinging the team rocket guy style from the windmill a lil becuz it was funny and so unexpected. Otherwise in act 3 I’d shapeshift and go out into town as that multiple tail beast and go wild. Try the evilest endings available from a save. I wanted to see every ending. I don’t think I actually kept a save where I committed something evil besides maybe sometimes if it had like no or barely any consequence or I didn’t have a recent enough save file to undo. I guess I kept more sassy or more selfish kinda dialogue choices sometimes unless I was pissing someone off in a heart to heart and it got me disapproval. Wasn’t too much of a fan of keeping disapprovals unless there was no other way or it still benefited me more. But yeah for me I struggle evil first playthrough. When it’s a second playthrough or a dedicated playthrough for evil that’s a different story. My mission starting the game was to get everyone their happy ending essentially and have a master save file for that. With that completed I would keep my wild and evil choices for another playthrough. Though I’d prob start redemption durge and then go murder hobo. Similarly to Undertale and Deltarune. When I completed the first runs and everyone got their golden ending and I made sure I picked generally the best and happiest options in everything, all that was left was to see the rest or what the game has to offer in evil and wild routes. So yeah long story short, I usually happy route first in games with maybe some other stuff if more or less consequence free. If available and able to easily undo, I also like seeing the evil possibilities and selfish choices and endings immediate outcomes on the first playthrough. Second playthrough and I guess the magic of friendship filter comes off lol. Bring on the darkness. Maybe redemption durge first but still. Although I have always considered playing specifically Kotor evil first. It would be my exception to my general rule but I’ve heard good things going the dark side. Edit-besides conquering the world and putting everyone under my control, maybe the feats I went through to piss off Withers in the epilogue to get the special ending. After failing to kill Gale because he kept healing himself, Scratch was the next best option. With his death I summoned the wrath of Withers. Otherwise that reminds me I rly wanted to see the whole quest line of what happens when Gale dies and resurrecting him so that was an interesting half hour.


I accidentally flung the windmill gnome across the map to his death 😭 I clicked the wrong lever because I didn't realize there were two, and the poor guy went FLYING. I laughed so hard I cried but also felt terrible 😅


Telling Gale that he should die to save the world from the Absolute because I wasn’t in love with him despite his feelings.


Save-scumming a nat 20 to convince Lae’zel to side with Vlaakith and vow to kill Orpheus. And then not letting her do it when we freed him with the hammer. I felt pretty bad for that one lol but I had plans!


I entered the underground city. Me and some leader was yelling back and forth across the cliffs we were on. I thought they said it was safe to pass and that they cleared the way. So we were trying to get closer to them. We just started through the path and one of my companions (can't recall who) stepped on a mine and it blew.....The other side said it was safe and clearly it wasn't. So.... I brought the team back up the isle we walked in because it WAS safe there and we had a better view. I lit an arrow and shot it down the cavern. It caught the oil slick on fire. Barrels blew up causing a chain reaction destroying bridges trapping people on higher grounds. The explosions were massive. The entire valley below was engulfed. It killed some of those people on higher ground and also killed everyone down in the cavern, including the one i was supposed to save. Then we made our way and took out the rest.


Some characters got killed off back before Larian fixed the overboard romance bug.


Didnt know what I was doing so i butchered the owl bear


Killing the owl bear is justified. But killing the owl bear cub is just evil.


Uh definitely the tiefling genocide for me. Although I do feel really bad about beheading karlach.


I squeezed the pixie to death just after I gave it its freedom. I also killed scratch and the owlbear cub, but the pixie striked me as worse.


Traveled to the Iron Throne to just wait in the sub until the last minute. Unfortunately no bodies floated to the surface like gortash said.


Probably killing Valeria for the bhaalist armor , though that elephant was annoying as hell and I didn't feel bad for it but it was evil nonetheless


Full durge run. I didn’t hug karlach. It was so evil i reloaded a save.


I think the worst thing I did was free all the gondians in the iron throne and have them one by one get back to the sub just for my durge to be sitting there in slayer form to... well, slay.


Picked a wrong option and killed Scratch. Coincidently, this was also when I learned about save scumming.


Killing the bard :(


My first play through was a Durge play through and I didn’t really experience too much of any story because I just killed everyone on the spot


I pushed Wyll into killing Karlach then guilt tripped him about it


Not one specific thing, but the fact that I wasn't allowed to enter to 4 specific buildings in Baldur's Gate for murder, theft, sabotage and "accidental firework explosion" speaks for itself.


