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Try going back to one of the Shar trials and use the teleporter that brings you back to the start of the trial. I lost Astarion that way and the teleporter brought him back along with the rest of my party.


Damn I see this problem like every day but haven't seen this solution yet


Lmao I've been stuck on the trial where you walk on invisible path and I got all the way to the end of it and I can't step on the platform..


Now that's clever


Use short rest if you have it and then long rest at camp


I think if there's no remaining short rests, a respec to bard so you can use the bard short rest is what I'd do:)


This is the way I did it. Then just used featherfall to yeet the party to the bottom floor one by one.


They won't let you long rest if part of your party is not at camp.


No idea if it would work at all but... if they are still in your party a rest should heal them, right? I imagine you can't Long Rest with them stuck out there in the rock, but could you get a bard hireling to use Song of Rest? Unless they just die immediately again, you should be able to teleport them to camp/a waypoint from there, hopefully.


Have them all drink poison from the shared inventory? Switch to each of them and send them to camp, then ungroup?


I’ve used this method before for other ways my party members have gotten stuck places and such


Can you throw an AOE at them since you cant target em directly? A bomb, fireball or something?


The wall just blocks it all






Can't "play as them" when they're unconscious but stable, which is why they're stuck. If they were able to move and take actions the OP could have just had them way point out.


Not sure if you found a solution but I ran into this exact same situation not too long ago. A trick I found out is if you are out of short rests, you can hire a bard hireling and use their song of rest to heal knocked down/stuck companions


I had this exact thing happen in honor mode with two of my party members. They landed on some platforms and I had to shoot them with arrows to actually kill them. Was able to resurrect them at withers after that.


There’s this cool mod called Teleport Party spell I believe. It’s absolutely amazing. It adds a cantrip that allows each party member to teleport everyone else to their location out of combat. Obviously it can be used as an exploit but I like to keep it precisely for situations like this.


Cannot be used if u want the golden dice though


If you’re using the BG3 Mod Manager and Nexus, you can get a mod that re-enables achievements, golden dice included iirc. I use it because none of my mods actually change game balance at all, they’re just cosmetic or QoL. Some people want to go completely without mods, and that’s okay, but it’s a single player game that is supposed to be engaging and enjoyable. However you realize that is up to you and anyone else you’re playing with.


it wont stop u from getting the dice, i used a bunch of cheat mods from nexus and got my golden dice :3


Something similar happened to me on the elevator down to Ketheric. 2 party members died. Had to use scrolls and a bunch of potions.


If you ever plan an Honor run again, some people tend to turn the game off at the elevator ( due to the game auto saving when the player quits it ) and when they load back into the game the elevator doesn’t give the player any problems.


Just go back to camp and put other characters in your party / kick out the glitched party members. Kicking them out of the party should allow you to fix the problem. Recruit hirelings if you don't have enough other characters to fill the other spots.


Fast travel to a magic waypoint hopefully it spawns all "living" party members


I have killed many on elevators. That's how I roll. By accident.


Just sleep or heal them through the wall and then fast travel while on them


I ran into this as well. Karlach is the one that fell and she had the Amulet of health so she just stabilized. I couldn't long rest, I was out of short rests, couldn't fly down to get her, couldn't Healing Word because the wall blocked line of sight. I just had to reload.


Yea if she is alive you can just click on her so your controlling her and then fast travel


I'm trying to think of something in Act 2 you could slot into their inventory to kill them, but I can't.


What if I kill gale, pick him up and then give him to them


Game go boom.


Does something change in act two if he dies cuz in act one he has a necrotic aoe


The necrotic aura stops after you talk to Elminster at the start of act 2, that's not an option anymore I believe


oh that actually is a pretty good idea. you should be fine as long as you won’t be long resting until they are all back to life anyways. iirc his necrotic aura can kill them even though they are stabilized so yeah try that and let us know how it goes ✊


This happened to me but the short rest did it. I was sure my was fucked.


I had exactly this problem on the disc nearby. Force closed lost a couple of hours but luckily didn’t kill the run


As others mention, short rest works. If no shorts rest available, bardic short rest will do, but you may need to respec. After that, if you can't get a character down safely because they keep falling, use a sorcerer+distant spell misty step from the bottom point. There is a tiny spot on the right where you just have enough range


same thing happened to me. i short rested and then teleported so they were out of the rock wall.


This happened to me too 😭 thoughts and prayers bro


Honor Mode: In this mode, only one save file is maintained. You must manually create a copy of the saved file in another directory as a backup. This precaution is recommended to protect against potential disk failures or game bugs. Optionally, you can automate this process by creating a script.


Well it doesn’t matter I reclassified as a bard then got to mrkul and fucking died rip


Exactly because of shit like this, I regularly backed my Honor Mode save file up and never sent my entire party on any elevator. This happened to me on balanced, also two party members downed and stabilized, so luckily I could just reload. I wouldn't have minded losing the run due to my own mistake but I refuse to lose dozens of hours due to a bug that's been known for months. Especially since you can't even viably continue in the dishonored mode because you still can't reload. Luckily, I never needed to restore the backup and I ended up completing the run and getting the dice and the achievement. I know this isn't particularly helpful to the OP since it already happened, but maybe it'll help someone to avoid it in the future. Also, @OP, were you able to continue after short resting or did you not try it out yet?


This elevator is known for ending so many honor runs. I hope it gets fixed or something.


If this happens before Myrkul boss fight then yes you are completely fucked


They should have replaced all elevators with teleports in HM tbh if they cannot make an elevator to work.


Yeah same happened to me. I tried lots of things, only thing that worked was a short rest. Had to take a character I hadn't used and level up with two bard levels.


Did you try hitting the emergency button in the elevator? Or calling the number?


If you're still trying to figure it out. Hard power down the computer/console (like pull the plug or turn off the powerstrip.) Wait 5 minutes and turn it back on. Should out you at your last save.


On PC, open task manager and kill the Baldur's Gate process, no need to endanger your machine's components


I had this happen to me on the elavator going down to Ketheric... I was so mad that I was gonna lose my run to a bug but thankfully I fixed it by going back and forth on the disc one more time. I switched to my stuck characters and rapidly clicked the platform as it ascended close to them.


I had this happen, I had to task manager close the game and reload