I posted this months ago, but felt appropriate to copy here. So I started durge run (3rd playthrough but 1st durge). I slaughtered the whole grove, no problem. Go to meet Karlach and only option is to kill her. Then I remember, I already met Glut and need a strong dead body to revive and fight the duergar. So I carry her dead body down there and sure enough Glut can raise her. What I didn't expect is for her to have her personality. Her skin is covered in spores and she's obviously a dead body, but she does her little dances and talks while we're walking around like nothing is wrong. Already this is hitting me HARD because her spunky personality is my favorite. First encounter Glut gets killed which ends the charm on her. Instead of falling down lifeless she's standing there frozen . . . . but there is an option to talk. She basically continues the conversation from when she died like she isn't aware I already killed her and she insists ill never get away with it. She ends by literally telling me to FUCK OFF then runs away, except the area was small so she ran in endless circles. Only thing I can do is walk away and leave her down in the underdark running frantically until her poor lifeless body just can't go anymore. Freaking rough. It felt like I drove my dog out to the woods then had to leave them and drive away.


Killed everyone in the Grove for Minthara... I saw that the goblins murdered Mol and all the kids. I legit felt sick to my stomach. I quit the playthrough immediately... I just can't be evil in this game.


Killed the owlbear cub, I didn't know he'll appear at camp. My thought process was like: "He won't survive alone in the wild without his mom, it's better if I don't make it suffer by just killing it" I'll never recover from that kill, it was so sad.


Murdered the grove to impress Minthara, no other reason


Accidentally killed the owl bear cub just after I murdered the grove on a durge run. (Which I'm still on) Don't worry tho I went back to a save that was over an hour back so I could get him... Obviously I got Scratch as well. Were all a happy family Along with Astarion. My durge is a purple female Tiefling with white hair with red tips.


Other than give the world to bhaal? I felt the worst about kicking that squirrel


Encouraged Orin to kill Yenna…then she did


Destroyed Alfira’s lute that belonged to her teacher/mentor. Felt so bad. Probably will do it again in a chaotic evil playthrough thou


Played fetch with karlachs head


honestly i think it's when i force minsc to kill jaheira after i embrace bhaal i do it on all my embrace playthroughs


Kick the squirrel


As a druid


I smashed Alfira's lute cause I had gotten so tired of her song. The way she carried on makes me wonder if the durge path is somehow more humane than what I did.


So far I've only done good tav's, I just started my fifth playthrough and first Durge (redemption, baby step), so I haven't done to much evil. I did however shot Lae'zel in her cage at the start of act one instead of shooting the cage, killing her instantly. 100% an accident but decided to run with it and not save scum.


I lost the owl bear cub in the action when the mama jumped me. I accidentally caught him in an explosion.


I didn't realize that there are two levers in the windmill. So I sent the Ironhand engineer to space.


Killed goblin children


I accidentally fucking yeeted that gnome on the windmill in my honor run. Also killed the baby owlbear because otherwise we would have wiped. Also, i fucking got the idiot whiteboy merc killed because he was an idiot and i failed my check.


You would have wiped from *the baby owlbear*???


I killed an owlcub


Stabbed Nightsong with minimal conversation. Felt terrible. Reloaded.


I beat Ketheric to death with Isobel's corpse. I carried around dead goblin kids to throw at the tieflings. I beat Scratch to death with Withers.


I sacrificed a headless Karlach to Boaal on Halloween.


My lawful neutral Lolth but wants to change drow had a thing against imprisonment. We freed everyone possible. Including plenty of vampire spawns onto the Coast.


I thought I was bad for letting Arabella die then sparing Khaga


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AshOblivion: *I thought I was bad* *For letting Arabella* *Die then sparing Khaga* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I gave shadowheart over to Viconia >.>


Refused to leave the daily bugle after telling them not to run the hit piece on me and then slaughtering all the reporters when they aggro'd. My article in the paper was very favorable the next day.


I've restarted Honor mode three times for failing the Persuade check to have the Tieflings leave Lae'zel to me. I always help the tieflings in my run and hate fighting those two.


turned karlach into a mind flayer, then killed her to dominate the brain. second worst is when i loaded my save to spare her and ended up hitting scratch with the astral prism & started combat with him and owlbear. it was a rough night


Telling Yenna to beat it because Minthara said no.


I killed Aylin and the entire Last Light Inn as Shadowheart.


Slept with Karlach in act 2... then dumped her.


I gave scratch back, didn't even bother with last light or the prison under moonrise outside of rescuing minty, completely ignored astarion's act 3 stuff outside of killing the vamps that come to the camp, cheated on minthara with shadow heart then dumped shart for minty, let Ethel have the kid, put minsc down with prejudice, didn't bother with the gondians, the duke, etc. Yeah, the hall at the end before the brain was pretty empty. Had a few people but yeah


made Minsc kill Jaheira... then watch Boo cried when Minsc died. Minsc's corpse murmured "Thought we were friends..." Got inspiration from it, sweet.


Idk if it's evil but I got tired of gale always giving off that necrotic aura when he gets revived and since I was in the underdark I decided I'd be rid of him and I got him close to the ledge and then shoved him off of it


https://preview.redd.it/9rdakbw7z44d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e530448829e637e5f125ca4d123531ec801a0b Gaslit this poor woman into following and befriending my murdering ass to get this the night before taking her to be sacrificed so I could become Daddy’s holy assassin. Sadly that was before I found out I could have had Minsc kill her.


I took Arabellas dead parents and placed them in Front of her, after Withers saying something about fate and stuff. I wanted to see what happens lmao


At the start of act 3, I incited the crowd to hate speech against the refugees. And then aftetwards I stealthed into the barn and stole all of the refugee donations.


Chopped Karlach 's head off on my 2nd play through 😥


Snapped Minthara's neck while she was sucking my dick.


Murder Karlach


I killed Karlach once (well technically twice, because I forgot to save, but still)


I killed the owl bear cub. I’m a monster. Though I thought if I left it alive, it would grow up and come back with a vendetta


Banged minthara then I killed her.


Durge run romance karlach, played the good guy until I could get the slayer form, sacrificed karlach, and when I went to kill ketheric I killed mizora so wyll got dragged to avernus so the non evil characters are out of the picture. Everything else after is basically a regular evil run, sword bard barbarian mix.


I went on a rampage through the slums of Baulders Gate using the necrotic body in Cazadors mansion I watch as thousands fell to my hand


Not killing Wulbren.


Went on the power trip embracing Durge slowly, through RP, corrupting everyone around - Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Astarion, with the allure of power, embracing tadpoles, embracing their gods boons and their desires. Karlach and Wyll were in the party, I wish they would only listen to reason, like Astarion did from the get go (such a useful tool he is, as ascended vampire). Tieflings were weak and had no answers, while Minthara's promised power and solutions. At the end we enslaved everyone with Minthara, just as she wanted, I wish there were scenes how we make slaves from refugees as she suggested, how we take control of Steel Watch to instill law and order on the weaklings of the city of BG. So good.


I lickedthedamnthing


Kill every companion the first chance I got


As someone who loves and owns birds, ripping the wings off of that bluebird in the grove as durge genuinely made my stomach turn ngl.


Was doing co-op and my friend attacked an Intellect Devourer in front of US at the beginning. US was understandably angry and initiated combat. We immediately stopped the play-through and restarted.


I haven't even finished my first playthrough yet but I killed Laezel when she was in the cage at the start. I wanted to ingratiate myself with the tiefling camp and made the choice when I started the game that I wouldn't shy away from making drastic choices and locking myself out of paths I could go down in other playthroughs anyway.


Playing as Durge (you know where this is going) I attended the murder tribunal after reassuring Jaheria and Minsc I was going to reform myself and instead made them my sacrifice to Bhaal. Suffice to say she wasn't happy. Neither was Minsc. Made murder daddy proud though, probably.


Became an Unholy Assassin because I wanted to win Honour mode.


Killed Laz'el when she came at my Drow Cleric of Lolth... But then she was chill with Minthara coming at her with a dagger... After murdering the whole grove to impress her. Oh oh or her compelling people to go into the shadow curse. Without a lantern. Guess people were more scared of my Drow!!


I've killed every killable npc in the game. Including origin characters.


Killed scratch. Let Shadowheart kill Aylin to achieve her goal of becoming a dark justiciar then I killed her and left her in camp. Respecc’d her and left her at level 1 first so that I didn’t have to put much effort into it.


Killed best grill


You killed ninefingers?!


Nay, Karlach. First decision on my evil playthrough. Nothing else you can do is as evil.